An unlikely bond is forged between three men from very different backgrounds when they serve time together in prison. A series of wrong turns and disastrous life choices has led to their incarceration. Following their release, Mangle, Decker and Tazeem stick together as they return to a life of crime, embarking on a lucrative scam. But when they stumble upon a sophisticated sex-trafficking operation, they soon realise that they are in mortal danger. The disappearance of a family member and the murder of a dear friend lead the three to delve deeper into a world of violence and deception. In their quest for retribution and justice, they put their lives on the line. Their paths cross with that of Tatiana, who has left her home country for a better life in the West—or so she thinks. She soon realises she is in the hands of ruthless, violent people, who run an operation supplying girls to meet the most deviant desires of rich and powerful men. Will she survive the horrors of The Zombie Room? Are Mangle, Decker and Tazeem brave enough to follow her there, in an attempt to set her free?
This book covers everything that could be asked for in a novel of its type, it has extensive and believable action, the characters have depth and believability with a true sense of reality running through every page, the plot is a mind blowing reality of the true human condition and how it is affected by extreme circumstances. The emotions and character connections that are found in the book are far beyond anything I have ever read and I am yet to find a story that manages to be as complex in story line and character creation while at the same time being as easy to follow and be so addictive. This is a MUST read for anyone who wants to delve their minds in to the worlds criminal underworld and feel the sharp edge of empathy towards characters that are bound to stay in memory for a very long time to come. Verdict: outstanding!!
brilliant book for such a small book it was surprising how much happened. A definite twist at the end. Highly recommend if your into these kind of books.
On a recent trip back to the UK, I was lucky enough to meet the author R. D. Ronald doing a book signing in Newcastle. In all honesty I hadn't heard of Richard or his books, but he spoke with such conviction and passion about his work and why he writes, I bought both his titles, The Zombie Room and The Elephant Tree and I have to say I was not disappointed! In fact I read The Zombie Room on the flight back to the US becasue I couldn't put it down. The Zombie Room is an excellent, well written book that really encompassed the passion that the author expressed when we spoke. I would urge you to read this book and if you get a chance, chat to the author on Facebook. Brilliant - and I am looking forward to his future work as I am now a definite fan!!
An excellent tale of betrayal, deceit and corruption that gives an in-depth insight on the lives of four very different people from very different circumstances that are brought together by the choices they have made, or have been inflicted upon, and the journey they embark on (after their respective lessons have been learnt). This for me is a thrilling piece of literature, which I found very hard to put down after the initial introduction of the protagonists which I found to be very explanatory (which I suspected was a little too drawn out) this ended up being an essential aspect of the creation of their individual personalities and ultimately, paramount to the effect of the ending of each of their personal journeys having said that when it kicks off it really does and actually explodes with action with what I can only describe as a domino effect of twists and energy that moves so quickly- that this book demands to be reread!!! It’s very difficult to talk about without giving anything away, but I really enjoyed the strong female characters and their involvement within the story, one you’ll admire the other well...
I think this is written with a great regard to human nature with the addition of a great understanding - for me makes it a well rounded piece of storytelling.
The Zombie Room by R D Ronald Have read other works by the author and enjoyed them so happy to learn of this new one, description leaves me with many questions... Won't go into details of the story but my impressions: found language a bit on the rough side but it goes with the story line. Wanted to hear more from the prison side of things-something I will never get to experience myself-Find it fascinating, the bond and achievements you can make while on the inside. When the men get involved with helping others in the sex traffic ring they got their work cut out for them. Details are just so specific and well thought out where you can picture it happening in your mind. Horrific scenes of torture I can't even imagine in my wildest thoughts-they don't even appear to be considered human to me. Loved hearing about the technology used in this book from many different angles to think of what the devices could do good things in our society. Terrifying minutes that linger took me a long time to move on to the rest of the story. Liked the ending but wanted more from this tale. Ends with an excerpt from The Elephant Tree by the author which I loved. Received this review copy from the author via the publisher and this is my honest opinion.
This book pulls out all the stops. It's risky and that's what gives it its success. At many parts, my heart raced for the sake of the characters. There were some surprises and some bits that were bound to happen, but happen a little differently than expected.
I really should of read the synopsis cause this book isn't about Zombies at all ! BUT it's a great read , fast paced , enough back story to get you by and few twists and turns along the way !
Mangle, Decker and Tazeem. A drug dealer, a killer and a fraudster. Not exactly your typical "heroes" but these three men have ended up together in prison - following some bad life decisions - and form an unlikely bond in prison. When they are eventually released, they look for ways to make money but stumble upon a sophisticated sex-trafficking operation that leads them in to real danger. A family member disappears and a friend is killed. Will the three men get justice and be brave enough to bring down "The Zombie Room"?
RD Ronald builds characters who are flawed but who you root for as they bond and prove themselves to be good and brave men. The plot keeps you guessing all the way through and the action is thrilling. Dialogue is a clear strong-point of RD Ronald's writing and his characters speak in a way that make you realise he knows something of this world.
This is the second book by new author RD Ronald, a follow-up to his excellent debut "The Elephant Tree".
I'm sooooo angry how it ended!! Don't get me wrong - it's not a cliffhanger but it makes you so angry! Because you rooted for all of them! Tazeem, Mangle and Decker will be your new all time favourite Criminals!
At first I was unsure if I might like this book - because it's one of the first book where basically everyone is a criminal, convicted, Mafioso, Scumbag etc you get the point but I was so wrong!
I also thought the book starts in the prison - but no! we get a first insight in their live which is cool and kind of unexpected because you read about Tazeem and the next thing is *Click handcuffed* then you read about Mangle *Click handcuffed* and with Decker the same *Click handcuffed* !
The story is also written from Tatianas point of view which is great - especially at first I didn't get how these 4 will somehow end together.
Their stories continue in the prison and then after they've been released the action begins!
I am not going into the story but let me tell you that if I ever get into shit I want these 3 coming for me! They are a great team and I love their friendship!
Another great book from RD Ronald. this book as with the elephant tree consumes your mind. it takes you on a journey through lives that you would never normally know exists. the whole story seems real.
Loved this book. I read 'The Elephant Tree', Ronald's first novel last year, and had to pick up 'The Zombie Room' when it came out this year.
Ronald picks up the pace in this novel, with WAY more action, more characters, and even a cameo from a character in his first book. I'm excited that he linked the two novels, evolving the world in which they belong... and also their stories.
This novel deals with race, prison, violence, sex trafficking, illegal immigration.... and much more. It reads like an action movie, in fact, probably should become one!
The Zombie Room is fast paced and Ronald's style is engaging. The characters are diverse and effort was obviously expended to make their actions consistent with their background as established in the early pages.
That said, the characters remain a somewhat cardboard - though it is a high quality of cardboard.
The plot really breaks no new ground in the genre, but I knew that going on so I was not disappointed. I did find the end somewhat unsatisfying. If this is the first part of a multi-part saga then there is time to fix that. I would read a second part to see the story come to a more fulfilling conclusion. And I would like to see more of these characters, especially Decker.
If you are not expecting a Bosch, Reacher or John Rain you will have a good time with this book. But if pulp fiction is a turn off, you might want to look elsewhere.
After reading this authors debut book 'The Elephant Tree' I was excited for his follow up book and my god it did not disappoint, well written, fast paced and with great characters. The book is set in the same world as the previous and the author is create a rich deep world that your immersed in. Might have to get a few copies for stocking filler this year.
I'm not surprised how this splits opinion so much as it is so very different to the majority of thriller books, but I just loved it! I genuinely didn't know what to expect from every twist, and even when I thought I'd got used to that the ending blew me away again.
The Zombie Room is a coming-of-age story of youth culture, delinquency, criminality, and ultimately murder. Three anti-hero protagonists held to account for their past actions and then confronted by a much more serious situation when they don't learn from past mistakes. Zippy writing that conjured some great visuals. Pretty daring, with some unexpected twists, cleverly sustained dramatics and moments of dark humour.
I enjoyed the storyline and multiple sinister elements and characters. The human trafficking aspect piqued my interest and it also added quite a bit of sex into this gritty story. Lots of vividly written graphic scenes. I like books that take me to seriously dark and sketchy places while sitting comfortably and safely on my couch. The Zombie Room did just that. It is well-written and nicely edited which makes for a smooth read, albeit a dark and frightening one at times. I loved it.
The Zombie Room was dark and haunting, perhaps even quite depressing at times which, in my opinion, perhaps accounts for some of the more naïve bad reviews. However, I thought it was so well-written that it grabbed and held my attention to the end. Writing has always got to be sparse these days, at least so we’re told, but it was a refreshing change to read Ronald’s work and his graphic depictions of scenes so in-depth that you felt you were right in there with the characters. A familiar story when dark deed spirals out of control further down a dark hole which leads to the three protagonists meeting up in prison. Yet in this modern Greek tragedy it's the protagonists that shine. It's a medium length book and I found myself flying through it, but it’s worth the chance to spend extra time with story and enjoy the laid back approach to plot exposition
Seriously dark and enveloping book that sucks you in to the lives of some very different, equally messed up, protagonists. A coming together of minds and personalities in the most unlikely of ways sees three guys, and eventually a girl, team up to take on a most horrific sex-trafficking operation after becoming embroiled in all the criminality and violence. Not a book about zombies at all, but the title is a clever metaphor for how the girls are subjugated and made docile enough to traffic and physically and mentally manipulate.
Some gruesome stuff at times but I didn’t find it gratuitous. Many don’t-look-away moments, but also scenes with real warmth and emotion.
As I started to read The Zombie Room, I thought there is no way RD Ronald can give each of these characters a voice. Boy was I wrong. Mangle (my favorite), Tatiana, Tazeem and the others come to together in a great story. Where wrong choices & the hope for a better life make them cross paths. On their way to redemption (for some) & help those who can't help themselves.
I loved this book from the very beginning, the plot is very cleverly put together. The twists and turns make it impossible to put down. Also, the characters in the Zombie Room stay with you long after you finish the book, they are weirdly endearing criminals. A must-read if you are looking for a good thriller.
"This book is terrible" was pretty much the consensus of every person in our book club. It's unrealistic, juvenile, misogynistic, and boring. It feels like it was written by an unmediacted 14-year-old boy with ADD who has seen too many bad movies.
I felt like I was reading a rough draft. It was choppy. The characters had interesting stories but it just came across completely flat in every aspect.
I don't usually write reviews but I need to prevent other people from choosing to read this. If I could rate this book lower than 1 star I would. So poorly written and terrible.
This is a brilliant Thriller. Love the characterization of the main characters Mangle, Decker and Tazeem with different backgrounds who end up together.
When I was thinking how the author will connect the Zombie Room to the story, the introduction of Zombie Room was interesting and some parts were really scary. Several fights towards the end were interesting and cinematic. Overall the book was fun and thrilling to read. 4.25/5.