Thank you to Revell for the ARC of The Indigo Heiress by Laura Frantz. All opinions are my own.
The Indigo Heiress is a beautiful historical fiction stThank you to Revell for the ARC of The Indigo Heiress by Laura Frantz. All opinions are my own.
The Indigo Heiress is a beautiful historical fiction story about a woman who must make sacrifices for her family and endure painful hardships that ultimately produce strong character growth and joy in unexpected places.
This was my first book by this author, but I had heard great things about her books prior to reading this book.
I have to say that this book was not what I expected, but I overall enjoyed it and would recommend it to other readers.
What stood out to me most about this book was the strong character of the protagonist, the author’s eye for historical details, and the faith themes woven throughout the story.
Juliet, the main character, was such an amazing woman. She cared so much for her family (especially her sister Loveday), and she had a servant’s heart. I loved how she grew to love Leith even though she had prior misgivings about his character. Her quick acceptance of his children was so heartwarming, and her work on the plantation (publicly and secretly) was admirable. She also took on responsibilities without complaint, and she still found time to care for people that others overlooked.
Leith was an interesting character. He had big feelings but was terrible at conveying them to others. I loved his protectiveness and willingness to change even when others looked down on him for doing so. His unwavering love for Juliet was so beautiful to see.
While I often was confused due to Scottish slang or historical terms in the dialogue, I did think the author did a great job making sure to include so many historical details that contributed to a rich setting. I know very little about this time period, so I enjoyed being able to learn more about it.
The Christian faith elements in this story were a nice touch. They weren’t pushy, but I liked how the characters were honest about their faith journeys. It was also encouraging to see characters grow in their faith despite their awful circumstances.
Overall, I would recommend this book if you’re looking to read a beautiful albeit slower paced historical fiction set in the turbulent times leading up to the American Revolutionary War. ...more
Thank you to Revell Fiction for the ARC of Midnight on the Scottish Shore by Sarah Sundin. All opinions are my own.
This was my first time reading fromThank you to Revell Fiction for the ARC of Midnight on the Scottish Shore by Sarah Sundin. All opinions are my own.
This was my first time reading from this author, so I didn’t know what to expect. I do like WWII stories, but sometimes I find them too similar to other books I’ve read. This wasn’t the case at all with this story. I found this book to be unique, and I loved learning so much new information about WWII.
Before reading this book, I knew very little about military intelligence during the war. I found the double agents and the whole military agency so fascinating. I never really knew how they went about spying, so I loved learning their tactics and codes.
The setting for this story was a special highlight of the story with the beautiful Scottish landscape and sea views. I thought it was interesting to see how much the war impacted a small community.
Cilla and Lachlan were such wonderful characters that I was rooting for from the very beginning. I loved how they balanced each other out with their personalities, and how they encouraged each other to grow personally and spiritually.
I also appreciated the Christian faith elements throughout the story. It was so nice to see the characters’ spiritual journeys even though that wasn’t the main focus of this book.
Overall, I would recommend this book! I’m excited to read more books by this author in the future. ...more
Thank you to Revell Fiction for the ARC of Heart of the Glen by Jennifer Deibel. All opinions are my own.
I enjoyed this beautiful story set in an immeThank you to Revell Fiction for the ARC of Heart of the Glen by Jennifer Deibel. All opinions are my own.
I enjoyed this beautiful story set in an immersive early-1900s Ireland. The romance was sweet, the setting was beautifully described, and the faith themes were interwoven so thoughtfully.
I haven’t read a lot of books set in Ireland, and I loved how well this author described the setting with historical detail. I also enjoyed learning about weaving and all the intricacies that go into mastering that craft.
The romance was definitely a slow burn, but it was so wonderful to watch these characters grow spiritually and then finally realize how God had brought them together. I loved their sweet interactions and their time spent together in the weaving shed.
I think my favorite aspect of this book was how the author included Christianity in such a thoughtful way that encouraged my own faith. While the characters often struggled with their relationship with God, I loved all the reminders of God’s faithfulness even amidst their trials.
Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who would love to be immersed into this beautiful Irish setting and be encouraged in their faith. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Fiction for the ARC of Cloaked in Beauty by Karen Witemeyer. All opinions are my own.
This is book three in the Texas Ever AThank you to Bethany House Fiction for the ARC of Cloaked in Beauty by Karen Witemeyer. All opinions are my own.
This is book three in the Texas Ever After series, but each book is a standalone book about different characters with a unique fairytale retelling.
I’ve read the other books in this series and enjoyed both of them. However, this book is definitely my favorite, and I didn’t want to put it down!
This book was romantic, exciting, and full of great spiritual moments.
Letty and Philip quickly became friends, and their friendship seemed so natural and sweet. I liked that they never tried to be someone they were not. They were sweet and caring, but I was also impressed with the physical boundaries they put in place since they were alone together so much.
The journey throughout the book was exciting and at times funny. Letty’s pet wolf Rusty was such an enjoyable addition to the story with how protective he was and the funny moments between him and Philip.
One thing that really impressed me and made me enjoy the story even more was the faith elements. I could tell that the characters were strong Christians, but they weren’t pushy or preachy with their faith. I really admired their selflessness and self-control that they exhibited throughout the story.
Overall, I really loved this book and was so sad when it was over. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and finished copy of Of Gold and Shadows by Michelle Griep. All opinions are my own.
While I currentThank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and finished copy of Of Gold and Shadows by Michelle Griep. All opinions are my own.
While I currently have other books by this author that I want to read, this is my first book by Michelle Griep. I was completely blown away!
I wanted to read this book mainly because it involved Egyptian artifacts, and I’ve loved learning about ancient Egypt since I was a kid. What I did not expect, on top of all the great Egyptian content, was the beautiful romance and story of faith.
This story follows Ami Dalton, an Egyptologist that is struggling to be seen for her expertise in a man’s world. When she is offered the opportunity to value wealthy businessman, Edmund Price’s collection of Egyptian artifacts, she never expected to fall in love along the way.
I enjoyed these main characters so much! Both Ami and Edmund were likable people, and I really appreciated their Christian faith journeys in this story. They weren’t perfect people, but they learned from their mistakes and learned to trust God’s plans for their lives instead of their own.
The romance was so sweet and had so many moments that made me giggle. They were just so adorable, and I really appreciated their friendship and vulnerability with each other.
Besides these two main characters, the story is told from an additional surprise point of view that I felt was interesting and added to the danger in the story.
I loved getting to learn a little more about ancient Egyptian history, and I appreciated Ami’s opinions about the artifacts and how they should be treated.
Overall, I just adored this story and am sad that it’s over. I will definitely be reading the second book in this duology because I really liked this author’s writing. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and finished copy of A Token of Love by Carrie Turansky. All opinions are my own.
This was my first tThank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and finished copy of A Token of Love by Carrie Turansky. All opinions are my own.
This was my first time reading a book by this author, but I definitely want to read all of her books now. A Token of Love was truly an amazing book and is without a doubt one of my favorite books I’ve read this year.
This story was beautiful and did such an excellent job discussing the issue of human trafficking in a way that wasn’t just informational but also moving and heartbreaking. While this story was fictional, the topics discussed were not, and I thought the author handled the subject matter delicately, and she offered resources to educate readers further.
The connection between the dual timelines in this book was interesting, and I appreciated how the characters used information that they learned from the past to further improve the future. While some stories with dual timelines fail to keep my interest in both time periods, this was not the case in this book. I loved the time spent both in the present day and in the late 1800s.
The characters in this story were so lovely, and the relationships they formed (both romantic and otherwise) were beautiful. I loved seeing the characters grow into themselves and in relationships with others in ways they never imagined. The kindness and bravery of the characters was inspiring, and I appreciated that they were imperfect.
As this was my first book by this author, I didn’t know what to expect as far as faith elements. I was, however, pleasantly surprised to see how the author wove themes of spiritual growth and prayer into these characters’ lives in a natural way without being pushy.
Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone! It was beautiful, and I didn’t want to put the book down. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC of Meet Me at the Starlight by Rachel Hauck. All opinions are my own.
Meet Me at the Starlight is a hThank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC of Meet Me at the Starlight by Rachel Hauck. All opinions are my own.
Meet Me at the Starlight is a historical fiction story that spans decades and weaves together the stories of Tuesday Knight and her grandson Matt.
From a young age, The Starlight, a roller-skating rink that is the heart of Sea Blue Beach, has been Tuesday’s entire world. Now that the roller-skating craze is coming to an end, the town wants to tear down the rink in the name of progress. Matt, a famous actor who’s gotten himself in trouble, has decided to come home and help save The Starlight with the help of washed-up model Harlow Hayes.
This story contains dual timelines that start in the 1930s and end in the 1980s. There are multiple points of view throughout the book including Tuesday (past and present), Matt, Harlow, and even some chapters from the view of the town. This book really tells the story of family, community, and learning to love yourself.
I overall enjoyed this book. As a romantic at heart, I preferred the chapters that took place in the 1980s because I liked reading more about Matt and Harlow’s friendship and eventual relationship. The chapters set in the past for Tuesday weren’t bad, but they were also quite depressing considering all of the hardships she faced.
The character growth was beautiful to see throughout the story. I especially liked how Harlow learned to accept herself the way she was not who she was in the past or who her mother wanted her to be.
There were some moments (like Matt on TV) that seemed really weird to me. I also thought the way the author included Immanuel was very strange. It was like she was trying to secretly include Jesus in a way that made Him seem weird and not at all how Jesus really is. Also, the fact that Tuesday was obsessed with The Starlight to the point that it became her idol, really took away from the storyline with Immanuel.
Overall, I liked this story and how it was multi-generational. It was beautiful at times, but I would’ve liked it better had there not been weird moments that pulled me out of the story. I would recommend it though!...more
Thank you to Bethany House Fiction for the ARC and gifted copy of Secondary Target by Angela Carlisle. All opinions are my own.
This was an excellent Thank you to Bethany House Fiction for the ARC and gifted copy of Secondary Target by Angela Carlisle. All opinions are my own.
This was an excellent debut novel!
Thrillers are not my typical genre because I can’t handle really scary stories. While there were a few scenes that freaked me out a bit, this book was thrilling without being gory.
The author did a great job of making me care about the characters and want the best for them. I felt so bad for them as they just had one bad thing after another happen to them.
I loved having the point of view of Carina and Bryce. It was so nice to know what both were thinking throughout the story. The POV of the killer was really hard to read from because it was so disturbing.
I thought the author executed the topic of grief well, and I loved seeing the characters grow (including the spiritual growth).
Overall, I would recommend this book for anyone looking to read a mystery thriller that has an interesting premise and a hard to guess mystery. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and physical copy of The Roads We Follow by Nicole Deese. All opinions are my own.
Last year, I readThank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and physical copy of The Roads We Follow by Nicole Deese. All opinions are my own.
Last year, I read my first Nicole Deese book, which was The Words We Lost, the first Fog Harbor book. I knew after enjoying that book that I would want to read the next book in the series.
While this book wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, I did really enjoy it.
The Roads We Follow is marketed as a contemporary romance, but I would say that the romance isn’t the focus of the book. With family being the main focus, I would classify it more along the lines of contemporary fiction or women’s fiction.
This story follows Raegan and Micah and is told using dual points of view. I enjoyed reading from both perspectives, and I think that added to the meaningfulness of the story.
One thing that Deese does well is to tell stories in such a beautiful and heartfelt way. I loved how she talked about family, faith, communication, and learning to accept yourself in the way that God sees you instead of focusing on what others want from you.
The Farrow sisters had such an unhealthy relationship with each other, so it was nice to see each sister grow and realize that they didn’t have to be stuck in the choices they had made.
Micah was such a sweet character. I loved how he and Raegan connected quickly and formed a strong friendship. I also liked that Micah helped reconnect the Farrow family members and taught them how to communicate better while also dealing with his own issues. He was so calm and thoughtful, and I liked how he brought out the best in other people.
Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a slower paced story that’s more about character growth and reuniting with family.
This is a story of redemption and growth. It shows that it’s never too late to change the path you have chosen in life. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and finished copy of Shield of the Mighty by Connilyn Cossette. All opinions are my own.
Last year, IThank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and finished copy of Shield of the Mighty by Connilyn Cossette. All opinions are my own.
Last year, I read the first book in this series called Voice of the Ancient. I really enjoyed that book and was excited to be back in that world. Shield of the Mighty far exceeded my expectations. It was just so good that I didn’t want to put it down!
This biblical fiction story has so many great aspects to it including romance, a surprising plot, a focus on family, and spiritual growth. I loved this book from start to finish, and I was surprised by so much of the plot, and I loved the characters so much that I kept wanting to pick this book back up. I can’t wait to see where this story goes in the future.
One of my favorite parts about this book was the romance. While the first book in this series had romance, I feel like it was a bit more of the focus in this story. I loved Zevi and Yochana and their many interactions. While Zevi wasn’t justified in his actions early on, I liked that he learned from those mistakes and that Yochana was such a forgiving person. I think that they both suited each other so well and really brought out the best in each other.
Besides the romance, both main characters grew so much as people. It was beautiful to see how they grew spiritually and how they allowed themselves to learn from their mistakes and not stay set in their old beliefs. They both had past trauma to deal with, and I liked seeing them be vulnerable with each other and the people around them.
The plot in this story was so exciting and had so many unexpected twists and turns. There was a moment in particular that I gasped out loud because I was so shocked. The unexpectedness of a lot of the plot made this story so exciting, and it kept my interest the whole time.
Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone (even if you aren’t a Christian) because the story is just so unique and interesting. I can’t wait to see what happens next for these characters!...more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and gifted copy of If the Boot Fits by Karen Witemeyer. All opinions are my own.
This is my second tThank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and gifted copy of If the Boot Fits by Karen Witemeyer. All opinions are my own.
This is my second time reading a Karen Witemeyer book. Last year, I read the first book in this Texas Ever After collection (Fairest of Heart) and really enjoyed it. I was not, however, prepared for how much I would love this book!
Karen really blew me away with If the Boot Fits. It’s a loose Cinderella retelling set in late 1800s Texas. It has romance, danger, faith, and lovable characters.
Samantha was a great main character because she was likable and constantly trying to improve herself and her relationships with others. She had a servant’s heart, and I love that she didn’t let all the negative aspects of her life leave her bitter.
The relationship between Samantha and her father was so great to see because it felt realistic, and I liked how much effort they put in to repair it.
Asher as the love interest was so sweet and protective of both Samantha and his family. He was a man of integrity, and I loved how he sacrificed so much of his time for others.
The romance between Samantha and Asher was so sweet. I loved how Asher took care of Samantha and how much Samantha trusted Asher and saw the best in him. They didn’t jump to conclusions about each other, so I really appreciated that about them.
I also loved how their Christian faith played a role in this story. It felt natural, and it really improved their character growth.
The characters in this story felt real and all had issues of their own. I liked how the author included difficult topics and didn’t shy away from things like consequences of sin.
Overall, I would recommend this book if you like historical romances that are exciting and sweet. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for this ARC and gifted book of A Love Discovered by Tracie Peterson. All opinions are my own.
This was my firstThank you to Bethany House Publishers for this ARC and gifted book of A Love Discovered by Tracie Peterson. All opinions are my own.
This was my first Tracie Peterson book, and I wasn’t sure what to expect since I know she’s a popular Christian historical fiction author.
I loved how she weaved Christian faith elements throughout the story naturally. It didn’t feel preachy, and I loved seeing the characters grow in their faith.
Another aspect I loved was the friendships formed throughout the story. These characters experienced so many difficult circumstances, so it was nice to see them come together to encourage and be there for one another.
The relationship between the two main characters was beautiful, and I love how they learned to communicate with each other and build each other up. It was nice to get both of their perspectives in the story as well as a third point of view from some side characters.
I do feel like the pacing was a bit slow at times, but then it was a lot faster near the end. One of the most unsatisfying things about the story was the ending. I can see how some readers will really like it, but that ending hurt me and felt unnecessary.
Overall, I would recommend this story to those who love slow burn historical fiction stories with strong faith elements. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Fiction for this ARC of A Lady’s Guide to Marvels and Misadventure by Angela Bell. All opinions are my own.
What an excelleThank you to Bethany House Fiction for this ARC of A Lady’s Guide to Marvels and Misadventure by Angela Bell. All opinions are my own.
What an excellent debut! This book is an absolute delight with a menagerie of animals, an adventurous European scavenger hunt, and a delightful cast of characters. It’s also a faith-filled story that is heartwarming and full of character growth.
There were so many fun elements to this story. The number of different animals and all the sticky situations they found themselves in was hilarious. Mrs. Stanton, the protagonist’s mother, was so endearing, and I loved her care for all animals and for everyone she encountered. She was also super protective and full of wisdom. I really enjoyed all her interactions with Clara (the protagonist) and Arthur (the apprentice/love interest).
Both Clara and Arthur were interesting characters. I loved their interactions and how much each of them grew throughout the story. While I do think Clara was pretty mean to Arthur to start with, I did understand why she acted that way. Arthur was so patient towards her, and I found him to be so charming.
Grand (Clara’s grandfather) was so sweet and quirky. I loved how he cared for everyone and didn’t pass unfair judgments on people. The scavenger hunt he set up was so fun and interesting. He was such a brilliant inventor, and I looked forward to learning about each of his creations.
One thing I really appreciated about this story was how the author included faith naturally throughout the book. Some of the characters had such strong faith and were amazing mentors to the younger characters. I loved seeing how the characters grew in their faith throughout the story.
Overall, this book was such a great read. I highly recommend it, especially if you enjoy historical fiction stories set in 1860s Europe. It’s full of adventure, family, and a slow burn romance. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for my ARC of Chasing the Horizon by Mary Connealy. All opinions are my own.
This was my second book by this authThank you to Bethany House Publishers for my ARC of Chasing the Horizon by Mary Connealy. All opinions are my own.
This was my second book by this author, and I just think this author’s writing style isn’t for me. That being said, this isn’t a bad book at all. It just isn’t my preference.
I think you would like this story if you enjoy slower paced books with a strong focus on characters and their experiences during their historical period. The author does a great job researching the time period for her stories, and I like the added faith elements that she includes.
While there is a bit of a romance in this book, that is definitely not the focus of the book. It’s more about overcoming hardships and the importance of looking out for each other.
The last few chapters were a bit weird to me, but I guess the author was trying to set up the reader for the next book in the series. It just felt like it was too open-ended.
Overall, I appreciate what the author was trying to do, but it just wasn’t for me. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for this ARC of While the City Sleeps by Elizabeth Camden. All opinions are my own.
This was my first Elizabeth Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for this ARC of While the City Sleeps by Elizabeth Camden. All opinions are my own.
This was my first Elizabeth Camden book, and I really enjoyed it! I’m definitely interested in reading more of her books in the future.
I haven’t read many books set in this time period, but I found the historical setting very well done. The setting seemed realistic, and I felt immersed in the early 1900s New York City scene.
One of the standout aspects of this story was the plot. I found it super interesting, and I liked how the author used different aspects of that time period to really add to the plot. The night workers, bomb squad, and dentist parts of the story were very educational and unique.
I also enjoyed both the mystery and romance aspects to the story. The mystery came together nicely, and the romance was sweet.
Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical fiction books and interesting plots. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and finished copy of Saved by the Matchmaker by Jody Hedlund. All opinions are my own.
Last year, CalThank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC and finished copy of Saved by the Matchmaker by Jody Hedlund. All opinions are my own.
Last year, Calling on the Matchmaker, book one in the Shanahan Match series, was one of my favorite books of the year. Saved by the Matchmaker, book two in the series, was one of my most highly anticipated books of this year. It did not disappoint!
Saved by the Matchmaker is a historical romance set in the mid-1800s in St. Louis, Missouri. It follows Enya Shanahan and Captain Sullivan O’Brien and their marriage of convenience.
While I loved both protagonists in this dual POV story, Sullivan was the highlight for me. He was such a patient, gentle, and kind man and took such good care of Enya. I loved watching him fall in love with her and try to help her in her healing process. He also became more confident as the story went on, and I appreciated how protective he was of Enya. His selflessness was so admirable, and I liked that he was such a hard worker.
Enya had a great personality, and I liked seeing her come back to herself after dealing with the trauma she had recently faced. She really balanced Sullivan’s seriousness with her feistiness and love of people. While she had major trust issues, I definitely could understand where she was coming from with everything that she had experienced. I appreciated her bravery as well in several situations where she put the wellbeing of others ahead of herself.
The romance was adorable. I loved watching Sullivan patiently wait for Enya to be ready for him. He wasn’t pushy, and he always put her first over himself. There were so many good romantic moments in this story and some really swoony kissing scenes.
Overall, I would recommend this book! Although this is book two in the series, it can be read as a standalone. ...more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC of Calling on the Matchmaker by Jody Hedlund. All opinions are my own.
This is my favorite Jody HedlThank you to Bethany House Publishers for the ARC of Calling on the Matchmaker by Jody Hedlund. All opinions are my own.
This is my favorite Jody Hedlund book yet! Such an easy five star read.
One of my best discoveries of 2023 was Jody Hedlund, and now I want everyone to read her books! If you haven’t read any, I definitely recommend starting with this one. It’s the first in a series and can be read as a standalone.
This book is fun, charming, and sweet while also discussing harder topics like death and the treatment of immigrants in the 1800s.
If you’re looking for a good historical romance without the spice, I would suggest you read this one.
I am so excited to re-read this book in the future and the sequel coming out in 2024. ...more
Thank you to NetGalley and Bethany House Publishers for the ARC. All opinions are my own.
Julia Monroe Begins Again by Rebekah Millet is a story about Thank you to NetGalley and Bethany House Publishers for the ARC. All opinions are my own.
Julia Monroe Begins Again by Rebekah Millet is a story about second chances, learning to rely on God, and realizing that it’s good to dream big.
This story follows Julia and Samuel 20 years after their relationship ended in betrayal and secrets. Both have had to face huge obstacles, and because of that, they have grown in their faith.
It was so refreshing to read a romance about characters that were older (and somewhat more mature). I also really enjoyed how faith was woven throughout the story in a natural way. This story is different from anything I’ve read before, and I’m impressed considering this is the author’s debut novel.
Samuel was a complete sweetheart and honestly a dream guy now that he has overcome past mistakes. He was so thoughtful and kind to Julia even though she didn’t treat him that well.
Julia was a frustrating character. For her age, I felt that she could still be pretty immature at times (especially compared to Samuel and her best friend, Kate). I am glad that she grew throughout the story, but I hated how it took her so long to forgive for past mistakes when she herself made plenty of poor decisions in her own past.
I would recommend this story if you enjoy second chance romances with a slow burn, characters over 40, and characters that are Christians....more
Thank you to Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley for this gifted ARC and finished copy. All opinions are my own.
A Beautiful Disguise by Roseanna M.Thank you to Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley for this gifted ARC and finished copy. All opinions are my own.
A Beautiful Disguise by Roseanna M. White takes place in early 1900s England, which is a time period that I’m not super familiar with but was excited to read about.
The things I loved most about this book were the sibling relationship between Marigold and Yates, the circus aspects, and the interesting premise of a secret investigative agency.
Because of Marigold’s and Yates’ past experiences, they were quite close as siblings in both personal matters and in their jobs. I loved their interactions and just how obvious their affection was for each other.
The unexpected circus elements were such a fun part of the story. I loved the animals (especially Leonidas) and the circus troupe that was more like an extended family. Also, the acrobatic scenes were so good!
The Imposters were so fascinating to me since most spy content I’ve seen has been in movies. I loved seeing how Marigold, Yates, and the others worked together to uncover the truth in ways that don’t involve modern spy equipment.
The romance was sweet, but I do wish there had been a bit more to it. I could see the friendship slowly building, but then the romance seemed kind of sudden once it happened.
I am very excited to read the next book in this series since I’ve come to enjoy these characters and this setting.
Overall, I would recommend this book if you like mysteries involving spies, early 20th century England, and found family....more