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416 pages, Hardcover
Published October 1, 2024
“What follows is a history of what we shall call the overshoot conjecture, or the period when officially declared limits to global warming are exceeded [...] and the dominant classes responsible for the excess throw up their hands in resignation and accept that intolerable heat is coming [...] It is an actively championed programme for how to deal with the rush into catastrophe: let it continue for the time being and then we shall sort things out towards the end of this century” (ix).
“There is a specificity to fossil fuels, in that they have for two centuries been the general energetic lever for surplus-value production and drawn capital of unparalleled magnitude into exploration. Their place in the metabolic processes of the capitalist mode of production has become rather like that of grain for the early agricultural civilizations” (119).
“In this version of the contradiction between forces and relations, an amalgam of profits and stock is pitted against one of needs and flow. The property relations that compel owners of the means of production to always and ever strive for maximum profit have come to be one with fossil fuels. To make room for an economy running to 100 per cent on the flow, these fetters would need to be burst asunder and energy production transferred to public control, a rule of the associated producers, that gives priority to the satisfaction of needs – the need for survival, first and foremost” (232).
"Under capitalist property relations, the [renewable energy] flow hits a glass ceiling of sorts. It can grow to some extent, as an addition in the margins, but a transition propelled by agents seeking to maximise profit would be a self-defeating enterprise. The more developed the productive forces of the flow, the more proficient their capture of a kind of energy in which no labour can be objectified, the closer the price and the value and the profit all come to zero. Then investors will have to lose interest ... It follows, furthermore, that on this downward trajectory, the flow cannot offer anything like the three sources of super-profits in hydrocarbons."
Poverty alleviation was not a concomitant or cause of overshoot and could be accomplished without it. It was not the masses of the global South that, suicidally, tipped the world into 1.5°C. In fact, not even the working classes of the North were party to the process: between 1990 and 2019, per capita emissions of the poorest half of the populations of the US and Europe dropped by nearly one third , due to ‘compressed wages and consumption’. The overshoot conjuncture was the creation of the rich, with which they capped their victory in the class struggle."