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Charlie Parker #20


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Родният град на Чарли Паркър, Портланд, отново става сцена на хаос и убийства в поредния напрегнат роман на всепризнатия майстор на трилъра Джон Конъли

Частният детектив е неволно въвлечен в свят на злини и отмъщения, а два различни – но съдбовно свързани – случая се оказват сред най-сложните в цялата му кариера. В „Сестрите Стрейндж“ престъпникът Раум Бюкър се завръща в Портланд след дръзка кражба, която заплашва не само собственото му съществувание, но и живота на бившите му любовници – загадъчните сестри Долорс и Амбар.

„Фуриите“ ни връща към началото на световната пандемия. В тези тревожни времена Паркър трябва да защити две жени, изложени на още по-непосредствена опасност: макар да се оказва, че те са по-способни да се погрижат за себе си, отколкото някой би предположил.

416 pages, Paperback

First published August 4, 2022

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About the author

John Connolly

205 books7,676 followers
John Connolly was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1968 and has, at various points in his life, worked as a journalist, a barman, a local government official, a waiter and a dogsbody at Harrods department store in London. He studied English in Trinity College, Dublin and journalism at Dublin City University, subsequently spending five years working as a freelance journalist for The Irish Times newspaper, to which he continues to contribute.

He is based in Dublin but divides his time between his native city and the United States.

This page is administered by John's assistant, Clair, on John's behalf. If you'd like to communicate with John directly, you can do so by writing to contact-at-johnconnollybooks.com, or by following him on Twitter at @JConnollyBooks.

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See other authors with similar names.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 428 reviews
Profile Image for Meredith (Trying to catch up!).
878 reviews14k followers
April 18, 2022
“The game goes on. The game always goes on. The only issue to be decided is if you’re a player or a pawn.”

Book #20 in the Charlie Parker series is comprised of two novellas: The Sisters Strange and The Furies.

The Sisters Strange
is the longer of the two. Revolving around the theft of ancient coins, one of which has supernatural powers, Parker is pulled into the investigation by a person concerned about the sisters Strange: Dolors and Ambar.

This novella features Parker, Angel, Louis, The Fulci brothers, and some other favorite characters. The tone is dark and weird, and it gave me hope that this was where we were going to pick up again from book #18. The ending left it a possibility, but I am not sure if this is the direction the series is headed.

In The Furies, Parker is hired on two separate cases by women trying to save their daughters from evil men. This story takes place in the days leading up to quarantine. The two stories are not linked, but the setting of Portland, Maine, and the characters tie the two together.

The tone is a little more chaotic, with more of Parker’s dark humor shining through. I enjoyed the way this story ended.

“It’s an error to underestimate the intelligence and cunning of women.”

I enjoyed both novellas, but I am ready for this series to finally move forward, as it has been at a standstill since the events of book 18. As always, Connolly’s writing is well-crafted, and I loved spending time with Parker, Angel, Louis, and other favorite characters. I am ready to see where this series is headed and cannot wait to find out in book #21.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Atria Books in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for LIsa Noell "Rocking the chutzpah!".
729 reviews494 followers
June 30, 2022
My thanks to Atria/Emily Bestler books, John Connolly and Netgalley.
I have no problem with this book. I wasn't sure how it would go with the two shorter stories, but if it's Connolly writing about my 3 favorite men in fiction, then how could I not love it?
The two stories were fantastic. I'll confess that I may have enjoyed the last story more than the first, because it had a more supernatural bent to it. I do love that stuff!😜
I've been reading these books since the 1990's and I've yet to read a bad book.
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,802 reviews2,564 followers
July 4, 2023
Twenty books so far about Charlie Parker and it is still not enough! This one is actually two short books and both of them concentrate more on Parker's investigative efforts, with only a small amount of the occult. The spooky stuff is what I like best and I hope next time there will be more!

In the meantime The Furies made for an excellent read. Angel and Louis featured which always makes me happy. And Parker's dead daughter was around and about, and she contributed to a superb ending.

Connolly writes so well that his books are always a pleasure to read. As well as mystery, horror and the supernatural, he also includes humour. There is some excellent and very entertaining dialogue as well as some of those 'must read aloud to anyone who will listen' moments.

I loved it all and look forward to more in the future.
Profile Image for Faith.
2,114 reviews641 followers
October 28, 2022
“Why he couldn’t just sit when he peed, like a sensible human being, she’d never been able to establish. Lord knows, he took every other opportunity to sit when it was offered, so there seemed to be no comprehensible reason why he couldn’t have extended that policy to peeing, too.”

“It might have been the scudding of clouds, or the shifting of the branches in the night breeze, but for an instant there was movement on X’s skin – no, not on, but under, so that the shape of his face was transfigured. Beneath his own features I descried those of another, the lines sharp and animalistic, the teeth jagged and sharp, and I smelled, amid the man’s floral scent, a hint of burning.”

This book contains 2 novels, each of which could have been a standalone and, even though this book is part of the Charlie Parker series, the entire book stands alone from the series.

In “The Sisters Strange”, Parker learns a lot about the rare coins market. Career criminal Raum Buker stole a unique coin from the wrong man and this crime brings danger to Dolors and Ambar Strange. Raum has a tendency to dare his enemies “which bespoke a degree of confidence in himself to which he had no right”. In “The Furies”, a widow asks Parker to recover some mementos of her dead daughter. A pair of murderous thugs are holding them for ransom. Another mother asks Parker to help her daughter escape from an abusive boyfriend.

I preferred The Sisters Strange, but I enjoyed the entire book. The humor, combined with the excellent creation of atmosphere, is what keeps me reading these supernatural thrillers. The author also has a much broader vocabulary than most thriller writers. Parker’s colleagues Angel and Louis make only a few brief appearances in this book, but I was ok with that. Jeff Harding did an excellent job narrating the audiobook. 4.5 stars

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher.
Profile Image for Debra.
2,982 reviews36k followers
October 16, 2022
I always get excited when I see that John Connolly has a new book out in the Charlie Parker series! I love Connolly's beautiful writing. He has the heart of a poet who writes dark supernatural tales that put a smile on my face. I love how he combines genres: horror, mystery, supernatural, etc. In The Furies, Connolly takes a new slant and instead of writing a one story, he writes two novellas (The Sisters Strange and The Furies). Both were enjoyable, but I did enjoy the second one much more.

The whole gang is back! Charlie, Angel and Louis amongst others are back and in action in this book. It is always nice to read about them again. The characters are tough and no case is too much for them to take on.

Although I enjoyed this edition to the Charlie Parker series and thought it was very well done, I want a full fledged book and will be eagerly waiting for the next book in the series.

Well written, dark, and gripping.

Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

Read more of my reviews at www.openbookposts.com
Profile Image for Fiona Knight.
1,382 reviews285 followers
July 21, 2022
If you go seeking ways to bring down hurt upon yourself, life will oblige you, because it has hurt in store for you anyway, but will happily welcome any assistance you're in the mood to offer. Better, then, not to oblige it any more than necessary. I'd like to have said that this was a lesson hard-learned, but it would suggest my education was in the past, whereas it was still ongoing.

John Connolly returns with his twentieth novel in the bestselling Charlie Parker series – and with an unexpected bonus to his readers, as The Furies is actually two short novels in one.

The Sisters Strange is the longer of the two, and begins with the seemingly simple murder of a coin collector. But this is John Connolly, and nothing stays simple for long – Charlie Parker is pulled into the increasingly twisty case by an outsider concerned for one of the two sisters the expanding mystery threatens to consume. This story is lighter on the supernatural elements that have come to be this author’s trademark, but not without them entirely.

The Furies, the second and titular story, sees Parker on something else entirely; two separate cases with a mother afraid for her daughter, though in completely different ways. Where The Sisters Strange holds back the supernatural in favour of the monstrosity humans are capable of though, The Furies throws itself wholeheartedly into that mysterious realm of ghosts and monsters – though of course, plenty of the humans involved are more than capable of presenting their own threat. The two stories are linked by a seemingly inconsequential run-down hotel; The Braycott, home to those on the downward path or all the way along it.

John Connolly writes some of the most beautiful prose I’ve ever read, and it’s another trademark of his that this beautiful writing captures some of the worst horrors to be found in the human imagination – always setting them off with Charlie Parker, the investigator who’s seen it all and still tries anyway. His determination to help, as well as the bonds and banter he shares with the widening cast of side characters he’s come to call friends, keep the series from ever sinking too far into despair, lightening such heavy topics with a ray of hope amid the darkness.

Both of these stories make it clear that even when investigating smaller cases – at least compared to some of the previous books in the series – Charlie Parker is a force for good and a character with plenty of stories left to tell. The Furies is an excellent example of a series that delights in horrifying and uplifting its readers simultaneously; long may it continue to do so.

This review originally appeared at mysteryandsuspense.com.
Profile Image for Mark.
1,543 reviews198 followers
August 8, 2022
First the bad news about this book, it will be another year before we get a new story from mr Connolly on the subject of Charlie Parker.

For the good about this book a review will follow, for the moment I will share with you that this latest book is as much fun and good as the whole series is, new to the series start at the beginning but you cannot go wrong with reading this book even if you are missing some aspects of the Charlie Parker series, one of my favorite book series.
Profile Image for Metodi Markov.
1,623 reviews410 followers
July 31, 2024
"Сестрите Стрейндж" - 3,5*.

Тази новела бе публикувана безплатно на сайта на автора - откъсите излизаха по време на Ковид 19 карантината, април-юни 2020.

Конъли я е преработил в кратък роман, доразвил е добре историята и това повиши оценката ми.

"Фуриите" - 4,5*.

Мрачна новела, която ми допадна повече. Конъли е майстор на паранормалните трилъри.

Из западнал хотел в Портланд, щата Мейн, по нощите тупкат малки крачета и се чува детски смях. Само дето деца там не се допускат под никакъв предлог…

P.S. Нямаше да е лошо от издателството да укажат, че в книгата е включено вече познато произведение, аз се почуствах подведен от това…
Profile Image for Dave.
3,487 reviews420 followers
May 18, 2022
The Furies is the twentieth novel (or to be more precise, a collection of two interrelated novellas) in Connolly’s Charlie Parker series (although only the third in the series for this reviewer). Parker, now living in the quiet backwoods of Maine (or perhaps not so quiet), is a former New York City Police Officer whose world fell apart when his wife and one of his daughters perished. Still haunted by his daughter’s ghost occasionally, Parker now works as a private investigator in Portland, Maine, sometimes employing Angel and Louis, two hard cases from New York. The fact that Parker is a former cop and the often-introspective narrative coupled with the wry sense of humor reminds this reviewer of Block’s Matt Scudder, although Parker is an entirely different character and there’s no connection between them.

These two novellas are incredibly well-written, thoughtful, and intense. In both, Parker takes on cases that perhaps he should not for there is little to be gained for him and a lot to be lost. In the first novella, the Sisters Strange, we meet two sisters, who might be old spinsters except for their strange connection to one Raum Buker, a degenerate whose most recent prison tattoos might lead one to think he dabbles in the occult. It is a portrait of evil and its grip on people who ought to know better. It begins with the death of a coin collector, an old eccentric coin collector, and leads to shady areas where darkness lurks. This is so well-crafted that it is meant to be savored rather than quickly devoured.

The second novella here is the Furies, the title piece, which has Parker returning to the same decrepit motel as in the Sisters Strange, but confronting a different set of evil. Here, he tackles two separate cases at once, one where a mafia widow is haunted by her husband’s misdeeds and the theory that she still had the thousands of dollars her husband skimmed from the organization. She only wants to be left alone in peace, but evil in the form of two rather odd gentlemen has followed her and Parker has to use his connections to find if they are acting on their own or on orders from above. The other case is Parker dipping his foot into intervening in domestic violence and these cases have a way of turning on the do-gooder.

In both novellas, the atmosphere is always dark, dank, with some supernatural things lurking in the background. Parker works at the edges of society, not in the world of the glitterati. A must read!
Profile Image for Obsidian.
3,094 reviews1,090 followers
June 25, 2023
Please note that I received this book for NetGalley. This did not affect my rating or review. 

Posting some short reviews because I feel like crap also a lot of terrible news has hit and I don't have the bandwidth. 

This was pitch perfect John Connolly. I felt like the last few books lost the magic of the earlier Charlie Parker series, but this one (two stories in one book) brings it all back. We get the mystery, horror, science fiction, etc. that makes these books work. We also have Connolly working in some Biblical elements into his works as well and it really work.
Profile Image for Ginger.
915 reviews525 followers
March 8, 2025
I love this series!! One of the best out there.

I would have loved more from both stories, but they were both satisfying with the endings, pace and extra characters.

John Connolly is such a great writer. The writing is descriptive, atmosphere is fantastic, and his characters are the best.

The Sisters Strange - 4 stars
The Furies - 4.5 stars

Excited to get to the next book in the series!
Profile Image for Scott Rhee.
2,140 reviews121 followers
October 25, 2022
In Greek mythology, the Erinyes (or Furies), were three goddesses of vengeance who punished men for crimes against nature.

John Connolly’s latest supernatural thriller, “The Furies”, is actually two novels for the price of one. Both feature Connolly’s private detective Charlie Parker, a man haunted by demons, both figurative and literal. Strangely enough, things are going well for Parker, who has found some semblance of a life in Maine. He has a favorite watering hole, friends, and even the occasional client, but he is extremely discriminating about the types of cases he signs on to anymore.

In the first novel, “The Sisters Strange”, a man named Will Quinn hires Parker to investigate his girlfriend, a woman named Dolors Strange. Dolors and her sister Ambar (their parents couldn’t spell) once hooked up with a very bad man name Raum Buker. Then he went to prison. Unfortunately, he’s out, and the sisters seem to be back with him. Buker seems to be drastically altered by prison. He has a new tattoo of an occult pentagram, one that always seems to be bleeding. He also constantly reeks of brimstone. It doesn’t take an occult expert to know that this guy seems cursed.

Parker uncovers a case involving stolen priceless coins. One, specifically, has a fascinating history. If you believe in the legends, it predates mankind and was minted by a demon. A mysterious coin collector named Kepler claims it rightfully belongs to him, and he has no qualms about killing anybody to retrieve it. The last known person to possess it? Buker. The Sisters Strange, Parker fears, may be in way over their heads with this. Or are they?

The second novel, “The Furies”, is about the kidnapping of a little girl. Well, kind of. The little girl is actually dead, has been for years. Two criminals have stolen valuable property from the girl’s mother and has blackmailed her for money she doesn’t have. It should have been a simple blackmail job, but they definitely didn’t factor in the ghost of the woman’s dead daughter.

Parker is hired by the woman, a nice lady with a sad history and an unfortunate tie to the New England mafia. He wants to do right by the lady by stopping these guys, but he may not have to, as the little girl’s ghost—pissed-off and protective of her mommy—-has her own otherworldly methods of bringing them to justice.

As always, Connolly crafts some hair-raisingly creepy ghost stories and tales of terror. Add to the mix the fact that these were written at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, and you have the perfect little horror treat to read for Halloween.
Profile Image for Bam cooks the books.
2,170 reviews287 followers
September 1, 2022
*4.5 stars rounded up.

The latest in the long-running Charlie Parker series actually contains two short novels in one. The first, The Sisters Strange, involves the theft of rare coins: Charlie is hired to keep a watchful eye on Dolors Strange, who may be tangled up with one of the thieves. In the title novel, The Furies, two separate women come to Charlie for help in troublesome cases--one, involving the theft of precious mementos held for ransom, and the other, a case of domestic violence that could turn deadly. Watching Charlie figure out how to handle these investigations is fascinating and intriguing. As usual, he turns to his good friends for help so we have appearances from Louis and Angel and the Fulci brothers. Both stories are very suspenseful and macabre but the involvement of these friends always adds a great dose of humor.

I received an arc of this thriller from the author and publisher via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and the opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Rose.
287 reviews138 followers
June 20, 2022
I have just read The Furies by John Connolly.

This is the 20th book in the Charlie Parker Series. I have read 5 of the books in the series and do think that they can be read as stand-alone books as well.

This edition is comprised of two stories – “The Sisters Strange” and “The Furies”.

The first story is about two sisters, a little supernatural and some valuable stolen coins.

The second is about Parker being hired to help some daughters.

Both stories takes place around Portland, Maine and are dark and are a little supernatural thrillers.

Overall, very entertaining and another great book from an outstanding Author.

Thank you to NetGalley, Author John Connolly and Atria Books for my advanced copy to read and review.
Profile Image for WendyB .
621 reviews
December 27, 2022
Fantastic! Two great stories, excellent writing.
So good to visit with Charlie Parker and friends.
Profile Image for Jannelies (living between hope and fear).
1,220 reviews138 followers
August 16, 2022
Who am I to try and tell you how magnificent an author John Connolly is, and how I’ve enjoyed The Furies? It’s hard enough to describe my feelings in my own language, let alone in English. So the only thing I’m going to say here is that I enjoyed every word, every sentence every minute I was reading this book. It left me a little breathless.
John Connolly is one of the few authors I still buy all books from in print. It adds to the experience to hold this thick hardcover and when opening the book for the first time, feeling that I’m in for a great couple of hours.
Profile Image for Terry.
429 reviews108 followers
March 2, 2025
I wasn’t aware when I started that this book is comprised of two shorter novels combined into the one book. I’m not complaining, I enjoyed both stories very much. My complaint would be the typical one of short stories, which would be that I would have liked to know more in both cases. But I have to say that at this point, any time I can spend in this world with these characters is something I cherish. I look forward to each new book I see coming out and can’t wait for more.
Profile Image for Effie Saxioni.
698 reviews133 followers
June 23, 2023
Δεν είχε τη συγκλονιστική δυναμική των προηγούμενων, όμως, είχε την αναμενόμενη ποιότητα που πάντα ξέρω ότι θα βρω σε ένα βιβλίο του Κόνολι.
Profile Image for Pattyh.
867 reviews
April 13, 2022
Thank you Atria Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview The Furies. Connolly is back! This book gives the reader a “double shot” of Parker. There are two books in one; they are separate but are joined by locations, unsavory characters, and Charlie Parker.
The Sisters Strange is a novella John posted online in 2021. He has expanded and freshened it up for us and the second chapter brings Louis and Angel into the mix with another Parker book.
Both stories are so good and I didn’t want to them to end. This book is old school Connolly I did like the Nameless Ones but this is straight forward Parker, Maine, and unsavory scary bad guys. I loved this book So fans have to wait another year for more of this series. I hope not!
This is 5 stars and more. Absolutely recommend. And if you have never read this series and read this book, you are in for a Treat. From the First Charlie Parker book- Every Dead Thing - to this book, it’s a journey. These characters become real to the reader and Connolly is one of the best suspense novelist (maybe the best).
Profile Image for Anja Henriksen.
300 reviews51 followers
September 19, 2022
I wasn't the biggest fan of the 19th in the series, so I was pleased to find this 20th Charlie Parker story great!
I was a bit doubtful if the two in one would feel rushed and not have the same depth as usual, but I didn't feel I missed anything. Not that I would complain if it was even longer, but in my world, Charlie Parker stories would be better if they never ended 😁
Profile Image for Shereadbookblog.
853 reviews
October 16, 2022

Although this is the twentieth in the Charlie Parker series, I think it is the first one I have read. It is comprised of two novellas. In the first, The Sisters Strange, Charlie is called upon by someone concerned about the welfare of two sisters from someone in their past who is back now, having stolen some ancient coins. The Furies sees Charlie working two cases, both involving protection of women in trouble.

Well written and more literate than some novels in this genre, I liked the main character, especially his sense of justice and understanding of the world. Both stories incorporate a bit of the supernatural, something I just learned is typical of Connolly’s books.

I just couldn’t engage with the first story, the longer of the two. It was well told, but kind of meh. I enjoyed the second one more. Fans of this series will probably enjoy The Furies, but I’m not sure it will attract many new aficionados.

Thanks to @Netgalley and @Atriabooks for the ARC.
Profile Image for Sue.
1,379 reviews625 followers
November 12, 2022
The Furies, John Connolly’s latest novel, is actually two short novels: the titled novel and The Sisters Strange. Both demonstrate his strengths: Charlie Parker himself with his code of behavior; Charlie’s various, and quite varied associates who offer a wide assortment of aid in his work; a deep knowledge of the inner workings of New England and its criminal underworld; that ever present, but varyingly used, supernatural world; and of course his personal history which has colored his entire adult life.

To be continued….

Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley.
Profile Image for Jaksen.
1,551 reviews86 followers
November 12, 2022
Five stars because omgoodness what a Charlie Parker novel this is! Or should I say two novels? Yes, what Mr. Connolly imagined as a novella - Sisters Strange - and wrote during the early part of the pandemic instead became a short novel! It's here! And followed by The Furies. Two novels in one book! Yay!

Just wish I could count it as two books on Goodreads, but what the heck...

Women figure predominantly in both novels, Charlie being caught up in issues/problems/dilemmas involving women. (Not romantically or sexually, though he does have a woman friend who I'd like to see him get it on with more than he does!) Charlie Parker, former police, now PI working mostly out of a bar, takes on some seriously weird and unusual problems in both novels. In the first:

Sisters Strange.

And they are strange! Dolors (spelled correctly) and Ambar (also correct) are or were involved with the same creepy, just-out-of-prison guy up in Maine, where all this happens. However, where Dolors has sort of gotten over the guy; Ambar's still keeping his bed warm. So what's the issue? A friend of Charlie's wants Dolors all to himself but fears she might still have feelings for the creepy guy. Can Charlie check into this, please?

And so he does and gets involved with a coin collecting group of nasties, sickos, strangies and worse. This is not necessarily a supernatural type of read, but Mr. Connolly always leaves that little shred of doubt in the reader's head - as he does with Charlie, too. Charlie talks to the dead, sometimes, and sometimes he gets answers - or does he? That's one thing I LOVE about this series. You never quite know. Another thing about the Sisters Strange - it doesn't necessarily follow a typical 'arc' in that you read and read and then there's a BIG SCENE where everything comes to a head or climax with a slow, explanatory denouement after. Nope. In this one, one of the nasties gets away, and so...

Wonder if he'll come back in another book? Who knows.

The Furies.

Charlie gets involved in two separate issues here, ones he needs help with from his pals Louis, the big guy who's maybe done a lot bad stuff but is square and loyal to Charlie, and Angel, Louis' life partner, who was supposedly dying of cancer but now is in remission. The Fulci brothers are also present and anyone who reads this series KNOWS who they are.

Anyhow, the first woman, a widow, wants to get back some stolen items which belonged to her deceased daughter. She's being blackmailed to get them back, and since her dead husband might have gotten in wrong with 'the mob,' it makes this case very tricky indeed. The second woman simply wants her adult daughter to leave a very abusive boyfriend. The two cases overlap and intertwine, but both could have been a separate book IMO. Putting them together like this, and with the Sisters Strange coming first, this is a long, but tight book. I read nothing else while reading it.

One more thing: there's this hotel in The Furies, which I will remember forever! It's where some of the 'bad guys' hang out. It has this old cellar with a tunnel attached. (These things do exist, go back to Prohibition Days.) I know a few creepy old houses - New Englander here. My in-laws lived in a house built in the 1600's. (Hidden closets, creepy stairs.) And my cousin lives in our grandmother's house, built in 1888. (Hidden staircase, upstairs rooms with no floors.) Anyh0w, when Mr. Connolly describes these places I'm like yep, yep, been there.

But to sum things up: Atmospheric. Loaded with great, unique, individual characters. Lots of introspection on Charlie's part, but he's clever and smart, so it never gets dull. Wonderful Maine settings with the water, marshes, woods, etc. This would make a great Halloween-time read, sorry I saved it for after the holiday, but there's always next year. :D

And apologies for overusing the word 'creepy,' but it fits!

Lastly, I own it, love it. Five stars!
Profile Image for B.
631 reviews49 followers
April 17, 2022
Oh man, I do sincerely love the works of John Connolly. Few authors can write a book that is at once funny (in a completely sarcastic way), terrifying, heart-wrenching and impossible to put down. John (may I call you John?) is such an author.

I read this book (or these two books, as they are 2 different, completely unrelated stories) in just under a day. It was that good. I literally could not put it down until I was finished.

I love Charlie Parker, I love Louis and Angel, I even love Tony and Paulie Fulci (how could you not?) The was a distinct absence of Jennifer, which I was unhappy about, but enough death and chaos and sarcasm to keep me interested.

Thank you to Netgalley for my THIRD Charlie Parker ARC, thanks to John Connolly and Simon & Schuster Publishing for allowing me the privilege.

All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Димитър Цолов.
Author 34 books387 followers
January 7, 2024
От благодарностите на Джон Конъли разбирам, че е преработил новелата "Сестрите Стрейндж" до кратък роман, защото текстовете, излизали на части от по 600-800 думи по време на Ковид- пандемията и звучали що-годе прилично онлайн, не му "стояли добре на хартия". Е, онова, което съм написал в предното си ревю, не успя да се промени и след прочита на редактирания по-обемен вариант - историята имаше страховит потенциал в своята трилърно-окултна обвивка (случай, развиващ се в общността на безскрупулни нумизмати), но краят се оказа претупан, нещо повече - главният антагонист, Раум Бюкър, остана абсолютно статичен през цялото време, а можеше да натворш още куп поразии.

Авторът определя "Фуриите" - втората творба, включена в тома, като "по-прост проект" и съм склонен да се съглася. Историята беше доста праволинейна, макар и с вкусна щипка паранормалност, но... дотам.

Все пак много, ама много харесвам стила на Джон Конъли и просто обожавам сладкодумния начин, по който ни представя дори второстепенните герои, докато ги позиционира в поредния мрачен сюжет, затова с известни уговорки ще присъдя 5 ⭐️.


👉 "За мъртвите любовта е важна, времето не е, а отсъствието трае само миг.

👉 "Прекарах сутринта в Окръжния съд на Мейн, за да свидетелствам по някакво застрахователно дело, което бездруго щеше да приключи със споразумение. Поне имах книжка за четене, а и ми плащаха за отделеното време. Има нещо приятно в това да ти плащат да си четеш."

👉"Винаги има "но"... Животът се пише след "но". Всичко останало просто би могло да бъде, но не е."
Profile Image for Bookreporter.com Mystery & Thriller.
2,368 reviews49.4k followers
October 16, 2022
John Connolly and his favorite character, private investigator Charlie Parker, return in THE FURIES. Connolly has stated that the novel, which is quite lengthy, was conceived and written during the pandemic lockdown. The result is a book that is actually two stories in one: “The Sisters Strange” and “The Furies.” At the center of each tale are special women who are much more than they seem.

“The Sisters Strange” introduces readers to two spinster sisters, Dolors and Ambar Strange. Each has been romantically linked to Raum Buker, who is newly released from prison. Parker is hired by Will Quinn, who is currently involved with Dolors and fears that Buker’s presence on the outside could cause her trouble and possible harm.

A second plot line involving the theft of some coins following a murder in Athens, Pennsylvania, is connected to Buker and his cellmate. It also has set off a series of violent incidents at the hands of a somewhat supernatural character, Kepler, who will stop at nothing to get either his coins or the monetary value of them back. Little does Buker know that Kepler is coming to Maine for him, and not even Parker will be able to save him.

Quinn informs Parker about the occult connection to the investigation, which is evident when certain symbols are found not only at the murder scenes, but also in Buker’s room at a local flophouse along with a new tattoo on his forearm. The inevitable meeting between Buker and the Sisters Strange will occur. They know what he is about and are more than capable of handling themselves to overcome any threat he may pose. As skilled as Parker is at his job, he appears to be a mere bystander in this story.

“The Furies” revolves around two women for whom Parker has taken on cases. The first is Sarah Abelli, who tragically lost her daughter, Kara. To add insult to injury, two men have robbed her of personal items that amounted to all she had left of Kara. Even though Sarah comes from a family with a criminal past that Parker is well aware of, it is important for him to retrieve her valuable possessions. He will get unexpected help when the specter of a little girl begins to haunt the culprits while they stay at the same flophouse as Buker did in the first story.

Meanwhile, Melissa Thombs is in an abusive relationship that she is trying to get out of with Parker’s assistance. However, he will learn that she is far from a victim, and her own aggression and determination will be more invaluable than any help he could provide her.

I preferred “The Sisters Strange” to “The Furies” due to its strong supernatural elements. I have a soft spot for scary tales during the Halloween season, so I am happy to report that John Connolly and his trusty protagonist do not disappoint.

Reviewed by Ray Palen
Profile Image for Brandon.
986 reviews247 followers
May 28, 2022
John Connolly is back with his twentieth Charlie Parker installment, The Furies. Containing two novels, The Furies is made up of the title story and The Sisters Strange, the serialized story he wrote and released through his website during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. But fear not, even if you had read The Sisters Strange as it was being written, it is worth reading once again as John has expanded it into a full length novel.

In The Sisters Strange, Parker finds himself digging into the lives of Dolors and Ambar (no, not typos) Strange as a former lover – and notorious criminal – by the name of Raum Buker returns to Portland. Approached by another, also former lover of Dolors, Parker is tasked with investigating the erratic behavior of Buker as his sudden arrival brings about cause for concern. Hot on the heels of Buker is a mysterious collector of coins, a man who will stop at nothing to get back what was taken from him.

Then, in The Furies, Parker is charged with bringing about the end of a serious case of blackmail against the widow of a deceased Mafia man. Endlessly extorted by two very evil men, she asks Parker to help her recover something very personal of hers that is now in the possession of her tormentors. As if that isn’t enough, Parker also agrees to assist the daughter of a client who is trapped in an abusive relationship. Oh, and I should mention that this all happens during the early days of the lockdowns in March 2020.

Connolly does it again! While both of these stories are solid entries into the Parker mythos, I found The Sisters Strange to be the stronger of the two. Also, I feel slightly rewarded for holding out on reading the original publication as I knew it would eventually find its way into a future book or collection; I just didn’t expect it to be so soon and also to be expanded.

All the hallmarks of the Parker series are here and in fine form. Louis and Angel, two of Parker’s constant companions, shined brightly (especially so when confronting their peers in organized crime). The Braycott Arms Motel and its seemingly lone staff member in Bonny Wadlin, are excellent additions to Parker’s world. The location and Wadlin himself link both stories together as common elements. I love this as a resting place for some of Portland’s most disruptive presences.

Judging by the fact that Connolly’s first novel is the namesake of my blog, it’s no secret that I am a big fan and with a series as long-running as this it is a wonder as to how John keeps the quality at such an unmatched level. I say this after every novel, but I can’t wait to see what he does next.
Profile Image for Maxine.
1,444 reviews63 followers
July 25, 2022
The Furies by John Connolly is actually two novellas connected by theme and a somewhat disreputable hotel. In the first story, The Sisters Strange, Charlie Parker is hired by a man to protect the woman he loves from a dangerous man. Trouble is, this dangerous man not only has a relationship with the woman in question but with her sister as well. In his attempt to help the sisters, Charlie finds himself drawn into what should be a simple theft of some valuable coins but this is a Charlie Parker thriller so of course nothing is as simple as it seems.

In the second and titular story, Charlie is hired by a woman who is trying to recover some items stolen from her, items that had once belonged to her dead daughter. The thieves are staying at The Braycott Hotel, a hotel noted mainly for its discretion. As a result, no children are allowed so why, suddenly, are patrons complaining that their sleep is being disturbed by the laughter of a child in the hall late at night?

I am a long time fan of the Charlie Parker series so was thrilled to receive a copy of this latest book from Netgalley and Atria Books. Connolly is a master at combining the thriller with the supernatural, creating stories that are guaranteed to keep the chills coming while gluing the reader to the page. The Furies is no exception and I loved every gloriously macabre moment of it.
Profile Image for Justin B.
125 reviews
October 13, 2022
Was a pain to make it through and going to be the last one for me. Last few haven’t been all that interesting and this one put the last nail in the coffin.

Majority of it consists of 1st person POV rambling info dump. The plots feel phoned in as they’re getting more and more generic. The dialogue is cheesy in a Sam Spade Maltese Falcon kind of way which I actually like. Everyone is full of witty rejoinders. Too bad conversations feel few and far in between as Birdman just broods through the pages and the author takes detours in his writing. Seems that the author puts more effort in the world building and minor characters’ backgrounds than to what is actively occurring in the story. I’m talking in depth character sheets and even some genealogy for people who appear on the page for the briefest of moments. Pages and pages about things that don’t really add anything to the story. It’s all really nice window dressing as a back drop to one dimensional characters. Lots of telling and not enough showing.

The conclusion to both stories were extremely lackluster and abrupt. Parker and his cohorts being as much observers as the reader for the most part. Not really contributing much of anything to the story besides a narrative.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 428 reviews

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