If there's a new textbook on people manipulation, this would be a serious part of it.
The stuff in the book is not "we should worry about it", but moreIf there's a new textbook on people manipulation, this would be a serious part of it.
The stuff in the book is not "we should worry about it", but more like "this is how we were completely screwed and it keeps happening". You can see the same kind of micro-targeted stuff created to anger people and push the more fragile ones to do stupid things happening as we speak. The information that has been collected by all kinds of rating agencies and now facebook is finally getting used against us... ...more
It's a good description of the different people and parties involved in the capital punishment in the USA (although it would've been a bit better to hIt's a good description of the different people and parties involved in the capital punishment in the USA (although it would've been a bit better to have some more information on the rest of the world), but is biased, and it shows too much in the text. Even if they're biased somewhat in my direction, it's still annoying.
Also, there's no real discussion or facts on for example the effectiveness of the capital punishment as a deterrent, which would've made a great addition to the book. The authors also don't seem to try to get what's behind all the religious rationalizations of some of the people in the book, and seems like that a lot of facts are missing (for example, about the murderers)....more
This was very nice, and although seems to lack focus, is a good look into what shame is and what happens to people that have been shamed or have livedThis was very nice, and although seems to lack focus, is a good look into what shame is and what happens to people that have been shamed or have lived with their shame....more
It's writing style is close to horrible - maybe because its original language is French, and maybe because the author likThis book isn't easy to rate.
It's writing style is close to horrible - maybe because its original language is French, and maybe because the author likes overly poetical and complex sentences too much - which make the book pretty hard to read.
Most of the ideas are sound and have good footing, although there are some omissions - for example, there should've been more on the practical censorship implemented with "forbidden" topics, "hate speech" and such vague definitions of things that are illegal. (or the "modern" incarnation of the feminist movement)
There are also some gems in the book, concise and well written, that somehow give you hope and will to go on with your life and fight for your convictions.
It's not a book to learn a lot from, but definitely one to stimulate your thinking....more
This was somewhat weird, but very enlightening. I understand most of her reactions (the strip-club part disgusted me, too, but explains a lot about whThis was somewhat weird, but very enlightening. I understand most of her reactions (the strip-club part disgusted me, too, but explains a lot about why porn is so popular), and although I don't agree with the idea of "healing" everyone, I've definitely seen these problems in a lot of people. (the chapter on dating had me laughing half the time)
The only downside of the book is the weird name-dropping of somewhat obscure writers, which doesn't really help.
This is probably the best book for men to understand women a bit, and women to understand men....more
This was too disjointed and over-the-place. It would've be been a lot better if it was a single book that combined issue, traits and cases from the diThis was too disjointed and over-the-place. It would've be been a lot better if it was a single book that combined issue, traits and cases from the different countries in one clear narrative, instead of having bits and pieces. It's still useful, but would've benefited a lot from more and deeper research on a lot of topics....more
I've labeled it as "must-read", although it's not an Earth-shattering book. This is more of a common sense, to dispel some of the crap that can be fouI've labeled it as "must-read", although it's not an Earth-shattering book. This is more of a common sense, to dispel some of the crap that can be found in the rest of the literature on grief and bereavement.
The basic facts are that most of the people are actually resilient to grief and get better on their own, and interventions close to the problematic event can actually be worse for them. Also, the tried usual techniques for handling prolonged grief work, and there's no need for the 5-stages-of-grief stuff (which mostly applies to people that are dying, not to the ones that remain).
Read this, even if nothing bad has happened to you. It isn't a self-help book, it just makes some stuff clear. (The chapter on China is somewhat boring, and I think most of it can be skipped and replaced with "Rituals help")...more
This book has a dire need of update and/or rewrite. The ideas seem ok, but the presentation is problematic, and the interviews seem either badly transThis book has a dire need of update and/or rewrite. The ideas seem ok, but the presentation is problematic, and the interviews seem either badly transcribed, or the conclusions pretty much half-wrong. Maybe having the sound recordings to listen to would be better, as there won't be any feelings or meanings lost.
Worthy looking into, if there isn't anything better on the topic....more
Interesting and well written, this seems to be a really good book on the topic. There's a lot of bias in the author, and some sections could use an upInteresting and well written, this seems to be a really good book on the topic. There's a lot of bias in the author, and some sections could use an update (for example, anyone interested in atrocities should definitely read Lifton), but all in all the arguments are very convincing. The last chapter (on the ongoing desensitizing the children with movies and video games and making it easier for them to kill) probably misses a few things, but it's basic arguments seems valid, although a lot of them are co-relations....more
The book is a very good behind-the-scenes description of the therapists and their work. It describes the problems they can encounter, the issues in thThe book is a very good behind-the-scenes description of the therapists and their work. It describes the problems they can encounter, the issues in their work and some very good advice to handle them. It's a very good read if you want to get some understanding of them.
The advice inside is also applicable to most people, as it's helpful in everyday communication with people and handling your own problems (I found the stuff on burnout to be very good)....more
Книгата е доста интересна, но една голяма част от изводите и изглеждат като изсмукани от пръстите (особено в заключението), Книгата е писана 1985та и Книгата е доста интересна, но една голяма част от изводите и изглеждат като изсмукани от пръстите (особено в заключението), Книгата е писана 1985та и явно има нужда да се допълни с новата информация, която се появи след 1989.
Преводът не е добър (въпреки че донякъде явно и оригиналният език на книгата е доста тромав) и има нужда от внимателен преглед на редактор/коректор, което намирам за учудващо за едно вече второ издание....more
This was an interesting read, mostly the description of a disease that changes/breaks down your brain, from the perspective of a survivor. There's a fThis was an interesting read, mostly the description of a disease that changes/breaks down your brain, from the perspective of a survivor. There's a fair amount of research in it, and makes for a fascinating read at some points....more
This was a great book. The cases described were chosen very well, and the description is thorough and well written. It can also weird you out a bit asThis was a great book. The cases described were chosen very well, and the description is thorough and well written. It can also weird you out a bit as you start seeing some of the symptoms in yourself.
There's a lot of philosophy in the book, with at times gets too long and boring, but the rest definitely should be read....more
The book is very interesting, and at some points it reads more like a critique of the Japanese society than a psychological research. It would be inteThe book is very interesting, and at some points it reads more like a critique of the Japanese society than a psychological research. It would be interesting to see some later books about the topic, and how it's showing in the "western" societies, as it seems that it's a phenomenon that's not culturally restricted to Japan....more
omfg. Мислех си да я пиша в списъка книги "защо не я прочетох преди 10 години", но се оказа, че е излязла само преди 2.
Най-обхватното описание на мислomfg. Мислех си да я пиша в списъка книги "защо не я прочетох преди 10 години", но се оказа, че е излязла само преди 2.
Най-обхватното описание на мисленето на хората и проблемите при него, от човекът, който лично е участвал в много от изследванията. Събира информацията от повечето книги, които съм виждал по темата и добавя още.
Не е особено лесна за четене, понеже самият материал вътре много често (съвсем нарочно) е анти-интуитивен и атакува някакви базови представи и идеи, които имаме. В същото време е адски интересна и много трудна за оставяне (освен в моментите, които наистина трябва да обмислим нещо)....more
I liked the way it was written a lot. I don't agree with some of the conclusions.I liked the way it was written a lot. I don't agree with some of the conclusions....more
The book explains a lot and can make you rethink some bits of your life or the interactions you have with other people. Some of it I didn't find interThe book explains a lot and can make you rethink some bits of your life or the interactions you have with other people. Some of it I didn't find interesting for the moment (like the advice in the last two chapters), but the rest was great and very useful....more
It's interesting, there's a lot of information, but it still doesn't answer some questions that arise while reading theI really cannot rate this book.
It's interesting, there's a lot of information, but it still doesn't answer some questions that arise while reading the book, as there are other reasons and conclusions that can be made from the data. It's also interesting to go looking for criticism of the book around the net, there seems to be some, and although a lot of it is useless ("He's wrong because I say so"), there are some valid points.
Should be read, but with other books on the topic....more