Walk Quotes

Quotes tagged as "walk" Showing 361-390 of 403
Daniel Willey
“No matter how hard we try, we can never understand everything that another person has gone through or why they might believe a certain way. It is possible for something to be right for you and something completely opposite be right for someone else.”
Daniel Willey

Elizabeth George
“Your attitude toward others, work, and your daily life is a reflection of your attitude toward God.”
Elizabeth George, A Woman's Daily Walk with God

Amit Kalantri
“You will miss a normal life while living a successful life, but not as much as the craving for a successful life while you were living a normal life.”
Amit Kalantri

“If you would serve God and be truly religious, do not kneel before God, but learn to walk with God, and do something
tangible every day to increase the happiness of mankind. This is religion that is worthwhile, and it is such religion alone that can please the Infinite.”
Christian D. Larson

Elizabeth George
“With God’s help, your trial today is leading to your wholeness tomorrow.”
Elizabeth George, A Woman's Daily Walk with God

Elizabeth George
“Allow God to use the difficulties and disappointments in life as polish to transform your faith into a glistening diamond that takes in and reflects His love.”
Elizabeth George, Walking with the Women of the Bible: A Devotional Journey Through God's Word

Israelmore Ayivor
“You become a hypocrite when you can't freely be at peace with others, but you can carry green palm leaves to church to commemorate "palm Sunday"! Throw those palm leaves somewhere; and lay your life down for someone to walk on and get to the destined land!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

“Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful,people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground.”
Wilfred Peterson

Amit Kalantri
“If you have money but not love you will somehow manage, but if you don't have both then you are in serious trouble.”
Amit Kalantri

T.F. Hodge
“One who be armed with positive force energy may repell negative daggers, walk through the wilderness - and live to tell it.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

Steve Maraboli
“Don’t choose to walk the well-worn path to regret.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Robert Byrne
“Until you walk a mile in another man's moccasins you can't imagine the smell.”
Robert Byrne

Elizabeth George
“God values Christian character, which shines in positive, outward conduct. Fashion your heart after Jesus.”
Elizabeth George, Walking with the Women of the Bible: A Devotional Journey Through God's Word

Israelmore Ayivor
“Who regulates the heat of the sun? Who pays the bills of the energy we obtain from the sun? Leave all judgments to that man if you believe we all walk under that same sun!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Elizabeth George
“Much can be accomplished if you seek a heart of wisdom and walk diligently with God each and every day.”
Elizabeth George, A Woman's Daily Walk with God

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The easiest way to enter paradise is to make an early morning walk in a forest!”
Mehmet Murat ildan
tags: walk

Steve Maraboli
“Most people will talk the talk, few will walk the walk; be amongst those few.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Elizabeth George
“Who you are in Christ is far more important and meaningful than whatever has taken place in your past.”
Elizabeth George, A Woman's Walk with God

Elizabeth George
“Who you are in Christ is far more important and meaningful than what has taken place in your past.”
Elizabeth George

Elizabeth George
“God’s supernatural self-control is available to us when we walk by the Spirit.”
Elizabeth George

Anthony Liccione
“It's not good to dig in the past, raise the ghost up from the grave, and have it walk with the flesh.”
Anthony Liccione

Amit Kalantri
“With some money in your pocket you walk confidently, you talk confidently and you work confidently.”
Amit Kalantri

Jay Woodman
“GRACE is a word we can keep in our minds when we walk, dance, swim, talk, sing, do anything at all - to enable us to get in 'the zone' where everything flows more easily - where everything feels lighter, and we are in a peak state.

Grace allows us to follow our inner guidance - be true to who we are - and give our gifts lightly to the world. It's one of those magic words!”
Jay Woodman

M.F. Moonzajer
“Everyone loves to walk in the footprints of successful people, even without understanding whom footprints they walk in”

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Any walk towards the reason and goodness is a holy walk!”
Mehmet Murat ildan
tags: walk

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Walk to the right direction, because someone might be following you! You have the right to go to the wrong direction if no one is behind you!”
Mehmet Murat ildan
tags: walk

Israelmore Ayivor
“It's possible to walk out of your house with "local" footsteps, printing them one by one till they go on to make "global" consequences! Go, make a safe journey!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

“let your desires be His prayer in you.
trust them. let them take you by the hand.
let them walk you forward into the next moment,
and the next, and the next, and the next...”
Kate Mullane Robertson