I reread a bunch of novels I like set in New York during my trip to New York, and I am bumping this up to five stars on the reread. The characApr 2023
I reread a bunch of novels I like set in New York during my trip to New York, and I am bumping this up to five stars on the reread. The characters and their arcs and development are phenomenal. I think this is up there with some of my favourite novels, actually. Fresh and enthralling. It is easy to believe that this is a roman a clef because the characters are so vividly captured, and outside of the stock tropes for characters that authors draw on so often.
And some of the dialogue! The conversations between Lil and her kids, for instance...so good.
Great pacing. An excellent build, slow and measured, such that you don't even realize how into it you've gotten until you're close to the dramatic peak, and a truly excellent denouement.
****** May 2020
Another one of Kevin Kwan's recommendations list, once again about the old money bluebloods of New York. I really liked it.
It has all the fun of a bubbly and shiny (though at times scathing) satire about the rich old money society of New York, replete with social climbing, insider trading, revenge, scandalous marriages, gatekeeping, money, fashion, and style; but also all the substance that a person could want, being also about love, growth, and family....more