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Linda Goodman's Star Signs

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The Master Astrologer's Classic Spiritual and Physical Self-Help Guide

She has helped millions improve their lives, loves, and businesses through her bestselling books, Sun Signs and Love Signs. Here, in her most personal book yet, Linda Goodman, America's premier astrologer, has written an enlightening and remarkably accurate cuide to help you discover all the powers you possess. How can you achieve financial freedom and financial security? Which holistic healing methods really work? What hidden meanings can be found in numbers, words, and deja vu? How can music, color and crystals be used to improve your body and your mind?

With her usual compassion, wit, and perception, Linda Goodman broadens the horizons of astrology to help you on your way to health and happiness. Recall the forgotten harmony of the Universe with...

Linda Goodman's Star Signs

604 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1987

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About the author

Linda Goodman

188 books238 followers
Linda Goodman assumed the name Linda during World War II for a popular WCOM radio show in Parkersburg that she hosted called Love Letters from Linda. Each show consisted of Linda reading letters written between soldiers and their loved ones. Each letter was punctuated with a popular song of the day. While working in radio, she met her second husband, Sam O. Goodman, and took his last name. He began her career writing for newspapers in the eastern and southeastern United States. She also wrote speeches for black American civil rights leader Whitney Young, who served for several years as president of the National Urban League.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews
Profile Image for mentalexotica.
306 reviews121 followers
June 8, 2011
Many people are embarrassed about the fact that they read Linda Goodman and believed in most of what as had to say. This is true of her book, Sun Signs that many of us read as dumbstruck teenagers, ooh-ing and ah-ing at her astro wisdom and insight.

Star Signs, however, is a completely different story. It discusses fascinating dimensions and traverses depths one did not, quite frankly, afford Ms. Goodman the credit to have possessed. It was one of the few books back in the 80s that gave you an intriguing perspective on alternate ideas an was a door opener to many other mystical ideas I went on to discover. So for that, I'm grateful.
Profile Image for Wayne.
39 reviews14 followers
July 21, 2012
I'd have given this book a five, just because I enjoyed it that much at the time I read it and it was that important to me at the time. I was 17, and this book accompanied me through a spiritually eye-opening time of self examination.

I didn't give it a five, though, because...let's face it. This is a book about how to live forever by drinking lots of grape juice and visualizing your cells spinning backwards, written by a woman who died of complications from diabetes when she was 70.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mano (Leslie).
39 reviews11 followers
January 22, 2008
Read if interested in "true numerology"; how energy works to lose weight, make money, and so forth; lexigrams and the power of words; nicola tesla; ghosts; and so much more. Loved it until it fell apart.
Profile Image for Lisa Gordon.
Author 17 books40 followers
February 20, 2009
The most mind stretching read ever!
If you wonder about the great mysteries of life, destiny and history you must read this - it "will take an open mind anywhere it wants to go".
Linda is an extraordinary writer who is both enlightening and entertaining!
Unlike the title suggests; this book is not only about Astrology!! Not at all: it's about ghosts, numerology, lexigrams, Atlantis, The Pyramids, Tesla technology, Avatars, Spirituality and living forever!
I often refer to the wisdom in this book - you can read it over and over.
5 reviews2 followers
May 21, 2008
This book introduced me to many esoteric subjects that I was interested in learning more about (astrology, numerology, metaphysics, etc.). Once I started reading this book, I couldn't put it down.
Profile Image for Serpil.
202 reviews1 follower
July 8, 2022
Şimdiye kadar okuduğum en iyi astroloji kitabıydı benim için.
Linda Goodman'ın dilini, uslubunu çok beğendim.
18 reviews2 followers
December 30, 2022
I read this book over twenty years ago as a teenager and having just read it again, it is still one of my favourite books of all time. Linda explores some very out there ideas that perhaps not everyone will enjoy but I think it was her courage to be herself that was one of her best qualities. This book has so many beautifully written anecdotes that made me feel less like a reader and more like someone catching up for coffee with an old friend. Linda’s writing style is uniquely personable and charming. I would give this book a million stars if I could!
6 reviews
December 15, 2007
There is a chapter in this book that has to do with karma. If you believe in that...well anyway, if there is such a thing as reincarnation I would want to get my hands on this book in every lifetime!!! This is truly a case where ignorance is NOT bliss!!! And knowledge is real power. That is all I will say.
Profile Image for Amy.
119 reviews
May 14, 2008
This was one of the best awakening to spiritualism books I've ever read. I think the first time I read it I was 16 or 17. Lots of info on a bunch of topics but nothing too in depth. The section on numerology was pretty good. I used it to name my children to make sure I wasn't "sticking" them with a difficult number.
10 reviews
January 12, 2009
I love the chapters on numerology, karma, colour, sound, lexigrams and the last chapter surprised me - I didn't think I'd be so keen on it. Definitely a book for the open-minded. Some prior knowledge of things esoteric helps in the reading of this book. It's been informative, clarifying and a comfort.
Profile Image for Madhurima.
14 reviews1 follower
November 10, 2012
A must possess for anybody who wants to foray into metaphysics. This book is like a reader and Linda is more than an astrologer. She is a well read lady, a friend, a guide and an amazing writer! She has a vision...

Star sign will beautifully introduce you to concepts that are gaining popularity.
19 reviews8 followers
February 15, 2013
This book absolutely BLEW MY MIND. Linda Goodman was a courageous, brilliant, and outstanding writer. I've re-read Star Signs many times and each time I love it even more. Read it if you want to be fascinated by a truly original book. SPECTACULAR - EXTRAORDINARY - MAGNIFICENT
Profile Image for Blanca Estrella.
11 reviews19 followers
June 30, 2013
This book absolutely BLEW MY MIND. Linda Goodman was a courageous, brilliant, and outstanding writer. I've re-read Star Signs many times and each time I love it even more. Read it if you want to be fascinated by a truly original book. SPECTACULAR - EXTRAORDINARY - MAGNIFICENT
Profile Image for  Jethro smith.
3 reviews4 followers
July 5, 2012
I use this book still today in my Psychic work
Profile Image for Naomi.
274 reviews55 followers
July 31, 2019
I read this repeatedly as a kid, because I’ve been interested in astrology and numerology since then. I just now read it again as an adult. I am only giving it 3 stars, which is very generous, because it’s one of the most accurate books I’ve ever seen on numerology. It’s the method I use to this day for my clients. BUT...

This author really had no idea what she was talking about regarding money and karma. The stuff she said is dangerous for people to believe, point blank. A lot of fear mongering. She says you have to give half your money away to stay prosperous. That is a load of shit, and it’s actually arrogant to “give money away.” What people really need to be doing is paying one another for skills and talents and labors of love. If that were the case, everyone alive would be doing their dream job, and fulfilling their life purpose. You just give someone money, and it’ll be gone in no time. And there is no such thing as karma except for those who believe in it. They are punishing themselves through the universal Law of Attraction.

She also says some interesting stuff about Taurus and Virgo being ruled by “yet to be discovered planets.” Had she actually studied mythology, which astrology is inseparable from, she’d know these planets were Saturn and Mars.

And she went on and on about people needing gurus to teach them. I’ve never had any gurus to give me their personal perspective. I think had she actually gone within to find true answers, this would be a much stronger book.

Lastly, there are some very interesting things in here, like what she says about anagrams, but most of the book is personal opinions of hers about everything from ghosts to politics. She rambled a LOT. And told tons of personal stories about people that went nowhere. And placed way too much importance on people’s Sun signs, which is weird for an astrologer to do. She should’ve known better. The Sun sign is the last thing I look at, if I look at it at all, and I do chart readings full time.

Oh, and she gave very detailed instructions for how we can all spend 15 years slowly eliminating foods from our diets until we eat nothing but fruit. Why would I want to live off of fruit? It’s like her hair-brained ideas about money and karma, it’s about martyrdom and the denial of human pleasures.

This book is worth checking out for the numerology alone, but the rest of it should be looked at purely as entertainment. Don’t take it seriously.
Profile Image for Eshica.
26 reviews
December 11, 2024
I read this book over fifteen years ago as a teenager and having just read it again, it is still one of my favourite books of all time. Linda explores some very out there ideas that perhaps not everyone will enjoy but I think it was her courage to be herself that was one of her best qualities. This book has so many beautifully written anecdotes that made me feel less like a reader and more like someone catching up for coffee with an old friend. Linda’s writing style is uniquely personable and charming. I would give this book a million stars if I could!
This was one of the best awakening to spiritualism books I've ever read. I think the first time I read it I was 16 or 17. Lots of info on a bunch of topics but nothing too in depth. The section on numerology was pretty good.
Profile Image for M.K. Boers.
Author 2 books10 followers
September 15, 2019
I really respect Linda Goodman's authority where astrology is concerned, and this books gives so much more than just astrology, but I found her constant chatter about herself, her life - anecdotes, musings, poetry, and her own beliefs, a distraction and not really what I thought this book was going to be about - it felt very padded. She also seemed to use it as a platform to push what she believes in both spiritually and holistically. It put me off. It's a shame as I do like her other books.
Profile Image for Corvidianus.
80 reviews12 followers
November 7, 2020
This book is a zany, loopy hodgepodge of wild & unsubstantiated claims; lush, prosey lore; weaving through myth and the modern era like the town drunk on SSI payout day. And I love it! As a poet, she is brilliant; as a lunatic, she is rib-aching; as a finger dabbler in all pies of the occult (she made her career on sun signs, after all...), she has some cute, archetypal observations. She's our very own tree-hugging, left-wing Sarah Palin, lordy Bacchus bless her soul. 💗 There will likely never be another and this is her magnum opus.
Profile Image for Miranda Kate.
Author 15 books74 followers
August 2, 2017
I really respect Linda Goodman's authority where astrology is concerned, and this books gives so much more than just astrology, but I found her constant chatter about herself, her life - anecdotes, musings, poetry, and her own beliefs, a distraction and not really what I thought this book was going to be about - it felt very padded. She also seemed to use it as a platform to push what she believes in both spiritually and holistically. It put me off. It's a shame as I do like her other books.
8 reviews
January 26, 2021
A Strictly Personal Opinion - I love all of Linda Goodman's books for her feel-good, yet honest assessment of all the signs.

But this book is by far the best in terms of enlightening the reader. It leaves all other books behind.
If there is a star among her books - This is it!
Of course, it is a personal opinion and therefore flawed. So feel free to disagree!
Profile Image for Ella.
2 reviews
February 16, 2021
Had to stop reading at the ridiculous section about weight loss. I like the ghost stories but mostly this book is gibberish. The astrological section is also nonsense too so if you’re picking it up for that there are any number of much better books on modern astrology
6 reviews1 follower
January 24, 2020
Great book with such amazing information that I don’t know, I interested in this subject, I think I should more study.
Profile Image for Shug.
221 reviews
November 27, 2022
A quirky book. A lot rang true for me 30 years ago while I was finding myself.
5 reviews
January 15, 2024
Very interesting although we know now this is still the Pisces Age and the United States of America has a Scorpio Rising 🦅 not a Gemini Rising. Sagittarius Rising is a good debate. Let's!
Profile Image for Julie Asteria.
13 reviews
March 31, 2024
This book is life changing and mind blowing! Left me wanting so much more!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews

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