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Blacksad #7

Всичко рухва, Част 2

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Историята на частен детектив, решен да отмъсти за убитата си бивша годеница, ни напомня за великите майстори на трилъра. Тази класическа трагедия, представена в майсторски изобразен графичен роман, е един от най-големите успехи в този жанр.

64 pages, Paperback

First published November 27, 2021

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About the author

Juan Díaz Canales

68 books384 followers
Juan Díaz Canales is a Spanish comics artist and an animated film director, known as the co-creator of Blacksad.

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Profile Image for Metodi Markov.
1,623 reviews410 followers
September 27, 2024
Обещаващото начало от предния епизод не успя да се развие в интересна история, както аз очаквах…

Рисунките са безупречни, но уви - това отдавна не ми е достатъчно…

Жалко. 🙃
Profile Image for Marcos GM.
381 reviews243 followers
December 1, 2023

Everything falls, Solomon. Soldiers and generals, servants and slums, towers and bridges, even castles and their kings. In the end, they all fall down.

In a move that I didn't like very much, the previous volume Blacksad - Volume 6 - They All Fall Down - Part 1, was divided into two shorter issues. In this new publication, a direct continuation of that story, the usual format has been returned, a 54-page comic.

And what do we have here? Well, as I said, the closing of the first part, which ended in a pretty big cliffhanger. I can't comment more without spoilers about that one, but I can comment a little on the comic.

We have a really good story, although you have to see it as a whole, reading only this part you will not know where it comes from, and reading only the first part leaves it unfinished. It is once again pure noir genre, with its twists, its surprises (of which there are a couple big ones) and that atmosphere that fascinates me so much. It is true that here it seems a little more "bright", this New York is well portrayed but the squalor that previous installments had is a bit missing. The characters continue to work well, there are twists and turns, and disappearances, and everything has worked for me.

As for the art, oh the art. I'm sorry to be annoying with these works, but it is a real delight, a marvel. There are panels that are for framing, and I don't say this just to say:


A must if you like this kind of stories, or the authors, or the genre. I'm looking forwar to see what comes next.


Everything falls, Solomon. Soldiers and generals, servants and slums, towers and bridges, even castles and their kings. In the end, they all fall down.

En una jugada que me gustó muy poco, el anterior volumen Blacksad: Todo cae, Primera parte, se dividió en dos números más cortos. En esta nueva publicación, continuación directa de aquella historia, se ha vuelto al formato de siempre, un cómic de sus 54 páginas.

¿Y que tenemos aquí? Pues lo dicho, el cierre de la primera parte, que quedó en un cliffhanger bastante gordo. No puedo comentar más sin hacer spoilers de aquella, pero si puedo comentar un poco el cómic.

Tenemos una historia realmente buena, aunque hay que verla en su conjunto, leyendo solo esta parte no vas a saber de dónde viene, y leyendo solo la primera queda sin cerrar. Es una vez más puro género negro, con sus giros, sus sorpresas (que hay un par bien grandes) y ese ambiente que tanto me fascina. Es cierto que aquí parece un poco más "brillante", este Nueva York está bien retratado pero se echa en falta un poco la sordidez que tenían anteriores entregas. Los personajes siguen funcionando bien, hay vueltas, y desapariciones, y todo me ha funcionado.

En cuanto al arte, ay el arte. Siento ser pesado con estas obras, pero es una auténtica delicia, una maravilla. Hay paneles que son para enmarcar, y no lo digo por decir:


Una lectura obligatoria si te gustan este tipo de historias, o los autores, o el género. Tengo muchas ganas de ver lo que viene después.
Profile Image for Ivaelo Slavov.
374 reviews20 followers
December 22, 2023
За мен това е един от най-добрите съвременни комикси.
Profile Image for Oscar.
2,143 reviews555 followers
January 3, 2025
"Todo cae. Segunda parte" de Juan Díaz Canales y Juanjo Guarnido continúa la narrativa de su predecesora con un enfoque en las complejidades del género negro. La trama se desarrolla en un mundo de animales antropomórficos, donde el detective John Blacksad se enfrenta a nuevos misterios y desafíos. La obra se caracteriza por su ambiente oscuro y reflexivo, explorando temas como la corrupción, la justicia y la lucha por la supervivencia en una sociedad desigual. Los diálogos y las tramas secundarias añaden profundidad a los personajes y al entorno, manteniendo el estilo característico de la serie.

En cuanto a su ejecución visual, el arte de Guarnido sigue destacando por su detallismo y su capacidad para evocar el espíritu del noir clásico. Los escenarios y la atmósfera están dibujados con una precisión que refleja la decadencia y el glamour de la época, mientras que los personajes, con sus expresiones y movimientos, comunican mucho más allá de lo que las palabras expresan. La narrativa gráfica se beneficia de un uso experto del color y la composición, creando una experiencia visual coherente con la temática de la historia. La combinación de guion y dibujo en este segundo tomo mantiene el legado de calidad y profundidad que ha definido a la serie de Blacksad.
Profile Image for Urbon Adamsson.
1,424 reviews51 followers
April 18, 2024
Another great album of Blacksad.

This one concludes the story that began in the previous volume.

What about that ending? Damn.

My body is ready for more.

For those that haven't read Blacksad yet. Please do yourself a favor and try it. I don't care if you're a manga reader or if you don't usually read Bande dessinée (French-Belgian comics), just give this one a try. You won't regret it.
Profile Image for SusyG.
299 reviews73 followers
December 4, 2023
Non avevo dubbi che questo fumetto sarebbe stato bellissimo! 😍 Continuazione fel volume precedente, Díaz Canales conclude la storia in maniera pazzesca e con un finale da urlo. Se amate il noir, vi consiglio tantissimo questi volumi della saga di Blacksad. E poi c'è Guarnido che è completamente pazzo, le sue tavole sono un'opera d'arte dietro l'altra, le atmosfere che crea con i colori sono incredibili. Vorrei passare un anno affianco a lui solo per imparare l'1% dei suoi trucchi! Bello bello bello! ❤️
Profile Image for Тияна Алексиева.
115 reviews7 followers
April 27, 2024
Спиращ дъха край на най-епичната ноар комикс поредица някога!

Като любител на комикси и качествени трилъри, нямаше как да не се запаля по поредицата за детектива котарак Джон Блексед. Всяка година очаквах с нетърпение новия том от легендарното вече дуо Диас Каналес и Гуарнидо и сега, когато всичко свърши не знам с какво ще запълня тази празнина, която оставят.

Не мисля, че има какво толкова да кажа за комикса, тъй като думите ми ще бледнеят пред неговото съвършенство. Цялата поредица просто трябва да се прочете, да се изживее. Историите са изключителни, артът е извънземен, а Блексед е най-чаровният котарак.
Profile Image for Koen Verbrugge.
170 reviews4 followers
March 5, 2024
Deel 1 was meeslepend. Deel twee bevat het grootste deel van de actie en de plottwists.

Ik wil niks verklappen, maar het lost de verwachtingen in.
1,301 reviews38 followers
January 10, 2025
(Zero spoiler review) 4.25/5
Why isn't there more Blacksad? Seriously! I don't care if Juan Guanido may have some of the most painstakingly beautiful art ever put to paper, the fact that I don't get a new Blacksad story every single day is not only a personal attack, but a crime of the grandest magnitude. Come on, I'll settle for one a day, rather than the three or four I would have liked. I'm a reasonable man.
In all seriousness, whilst not quite as strong as the earlier stories, there is still something effortlessly charming, almost hypnotic about this series. Most of which has to do with Guarnido's flawless artwork and colours. (Modern DC and Marvel), this is how you colour a modern book without it looking like digital swill. I hope you're taking notes, but we know you're not.
Canales' writing is really good here too, even if a few plot threads aren't executed quite as well as they could have been. It's still a damn good read and a feast for the peepers that we really don't deserve. There are only two types of people in this world. Those who have discovered and covet this niche treasure, and those whom are yet to have the pleasure. Be the first one. 4.25/5

Profile Image for Tiarnán.
265 reviews64 followers
December 7, 2023
I am always confused about the anatomological parameters of the Blacksad universe. What is the lowest genus of anthropomorphic creature that exists in it?

We have reptiles (lizards, crocodiles) and amphibians (toads, frogs) but seemingly no fish or insects. So are there just insect insects in the Blacksad universe? How does biodegradation occur? Are there Atlantean societies of fish-people under the oceans?

Also, are there just animal versions of animals, as well as the human versions of animals? Like we see a lot of cooking, kitchens, and food. Are there chickens as well as human-chickens? Do the dog and cat-humans eat chickens? What do the chicken-humans think about them eating chickens? Is that like someone eating your brother or cousin? Do pets exist in this universe?

Additionally, is there cannibalism in the Blacksad universe? Do the crocodile-humans ever eat the rabbit-humans, or the cheetah-humans the antelope-humans? Is it still a taboo?

Beaucoup des questions.
Profile Image for Teresa.
Author 4 books8 followers
November 21, 2024
Me ha costado muchísimo recuperar el hilo después de tanto tiempo, pero en cuanto he vuelto a reconectar con la movida, ya no podía parar. Me gusta mucho Blacksad, me alegro de que volviese.
Profile Image for Álex.
257 reviews47 followers
April 23, 2024
Trama efectiva con su punto de cinismo, sus gotas de humor socarrón, más sitio para la definición de los personajes secundarios, algún cabo que se resuelve precipitadamente y alguna concesión en la acción para conducir a la escena espectacular del primer desenlace. Se goza igualmente.
Profile Image for L_enlacer.
1,579 reviews
August 6, 2022
3.5 / 5

Pourquoi c’est fait en plusieurs partie et pas mis dans une seule BD comme les autres? C’est très chiant car le suspense est entrain de me tuer😭
Profile Image for Néstor Arrabal Martínez.
99 reviews
December 25, 2023

Último libro del detective Blacksad, en el que se sigue la historia del anterior: el poderoso magnate de la construcción Solomon está descabezando al sindicato de trabajadores del metro con asesinatos sin culpables. Blacksad y su amigo periodista Weekly conocen la verdad pero, ¿cómo conseguirán las pruebas para inculparlo?

Siguiendo el estilo de los anteriores volúmenes, Díaz Canales y Guarnido nos llevan a una Nueva York fictica, pero en la que se suceden muchos problemas reales: especulación urbanística, políticos corruptos, mafias que explotan a los trabajadores, poblados de chabolas… Podría parecer que el hecho de que los protagonistas sean animales antropomórficos le debería quitar dramatismo a la historia, pero más bien sucede lo contrario; es seguramente mostrar de forma más claras las emociones de un cocodrilo furibundo que no las de una persona. Como siempre, las ilustraciones son una maravilla.

El ritmo es frenético y está marcado por giros de guion, tensos diálogos, personajes inesperados, momentos de gran acción y escenas del pasado. Todo ello hace que se pueda leer en un par de horas, como me ha pasado a mí, que soy un ansias 😅.

En definitiva, entretenimiento del bueno.
Profile Image for Sebastian.
131 reviews2 followers
December 3, 2023
O Blacksad słyszałem wiele dobrych słów. Niestety był problem z dostępnością i próby skompletowania porzuciłem z nadzieją, że kiedyś nadarzy się okazja, żeby mimo wszystko po tytuł sięgnąć. No i się udało!

I to co chyba cenię najbardziej w tej serii to to, że mimo, że moje oczekiwania były wysokie, to nie zawiodłem się, a momentami nawet te oczekiwania były przebite. Fantastyczne, przyciągające wzrok kadry, fantastyczna mimika twarzy i dobór zwierząt pod pełnioną funkcję w tym świecie. A jakby tego było mało, to wszystko wypełnione świetnymi, wielowarstwowymi zagadkami kryminalnymi.
Profile Image for Димитър Цолов.
Author 34 books387 followers
April 23, 2024
Днес разлистих и първата част, за да си припомня събитията до останалия отворен край, след което подхванах втората. Антропоморфната вселена на испанците Диас Каналес и Гуарнидо е е все така впечатляваща (много ме радват находчивите избори за животните, спрямо конкретни професии, тук, примерно - нацупено шимпанзе-барман и медицинска сестра - бивол), а стилистиката на noir-a перфектно лепва върху разследванията на черния котарак. Той продължава да е магнит за неприятностите и труповете, както обикновено, валят около него. 4,5/5
Profile Image for Andro.
91 reviews1 follower
November 3, 2023
Une résolution un peu téléphonée (sans parler du retour d'Alma qui ne sert absolument à rien) MAIS PWAAAAAAH LE TWIST DE LA TOUTE FIN<3 ça rattrape tous les défauts du dernier tiers !!
Profile Image for José Nebreda.
Author 17 books125 followers
January 7, 2024
Una gozada, como siempre. La pena, lo que tardará en salir el siguiente.
259 reviews1 follower
January 15, 2024
Des planches très détaillées et vraiment superbes, à l'exemple de la page 46. Et avec un scénario très contemporain. J'adore!
Profile Image for Borja.
512 reviews126 followers
January 16, 2024
A nivel de historia seguramente no es el mejor de los volumenes de Blacksad publicados. Pero como se me cae la baba con cada pagina, pues le subo un poco mas la puntuacion.
Profile Image for Стефан Стефанов.
Author 12 books20 followers
January 17, 2024
Всеки том от "Блексед" е съкровище и последният не прави изключение!
Profile Image for ♫ Irene ♫.
104 reviews
January 28, 2024
«Al final, todo cae». Te quiero mucho, Blacksad. Te quiero mucho, Teniente.
Profile Image for Mendousse.
265 reviews5 followers
February 26, 2024
Le niveau de perfection se maintient toujours, après près de 15 ans d'aventures. Encore une histoire dans laquelle on est embarqué, où personne ne gagne jamais vraiment à la fin.
Profile Image for Yasen Marinov.
115 reviews7 followers
December 30, 2024
Това без съмнение ми е любимият епизод на Блексед по отношение на изображенията — няма другаде такава красота. Всеки панел е изкуство и може спокойно да бъде окачен в някой музей на изкуствата. А в последните страници изобилстват спиращите дъха картини. Изображенията на големия мост, който се превръща в метафора за властта и преходността на силата и богатството, са великолепни и отлично предават посланието на историята и допълват заглавието.

Какъв прекрасен завършек на един от най-уникалните графични романи!
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