At least that was what Cassie Bucknell thought before she pinned on Ben Wilder’s badge and took to patrolling the streets of Cactus Creek, Texas. Cassie has been in love with Ben since primer school, but Ben treats her like a little sister. When they are picked to swap jobs for a month as part of the annual Cactus Creek Challenge in their Texas hometown, the schoolhouse is thrown into an uproar, the jail becomes a temporary bank vault, and Cassie and Ben square off in a battle of wills that becomes a battle for their hearts.
Best-selling, award-winning author of The Debutante’s Code, first in the Thorndike & Swann Regency Mystery Series, Erica Vetsch loves Jesus, history, romance, and sports. When she’s not writing fiction, she’s planning her next trip to a history museum. You can connect with her at her website, where you can learn about her books and sign up for her newsletter, and you can find her online at where she spends way too much time!
The Cactus Creek Challenge is a fun story with a unique plot that will keep you laughing.
The plot, as I said, is unique. The concept of job-switching for a competition is one I wish would be explored more in historical romance, and it makes for some absolutely hilarious scenes. The four main characters, Cassie, Ben, Jenny, and Carl, contribute to the humor as well as they're placed in awkward situations, facing a month of stumbling through jobs they're not meant to do (like a stable owner running a bakery and vice versa).
Of the four MCs, Carl and Jenny were my favorites. Cassie was fun too, although I did think her stubborness was overmuch at times. Ben was a great sheriff, but he was a bit too rude to Cassie sometimes. The secondary characters are good, too. The children and their antics will keep you snickering. (And I wouldn't mind a book following the twins' exploits. If they do become sheriffs, that would be quite a tale to read.)
The faith element includes singing hymns, attending church, and quoting verses. For the romance department, everything was clean with only some hugs and kisses.
For violence, it is mentioned a woman was physically abused in her previous marriage, a character is clocked over the head with a gun, a nasty is permanently deterred from his evildoing ways, a child is kidnapped and slapped, and two loutish lunatics attempt to blow something up.
Other content to keep in mind is some minor characters do drink. Alcohol is not condoned in this book.
In conclusion, The Cactus Creek Challenge is a fun Christian historical romance that will keep you laughing. I really wish Vetsch had made this series.
“Anything he can do, I can do better. At least that was what Cassie Bucknell thought before she pinned on Ben Wilder’s badge and took to patrolling the streets of Cactus Creek, Texas. Cassie has been in love with Ben since primer school, but Ben treats her like a little sister. When they are picked to swap jobs for a month as part of the annual Cactus Creek Challenge in their Texas hometown, the schoolhouse is thrown into an uproar, the jail becomes a temporary bank vault, and Cassie and Ben square off in a battle of wills that becomes a battle for their hearts.”
Series: No.
Spiritual Content- Scriptures are quoted; Prayers; Church going, sermons, & hymns; Mentions of God & His will; Mentions of prayers & praying; Mentions of churches, church going, services, Bibles, & hymnals; A couple mentions of someone in the Bible; *Note: A couple boys are called the limbs of Satan because of their pranks; A mention of speaking about the devil.
Negative Content- Minor cussing including: two ‘dumb’s, four forms of ‘sissy’, eight forms of ‘idiot’, and eight ‘stupid’s; Eye rolling; Fighting, Blood, & Injuries (up to semi-detailed); A kidnapping & shooting/killing the kidnapper (up to semi-detailed); Many mentions of outlaws/gangs/thieves, arrests, assaults, prisoners, & jails; Mentions of Jenny’s late husband being physically abusive to her & verbally abusive to their daughter; Mentions of a kidnapping, ransom, & a corpse; Mentions of fighting, fights, & blood (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of threats of harming (including a kidnapper telling a child that he should have cut her throat and slapping her); Mentions of pranks, explosions, fires, & TNT; Mentions of alcohol, drinking, drunks (including Jenny’s ex who was a very mean drunk), & saloons; A few mentions of a fire & injuries; A few mentions of robberies; A few mentions of cigars & smoking; A few mentions of jealousy; A few mentions of gossip; A few mentions of hunting & killing a mountain lion that killed calves; A couple mentions of gambling; A couple mentions of liars & lying; A couple mentions of hatred; A couple mentions of animal poo; A mention of a horse going to the glue factory; A mention of a wanting to give someone a spanking.
Sexual Content- two barely-above-not-detailed forehead kisses, two barely-above-not-detailed kisses, a semi-detailed kiss, a border-line semi-detailed // detailed kiss, and a detailed kiss; Remembering a kiss (up to semi-detailed); Wanting to kiss/be kissed (up to semi-detailed); Touches, Embraces, & Smelling (including when one of our main girls’ sits on a man’s lap, up to semi-detailed); Wanting to touch/be touched (barely-above-not-detailed); Noticing & Nearness (up to semi-detailed); Remembering nearness & touches (up to semi-detailed); Mentions of kisses & kissing; Mentions of touches (barely-above-not-detailed); Mentions of crushes, blushes, & winks; Mentions of love letters; A few mentions of reputations; A few mentions of handsome men; A couple mentions of a drunk mistaking Cassie for a sporting woman and trying to proposition her; A couple mentions of jealousy; Love, falling in love, & the emotions (x2 couples); *Note: Mentions of a horse giving birth (barely-above-not-detailed); A couple mentions of butting in/out of someone’s business; A couple mentions of kicking a man in his private area (one young boy calls it the “goolies”) when in trouble; A young boy mentions his “manly bits”.
-Cassie Bucknell, age 19 -Ben Wilder, age 24 P.O.V. switches between them, Jenny, & Carl Set in 1888 316 pages
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Pre Teens- One Star New Teens- One Star Early High School Teens- Two Stars Older High School Teens- Three Stars My personal Rating- Two Stars While the plot of this book is fun (albeit unrealistic, of course), I wasn’t the biggest fan of Ben’s attitude towards Cassie for the majority of the book. I wouldn’t quite call it belittling, but he did talk negatively about her lessons and her being a sheriff for the month. He later felt bad about such comments, but never really apologized. All while Cassie has a major crush on him. Their bickering didn’t feel like they really liked each other most of the times, so I found it hard to believe they could work it out. Jenny & Carl weren’t the best couple either, but not the worse I’ve read. I’m not really one for reading two love lines in one book, personally. Others may enjoy this book more, but I don’t think it’s for me anymore.
Romantic comedy meets the Wild West. Such a fun read! I mean, how can you possibly resist reading sentences like this one:
"He almost petted her on the head since she looked so cute and disgruntled, but he figured she'd take to that about as well as a rattlesnake to having his teeth brushed."
Seriously, this book needs to be read just for the clever word choice that's guaranteed to generate a chuckle, never mind the impossible situations Cassie and Ben find themselves in! Plus there's a second romance brewing in the heart of Cactus Creek and those poor souls are just as challenged as Cassie and Ben. It's a wonder everything works out so well! That's thanks to the cunning brilliance of the author. She's created a fast-paced plot with plenty of action, not to mention a bevy of notorious secondary characters, that all conspired to keep me turning pages, grinning right to the very end. Sweet perfection.
Reviews for this book were popping up and people were saying how fun this book was so I decided that I need to check it out for myself. I love a good, fun romance.
It took me a little while to get into this book. It jumps between four main characters and at first I found myself a little annoyed that there were so many people. I wanted to just focus on the one couple or the other. Not both. From the blurb, it sounds like it is just one couple, but it isn't. It took awhile for me to settle in and know the characters enough that I cared about them all but it did happen. I became invested in each one of them. Things start out a little slowly but the momentum builds and by the end things are really rolling along.
I enjoyed Cassie and her inner turmoil the most. She is trying so hard to get Ben to realize that she is a woman and not a kid anymore. Ben is so dense. It's all very amusing. I enjoyed the dialogue and the sparks between all the main characters.
I thought the premise of the book was creative and different. The characters switch jobs for a month and Ben becomes the school teacher and Cassie becomes the sheriff. The other couple switch also and he becomes a baker and she runs the livery. It's all very comical and I enjoyed this book a whole bunch. I'll be on the lookout for the next book in this series by this author.
What a fun read! I LOVED the adventure and in MANY ways I LOVED the secondary plot even more than the main plot mentioned in the book description. For me there's a whole other secret story wrapped up within these pages that was way more entertaining and interesting to me than just Ben and Cassie's story mentioned on the cover. The only thing that knocked a star off for me was that in the first half or just over half of the book I longed for more prayer and connection with The Lord. It seemed as soon as I REALLY started lamenting the lack of prayer to the point of wondering if this could truly be labeled Christian Fiction instead of just a clean read BOOM! the characters started praying. It was a great relief when Erica started weaving in more Faith moments. Overall: -I wanted it to have more prayers, scriptures, and mentions of The Lord -I LOVE the characters -I LOVE the adventure and concept -I LOVE the twists
Cactus Creek Challenge by Erica Vetsch Genre: Christian western fiction Format: Kindle Timeframe: March to April 1888 Location: Cactus Creek Texas Main Characters: Cassie Bucknell: 19 year old school teacher Ben Wilder: Sheriff of Cactus Creek Jenny Hart: Bakery owner Carl Gustafson: Owner of the livery
Recently I read The Legend of Obadiah Wilder. It was a sweet book so I decided to look into another book by Erica Vetsch. Cactus Creek Challenge has Obadiah Wilder’s youngest son as the main character, all grown up and now the sheriff of Cactus Creek.
The town has an unusual way to raise funds for certain needs that come up. This year there was a need for a town pump and school books. Names are submitted, and the people whose names are drawn have to switch jobs for a month while town folk add money to a jar for whoever is doing a great job and whomever they believe should win. This year they mixed it up a bit. Two women and two men are involved in the challenge. The kicker was the two men had to switch with the two women and visa versa. A teacher became sheriff, a baker became a livery worker, a sheriff became a teacher and a livery owner became the baker.
The women had very serious and dangerous positions but were determined to do the best they could. The livery owner turned baker was clueless and could only make biscuits, while the sheriff was clueless about children, grammar and (gasp!) deportment and poetry.
It was amusing, had a bit of a romance and some very serious situations as the town bad guys (3 brothers) made life very hard for all four contestants. There is no way on earth women would have changed places with livery workers and sheriffs in 1888, but the story was still creative and fun.
The faith element was a couple prayers and a hymn. The gospel was not shared, but it was sweet and clean.
Every year the small town of Cactus Creek has a challenge. Two men switch jobs for a month and the town votes on the one who performs his task the best. The winner puts the money that the town donates towards something the town needs, such as a new pump or books for the school. But this year the committee has decided to switch things up and allows women to enter for the first time. The night of the drawing the contestants find they are in for another surprise. Now a tiny slip of a girl is the new sheriff and a livery owner is the new baker. Things can't possibly go right for any of the contestants.
I'll be honest, I wasn't looking forward to picking up this book based on the description on the back. It just didn't appeal to me. But I'm so glad I finally did. I laughed the entire way through the book. These poor people just couldn't get things right and the results were hilarious. The sayings that the author threw in were a bonus for sure. The four couples find peace in their lives and also unexpected romance. The reader is watching four people, their families, and two romances playing out amid a devious plot by some thieves. I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it.
I received this book free of charge from Barbour Publishing in exchange for my honest review.
The Cactus Creek Challenge by Erica Vetsch was a really fun read. I can't tell you how many times I had to pause in my reading because I was laughing so hard. It's a great western romantic comedy that I highly recommend.
This book, as wonderful as it is, only earned four stars from me because of a few miscues on timing in some of the details and several of the hilarious lines were overused by the end of the book.
However, this story drew me in straightaway and I hated putting it down to work and sleep. Erica Vetsch is a new author for me, and I'm eager to read more of her books. Her writing style reminds me of Karen Witemeyer's, as they both bring a spark of spunkiness to their stories. Very fun! (I know I already used that word, but it just fits this story so well, it's worth repeating.)
Cactus Creek was completely entertaining. If you enjoy laughing, definitely grab a copy of this book.
Thank you, Netgalley, for a complimentary copy of The Cactus Creek Challenge in exchange for this honest review.
4.25 stars So...this book was a hoot! I picked it up based on someone else's five-star recommendation and am so glad I did. It's a great spin on a Western, and showed women being "tough" without being unwomanly, which feels accurate for the era this is set in. While I have a few gripes about plot points (romances happening a little fast), it is an action story and not an introspective-type fiction anyway. It's squeaky-clean, except for a few kisses and some mild violence, so would be suitable for nearly all ages. And the humor is hilarious! Definitely recommended.
I was gifted a free copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review.
The year is 1888 and in the small town of Cactus Creek, it’s that time of year when two people are picked against each other to swap jobs for the month. At the end of the month the town’s citizens vote for which person did the best job, and the winner receives money for their cause.
This year the council members have thrown in a surprise. They have allowed women to be entered into the contest, and in doing so, there will be four people swapping jobs, women versus men.
Cassie Bucknell is the town’s school teacher. She is tough, strong, independent and stubborn. When she is chosen to swap jobs with the town’s sheriff, Ben Wilder, the man she has been in love with since a child, she is up for the challenge, unlike Ben, who dismisses the idea straight away.
Ben sees Cassie as a young tearaway that he used to save when she got stuck up trees, not the woman she has become, and he treats her like his kid sister. He is outraged that the council think that a child, a female child, could do his job.
Ben is pig-headed and just as stubborn as Cassie, although his motives for not wanting to swap are honest. He doesn’t want Cassie getting hurt, or his town being thrown into disarray, along with the fact he doesn’t think she could do his job.
Alongside Cassie and Ben, bakery owner Jenny Hart and livery stable owner Carl Gustafson are pitted against each other. Carl is as outraged as Ben. A livery is no place for a woman, what with all of the manual work, Jenny would never cope. Jenny is not thrilled with the idea either, but she is fed up with men thinking that she is a push over, and is determined to show Carl just how capable she is.
I thought the book was beautifully written and catches the era perfectly, with the vivid descriptions of the folk and the surroundings of a wild west town. The narrative just added that little bit extra to help make you feel like you are in 1888.
The school children are a delight and certainly give Ben a hard time, especially as they want their teacher to win. I loved the chemistry and funny moments that the twins, Ulysses and Quincy have, and their antics and tricks that they pull.
The plot is unlike any other I had read before, thus making it interesting reading. I love American historical fiction and I found myself getting completely involved in the character’s lives, especially Deputy Sheriff Jigger, who I thought was a brilliant and well thought out, amusing character.
The characters grew as the story evolved and you watch as Ben realises that Cassie isn’t a child after all, but even so, they clash on almost every aspect of the policing of the town, especially when Cassie adds ‘girl things’ to his office, and messes with his paperwork.
The added twist near the end gives the story that added punch, and its lovely to see Ben’s unusual teaching methods come in use, and that finally Cassie gets to prove herself.
The only criticism that I have is how the romantic side to the story was left until right near then end and then felt rushed. It would have been nice for it to play out a bit longer.
Apart for that I really enjoyed the book and thoroughly recommend it.
One of the greatest delights in reading is discovering a book that can make me smile, giggle, or laugh. But humor is tricky and sometimes books that are supposed to be funny don't amuse me at all. Other times I find myself laughing all the way through. Fortunately, I read this book and giggled. A lot.
It seems that the small town of Cactus Creek raises money each April by having some of its men change jobs for the month. Folks in town "vote" for the person doing the best "new" job by contributing money to prearranged causes. This year there's a twist - women will be included in the challenge. A second twist that no one knows about until the contestants are chosen, is that the men and women will trade with each other. Thus school teacher Cassie and sheriff Ben end up with each others jobs, as do Jenny the baker and Carl from the livery stable.
Cassie, who has had a crush on Ben for years, is our MC. Ben, the sheriff, really does just see her as a little girl instead of the woman she's become and it's fun watching that change. But my favorite characters were Jenny, her daughter Amanda, and Carl. Jenny has survived an abusive marriage and Amanda is frightened of loud noises, fights, and men. Carl is a great guy, but he's big and loud and overwhelming to both Jenny and her daughter. I loved watching him temper his approach to those two, using the caring he usually shows to his animals to win the confidence of the new females in his life. And Carl's reaction to the bread dough he finds in the bakery the first day - well, there's plenty of humor as everyone tries to cope with situations they're not prepared for. The scene with the pulley had me belly laughing, which I haven't done in a long time.
There's enough plot to hold everything together, but clearly this is a story you're not expected to take too seriously. I find this kind of story depends on being absolutely believable in the details. If I'm going to accept that the livery owner who can only make biscuits now runs the town bakery he has to think and act like a man in that situation really would. This kind of humor is very hard to write, but Vetsch is up to the task. I've previously read another, not humorous, book by her and was impressed with her story telling skill. That skill shows here, too. A thoroughly enjoyable book.
I try to rate books based on what they're trying to be, and not every book wants to be a "great work". This one is a funny, clean romance, and I thought it hit that perfectly. Thus, 5 stars from me.
I received a free copy of this book in return for an unbiased review.
Oh my word! I LOVED this book!! And the more I say that, the more I love it. It is my absolute favorite western now!
I ALMOST stumbled upon this book by accident. I actually was in NetGalley Heaven and requested "The Convenient Brides Collection". As I was reading it, I stumbled across a Novella that I thoroughly enjoyed by Erica Vetsch. I loved her so I searched for her books and found this one and one other story in my possession! Yay!
I wasn't sure what to expect when I read the name. It certainly is not your typical romance title. Actually, not much about the book was typical either. It was amazing!
Contrary to what the back cover might say, this is two stories in one! I really loved the characters. Cassie's personality was fantastic-and her situation was really tough. I think just about every girl has maybe gone through her exact situation. "Unrequited love". A really tough thing and yet, this cowgirl could overcome just about anything-with a little humor too! Ben...was a little more confused. Throughout the whole story, I was wondering what was going to happen next. It was absolutely nerve-wracking at points.And yet,when I stepped through the bakery door I was laughing so hard I relaxed, if that makes sense. Carl and Jenny's impending relationship-or non-relationship, was much more free flowing and I never knew what would happen.
The humor in this book was not forced at all. You might think that comedy, westerns, and romance are three different subject. In this book, it's like a rough cut diamond-so many beautiful sides!
I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed this book and don't think anything can make it better!
*My overall thoughts*
The Cactus Creek Challenge by Erica Vetsch is the book that has changed my mind about westerns. Apparently, I love them! This one is packed with humor, love, and enough cowboys to make Mary Connealy proud. __________________________________________
*My Rating*
I give The Cactus Creek Challenge by Erica Vetsch...
5 stars!!
*I received this book from the Netgalley, publisher, and the author in exchange for an honest review, which I have given. All thoughts were my own and I was not compensated in any other way.
Delightful & Surprising! The Cactus Creek Challenge, By: Erica Vetsch This book definitely lives up to it’s name! I was lassoed in right from the very start. I love the headstrong and determined characters that are set in their ways. This book was a fast paced and delightful read! The characters, situations and the events that unfolded right before your eyes. There was never a dull moment in this awesome and exciting story. The characters and unexpected things that happened were fabulous. I have laughed so much at the antics and situations. I was laughing so hard that I was crying at times. This book is like a good western, comedy and romance all rolled into one utterly delightful story. That is bound to leave a smile on your face. So be sure to grab a glass of sweet tea and sit back as you travel back in time to enjoy this wonderful read. Be sure to get you copy of The Cactus Creek Challenge today! 5 stars!
I liked this book a lot; it had it all--humor, romance (a little), and suspense. The small town of Cactus Creek, Texas, has a yearly event where four residents switch jobs for a month. This year the town leaders decide to include two women for the first time. So two men switch jobs with the two women with very interesting results.
Zippy, fun and spirited, Erica Vetsch proves she is still at the top of her game. Enjoyed the competitive aspects of the book and the strong, sprightly heroine. Fans of Mary Conneally will be impressed!
Summary: Every year, Cactus Creek puts on a challenge in the town: two men switch jobs for a month, and the winner gets to use the money raised toward a cause of his choice. However, this year, things are a little bit different; they’re allowing the women to join in too. Will schoolmarm Cassie be as successful at disciplining grown-ups as she is children? And does Sherriff Ben remember his own schooling well enough to instruct the next generation of children? Meanwhile let’s not forget that the livery and bakery owners have also switched places… Who will win the Cactus Creek challenge this year?
My thoughts: I definitely have to agree with my older sister on this one – I like Jenny, Carl and Amanda better than the main characters, Cassie and Ben. They’re just the sweetest people ever, yet still hurting from past relationships, and consequently are quiet, guarded people. I love how Ben and Carl (actually it’s mostly Carl, but Ben helps with the rattlesnake) are able to help Amanda come out of her shell and get over her fears. Jenny does pretty good on her own at the livery, and Carl gets on alright at the bakery, although I did laugh at the mental image of the entire bakery being filled with only sourdough biscuits. 😊 The book is so entertaining and it’s full of funny little quotes and scenes that I couldn’t help but laugh at. Probably some of the better ones are when the outhouse blows up and also the horrible idea of having a tea party in the jail; poor Jigger! There’s way more, but I’d better stop before I ruin the book. Someone is shot and killed in this book Also, there’s many mentions of abuse (verbal and physical) that some of the characters previously endured, but I didn’t find it super detailed. The Christian content was lacking, but if you’re just looking for a pretty clean, funny book I would recommend The Cactus Creek Challenge.
Hilarious and Sweet This year, the town Challenge sees 2 men and 2 women switching jobs for a month. Can the Southern Belle baker survive caring for the livery? Will the big, strong livery man be more than a bull in the dainty bakery shop? The story's main focus is on the Teacher, Cassie, and the Sheriff, Ben. Cassie has always been in love with Ben but he only thinks of her as the little girl pest she used to be. If she can be Sheriff for the month and win the Challenge, will he finally see she's all grown up? Erica Vetsch is a great storyteller; she had me laughing out loud, especially at the antics of the holy terror twins. It was also such a cute, sweet story. This is definitely a favourite that will be reread often.
I saw this book recommended, and it sounded I bought it. And man, what a great read. It is laugh out loud funny......and I did laugh out loud a lot. It has a great plot, setting, and characters. Not only are the two main characters likable, but there are a host of others that make the story all the more entertaining and enjoyable. For instance, the twin boys who cause so much chaos and mayhem, such as blowing up the outhouse. (slight spoiler).
Besides the never ending laughs, there is gold, bad guys, a kidnapping, and of course romance.
I read and reviewed a regency trilogy by this author that was really good, but this beats those by far. I definitely recommend it.
And there is a free 23 page ebook prequel to the book.
This is the first book I have read by Miss Erica. I don’t even remember picking it up, but I am sure I was drawn to the cover..seeing a fellow red head :)
I was pleasantly surprised by this author and her Story. The Cactus Creek Challenge was a new and fresh idea, full of laughter , love and great characters. The kids made me fall in love with the story right away and of course I was rooting for love through each page.
I enjoyed Cassie and all of her fight and spunk and Ben with his take care of his little sister attitude. How crazy to think a school teacher and sheriff could swap jobs!
I was hooked from the first few pages and now need to find more to read from this author! I honestly really enjoyed this book
3.5 stars Erica Vetsch’s writing is so refreshing and humorous! The only couple parts of the book I disliked and is the cause for not being 5 stars is the overly feminist view of Cassie. It got really tiring reading about her “I’m as good as if not better than any man” attitude, even when it was unrealistic for a woman to do that job. I also didn’t understand Gemma’s lifelong love for Ben when all I ever sensed was irritation between the two (until the end of the book, when it seemed like genuine affection for one another). Still, the writing was so perfect and funny I had to keep reading. I definitely plan to read more by this author!
Ben and Cassie's story Carl and Jenny's story The name of the book got me thinking (would Cactus Creek exist somewhere!!) The town council committee put some thought into what was needed with the candidates. Complacency and humour along with a strong cast of students who added mightily to the story outline. Liked it very much. its a few years old, but hey it was good. I read Erica's English historical genre.
What is the town council thinking when it has 4 adults trade jobs for a month for their yearly challenge? The big, burly livery stable owner becomes the town's baker while the petite baker goes to work in the livery. The sheriff trades jobs with the schoolmarm. Will the adults try to sabotage each other to become the winner or will they learn how strong and resourceful they each are? Some of the results are hilarious, some not so much.
I had so much fun reading this book - what a hoot! It's hilarious, suspenseful, and heartwarming. It's like a combination of the Little House on the Prairie and When Calls the Heart television shows, but with more heart and spunk, and without the sentimentality. I couldn't put it down and accidentally read it straight through in one sitting. Definitely recommend it!
This book has been on my TBR pile for longer than I care to admit. I am so glad I finally read it this week. It's a super cute story with lots funny moments. I will say I could have cheerfully throttled Ben several times but he came around in the end and I loved the secondary story with Carl, Jenny and Amanda. Fun read!
A wonderful fun read. Lots of interesting situations plus a set of mischievous twins. I wish i could do this book justice, was truly a enjoyable time spent reading this book
Any book by Erica Vetsch is a good read for me. She has a way with words that make me laugh out loud. I enjoyed Cactus Creek Challenge even though the switch of jobs for Ben and Cassie just wasn’t very likely. A light, fun read just the same.