When he accidentally breaks his mother's favorite bowl, Alex the bear worries that she will no longer love him, but he soon learns that no matter what he does, whether it be painting the baby all different colors or pouring a bowl of oatmeal over his head, his mother will always love him. Reprint. 10,000 first printing.
What parent hasn't heard, "Will you still love me if....?" This book is a fantastic reassurance that we still love our children, even on the bad days. I like that the mother explains the consequences for each action while still assuring that she would still love the child. A perfect book to share with your little one.
As most of us know, it's easy to believe that someone loves us when we behave properly or live up to expectations, but what about when things go wrong? In this thickly padded board book Alex, a young bear, breaks his mother's favorite honey bowl, and then worries that she'll be upset and no longer love him. After it happens, Alex presents different scenarios to his mother to gauge her reaction and then gathers up his courage to tell her what he's done. What I like about this is how the text doesn't sugarcoat the situation. The mother bear is upset about having her bowl broken, but that doesn't mean she is angry with her son or ready to withhold her affection. And then, Alex, feeling reassured, tries to make up for what he's done. This one is sure to reassure youngsters of their parents' or caregivers' unconditional love. I also like the soft pastels and textures in the illustrations.
I’ll always love you is a good book to show kids consequences. It talks about Alex the bear waking up and trying to make his mom some toast and honey for breakfast when he breaks his moms favorite honey bowl. He is heartbroken and afraid she will not love him anymore so he goes to her asking her different questions like, if I do this will you still love me and if I do that will you still love me? She explains to him she will always love him but he will have to fix or clean up what he did! It’s a cute book that shows a good lesson and shows a child no matter what mommy and daddy will always loves you.https://wp.me/p9wsgO-1X
A nice story for reassuring childhood anxiety and talking about practical consequences (ie if you paint your baby brother then you have to help give them a bath).
Miss 4 and I like to explore different books and authors at the library, sometimes around particular topics or themes. We try to get different ones out every week or so; it's fun for both of us to have the variety and to look at a mix of new & favourite authors.
I: 5 stars. I liked the pictures. And all the words.
J: Mostly, I think she just liked snuggling up to read it with me. This is a cute book with a message that I want them to hear loud and clear. I will always love them. I do appreciate how the mother's feelings about her favourite bowl aren't disregarded, however. But Alex recognizes them well before his mother sees the bowl; kids understand way more about how we feel than what we give them credit for.
This book melted my heart. As a parent, I always want my children to know that no matter what they do that I will alway love them. Accidents happen and can be cleaned up, but they will never make me love my children any less.
Such a beautiful book. It gently reminds the baby bear (and your child) that no matter what they do, mumma bear (you) will always love them. But also that there will be consequences for wrong actions!
It's beautifully illustrated and a perfect calm down or bedtime story. Just wonderful.
It's good that his mama loves him no matter what. It's sad that he broke the honey bowl. He was afraid that mama wouldn't love him... but she loves him no matter what. My Papa and Mama always love me even when I do stuff.
This book is a good book for children to learn that no matter what their parents will ALWAYS love them even if they make mistakes. In this book a kid accidently dropped his mothers favorite bowl, but his mother never got mad at him. The boy made his mother a new bowl and that became her favorite bowl. :D
My daughter and I LOVE this book. The story is about a little bear who accidentally breaks his mother's favorite honey bowl while trying to surprise her by fixing her breakfast. He's afraid she'll be so mad she won't love him any more, so he tests the waters before he confesses by making up various scenarios of misbehavior to see how she reacts. She always responds with "I'll always love you, but you will have to [insert appropriate consequences here]."
I love that this board book shows children they will be loved no matter what mischief they get into, and there are logical consequences for actions--if you get paint on your baby sister, you will have to give her a bath, etc. I also love that it depicts a child telling the truth even when he knows his mother will be upset and that his relief when he knows he's forgiven allows him to think of a solution for replacing the broken bowl. His "flat brain" becomes three-dimensional again (see Jim Petersen's book Why Don't We Listen Better for reference).
This is a great choice for parents and grandparents (or any other adults) to read to little ones.
Story that helps teach children that even if they do something wrong, parents will still love them. Also I feel hints at the point of also being honest.
3.5 Stars This books says that the mom will always love her child BUT (and the but is what bothers me) if he repairs the damages.
For instance. "What if I have a pillow fight...feathers burst out...Will you Still love me"
Mom" I'll always love you. Though you must pick up all the feathers"
I just sounds conditional to me. If it is meant to be unconditional love then it is "Yes I will love you no matter what, but it is always a good thing to make things right when you do something wrong" But I didn't get that vibe...so take it as you want it...conditional or unconditional love....
I enjoyed this book because it was extremely sweet.
Synopsis: Alex wakes up early one morning to make his mother breakfast and ends up breaking her favorite honey dish. Alex goes and finds his mom and asks her about different ways for her not to love him anymore. His mom tells him that she will always love him no matter what. She walks down the stairs and finds the broken honey pot. Alex makes her a new one and that becomes her new favorite honey pot.
How I can use this in a classroom: This book would be good for talking about families or for a Mother's Day activity day.
In this book one day Alex woke up early. He said, "I will make Mom some toast and honey." Alex reached for the honey bowl. Crash! The bowl was now nine pieces of sticky china. In this book Alex went to his mom and his mom was doing her morning exercise. I liked this book because because there's me and Amma. -by Alexander
I love how this book shows that while parents will always love their children, there are consequences for actions, there are ways to make right when you have done wrong.
**Talking points: Will I always love you? Will daddy always love you? Do we always like everything you do? When we do something wrong we can make restitution; we can make things right.
Little Alex bear was trying to do something special for his mom when he broke her favourite bowl. He asked his mom would she still love him if … and presented different scenarios to her. Of course she would always love him. Then she found out about the bowl. Lovely illustrations for this sweet story.
I love the message of this book! "I will always love you, no matter what you do. Though you will have to fix the mistake." Everyone needs some reassurance that they are loved. It's a wonderful story to share with children.
I would give one and a half stars to this nice story. The writing of Paeony Lewis is simple but the story very much affirming, and it would be a good introduction to reading for youngsters.
I love to read this book to the toddlers at my work. It is such a sweet book about the love between a mama bear and her cub. Anyone can identify with the love between a parent.