Well, it was a good read. It wasn't bad, just nothing special. If you're interested in a quick read to fill in some time without wasting it, this coulWell, it was a good read. It wasn't bad, just nothing special. If you're interested in a quick read to fill in some time without wasting it, this could be it. The pacing was fast and there were no moments that dragged. I did, however, see what was coming.
My two favorite morally ambiguous men were called upon to mete out vengeance for their downed brother from another mother. AND IT WAS GREAT!!!!! No, IMy two favorite morally ambiguous men were called upon to mete out vengeance for their downed brother from another mother. AND IT WAS GREAT!!!!! No, I mean, they were great!
I like how things cooled down with The Collector because that way laid many unwanted conclusions.
Parker, lately, has seemed a bit more unfocused of his life expectancy and more focused on taking down all the bad guys he comes across as he begins to see that the game he is playing seems to be rigged by the "higher-ups."
The townsfolk and their backward thinking helped remove a star for me. What happened to all the people they have sacrificed? Will there be a continuation? Some issues there were unresolved.
Other than that, you can't go wrong spending some time listening to this one....more
3.5 I kind of want to rate this one three stars. I don't know what it was, but I just didn't jump for joy with this story. Darker Parker, yes. Man on 3.5 I kind of want to rate this one three stars. I don't know what it was, but I just didn't jump for joy with this story. Darker Parker, yes. Man on a mission, yes. A little drop of information about the daughters, yes. However, I wasn't as thrilled.
Does anyone else notice how Reyes and Charley don't mesh together? They, as a couple don't seem right. He shows up, sexes her, manhandles her, thwartsDoes anyone else notice how Reyes and Charley don't mesh together? They, as a couple don't seem right. He shows up, sexes her, manhandles her, thwarts her progress constantly and then, all of a sudden wants a commitment.
Charley comes off weak and needy when Reyes is around...and he's been around a lot lately.
I wasn't really feeling this one. I listened to it as background noise while I worked.
I'm wondering when Reyes is going to do what his father wants and when Charley understands what she can really do.
The plotting with this one was kinda lazy. The caffeine thing went too far and the whole "dreaming with Reyes" scenes just didn't scream "sexy!" I likThe plotting with this one was kinda lazy. The caffeine thing went too far and the whole "dreaming with Reyes" scenes just didn't scream "sexy!" I like Charley's humor so I'm on to the next....more
What a joylessly depressing read. Wow! I mean, my day was going good until I listened to this story. From the moment the married couple arrived at theWhat a joylessly depressing read. Wow! I mean, my day was going good until I listened to this story. From the moment the married couple arrived at their destination, the cold unyielding drabness of their surroundings literally sucked the happiness out of me. It was crazy.
This read is void of real emotional attachment. I did not believe the husband and wife wanted to work on their relationship. I just...didn't believe in this story.
It passed at creating emotion. It was just the wrong one.
Skip this one folks. Nothing to see here, but despair. Not the good kind either. The kind where you want to slit their throats for them so it can be over already....more
The story went like this: Gideon on new mission. Gideon is set-up to take the fall. Gideon needs help, but is betrayed by his partner. Gideon trusts tThe story went like this: Gideon on new mission. Gideon is set-up to take the fall. Gideon needs help, but is betrayed by his partner. Gideon trusts the daughter of one of the suspected terrorists. Ignores his gut because, well, the daughter is hot and she tells him her father is innocent. "Okay, sexy lady. I believe you."
From there everything gets more unbelievable and ridiculous by the page. We've got a MMA fight where teeth get knocked out, A jump down a "you're gonna die!" waterfall, a run through the forest with heat-seeking rays following your every move, helicopters being shot down, and the small pox virus being carried around in your pocket, which is, you know, so smart. You know it's bad when someone is about to shoot the main character in book 2 and you actually want/believe it can happen. LOL
A silly read that I listened to from the library. If I had spent my money on this, my review would have been pretty harsh.
Go! Read something interesting other than my awesome ramblings, for this book is not it....more
Rune, I dislike your voice. Yes, I'm listening to the audio, but I mean in the book and the sound of it portrayed by the narrator . Your sadness does Rune, I dislike your voice. Yes, I'm listening to the audio, but I mean in the book and the sound of it portrayed by the narrator . Your sadness does not sway me or make me feel for you and the deeds you have done while caught up in a web of lust with the killer Bathory. Your insane, stalker kind of love has soured my love for vampires.
She may love you, but she hates you more. She will seek to be free of you. You try to possess her as if she is a keepsake, changing her against her will, imprisoning her. What did you think would happen?
What a shame. For you were my favorite. Now you look weak and pathetic padding along at the heels of her feet despite your knowing she is a child-killer. Has she really changed? If so, are her past sins then forgiven?
Sincerely, Disappointed
The relationship between Jordan and Erin is really bad so, just stop. End it somehow. It hurts to read it.
Again, I like the ideas behind this series, it's the characters and some common sense plot issues that really tear this read down.
On to the next because I just have to finish things if I can.
While this book was a step in the right direction, I still felt like something was always missing. The fighting scenes were vague and easily describedWhile this book was a step in the right direction, I still felt like something was always missing. The fighting scenes were vague and easily described. I guess you can say it was overly simplified. Surface sentences like, "they fought hard and dirty and only one man was left standing." really messed up the intensity of the scene. Who bit who? Who was on top? How did he die? Things like that really got on my nerves and I was unable to stay immersed in the story.
This read had more fat than meat and well, I was left feeling unsatisfied.
I don't know if I'll read anymore Brooks titles right now. ...more
For all the fun I had reading this story, there was an equal amount of time spent explaining and teaching which was the opposite of fun. And 2.5 Stars
For all the fun I had reading this story, there was an equal amount of time spent explaining and teaching which was the opposite of fun. And as you know, that can get very old, very fast.
I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Capt. Robichaux gets his own ship and has to train and understand this new crew who comes with a shitload of problems in a certain amount of time with no help, but each crew member he has to "win" over. On top of that, they are the only ones standing between the enemy and annihilation. Talk about pressure!
The narrator did the best he could do with what he was given and his voice is what kept me from quitting early on.
Andrew Grayson wants out of the ghetto he lives in so he decides to enlist. Enlisting will allow him to gain a certain fortune after so many years.
GraAndrew Grayson wants out of the ghetto he lives in so he decides to enlist. Enlisting will allow him to gain a certain fortune after so many years.
Grayson meets a woman and in between missions they hook-up as much as possible.
During his first mission, Grayson has to make a decision that no newbie should have to make. This is Andrew's moment and lives hang in the balance.
This was not a hardcore military read that bored me with details of stuff I could care less about. I listened to this on audio and the narrator, Luke Daniels, did an excellent job of keeping the story exciting and fast-paced.
There were a few question I had about Andrew's reactions, his decisions, and his way of glossing over situations, making them not as important or life-changing as they should be.
Terms of Enlistment was a fun read that was worth the hours I spent reading it. On to the next....more