469 books
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Zombies are living-dead creatures often referred to as flesh eating or brain eating creatures spread by an infection such as a virus or by a bite. They're usually seen in the Horror genre, but can also be seen in other forms of speculative fiction.

Americans worship technology. It's an inherent trait in the national zeitgeist.
― World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War
― World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

He could wear hats. He could wear an assortment of hats of different shapes and styles. Boater hats, cowboy hats, bowler hats. The list went on. Pork-pie hats, bucket hats, trillbies and panamas. Top hats, straw hats, trapper hats. Wide brim narrow brim, stingy brim. He could wear a fez. Fezzes were cool. Hadn't someone once said that fezzes were cool? He was pretty aur ether had. And they were. They were cool.
― Kingdom of the Wicked
― Kingdom of the Wicked
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Tags contributing to this page include: zombies, zombie, and zombie-apocalypse