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Stella Reynolds is new to the job, new to the state, and new to making mistakes in front of thousands of people, but that’s exactly what she signs up for when she takes a job as a TV reporter in the mountains of Bozeman, Montana. Being on live TV in a small town has never been so funny, until Stella covers the town’s first murders in years.

When the prime suspect’s girlfriend enlists Stella to help clear his name, she uncovers another shocking crime that could expose a handful of powerful insiders.

Who is honest, who can’t be trusted, and who committed the murders? Stella is on a tight deadline to find out. Can she help free an innocent man, or will the real culprit get away with murder?

398 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 20, 2015

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Libby Kirsch

14 books73 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews
Profile Image for Samantha March.
1,102 reviews323 followers
December 31, 2015

I received a review copy

The perfect way to end my 2015 review schedule – a bang on, 5 star book! The Big Lead reeled me in from the beginning. Witty, authentic, and oh so clever, I had trouble putting this down. A lot of action but nothing overwhelming, unpredictable at times, and 100% intriguing. While I may have had a pretty good idea of a certain employee being involved somehow, I really wasn’t sure how and the ending had me gasping. Plenty of comic relief here in between the mystery and murder, and one I highly recommend for your 2016 reading list!
Profile Image for Janice Richardson.
Author 9 books101 followers
April 20, 2017
A great first book in this series, as gripping as a lead story in a newscast.

Well written tale of a new journalism graduate who lands a job in a small town market. Laugh out loud funny, with just the right amount of suspense. I definitely recommend it.
Profile Image for Shirani.
Author 13 books33 followers
September 28, 2017
A Good Read that Keeps You Guessing

I like a story that keeps me guessing until the very end. The Big Lead did just that. There were no hints, nothing to indicate who the murderer was until the last moment leaving even the characters guessing. That’s the kind of story that stays with you even after you’ve finished reading. It was totally unexpected and well worth it.

Moreover after reading so many romance novels set in Bozeman Montana, it was a pleasant surprise to read a mystery taking place in that very town I'd read so much about.

Stella Reynolds moves to Bozeman to take up her first job at the TV station, the only one that replies to her queries and offers her a job. It’s a small station with old equipment but Stella perseveres. She is determined succeed and is keen to hunt for good stories in a place where little or nothing of interest takes place. That is until Nicole and Denise are murdered and James is taken in to custody. But although James doesn’t have an alibi it is hard to believe he did it. Stella and Vinni don’t think he is the murderer either, but who is framing James?

Libby creates a believable world. You can almost smell the dust rising from the old carpets on the floor of the local TV station that’s trying hard to survive amidst the competition of the bigger national stations. Staffed by just a few who multi task most of the time, the deplorable conditions they work in are described well. The characters too are an interesting mix from Stella, the rookie reporter who is nervous and spills coffee all over her blouse, Vindi the senior anchor who is trying to get good leads to add to her resume, Paul the harassed boss who tries to keep it together to Janet the lodger who plays loud music in the night in the Economy Lodge where Stella spends her first two weeks.

There’s not a moment of boredom. The story is tightly woven and as a former journalist I found myself empathizing with what Stella has to endure.

Funny, witty with a good dose of mystery thrown in along there's also a little romance blossoming between reporters from rival stations. How will it all end and can Stella hope to solve the mystery?
Profile Image for Kian.
60 reviews
December 13, 2016
DNF. Stopped at 49% for so many reasons.

This is so poorly edited I really hope it’s self published, because otherwise the publisher has an incompetent copy editor and a mediocre line editor.

It takes 14 chapters for the story to get going. Though the author’s clearly sprinkled clues and buildup during those 14 chapters, they mostly consist of the generic young heroine (who reads as if she’s 35-45) lugging around heavy equipment, being a klutz, and flirting with a personality-free Sexy Romance Hero. You know, the kind who falls instantly for the heroine for absolutely no reason whatsoever, then shows up everywhere, won't take no for an answer, and flirts by saying that when she lives with him, she won’t be able to hide behind a locked door. Which, in the context, is supposed to be sexy, showing us he’s so into her, but if you have any experience with abusive men and how they operate, his behavior will make your spider senses tingle.

Because Stella has more natural chemistry with Sharpe, I was hoping John was the bad guy and she’d end up with Sharpe instead. This helped me continue reading when the novelty of learning about small-town reporting had worn off, but eventually I was so utterly bored I realized I didn't care enough to finish.

The good reviews confuse me, for sure. I can’t recommend it at all. Cheesy romance, bad pacing, and a boring ”mystery”. No thanks.
Profile Image for Torrie Tovar.
995 reviews37 followers
August 4, 2017
I thoroughly enjoyed this Book! It was funny and interesting. Cannot wait to read the second book in the series!
408 reviews7 followers
April 7, 2018
Definitely has a charm about it

I have never read anything from this Author before, this series is super interesting to me. I really enjoyed it and I found a mystery to be somewhat predictable, however, each personality has something so interesting, and background that makes you want to know more about them. Every character is engaging, and no matter how unrealistic the romance seems, it still is enjoyable to read about. I look for the reading more of the series.
Profile Image for bex.
2,435 reviews23 followers
March 3, 2017
MC very likable. Plenty going on. A little different in investigation from typical mystery but it worked.
Profile Image for Jennifer Woods.
67 reviews1 follower
August 25, 2019
Great mystery

I really enjoyed this mystery story.. Fresh characters.. A little bit romance and allot of excitement.. Couple of typos but that doesn't matter much
Profile Image for H.L. Carpenter.
Author 12 books27 followers
September 16, 2017
Quick fun read. Enjoyed the attention to detail by an author who is/was also a journalist, and bonus points for getting sheriff's office correct (instead of department--sorry, pet peeve). Wished Stella would fall for Starke instead of boring John, but it's her (fictional) life, LOL! Pleasant read over a couple of summer afternoons.
Profile Image for Jason.
2,254 reviews9 followers
October 21, 2017
I have to admit this one was a surprise. I thought it was slow going in the first chapter and didn't think I would like it, but holy crap, I tore through this because I HAD to know what was going to happen next. Great writing, beautiful scenery, fantastically plotted mystery, and a truly satisfying ending!
Profile Image for Susan.
1,485 reviews
May 2, 2018
the first book in the series was interesting but not great. The heroine, Stella, is a TV newsperson new to a TV station in Bozeman, Montana - not exactly the big leagues, but it's a job. She befriends the noisy neighbor in the next motel room where the station is putting her up while she searches for an apartment. She also meets John, the hunky reporter from a rival newsstation. Unfortunately for the book, she spends way too much time drooling over the hunk, which tends to weaken the story - unless you like a lot of sexy romance with your mysteries. While covering a story, she becomes convinced that a man convicted of two murders is innocent, and decides to try to clear him. The next story is about people trying to apply for federal land leases and being denied for no apparent reason. She hooks up with a detective who thinks there is corruption involving the local law enforcement, judges, and on up to at least the state level. In the process of tracking this down, the two cases become intertwined. But she manages to finally get the 'big lead' story of the news and put away all the bad guys. An interesting book, despite all the drooling, making it a nice light one-time read.
786 reviews13 followers
November 1, 2019

It’s hard to say much about a book that wasn’t bad but neither was it very compelling. The author worked hard to create the reader’s impression of the main character, Stella, but relied on repetition to accomplish that. For example, she spills her coffee on her clothes three different times and finds “clever” ways to conceal it. The author also did reasonably well in establishing the small town feel of Bozeman, Montana. It missed some opportunities to create some interesting secondary and tertiary characters to create a richer portrait of the city and possible add some humor. Finally, there were some interesting word choices. This sentence stopped me in my tracks: “Stella,” he said, glancing around at the maudlin scene before them. “I will not sleep well unless I see you to your door.” The “maudlin” scene is a bunch of biker dudes at a motorcycle rally.

Criticisms aside, The Big Lead is not terrible, I just found it too easy to put the book down and often skimmed through to the next chapter. The little mystery is pretty predictable and the resolution just a bit of a stretch.
Profile Image for Jo Williams.
108 reviews4 followers
February 26, 2019
Fun Read to Chill With

I didn’t think I’d like this book when I first started reading it. Perhaps it was something to do with the way the main character, Stella, seemed like a two dimensional comic relief mechanism rather than the protagonist of the piece.

I was pleasantly surprised though, as she became more believable as the novel progressed. I correctly guessed the “whodunnit” aspect very early on and I didn’t feel there were as many twists as I would expect but the individual threads of the story were tied up at the end.

I wasn’t convinced by some scenes with the love interest but if the author aimed for a light-hearted mystery then they hit the nail on the head.

I’d recommend this book for an airport or airplane read as I found the plot easy to pick up amidst general distractions while I read it.
Profile Image for Loretta.
380 reviews
December 31, 2017
Stella Reynolds graduated and wanted to be a reporter on TV. As it turns out could only find a job in
Boseman a small town in Montana that has old equipment to use. She drove from Ohio and started working. Learned quickly how to find stories . She came across one that kept her investigating and with Vindi her work friend and roommate got into trouble with things happening to them. Lots of exciting incidents solving and writing the story plus Stella finding a boyfriend. A very unexpected ending!
Profile Image for Tiffany LaShay.
54 reviews
November 10, 2017
At first I thought the story moved slowly in the beginning, but then I considered that may be intentional due to the fact that the character Stella moved to a small town where things are that slow and things don't work like they do in bigger cities. I liked it. I gave this story 4 stars because I did feel bogged down by the details of the old equipment. This may be intentional too, to have the reader relate to Stella more.
Profile Image for Joanne.
463 reviews13 followers
June 6, 2018
Naïve Stella Reynolds grows from a newly graduated journalism major and a rookie reporter in a podunk tiny town into a caring, accurate, mystery solver, and an improved broadcaster by the end of this book.
The Big Lead is worth the reader's time. Consider it to be a beach or summer read that will keep your attention despite the heat, bugs, and Remember your sunscreen as you might just can't put The Big Lead.
Profile Image for Tracey Pedersen.
Author 57 books86 followers
November 7, 2016
This book was interesting and laugh out loud funny in a couple of places. Poor Stella, she had a trial by fire at the start of her television career. But she soon found her feet. I'm looking forward to reading book two and three of this series. Just a note, this book is a little slow to start but it's totally worth persevering as it turns out really well. :)
158 reviews6 followers
March 2, 2017
Intriguing storyline with surprise ending

A very interesting story with believable characters. News reporters uncovering an extortion racket. Murders committed to cover up the thefts. Who did it? Will the truth be discovered or will another murder be committed? Discover on tonight's Big Lead.
Profile Image for Julian White.
1,615 reviews6 followers
August 7, 2017
An intriguing mystery to introduce Stella Reynolds, tv news journalist, as she starts a new job in Bozeman, Montana - a shoestring operation in a small town where she becomes embroiled in a murder story and suspects that more is going on.

I don't know the ins and outs of the background but it reads as real - the author has experience in news journalism. A most enjoyable story.
Profile Image for Darien.
616 reviews2 followers
June 5, 2018
The author seems to know small town news operations much better than developing characters. And what is it with turning magpie birds into murderous harbingers of doom? The inaccuracy there really threw me off. The mystery had a nice creative story to it, for the most part. Though it is hard to imagine no one in a smaller town noticing the personality change in someone having a psychotic break.
Profile Image for Shirley.
Author 2 books10 followers
September 12, 2018
Likable characters and interesting setup. Young reporter scrambles for story leads in a new town with a small market station. Tired of the usual, she veers off course to solve a murder, one that has a twist and involves some prominent people in the area. All while becoming friends with a quirky neighbor named Janet, and dodging the affections of a rival newsman.
741 reviews2 followers
August 24, 2020
Local news with a twist

This is an interesting story about investigative reporter, Stella Reynolds who has started her career in Bozeman, Montana. Every day she produces stories about the goings on in her community, but then finds a story that could be huge and possibly help her move on to a bigger market. Great mystery with plenty of twists to keep you reading.
22 reviews
September 14, 2023
Kirsch uses her journalism background to advantage in this cozy mystery. Her behind the scenes peek into small town TV stations operations is enlightening and entertaining. She creates a cast of minor characters that are both comical and sympathetic. The main characters,however, are just too perfect to be believable.
Profile Image for Jess.
45 reviews
December 28, 2023
Not too heavy or intricate, but a fun plot with unexpected twists, turns, and a few predictable parts. I love how the author builds up Stella's character and she's so entirely relatable on many levels while she navigates a new job, across the country, and meets people who have her back. I'm hooked and didn't realize this was a series when I started it and now I want to read the other 5 books.
Profile Image for Sara Behr.
13 reviews1 follower
May 11, 2017
I loved the mystery side of the book. It was an easy read with few surprises, but very well written. I didn't care for the relationship? lust? between Stella and John. I believe John could have been left out completely, or written only as a minor character, because Stella just didn't care.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jelan.
347 reviews
June 3, 2017
A light "beach read" type book. Good plot with lots of twists and turns. Characters a little "over the top" .. e.g. gorgeous, hunky, etc. But I'm ready for another Stella book by Libby Kirsch to pass the time pleasurably.
36 reviews
December 3, 2017

So well written I felt I was right along side the characters in every event. And every event was so well described I knew exactly what should take place and either did or didn't. Can't wait to read the next!
Profile Image for Elaine.
Author 29 books28 followers
March 7, 2019
A young woman reporter gets a job in a small town Tv news station. She doesn't realize that she will be involved in a murder investigation as well as a ruthless scheme to bribe people to pay for their land leases. Well-written story.
Profile Image for Brianna.
385 reviews5 followers
May 4, 2019
A rather well-written popcorn of a book with a likable, smart character. It was fun to read about a real small town (Bozeman, MT). The romance happens a little too quickly for me (and the man feels like he forces a relationship on Stella). Entertaining but I doubt I’ll continue in the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews

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