I don't know if I've ever read a story that includes a dentist as a main characters. I enjoy authors who realistically create characters who have uniqI don't know if I've ever read a story that includes a dentist as a main characters. I enjoy authors who realistically create characters who have unique jobs in history. I also loved that the man who owned the dental clinic practiced a bit differently than others of his time. He saw the need to stay open late and even had a Black dentist! Definitely a man ahead of his time.
After getting to know Katherine, we immediately meet Jonathan, a police officer who escorts her home after her late night shifts. She lived in a women's housing apartment and it was so fun to learn about it! Jonathan had quite the history, which is fleshed out throughout the story. He and his rival take things to extremes, which drove me crazy. BUT, when people are that competitive, it's not surprising that they can act juvenile.
Together Katherine and Jonathan try to figure out who is trying to not only take her out, but stop more nefarious plans from happening. All the while, Katherine tries to maintain her rose colored view of the world around her. I think we could all use a bit more of that, especially these days.
There are difficult points in this story that lead the reader to learn about a bomb squad being around in the early 1900s. I was shocked to learn that was even a thing back then!
(view spoiler)[I know I've said this before in other stories by this author, but having a priest give absolution to people just isn't Biblical. God is the only One who can forgive sins and only when the person turns to Him in repentance. While a priest can listen and guide, he doesn't have that authority. I do realize that I continue to read her stories even with that element, but it's because I enjoy her writing and historical fiction. (hide spoiler)]...more
Can we talk about this book that needs to get in front of more people? If you're a fan of WWII then you need to pick this up. We'll start there!
The coCan we talk about this book that needs to get in front of more people? If you're a fan of WWII then you need to pick this up. We'll start there!
The cover might be a "little" misleading for the first half of the book. Hear me out!! If you're like me, you don't read the back of the book to learn more about the story. You just dive in. Well, since I'm not really a "let's involve robots" into a story kind of gal, I just put the book on the back burner. Let me state for the record, that was a mistake.
This is mainly a story set during WWII in Czechoslovakia. Kateřina is trying to prove herself to her father (who is also her boss) at the newspaper. That's rather fruitless, although she doesn't understand why! She's determined to make a name for herself in the industry, but WWII makes reporting truth deadly.
Then there's Josef Loew, whose family's history as protectors dates back centuries. But more than that, they're inventors. His ancestor built a golem (something I'd never heard of) and Josef's grandfather has been searching for it as will help them defeat the Nazis.
The first half of the story introduces us to the characters and the overall story. I thought the "robot" was going to be the main character of the story since it's so front and center of the cover. Turns out, that's not the case. We do get glimpses of steampunk with Josef and his grandfather discussing the creations they're working on, but it's not as huge a part of the story as I expected. It really read as a straightforward WWII novel.
THEN... then the golem finally makes its appearance! It was truly such an interesting aspect to add to the story! What if "we" had a machine that could "dispatch" evil people? What would happen if that machine got into the wrong hands? So many "what if" scenarios. Josef has to come to grips with his anger towards the Germans or allow it to control him & destroy him. Kateřina needs to see outside of herself (being half German and half Czech) to the horrors around her.
The story is intense from start to finish. It's a nail biter that will get your heart racing. When Kateřina puts herself in danger's way, when the German's attack innocent people, when the golem shows up - it will keep you reading into the wee hours. Also, it'll make you take a hard look at yourself and make you question what your choices might be in similar situations.
We're left on a cliffhanger and I can't wait for the second book!...more
I absolutely LOVED this story! 100% did NOT want it to end.
We finally have the chance to meet Claire, the estranged sister/daughter of the Summers famI absolutely LOVED this story! 100% did NOT want it to end.
We finally have the chance to meet Claire, the estranged sister/daughter of the Summers family. We also get a taste of crabby old Great Aunt Mercer. Having stayed as her companion for a couple of years, it was understandable that once Great Aunt Mercer passed, Claire would want to be near her family again.
I think I felt as tenuous as Claire did being back by her sisters and mother. I loved how the sisters were so loving to her, while her mother tried to hold on to the promise she made her husband before he passed. Just a stark reminder of the times.
It was fun getting to know Armaan in this story! I hadn't expected he'd get a bigger role, but was thrilled he did. I loved how the author wove his part in with Mr. Hammond's. It was so well done. It filled my heart to overflowing. Speaking of which, I enjoyed the mystery Mr. Hammond brought with him to Sidmouth! I also appreciated the slow burn that came along with him meeting Claire.
Of course, it was delightful to be back with the secondary characters at Sea View. I feel like the story wouldn't have been complete without them. And who can forget the wise and wonderful Mrs. Denby?
I appreciated the great reminder that no one is too far from God's mercy and grace. That we have all sinned and have a need for a Savior. There's also reconciliation and forgiveness shown through the characters of the story!
This is a series not to be missed! I'm eagerly waiting next December when we'll get Sarah's story! I've been waiting for it since book one. I would highly recommend reading the books in order so everything makes sense.
*I received the book from the author. This is my personal opinion....more
Midnight on the Scottish Shore is about Cilla van der Zee, cousin to Aleida from Embers in the London Sky. Cilla escapes the Netherlands, hoping to aiMidnight on the Scottish Shore is about Cilla van der Zee, cousin to Aleida from Embers in the London Sky. Cilla escapes the Netherlands, hoping to aid the Allies, but she's captured and believed to be a spy for Germany. The Allies decide to use her in their secret Double Cross unit of M15! Cilla is willing, but the man who captures her is also the one who has to aid her as part of the scheme.
I loved Cilla! LOVED her! She takes lemons and makes lemonade. While the lighthouse becomes her prison, she also learns to find freedom in it. It doesn't come quickly or easily. And let's just say Lachlan Mackenzie doesn't make it very enjoyable. I mean, while Cilla is lovely, she's also a spy for Germany (repeated over and over in Lachlan's mind)!
Lachlan, for his part, wants to do his duty to his country, but his past is always looming over him thanks to his younger, wayward brother, Neil. Lachlan toes the line and is very black & white. He's also honorable, loyal, and trustworthy. What woman would fall for the fuddy-duddy?
I knew this was going to be a book I didn't want to put down! There's so much to talk about in regards to it. Cilla used humor in hard circumstances, and she was sharp as a tack! Extending forgiveness to someone who has hurt you makes you vulnerable. Earning trust can seem impossible, but it is worthwhile. All of the ways military and gov't people have to come up with plausible ways to misdirect the enemy and the way it's done with Yardley, Cilla, and Lachlan is masterful.
I'll admit that I can't get enough of Sarah Sundin's stories! They're so well written and keep me riveted on every page! I'm already ready for her next book... no pressure, Sarah!
*I received the book for review. This is my personal opinion....more
I have loved Camilla in the previous stories and couldn't wait to see who she'd finally be paired with in Meeting Her Match! Owen... whoda thunk it?
CaI have loved Camilla in the previous stories and couldn't wait to see who she'd finally be paired with in Meeting Her Match! Owen... whoda thunk it?
Camilla has done well for herself as a matchmaker, but it was time for her to get her own love story, but being a proclaimed spinster makes that rather difficult. Bring in a cast of crazy characters and who's to say what could happen?
It would be hard to say that Camilla and Owen had a meet-cute. More like a meet-oh-my-word-what-is-happening-right-now, but funnier than all get out! Poor Owen didn't know his life was about to be turned upside down! That finding a renowned matchmaker for his sister might be more than he bargained for.
Circumstances bring Camilla to agreeing to head to West Virginia with her entourage of helpers, and watching them descend upon the unsuspecting inhabitants of Owen's little town is more than a little hilarious. You can't help but end up loving Owen's family who certainly have their hillbilly ways, but in a scary yet delightful manner, which is to be expected in the author's stories! You don't know whether to run and hide when certain characters show up or go in for a hug (just no kissing!).
To say that "love is in the air" with this story would be putting it mildly. Let's just say Camilla isn't the only person gifted with helping in the romance department! Owen's meemaw and aunt have their own ways of butting in where they're not invited. Just wait and see. hahahaha
There's a lot of shenanigans throughout the story, people being chased after to add some suspense, and good lessons taught to the well-intentioned people of Wheeling. As always, lots of funny scenes and one liners that will have you giggling throughout the story!
*I was sent the book for review. This is my personal opinion....more
Once again, the author has managed to pull me into a world of her imagination and bring every bit of the story to life!
I honestly don't know where to Once again, the author has managed to pull me into a world of her imagination and bring every bit of the story to life!
I honestly don't know where to even start to describe everything in this story. I loved the different writing "pieces" in the story (wait until you discover them!). The characters will make you feel ALL of the emotions. It was so fun getting to know the girls through their penpal letters.
We meet Mercy who has left Hollywood under suspicious circumstances. The details unfold throughout the story. She makes it to Mercy Peak where her dearest friend and penpal, Rusty is from. Rusty is from Mercy Peak and through her letters convinces Mercy to come to her town one day.
Neither of the girls have lived easy lives, but through their letters, they encourage one another.
You absolutely get the small town feel through the author's writing. All of the added characters bring it to life. The people we meet on Mercy's journey to unravel the mystery of a lost treasure adds so much richness to the story. You get the sense of them all making her one of their own - in the best way possible.
We also get to know Rusty through the letters she exchanges with Mercy. She's cut from the mountain and tough as they come. She's a straight shooter who tells it like it is. Rusty is exactly the person you want in your corner. Unfortunately, her life took an awful turn, leaving Mercy to go it alone.
When Mercy arrives in town, the residents realize she's the one who now owns Wildwood, the estate of Randolph Gilman who the townsfolk basically despised and sadly, for good reason. He was one of the four boys who make a pact in regard to any future treasure they found. Life doesn't always go the way we plan and that's played out in the lives of these 4 young men as they grow older and tragedy strikes.
There's so much to the heart and meat of this story. Renewed hope, restoration (of SO many things), forgiveness, trust, and belonging. As a reader, we're reminded that the Lord can restore and He has a plan.
This story is so rich, deep, and sometimes poetic, I am honestly not doing the story justice with the review. It took me a while to read the story, longer than usual, because I didn't want to miss a single word. So, I took my time and savored it. I can't recommend it enough!
*I received the book for review. This is my opinion....more
As soon as I finished the first chapter I was enraptured by the story. WHAT was Lily going to say or do next?
We meet Lily Temple, an... actress. Yes, As soon as I finished the first chapter I was enraptured by the story. WHAT was Lily going to say or do next?
We meet Lily Temple, an... actress. Yes, an actress. She has secrets, which are peeled back layer by layer thanks for Peter Driscoll. Plain Peter Driscoll or so Lily initially thinks. Lily is fascinating. She's also a mystery. Where did she come from? How is she connected to the missing gem? Peter intends to find out.
What he doesn't expect is for Lily to be so all-encompassing. He has no choice but to figure out who she is - who she REALLY is. What he doesn't realize is how dangerous that will become. To keep her close, he invites her to join him on some investigations where she can employ her acting skills. Meanwhile, he spends his time listening to her, chipping away at her resolve to stay distant to everyone.
I felt a bit like I was reading a story that should be a classic along the lines of Dickens. Yes, I said that! I became a cheerleader in heart for Lily and Peter, Roddy and his opinions be hanged! You get to know gruff Roddy through the story, and it's hard not to appreciate his protection of Peter. Peter is kind and thoughtful. His biggest skill is listening and he uses it to his advantage in so many ways. Lily, she's like a kaleidoscope.
There are a number of daring cases Peter takes Lily on, and Roddy is always present in one way or another with each one. With each case, Peter demonstrates to Lily how well he's getting to know her, which she likes and dislikes at the same time! Don't we all long to be truly known?
This story reads like a parable directing the reader to the One who truly knows and seeks after each of us. Peter can see the Savior availing Himself to Lily, pursuing her. It comes to light brighter and brighter as the story continues. I found it absolutely beautiful!
*I received this book for review. This is my personal opinion....more
First, can we just talk about how gorgeous this cover is? It's totally the mood for this story!
What a "tangled" mess things can become when we twist oFirst, can we just talk about how gorgeous this cover is? It's totally the mood for this story!
What a "tangled" mess things can become when we twist ourselves up in lies and deception in moments of desperation! The weight of it can be overwhelming and affect the lives of those around us. Lorna finds this out the hard way. This is such a beautiful story of restoration, forgiveness, and reconciliation.
Dear Lorna has been through so much with the loss of her family and the possible loss of her job. Her relationship with friends and those under her leadership are torn apart because of decisions made in haste and panic.
Loyal Arthur has been through a lot as well as we learn in the prologue. He is a fine man who has his eye on Lorna, who just can't see past her deception. Arthur tries to break down her walls, but because he has no idea what's transpired in the past, doesn't have a clue how to do that. He struggles with his past abandonment and a family member who shows up unexpectedly!
Unique Gentry ends up at Biltmore industries after he grandfather dumps her with the women who run the trade school. Gentry is a headstrong young girl with zero desire for receiving direction. She comes under the tutelage of Lorna and to say that they clash would be an understatement.
These three characters ebb and flow together throughout the story. They're in and out of each others lives. The story also goes back and forth with all 3 of them as well as different timelines. It wasn't difficult at all to keep up with whose perspective it was.
When things begin to unravel, Lorna has no choice but to fix the wrongs she's done, somehow admit to those around her what she's done, and seek forgiveness if possible. Their journey to reconciliation isn't an easy one. They learn so much about themselves and each other as they struggle for the truth.
*I received the book for review. This is my opinion....more
WHAT a great story! If you want to fall in love with a trio of ladies, Junietta, Sylvia, and Addy are your gals.
The story certainly starts out sad as WHAT a great story! If you want to fall in love with a trio of ladies, Junietta, Sylvia, and Addy are your gals.
The story certainly starts out sad as we get to know each of the ladies as they work their way through grief at the last of the Arthur Stanhope men on their side of the family. Women in the Gilded Age weren't afforded much as women, and was the impetus of them figuring out what is truly important.
I loved that we got to know Junietta's back story. I couldn't help but cheer her on! She wants a different life for her granddaughter, Addy, but Sylvia wants the lifestyle they're used to. Further into the story we get to learn more about Sylvia's early years and to understand what makes her tick. Neither women had easy lives and suffered a lot of hardships. Those early years also form the reasons for what they hope for Addy's future. I was so drawn into their stories, it was sometimes hard to come back to their "present" time. This story is a great reminder that the grass isn't always greener on the other side!
I'm so overjoyed to be able to say that the Gospel message is presented so wonderfully in this story. I was incredibly thankful that the author wove Truth into it in a way that didn't feel forced, but part of the characters lives. I rejoiced every time Mimi Junie or a circumstance brought faith up!
Towards the end (the very end) the story did slow a bit for me. Not a big deal, but it did. (view spoiler)[There's also a relationship that comes about that made me question how "related" are they? hahahaha I know "back in the day" and all, but still I wasn't sure how much of a fan I was after the revelation. I liked the characters, a lot, but it would've been great (for me) if there hadn't been the familial connection. (hide spoiler)]
*I received the book for review. This is my personal opinion....more
Sarah Sundin has such a gift for bringing WWII to life in her stories. They always compel me to want to do better if I'm ever in situations like her cSarah Sundin has such a gift for bringing WWII to life in her stories. They always compel me to want to do better if I'm ever in situations like her characters!
Aleida is thrown into a nightmare no one would ever want to live. She's separated from her 3yr old son as they try to escape the Netherlands. Her only hope is that he's made it to England and she'll be able to find him once she gets there. Your heart just breaks for all she goes through.
Once she finally makes it to London, Hugh, a BBC radio correspondent comes along at just the right time and Aleida tries to convince him to tell her story! You can sense his compassion immediately, but he's up against various obstacles. Some botched reports and being seen as man who takes his job as a lark doesn't lend to him getting to do the work her truly wants. I was also fascinated by the work Aleida volunteered for!
Then the murders start happening. People are dropping like flies and none of it makes sense. They have a list of suspects, but none of them seem to have a reason for truly harming someone. Hugh is trying to figure it out while also helping Aleida find Theo. Around every turn they seem to hit a brick wall. I'll admit, the end had me more than a little surprised!
I think the author did a really great job of capturing Aleida's OCD and Hugh's gentleness in trying to help her cope through various situations. Also, the abuse from her husband is palpable at the start of the story and you can see the lasting effect is has on her. While the abuse is never shown, her fear, his treatment of her & their son, and his words convey just how awful he is. Thank goodness for the faith thread throughout the story!
*I received this book for review. This is my personal opinion....more
Once again I love another Jocelyn Green story! She's so incredible with historical fiction!
Cora Mae does what she needs to survive with her future steOnce again I love another Jocelyn Green story! She's so incredible with historical fiction!
Cora Mae does what she needs to survive with her future step-daughter, June, after the cotton mill they worked at was taken over by soldiers from the north. Enter our hero, Union Sergeant, Ethan Howard. You know from the start that he's a good hearted man. Then, he shows it over and over again with his treatment of no only Cora Mae and June, but of others throughout the story.
The story follows them as they work together (and separately) to get through the war as unscathed as possible. Of course, since this is the Civil War, some of the women who were arrested at the mill have a deep hatred for those in the north. With Cora Mae being kind to one of their enemy, things don't bode well for her.
You can't help but root for Cora Mae and Ethan. That love will win over the war. They come to know each other as human beings, not as just "the enemy." What they find out is that they're not so different. Isn't that true for us today?...more
I think there's a population of us ladies who, at some point in our lives, have an idea of a man, with romantic What a wonderful, terrific love story!
I think there's a population of us ladies who, at some point in our lives, have an idea of a man, with romantic notions, yet are actually clueless about that man. Enter, Lord Andrew Osborne. He's back in Lisdoonvarna after a failed matchmaking, but Catríona is ready to make the match... with her. She absolutely had heart eyes for him. As a reader, you knew that was a train wreck you wouldn't be turning away from.
Then there's Donal. He's a widower, with a precocious 9yr old daughter named Sara, and he owns a farm that's basically on his last leg. His relationship with his daughter is sweet, yet he's a bit too dependent on her. Not surprising with the time period. She convinces him to attend the annual matchmaking event in town. He's not interested, but he needs the help.
I feel like Caty (Catríona) is easy to relate to on a number of levels. She's on the bigger side and her mother's nagging ways taunt her mind. She's trying to change to fit in with Andrew's family so who they're getting to know is not the real Caty. She also wants to escape the life she's currently in. No way does she want to go back to farm living nor does she want to continue living above the pub with her matchmaking father, Jimmy. So, Andrew is her ticket out.
Andrew... don't get me started. The end.
On the other hand, as Catríona works to get Donal a love match, she begins to get to know him and his daughter more. Over a couple of weeks and a variety of interactions, there are definitely sparks on both sides, but there are factors that stand in their way. *see all of the reasons above hahahaha
There are some seriously RO-mantic moments in this story that will make your heart swell. They seriously put a smile on my face! Faith is interspersed through the story, mostly around the Sermon on the Mount (although what Sara calls it will forever live rent free in my brain), reminding the characters (and us) about God's provision.
*I received a copy of the book for review. This is my personal opinion....more
What an incredibly powerful story! The perspective of one family during the Vietnam War will drop you, smack dab into their lives.
The author did an iWhat an incredibly powerful story! The perspective of one family during the Vietnam War will drop you, smack dab into their lives.
The author did an incredible job with the setting of the story because you feel like you're living in 1967. You'll hope with Annie that Mike comes back safely from his tour of duty. His letters home give a glimpse into how difficult it must've been to share with the family how hard things were.
Through Mike's letters as well, you can understand why their dad left when the kids were young. PTSD looks different with each person and Frank was profoundly affected by his time in Korea.
You also see the innocence of life through the youngest brother, but it changes in the months Mike is gone.
This story will pull on your heartstrings throughout the story. I also liked that the author included a thread of a possible mixed relationship! ...more
An entire novel read in under 24 hours? You've got to know that I was completely captured by this story for that to have happened!
First of all, I haveAn entire novel read in under 24 hours? You've got to know that I was completely captured by this story for that to have happened!
First of all, I have to say that I think the cover of this book is one of my favorites this year. It's just stunning.
The story starts with us getting to know Jemma, one of Keren and Jared's children. They were from The Hidden Prince. Jemma, who doesn't see herself talented in any area of her life. Little does she know that she's about to be proven wrong in so many ways.
Then we meet Asher. He's a complex and driven character who happens to be the illegitimate son of a king. He also has something the king wants. Asher has zero intention of giving it to this man who refused to acknowledge him.
Let me just say, we are taken on quite the adventure with Jemma and her band of... fighters? Rescuing loved ones, facing numerous warriors, coming up against their own fears is just the tip of the iceberg as they ride over mountains, through fields, and open highways. Trust me when I say that the journeys they make are not smooth nor easy.
All the while, Jemma, Keren, Jared, and others speak Truth to those around them. The prophet, Daniel, tells Asher about Cyrus in Scripture. Keren and Jared have spoken for years to Cyrus about God, hoping he would put down his idols. It was fascinating to read a fictional account of someone seeing first hand God's miracles and yet attributing them to a god. And yet, Scripture tells us God used Cyrus to free His people.
There were some really fun moments in this beautiful story as well. Jemma and Asher were cute as they figured out each other and gave in to sharing long-held secrets of pain. I enjoyed Zarina, Jemma's somewhat adopted sister. Was she ever a firecracker. And if she doesn't get her own story, it would be a travesty. The man who would appreciate her uniqueness would be fun to get to know as well. I have an idea of who I'd like to see, but we'll see if it comes to fruition.
The amount of research the author must have done for this story is mind blowing. From the food in that time, to the terrain, which plants would grow where, the different weather, numerous people groups, how people traveled, etc made this time period explode to life. I felt like I was on the journey with them.
Once again, I can't say enough about how incredible this author's historical stories set in Biblical times are! She does an exemplary job of writing characters you come to care for in a period of time that is sometimes hard to grasp all of the complexities.
*I received the book for review. This is my personal opinion....more