Toujours infiltrées sur Bellatrix, une planète « arriérée », Manon et Kim mènent difficilement leur mission, à savoir préserver la planète de l’obscurantisme qui la menace. Alors qu’elles pensaient être les seules sur place à bénéficier d’une technologie avancée, elles découvrent une présence extraterrestre hostile. Par ailleurs, dans l’espace, une flotte arctarode, un peuple étrange et très évolué techniquement, exige la fin de tout contact entre les deux Terriennes et le reste de l’équipe du projet Bellatrix. Cette démarche inquiète au plus haut point les Avarants…
Luiz Eduardo de Oliveira (born on December 13, 1944 in Brazil),[1] more famous under his artist name LEO is a Brazilian comics creator.
After having graduated as an engineer in mechanics, Oliveira left Brazil because of the military dictatorship that was in power at the time. He went first to Chile, but the following year saw the Chilean coup of 1973. This led Oliveira to leave, moving to Argentina, from where he finally returned to Brazil in 1974.
He found work as an illustrator in the advertising industry of São Paulo, before once more leaving Brazil, in 1981, this time moving to France, hoping to illustrate comics. However as the Franco-Belgian comics industry was in recession at the time, he was forced to work in advertising once again, although he managed to get the occasional piece published in L'Écho des savanes and Pilote. In 1986, with the assistance of Jean-Claude Forest, Oliveira began contributing to the youth dedicated magazines of Bayard Presse. He illustrated true stories for Okapi magazine. He then recounted Mahatma Gandhi's life in the album Gandhi, le pèlerin de la paix, for Astrapi.
In 1988, the comics writer Rodolphe asked him to provide the artwork for his stories. Their collaboration proved fruitful, producing 8 albums of material for their Trent series and 5 for their Kenya one.
In 1993, Oleveira finally achieved an old dream when Dargaud agreed to publish his first solo series: Aldébaran. In 2000, after 5 volumes of Aldébaran, he launched Bételgeuse, which was nominated for the Prize for a Series at the Angoulême International Comics Festival in 2004.
Ситуацията се заплита - Манон и Ким остават без подкрепата на изпратилите ги на тази опасна мисия извънземни. Те трябва да изпълнят задачата си сами, а животът на планетата Белатрикс се оказва тежък, суров и пределно жесток.
С нетърпение очаквам третата част от тази вълнуваща sci-fi поредица!
Le mystère s’épaissit et les enjeux se complexifient dans ce tome 2. Je suis un peu triste de l’avoir fini et de savoir que la suite paraîtra dans probablement au moins un an.
The first two in what we are promised will be a four part story from the Brazilian-French comics writer Leo, following on from the previous 26 albums in the Aldebaran cycle since 1994. Kim, who has been the central character for most of the stories, is sent with her friend and colleague Manon to investigate the backward world of Bellatrix, where a misogynist conservative faction seems likely to win the elections and remove women’s rights.
Meanwhile their support mission in orbit, supported by the alien Avarants who have requested the Bellatrix intervention, runs into problems of its own when another alien race, the Arctarods, turns up.
As ever, gorgeously drawn; the political point is a lot more cogent than in some of Leo’s previous work; both of the first two albums end on cliff-hangers, which suggests that a decent amount of thought has gone into the plotting. Even minor characters get some credible presence here as well.