Terrified because all you’ve ever known of religion is that it demands more than you can ever give.
I am not 4 stars = Fantastic and easy to recommend.
Terrified because all you’ve ever known of religion is that it demands more than you can ever give.
I am not a huge fan of short story collections, though I desire to be. This collection has me thinking maybe I have just been choosing poorly all these years, because Philyaw hit a home run with these. The delicious irony of a tight knit community harboring so many secrets - they do not even really know one another but think they are a family. Can you actually be close to someone that does not know the real you?
These shorties are churchy but not preachy. I am now an atheist, but I grew up in Sunday School in the church and am subsequently very familiar with the culture. These stories rang very true to me. The author brings the characters to life in just a few pages, and it was nice to see echoes and links tying a couple of the tales together. Some characters are very pious, others are quite cynical. I thoroughly enjoyed every one of them.
This is the first book I have read by Deeshaw Philyaw and I will now be reaching for any future works. She has an ability to create rich characters and feelings not usually experienced in short fiction. My favorite story, “How to Make Love to a Physicist” was a better love story than most romance novels I have read. Her prose is splendid and I would love to dive into a novel of hers if she ever writes one.
I loved the diversity of the characters - devout and faithless, old and young, beautiful and plain, poor and comfortable, timid and fearless, good mothers and terrible mothers. All of the stories have their own flavor and beat. Each person stands out starkly from the others with no caricatures to be found as they each reconcile their religion with their desires.
The audiobook for this one has excellent narration. Janina Edward’s soothing voice invites you in and effortlessly keeps your attention on the story. All of the dialogue is written and narrated realistically. If you are someone that does not normally like short stories, I highly recommend giving this marvelous collection a go. The author will show you just how entertaining and memorable they can be.
Eula - 4 stars - Short and spicy vignette about two church women that have been sleeping together secretly for years, but each view what they have together in completely different ways.
I push down gently on the inside of her thighs, until she is open, like an altar. 10-9-8…I am speaking in tongues. 4-3-2…Eula has her prayers and I have mine.
Not-Daniel - 3 stars - A woman and married man whose dying mothers are neighbors at a Hospice facility, find comfort and relatability in one another.
Here’s someone else who both welcomes and dreads death as it loiters in the wings, an unpredictable actor.
Dear Sister - 4 stars - A heartfelt “let’s get to know one another” letter is written to an estranged half-sister by a group of full and half-sisters, to let her know that their deadbeat dad has passed away.
Do you realize you cling to an imaginary white daddy because your flesh-and-blood daddy wasn’t shit? Well, guess what. Your imaginary white daddy ain’t shit either. If he was, he would’ve given you a real daddy that was worth a damn.
Peach Cobbler - 4 stars - A woman recalls her childhood, and how her angry, neglectful mother catered to the minister she was having an affair with.
They can raise their child however they see fit. But I’m not going to raise mine to go through life expecting it to be sweet, when for her, it ain’t going to be. The sooner she learns to accept what is, and what ain’t, the better. She get a taste of that sweetness, she’s going to want it so bad, she’ll grow up and settle for crumbs of it.
Snowfall - 3 stars - A lesbian couple living up north somewhere cold, are nostalgic for life in the south, namely the weather and their family.
My father didn’t want to be one, at least not mine.
How to Make Love to a Physicist - 5 stars - The internal monologue of a woman recalling when she met and hit it off with a man at a work conference and their relationship that transpired. I really enjoyed the emphasis on how women must always balance what they want, against what society expects. This shortie was a better love story than most romance novels I have read.
And as your body begins to feel like a home, your courage grows. It grows bigger than your mother’s chastisement in the parking lot after service the first time you go to church unbound. She asks why you aren’t wearing a girdle, why you aren’t sucking in the way she taught you thirty years ago, and how dare you come into the house of the Lord that way. Your mother, who complains of women in the church nowadays committing the sin of visible panty lines, reminds you that she raised you better than this.
And you say, “I’m tired of holding my breath.” Then you promise you won’t come to church that way again. And you keep your word because you won’t go to church again at all.
Jael - 4 stars - A grandmother who is raising her teenage granddaughter that cures her boredom in church by fantasizing about the pastor's wife, finds and reads her granddaughter’s diary. And Granny learns a thing or two.
A family full of women, and we had the worst time with men. The good men died young, and the terrible ones stayed just long enough to make you wish they would die. God forgive me.
Instructions for Married Christian Husbands - 4.5 stars - A confident and sassy woman’s instructions for married Christian husbands that are seeking an affair with her. This was my 2nd favorite short story in the collection.
Why do you turn me on? It’s that you want me when there are so many reasons you shouldn’t. That turns me on. Your hunger, your deprivation turn me on… All the risk is yours, but I’ll wade out into it with you. I’ve always enjoyed playing in the deep end.
When Eddie Levert Comes - 4 stars - A daughter deals with the stress of being a caregiver for her elderly mother with Alzheimer’s, and reflects on their tumultuous relationship.
Years later Daughter wanted no part of the church or brown liquor because they had both made her mama cry. ------------------------------------------- First Sentence: Eula books the suite in Clarksville, two towns over.
Favorite Quote: All of this cemented my understanding of God as a twisted puppet master watching his creations bounce around, trapped and tangled up in tragedies for his amusement....more
For almost 3 years I have been in a reading slump, and this 100 page afrofuturism novella may have just pull4 stars = Fantastic and easy to recommend.
For almost 3 years I have been in a reading slump, and this 100 page afrofuturism novella may have just pulled me out of it. Throughout the day my thoughts would wander to Sankofa, and I eagerly anticipated returning to the story to see what happens next.
Nnedi Okorafor did not need the page count of a full length novel to tell a unique and memorable coming of age story. It ends in an ambiguous way, which would be an interesting discussion point with fellow readers.
The audiobook version is highly recommended as the narrator, Adjoa Andoh, gives an excellent performance that increases the enjoyment of the book.
------------------------------------------- First Sentence: The moon was just rising when Sankofa came up the dirt road.
Favorite Quote: All these devices we use are spies. That’s why you’re like a superhero; they can’t control you. You wearing hijab now must drive the spies crazy because they can’t easily see your face....more
We are causing a rate of biodiversity loss that is more than 100 times the average, and only matched in the 4 stars = Fantastic and easy to recommend.
We are causing a rate of biodiversity loss that is more than 100 times the average, and only matched in the fossil record during a mass extinction event.
Plastic is invading oceanic food chains and over 90% of seabirds have plastic fragments in their stomachs.
96% of the mass of all the mammals on Earth is made up of our own bodies and those of the animals that we raise to eat...The remainder - all the wild mammals, from mice to elephants and whales - account for just 4%.
Lots of depressing information is laid out as Sir Attenborough drops truth in this book, truth that the entire world desperately needs to listen to and begin to understand. It’s not all doom and gloom as he also lays out very achievable ways we can start to reverse course if we act now. Please read and then educate the people around you. Tick tock.
Humankind now uses up the equivalent of 1.7 times what the Earth can regenerate in a single year.
Give and take, that is the essence of what balance is all about. When humankind as a whole is in a position to give back to nature at least as much as we take, and repay some of our debt, we will all be able to lead more balanced lives.
------------------------------------------- First Sentence: Pripyat in the Ukraine is a place unlike anywhere else I have ever been.
Favorite Quotes: Among all of these social improvements, one in particular is found to significantly reduce family size - the empowerment of women. Wherever women have the vote, wherever girls stay in school for longer, wherever women are in charge of their own lives and not dictated to by men, wherever they have access to good healthcare and contraception, wherever they are free to take any job and their aspirations for life are raised, the birth rate falls. The reason for this is straightforward - empowerment brings freedom of choice and when life offers more options for women, their choice is often to have fewer children.
‘There is more meaning and mutual understanding in exchanging a glance with a gorilla,’ I said quietly, ‘than with any other animal I know. Their sight, their hearing, their sense of smell are so similar to ours that they see the world in much the same way as we do. We live in the same sort of social groups with largely permanent family relationships. They walk around on the ground as we do, though they are immensely more powerful than we are. So if there were ever a possibility of escaping the human condition and living imaginatively in another creature’s world, it must be with the gorilla. The male is an enormously powerful creature but he only uses his strength when he is protecting his family and it is very rare that there is violence within the group. So it seems really very unfair that Man should have chosen the gorilla to symbolise everything that is aggressive and violent, when that is the one thing that the gorilla is not - and that we are.’
Middle books in trilogies often feel like filler, but someti4.5 stars - Incredible. I really loved it.
In time, all storms settle to a pleasant breeze.
Middle books in trilogies often feel like filler, but sometimes they surprise you and surpass the first. It’s thought-provoking and makes oneself wonder what their scythe name would be, lol. I would especially recommend this one on audiobook as the narrator delivers a superb performance. ------------------------------------------- Favorite Quote: Nature is the sum of all selfishness, forcing each and every species to viciously claw its way to survival by snuffing others in the suffocating mire of history.
First Sentence: How fortunate am I among the sentient to know my purpose. ...more
This one did not really get up and moving until 50%, or over 350 pages, through. If you were not already invested in th3.5 stars - It was really good.
This one did not really get up and moving until 50%, or over 350 pages, through. If you were not already invested in the characters and the world, you would have found it dull.
The second half was still typical Robin Hobb magic, but of the 8 novels I have read by her in this world, this is my least favorite thus far. The Tawny Man trilogy, in general, is just much slower and less exciting than her first two trilogies in the elder realm. I still really enjoyed it and am going right into the next one. ------------------------------------------- Favorite Quote: Silence asks the questions that are too awkward to phrase. It even asks the questions one does not know to ask.
First Sentence: The loss of a bond-beast is a difficult event to explain to the non-witted. ...more
Time is the only thing we have, when all is said and done, and yet we never have enough of it.
When you read over 900 pages 5 stars - Utterly amazing.
Time is the only thing we have, when all is said and done, and yet we never have enough of it.
When you read over 900 pages and are sad to see it end, wishing for 900 more to go, yeah, then you know it's an incredible book. The first two books in this trilogy were not of the same lofty caliber that one has come to expect of Robin Hobb this far into the Realm of the Elderlings world (though still really good). She definitely saved the best for last with this jewel. What an emotional roller coaster, filled to the brim with adventure. ------------------------------------------- Favorite Quote: Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore.
First Sentence: The White Prophet’s premise seems simple. ...more
A quirky novel with the main characters placed in difficult situations with no easy or obvious choice (a personal l4 stars - It was great. I loved it.
A quirky novel with the main characters placed in difficult situations with no easy or obvious choice (a personal literary love). The plot is not predictable, trope ridden or cookie cutter and the characters aren’t easily defined as morally “good” or “bad”. I’m officially a fan. ------------------------------------------- Favorite Quote: Everywhere you go, you leave behind the corpses of your failed relationships. If you’re lucky you can shove the body down into a crevasse, so you don’t have to look at it, but some bodies you can’t get rid of. You have to walk past them all the time.
First Sentence: People talk about having an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other....more
On Midsummer Eve, Alinor waits in the church graveyard, hoping to encounter her missing husband’s ghost and 4.5 stars - Incredible. I really loved it.
On Midsummer Eve, Alinor waits in the church graveyard, hoping to encounter her missing husband’s ghost and thus confirm his death. Instead, she meets a stranger, a man named James, who is a Catholic priest and a spy in secret service to the exiled King Charles.
Unlike most of the novels I have read by Philippa Gregory, politics and royal intrigue are in the background here with romance being in the foreground. At first, I didn’t think I would like this format as much, and the first half was not exactly riveting to read (still good, but not 4.5 stars).
I’m so thankful I stuck with it though as it ended up being an incredible story and the second half, in particular, is fantastic. This is a historical fiction novel that can even appeal to people that normally don’t like HF.
The main family’s characters are vivid and memorable, particularly the mother and daughter. I enjoyed that many other characters were morally gray and complex like people are in reality. This always make for a more enjoyable reading experience, and for characters that linger in your mind long after the book is closed.
The author has an interesting concept with this series, which is to follow several generations of the same family to show their rise from obscurity to prosperity over 250 years and 3 continents. I eagerly anticipate reading future works in this series.
------------------------------------------- Favorite Quotes: God will judge him now. And that is a court to which we all must come.
Perhaps this was her punishment for foolishly trusting a young man who spoke of priceless love but lived inside an expensive world, who called himself mad for her but was all too thoughtful when it came to his future.
First Sentence: The church was gray against a paler gray sky, the bell tower dark against the darker clouds. ...more
Still thoroughly enjoy getting inside Stephen Leed’s crowded head.... ------------------------------------------- Fa4 stars - It was great. I loved it.
Still thoroughly enjoy getting inside Stephen Leed’s crowded head.... ------------------------------------------- Favorite Quote: Most people are surprised to hear how they really sound, as the American media uses the call of the red-tailed hawk when showing an eagle. They don’t think the eagle sounds regal enough. And so we lie to ourselves about the very identity of our national icon . . .
First Sentence: “What’s her angle?” Ivy asked, walking around the table with her arms folded....more
A little predictable but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I loved that the sisters could support each other even with such dif3.5 stars - It was really good.
A little predictable but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I loved that the sisters could support each other even with such different mentalities, and I appreciated a window into the Punjabi culture. If you enjoy audiobooks, the narrator was excellent. ------------------------------------------- Favorite Quote: That’s the problem with having too much imagination, Nikki. Girls begin to desire too much.
First Sentence: Why did Mindi want an arranged marriage? ...more
Not having read anything about Queen Victoria before, this story was very intriguing, leading me down vario4.5 stars - Incredible. I really loved it.
Not having read anything about Queen Victoria before, this story was very intriguing, leading me down various rabbit holes of research. The relationship with her prime minister is totally inaccurate, but nonetheless made for a very lovely light and enjoyable read, along with creating a memorable character. Now that I have finished the novel, I will rather miss hearing the advice of Lord M. ------------------------------------------- Favorite Quote:: “I was not aware you were fighting a war, ma’am.” ... “That is because you are not a young woman, Duke, and no one, I suspect, tells you what to do. But I have to prove my worth every single day, and I cannot do it alone.”
First Sentence: A shaft of dawn light fell on the crack in the corner of the ceiling....more
First book I have read by this author and I really enjoyed her quotable prose and atmospheric writing style. The narrat3.5 stars - It was really good.
First book I have read by this author and I really enjoyed her quotable prose and atmospheric writing style. The narration was wonderful with the narrator seamlessly flipping between English and Irish accents. ------------------------------------------- Favorite Quote: Good nurses follow rules…but the best know when to break them.
First Sentence: The journey was no worse than she expected. ...more
What a compelling story with endearing characters and the perfect amount of tension. If done correctly, this4.5 stars - Incredible. I really loved it.
What a compelling story with endearing characters and the perfect amount of tension. If done correctly, this would make for an epic film. My only complaint is that while the story flowed perfectly well, the author does not have a quotable literary flair with his prose (which is my favorite type of writing).
From the author’s note: Once the United States entered the war, my father-in-law enlisted in the Army and, because of his facility with languages, was placed in the Intelligence Corps. As with his upbringing in Poland, whatever it was he did in the service has never been spoken of to any in his family. What you’ve read is my story, not his. But if I could somehow have pushed through his pained and brooding expressions when urged to speak about his past; through his inability to articulate the long-held-in burdens of guilt and loss; if he was able to tell his own story, the whole tale, of his past in Poland and the role he played during the war, I always imagined it would read something like this. ------------------------------------------- First Sentence: The private room is on the fourth floor of the Geriatric wing at the Edward Hines Jr. Veterans Administration Hospital outside Chicago, bent, old men shuffling down the hall in hospital gowns with nurses guiding them and portable IVs on their arms....more
I always enjoy Gregory’s historical fiction novels. She has a unique way of grabbing my interest from the first pa4 stars - It was great. I loved it.
I always enjoy Gregory’s historical fiction novels. She has a unique way of grabbing my interest from the first page and truly bringing historical figures to life. I appreciate that at the end of her novels she briefly addresses fact vs fiction (typically because the truth is unknown for these areas). Finally, I love that when I read her novels, I find myself researching more about the characters and events in her novels – always a sign of high engagement.
This one was also inclusive of those wonderful things, though Mary Tudor, Queen of Scotland, could alternate quickly between being a progressive strong woman and a catty selfish flake, which was jarring at times. Is this inconsistent characterization or a more accurate reflection of human nature? At the end you are left contemplating how much the three queens truly shared in common with their life experiences. ------------------------------------------- Favorite Quote: When men have authority over women, women can be brought very low—and they will be brought very low. We spent our time admiring and envying each other and we should have been guiding and protecting each other.
First Sentence: I am to wear white and green, as a Tudor princess. ...more
Much like its predecessor, You, this one was entertaining and engaging in that way that only Joe (the M.C.) can pull off - his u3 stars - It was good.
Much like its predecessor, You, this one was entertaining and engaging in that way that only Joe (the M.C.) can pull off - his unique fine balance of vulgarity, disturbing and captivating.
Unlike its predecessor, this one stretched the limits of believability too far for me, at times becoming so ludicrous and unrealistic that even eye-rolling ensued. It simply wasn't as addictive, as funny or as creepy as the first in the series.
But would I read a 3rd book about the deranged character? Yes, yes I would, and without hesitation. However, I am excited that the author will be going down a new path for her next novel and look forward to reading what she explores next. ------------------------------------------- Favorite Quote: I don't believe in love at first sight. But I do believe in electricity, the way it can recharge you.
First Sentences: I buy violets for Amy. Not roses. Roses are for people who did something wrong. ...more
This one kept me engaged the entire novel and I found the two brothers in particular to be very memorable. There w4 stars - It was great. I loved it.
This one kept me engaged the entire novel and I found the two brothers in particular to be very memorable. There were a few plot occurrences that I found to be overly convenient, but overall I really enjoyed the author’s writing style and look forward to reading more novels by him.
------------------------------------------- Favorite Quote: He was a quiet man who could command attention with a simple glance or nod, a man who possessed equal part strength and gentleness and wore them, not in layers, but blended like fine leather.
First Sentence: I remember being pestered by a sense of dread as I walked to my car that day, pressed down by a wave of foreboding that swirled around my head and broke against the evening in small ripples. ...more