**spoiler alert** I had seen so many great reviews for this novel that I figured that it would be worth a read... well I don't regret reading it per s**spoiler alert** I had seen so many great reviews for this novel that I figured that it would be worth a read... well I don't regret reading it per se but wow, that was pretty bad.
The major issue with this novel is that it is WAY too rushed. To be involved in the story you have to build something beyond hanging out in a club one night in Paris. It took me quite a while to figure out how old these girls were supposed to be due to the club aspect and the fact that it was obvious they were in Paris, alone. Maybe their parents/mother trust them but I really doubt that most people would just let their 17 year old girls travel around the world without any supervision - especially one that is supposably stalked by the media. Anyways, I would have liked to have a bit more character development before the story rushed on.
Rushed on it did. We meet Ben briefly and then the real-life version of her dreamtime boyfriend/possible incubus/possible serial killer/SOULMATE shows up and removes our dear heroine Clea's virginity in one fell swoop in the car. Tasteful! Don't worry - those that are concerned that Clea isn't a good role model for other 17 year olds... she did make sure that the immortal soulmate had a condom.
Once Clea's hormones started racing, my biggest beef beyond the quick romp in the car was the fact that the whole early plotline of the story - Clea's father went missing the year prior in Rio after talking with Sage the SOULMATE - is dropped. Nothing more is mentioned or thought about dear old Dad after the soulmate shows up. The story ends without mention of him so we're left clueless what the heck ever happened to him. I realize this is a series (good god!) but something mentioned about her Dad would have been nice instead of the laments about Sage being kidnapped.
I won't rate it as a 1 b/c I finished it but it's not much better. ...more
This novel follows the story of Anza, whom can see and communicate with ghosts as she travels with her son Henry to Block Island in Rhode Island to heThis novel follows the story of Anza, whom can see and communicate with ghosts as she travels with her son Henry to Block Island in Rhode Island to help put together a book on the Larchmont wreck which took place there in 1907.
I was intrigued by the novel's premise on Amazon and on the back of the book when I received it. I was worried though that it was lend itself to being too campy or overly done, as so many books are that deal with the supernatural. This novel however took me by surprise and overcame my apprehension about it and was in fact a really good - and quick - read. It was very hard to put this novel down.
I think what I liked best about this novel, besides the amazing character development and the believable handling of the ghost aspect is that the story of the Larchmont wreck isn't one that the authors made up, it is a true shipwreck that happened as described in this book. I don't know if the artifacts that the heroine talks about in the novel are real (namely photographs) but most of what is discussed seems to be based on true facts, which is so refreshing. It also makes me wish that they expanded a bit on the history of the Larchmont and the survivors and victims as it seems to be a heartbreaking but interesting story.
The ending is a bit open ended - closed enough to be settled for the novel but open enough for me to hope that there are future books with Anza. ...more