this is everything middle grade should be: a fun, unique adventure with a lengthy and memorable casthad me at my favorite person's childhood favorite!
this is everything middle grade should be: a fun, unique adventure with a lengthy and memorable cast of characters and interesting lessons that aren't annoying or boring.
plus this one had beautiful illustrations and a theme of the power of stories no reader can resist.
bottom line: i wish i read this in my bygone youth!...more
honestly i'll read anything chanel miller writes, children's books included.
i don't know if i had middle grade books as good as this one when i was mihonestly i'll read anything chanel miller writes, children's books included.
i don't know if i had middle grade books as good as this one when i was middle grade (whatever that is), but i do know that i'm glad that today's middlest grades and all the middles of the future do.
this was sweet and fun, cute and whimsical and inspirational with a little lesson that felt nice and true and not cheesy. and also really great drawings. i enjoyed just about every second of it.
"High-spirited and omni-talented, the Monkey King can transform himself into whatever he chooses and turn each of his body's 84,000 hairs into an army"High-spirited and omni-talented, the Monkey King can transform himself into whatever he chooses and turn each of his body's 84,000 hairs into an army of clones." goals...more
i love feeling smart while reading a book written for 6 year olds. that's what children's classics are fori love feeling smart while reading a book written for 6 year olds. that's what children's classics are for...more
it's fun to feel smart while consuming the same content as an old timey six year old. that's where children's classics come init's fun to feel smart while consuming the same content as an old timey six year old. that's where children's classics come in...more
this was silly and goofy and weird, and some parts of it were unrealistic to the point of being endlessly annoying — this coming fromhad me at ghosts.
this was silly and goofy and weird, and some parts of it were unrealistic to the point of being endlessly annoying — this coming from a girl who believes in ghosts and thinks it's hyperlifelike that laundromats would be like water parks for them — but i loved the ghost drawings and the town drawing and this was halloween-y.
haters mad because i retain a sense of childlike whimsy
there is literally nothing i would prefer to living in moomin valley and like eating a bunch ofhaters mad because i retain a sense of childlike whimsy
there is literally nothing i would prefer to living in moomin valley and like eating a bunch of picnics and hanging out at the beach and making wishes from hobgoblins.
in fact i am almost too jealous to bear reading this series.
i love snoopy, but i don't love baseball. and around the time i read this book (or too close to comfort for it) i was fpart of my ongoing snoopy phase
i love snoopy, but i don't love baseball. and around the time i read this book (or too close to comfort for it) i was forced to watch more baseball than any law-abiding citizen should ever have to consumer.
like.......the entire plot was moral lessons? it was as ii feel like i just went to kindness school.
this was pretty charming but insanelyyy didactic.
like.......the entire plot was moral lessons? it was as if the entire book was the last sentences from fables. hold the tortoise and the hare and the whole cool racing part, keep the part about not going very fast and avoiding naps.
the snooze parts, if you will.
bottom line: in many ways i liked it...but i didn't have fun.
------------------ tbr review
name a better genre than children's classics.
you can't. no other genre makes you sound smart while taking 45 minutes to read...more
real fans add a book before a cover, synopsis, and release date, and then don't read it for months after it comes outreal fans add a book before a cover, synopsis, and release date, and then don't read it for months after it comes out...more