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Lover...and Prey

Sergeant Gabriel Caruso arrived in the remote Yukon wilderness with one goal: to erase all memories of the serial killer who had ruined his life. But he soon discovered that the madman was hot on his heels - and after anything that touched Gabe's heart. Including local tracker Silver Karvonen.

As Silver plotted with Gabe to stop their predator, she matched more than wits with the Mountie. Even the icy tundra couldn't muffle the heat simmering between them. But for Silver and Gabe, love could very well be a matter of life and death.

224 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published November 1, 2008

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About the author

Loreth Anne White

88 books6,318 followers
Loreth Anne White is an Amazon Charts, Washington Post, and Bild bestselling author of thrillers, mysteries, and suspense. With over 3 million books sold around the world, she is an ITW thriller award finalist, a three-time RITA finalist, an overall Daphne du Maurier Award winner, Arthur Ellis finalist, and winner of multiple industry awards.

A recovering journalist who has worked in both South Africa and Canada, she now calls Canada home. She resides in the Pacific Northwest, dividing time between Victoria on Vancouver Island, a ski resort in the Coast Mountains, and a rustic lakeside cabin in the Cariboo.

When she’s not writing or dreaming up plots, you will find her on the lakes, in the ocean, or on the trails with her dog where she tries—unsuccessfully—to avoid bears. For more information on her books please visit her website at lorethannewhite.com

Connect with her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Loreth.Anne....
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Loreth
Or via Instagram: lorethannewhite

Visit her at www.lorethannewhite.com

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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews
Profile Image for Shawna.
3,707 reviews4,729 followers
June 12, 2010
5 stars – Romantic Suspense

This is an excellent romantic suspense read, especially for a Silhouette category.

Sergeant Gabriel Caruso has arrived in Black Arrow Falls, an isolated community in the northern Yukon territory of Canada with a population of 389, to take over as the town’s new lead RCMP officer. He’s been stationed to the remote position after seventeen years of dedicated service because of tragic events on his last case in which several officers were murdered, including his fiancée, by a sadistic survivalist serial killer known as the Bush Man. To Gabe, who’s still grieving and burdened by guilt, the isolation of his new assignment just south of the Arctic Circle is fitting punishment and mirrors the state of his soul, but he didn’t count on beautiful, exotic, independent, mysterious local legendary tracker, Silver Karvonen, to awaken deeply buried emotions and make him hunger for life again.

Half-Finnish, half Black Arrow Gwitchin Silver loves the rugged beauty of winter in the dangerous wilds of the north Yukon, and she’s most at peace tracking with her near psychic skills, horse, and three beloved mixed breed wolf dogs at her side. Painful events in Silver’s past have made her distrustful of cops, and the last thing she needs is a Mountie interfering in the quiet life she’s carved for herself and threatening to expose the long-buried secrets she harbors that could threaten her freedom. But there’s something about Gabe, one damaged soul recognizing and reaching out to another, that makes her yearn to trust and open her heart to him.

But when an escaped killer who’s hunting Gabriel uses Silver and the town in his twisted game of torture and revenge, Gabe and Silver must join together to track down and confront the cunning, creepy, psychopathic predator in the rugged wilderness before it’s too late.

With a harshly beautiful, exotic setting, a unique, strong heroine, a protective hero, a sinister, sadistic monster villain, spine-chilling action and suspense, and just the right balance of emotional, touching romance between two battered but resilient souls, Manhunter is a well-crafted romantic suspense thriller not to be missed. 5 stars!

Profile Image for Luli.
718 reviews78 followers
April 9, 2022
Puedes encontrar esta reseña en español al final.

This author is a hit or miss for me. Sometimes I like the suspense but the romance leaves a lot to be desired, and other times, like this one, I fall in love with the romance but the suspense, (darn), the suspense is practically science fiction. Or a joke. Judge for yourself.

I honestly think the plot line was a difficult one to carry out. From the start, the bad guy is present almost in parallel with the MCs, so the suspense begins before the romance and pulling it off (the romance) in those circumstances was tricky. The outcome of all this is a rushed romance and a suspense that not even Mrs. White believes in.

Let's talk about the suspense. Please, keep in mind that it takes place in a framework of less than two weeks.
We have a villain more resourceful than Batman. He has just escaped from a maximum-security prison (with few or very vague and implausible explanations of how) with a profusely bleeding leg wound. In less than 24 hours he manages to leave a false trail to the investigators who are chasing him and gets ALL the information he needs about the hero (whom is his target). A couple of days goes by and he gets the means (scarce and financially exorbitant ones) to get to where the hero is. Another couple of days and he manages to find out who is who and the routines of all the town residents as well as their fears and insecurities to (psychologically and physically) take advantage of them. He raids the home of one of the policemen, he raids the police station, the civic center, the hotel, that is, all the important buildings in town. And with absolutely nobody being any the wiser. And all this in a place technologically isolated from the rest of the world (namely out of range). Another couple of days and he knows the surroundings like the back of his hand, he knows the MCs´ deepest secrets and plays a BRUTAL cat and mouse with them. And with a heck of an infection on his leg.

Implausible is the most polite thing I can think of.

At the end of the story, the author, in two sentences, drops a couple of possibilities so that all of the above could have happened. A couple of possibilities , beware, she doesn't sweat over any explanations.

Now let's talk about the romance. It has been so appealing. This is one of those couples that deserve their HEA.

Neither one of them had an easy life. They have suffered beyond words and were barely surviving when they met. This couple deserved more time. More time to develop their romance, more time to heal their wounds, more time to adjust to each other. It is a pity that they couldn´t get it. It would have been an epic romance because both leads are very special people. I don't know why the author hasn't given them a couple more chapters, really.

Even so, I'm going to cut the romance some slack and I'm going to believe the events could be unfolded at the speed of light. A pity that she didn´t take advantage of the epilogue to correct this mistake.

To sum up, a sci-fi suspense (0 stars) + a romance that could have been fabulous (4 stars) = 2 stars.


Mi relación con la obra de esta autora nunca es completamente satisfactoria. Unas veces me gusta el suspense pero el romance deja bastante que desear, y otras, como esta, me enamora el romance pero el suspense, jolines con el suspense, el suspense es prácticamente ciencia ficción. O una tomadura de pelo. Cada cual que juzgue.

Sinceramente creo que la línea de argumento era difícil de sacar. Desde el minuto uno, el malo está presente casi en paralelo con los protas, con lo cual, el suspense empieza antes que el romance y sacarlo adelante (el romance) en esas circunstancias era peliagudo. El desenlace de todo esto es un romance exprés con unos tiempos poco reales y un suspense que no se lo cree ni la señora White.

Hablemos del suspense. Tengamos en cuenta que se desarrolla en un marco de menos de dos semanas.
Tenemos un villano que tiene más recursos que Batman. Acaba de escaparse de una cárcel de máxima seguridad (con pocas explicaciones o muy vagas e inverosímiles) con una herida en la pierna que sangra profusamente. En menos de 24 horas consigue dejar un rastro falso a los investigadores que lo persiguen y consigue TODA la información que necesita acerca del protagonista (es su objetivo). Un par de días y consigue los medios (escasos y económicamente desorbitados) para llegar a donde está el prota. Otro par de días y consigue averiguar tanto quién es quién como las rutinas de todos los habitantes y sus miedos e inseguridades para torturarlos (psicológica y físicamente). Allana la vivienda de uno de los policías, allana la comisaría, el centro cívico, el hotel, es decir, todos los edificios importantes del pueblo. Y no se entera ni el apuntador. Y todo ello en un entorno tecnológicamente aislado del resto del mundo (lo que viene siendo sin cobertura). Otro par de días y conoce el terreno como la palma de su mano, conoce los secretos más ocultos de los protagonistas y los lleva a una caza de gato y ratón BRUTAL. Y con una pierna con una infección de caballo.

Inverosímil es lo más educado que se me ocurre.

Al final de la historia, la autora en dos frases deja caer un par de posibilidades para que todo lo anterior hubiese podido suceder. Un par de posibilidades , ojo, que no se pringa con explicaciones.

Hablemos ahora del romance. Ha sido muy, muy bonito. Esta es una de esas parejas que se merecen su Final Feliz.

No han tenido una vida fácil. Han pasado por lo indecible y apenas estaban sobreviviendo cuando se encontraron. Esta pareja se merecía más tiempo. Más tiempo para desarrollar su romance, más tiempo para cerrar heridas, más tiempo para adaptarse el uno al otro. Es una pena que no se les haya dado. Hubiese sido un romance épico porque ambos protagonistas son personas muy especiales. No sé por qué la autora no les ha dado un par de capítulos más, la verdad.

Aun así, le voy a dar un poco de cancha y me voy a creer la velocidad imperiosa con la que se desarrollan los acontecimientos. Una pena que no aproveche el epílogo para corregir este error.

En resumen, un suspense de ciencia ficción (0 estrellas) + un romance que podría haber estado fabuloso (4 estrellas) = 2 estrellas.
Profile Image for Angela.
Author 6 books68 followers
October 11, 2009
This one I picked up entirely on the recommendation of a guest review at Smart Bitches Trashy Books, because a) it's set in the Canadian north, and b) the hero is a Mountie. I'm a Due South fan, what can I say?

Anyway, we have a nice recipe for suspense here with our hero, Sergeant Gabriel Caruso, being deployed to the tiny Yukon town of Black Arrow Falls as their new RCMP officer. He's running from the fallout of a case gone horribly, horribly wrong, wherein his beloved partner had been killed and he himself had been seriously wounded in the effort to catch a psychotic killer. And the Yukon, as far as he can tell, is as good a place as any to hide. Only there's a local tracker, Silver Karvonen, who stirs his interest--and to their horror, the very killer Gabriel had put away has escaped and has followed him north to take him out. Gabriel and Silver must band together to protect themselves and the town, while confronting both their pasts.

As romance novels go, this one was fun. Points for a remote and unforgiving setting, and extra points for the heroine not being lily-white; she's half-Finnish and half Black Arrow Gwitchin, which makes her stand out wonderfully for me against the usual run of English or American heroines I'm used to. She is an excellent heroine for the setting as well--not only because of her tracking skills, but also for how she had to deal with the incident of trauma in her past, a secret she doesn't dare reveal to Gabriel lest she sacrifice her freedom.

And around all of this, the hunt for the escaped killer was suitably creepy and suspenseful. Four stars.
Profile Image for M A R I I A.
1,113 reviews13 followers
August 6, 2023
Я завжди захоплююся детективами з любовною лінією, і Лорет дійсно вміло поєднує обидві ці аспекти в своїх творах. 💙 Особливо, вона вразила мене майстерним прописуванням природи Канади, що допомагає читачеві відчути себе частиною цієї прекрасної дикої природи. При читанні, мов будь-яке дерево, що дістається до неба, або високі гори, покриті снігом вершини, а також глибокі, але чисті озера, відчуваю, ніби я знаходжусь в самому серці Канади, оточений величністю природи.

Маленькі, забуті практично міста, де живуть індіанці, створюють особливий колорит та внесок в атмосферу книг. Такі місця, де нікому нема до них діла, аж доки не приходить якесь зло, створюють завісу таємниць та інтриги.

Детективна лінія завжди сильна, психологічна, емоційна, непроста і жахлива. Жорстокість немає меж, і Лорет Ен неодноразово демонструє це у своїх творах. Вона майстерно описує деталі, що допомагають створити напружену атмосферу і збудувати заплутані сюжети, що захоплюють читача з перших рядків.

Єдиним, можливо, мінусом цієї книги є швидкість розвитку почуттів між головними героями. Проте на почуття в них є лише 350 сторінок однієї книги, і це може робиться трохи із поспіхом (спеціально) для акцентування на романтичних відносинах. Проте, варто зазначити, що це характерна особливість творчості авторки, де герої здатні розуміти свої почуття від самого початку історії. Це її особлива манера, яка, можливо, може здатися нетиповою, але в той же час, вона створює оригінальний вигляд романтичних відносин та інтригуючих сюжетів.

Загалом, Лорет Ен доводить свій талант у створенні захоплюючих детективів з любовною лінією та реалістичними описами природи Канади. Рекомендую її книги для всіх, хто любить сполучення мистецтва детектива, дикої природи та з емоційним зворотом кохання.

Я здивована, що досі жодної книги цієї авторки не було перекладено українською. 🥲
Profile Image for RedRedtheycallmeRed.
1,871 reviews45 followers
February 20, 2017

I discovered this author a few months ago when I read "In the Barren Ground", since then I've read several more and really like Ms. White's stuff. This has some similarities to ItBG (small town, extreme weather, First Nations population), but it didn't draw me in as fully as that book. It seems her earlier books are more heavy on the romance, less on the suspense, and in her later books the opposite is true. I prefer the later books.

I loved the fact that Silver was a strong heroine, an excellent tracker, and wasn't one to sit back and let the guy take charge of everything. Gabe was a little too rigid at times, but I liked him better as it went along. The romance aspect was ok, but it moved really quickly, I liked it better when it focused on the suspense aspects.
1,278 reviews8 followers
April 24, 2018
This was one book where the villain was not a caricature. He was really evil.Till almost the end I was on not sure about what would happen.
Profile Image for Twobchelm.
881 reviews17 followers
February 13, 2020
It was a quick read with romance but I didn’t feel
It had the substance of her other novels.
Profile Image for Christy .
462 reviews
April 2, 2021
Back country mystery

While this isn't my favorite book by White, it was still quite enjoyable. I get the sense that this is one of her older books, I have to admit I haven't checked though. Something about the back country in a snowstorm with a serial killer in the loose just screams intrigue, mystery and action. This book was that and more. I didn't connect as well with these characters as with her other books, however I was still invested in their story. This would be a perfect winter read.
Profile Image for Nicole.
39 reviews3 followers
September 10, 2009
A fast paced romantic suspense which totally delivered. Set in the wilds(my favorite) of Canada which brings its own set of conflicts, the character’s issues matched the external plot of having a serial killer after them. It is awesome. I highly recommend the book and am impatiently waiting for the next one in this series.
Profile Image for Dísir.
1,696 reviews182 followers
November 6, 2014

Wild, mysterious and very atmospheric, where characters take on the mythic proportions of archetypes. A hunt for a criminal set against incredibly jaw-dropping descriptions of the terrain brings two very different people together.
1,824 reviews36 followers
January 11, 2013
pretty fun serial killer hunt, with some hot smooching to up the fun. a better-than-average airport thriller.
Profile Image for Regina.
255 reviews
August 21, 2017
Not bad! Not bad at all!

Took me a while to get through this book. I think I was world worried about the outcome. But as always her books are excellent. And never did it feel cheesy. Which is one of the things I love about her writing.
42 reviews1 follower
February 8, 2021

Five stars is not enough for this story! The author created a story that was woven in so well from the prologue! For all romantic suspense lovers you will NOT be disappointed.
Profile Image for Di McGavigan.
6 reviews
July 27, 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed getting lost in the suspense & drama, which was interwoven with a good romance! Provided me as a reader, with a great interest to see this through to the end. It did not disappoint. I’m beginning to delve more and more into this Author’s writing style.. I highly recommend
Profile Image for Robin or Roberta.
492 reviews10 followers
October 11, 2020
Great suspense, even though there were similar plot details to another of White's books.
4 reviews
November 13, 2024

This book holds your interest and keeps you tangled in the plot. Some of it was educational at a primary level but fascinating.
Profile Image for Judi Haley.
1,328 reviews6 followers
November 2, 2015
When Sgt Gabriel Caruso hunts down the serial killer "The Bush Man" he almost kills him, but knowing the Mountie's creed not to shot, he lets them arrest him and send him to prison. The Bush Man killed his finance and he wanted vengence.

Now Gabe is being sent to Black Arrow Falls to be the new RCMP officer.
What he finds is love and The Bush Man hunting him again.

Silver is a tracker and knows the land. She helps find missing person and with her team of dogs, she does!

When Gabe finds out the Bush Man has escaped, he has a feeling that he is coming after him. But Bush Man has targeted Silver and the ones she loves.

Great novel that will keep you reading..Love the characters and especially Silver's dogs. Don't miss reading this author..This is the third book I have read by her and all of them are winners!
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews

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