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Tired of Winning: Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party

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An extraordinary view into the politics of our times, Tired of Winning explores how Donald Trump remade the Republican Party in his own image—and the wreckage he’s left in his wake.

Packed with new reporting, Tired of Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party tracks Trump’s improbable journey from disgraced and defeated former president to the dominant force, yet again, in the Republican Party.  

From his exile in Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump has become more extreme, vengeful, and divorced from reality than he was on January 6, 2021. His meddling damaged the GOP’s electoral prospects for third consecutive election in 2022. His legal troubles are mounting. Yet he’s re-emerged as the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.  

Jonathan Karl has known Donald Trump since his days as a New York Post reporter in the 1990s, and he covered every day of Trump’s administration as ABC News’s chief White House correspondent. No one is in a better position to detail the former president’s quest for retribution and provide a glimpse at what the GOP would be signing up for if it once again chooses him as its standard bearer.  

In 1964, Ronald Reagan told Americans it was “a time for choosing.” Sixty years later, Republicans have their own choice to Are they tired of winning?

336 pages, Hardcover

First published November 14, 2023

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Jonathan Karl

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 361 reviews
Profile Image for Misfit.
1,638 reviews338 followers
December 2, 2023
Be afraid, be very afraid.

These books about the former guy chill me to the bone, Karl is always at the top of his reporting game. That said, eventually there comes a point where there's a wee bit too much repetition between one book and the previous ones. Worth the time however, there's definitely some new news nuggets in this book we hadn't heard reported before.
Profile Image for Doug.
2,411 reviews828 followers
January 9, 2024
In reality, more of a 4-star read, mainly because it seems so haphazardly thrown together, and like his previous tomes on Trump, Karl tends to repeat some information verbatim - where's his editor? And after all we know, I am not even sure how 'essential' I would consider this book - about the only 'bombshell' I wasn't really aware of is that Trump was actually REQUESTED not to attend Biden's inaugural, as he was thought too much of a loose cannon to even be there.

But the more documented evidence of Benedict Donald's perfidy, the better, I say - especially if the Great American Experiment (i.e., democracy), is dismantled with the threat of another four years of the deranged monster. Heaven help us all.
Profile Image for Pseudonymous d'Elder.
288 reviews24 followers
June 19, 2024
‘They’re crucifying me,’ you know, ‘I’m a martyr.’

Tired of Winning is a collection of facts and insights about Donald Trump. Here are a few examples.

The former executive wants people to believe fantastic things that are obviously not true. One of the one-time president’s aides at Mar-a-Lago told Jonathan Karl that after Trump left office, he was obsessed with the fantasy stories about how he would he would be back in the White House during the summer of 2021. The aide claimed that "he urged the former president to give it a break. “If you really think it’s true, then stop talking about it. Just let it happen.” “If you keep talking about it so much, people will think you are crazy.” Trump told him, “You say that because you aren’t a true believer!”

You aren’t a true believer. That’s a telling remark. The once president apparently believes we all live in Never-Neverland, where everyone believes in fairies and mermaids and crocodiles that go Tick Tock and things that go Trump in the night. He is not wrong, I suppose. A sizeable portion of the Republican base are reality deniers who believe that the election of 2020 was fixed by a dead Venezuelan dictator. They also believed a conspiracy/pillow salesman was going to nullify the 2020 election and that the Glorious Leader would magically be transported back in the White House in August, 2021. I believe in Lindell. I do. I do. I do. I do. Apparently, so did Mr. Trump.

The Once and Fantasy King is obsessed with dominating other people. In one famous incident, when Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abewent went to shake his hand, he squeezed the prime minister’s hand as hard as he could, wouldn’t let go, and pulled Abewent’s hand back and forth for 20 seconds or so. He was establishing which of them was the alpha male jackass, I expect. This backfired at a later date when French president Macron decided to pull the same dirty trick on him. Trump made two unsuccessful efforts to pull himself away. Who is the alpha jackass now, Donny? Nope. Still Trump. USA USA USA

The ex-executive wants people to believe he is a genius. At a meeting in the DOD, he told a group of defense department experts, “I know more about nuclear weapons than anybody,” he interjected. “I know more about nukes than all you people.” Kelly, Trump’s chief of staff, was standing with others in the back of the room when another attendee heard him muttering under his breath: “Jesus, this fucking bastard.”

The greatest orange American since Julius needs constant ego reinforcement from those around him. In a unique televised cabinet meeting of his sycophants, he asked each member what they liked about being part of the Trump administration. Each one (except General Mattis) “seemed determined to outdo the obsequiousness of the last. The ego-stroking reached its divine apex with chief of staff Reince Priebus: “We thank you for the opportunity and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda.”…

“One of those who attended the meeting later told me [Jonathan Karl], he found the whole thing embarrassing, comparing it to the kind of gathering North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un might convene, with subordinates speaking glowingly about their Dear Leader out of fear that insufficient praise might lead to death by firing squad.

That is not far off. By the end of his term, he had one White House staffer constantly checking up on the loyalty of everyone in the administration. One of the most heinous acts this metaphorical firing squad discovered was that a low-level employee had “liked” a photo of Taylor Swift on her personal social media website. Taylor Swift supported Biden; ergo, liking Taylor Swift photos was disloyal to the Dear Leader.

★★★★ I am your retribution… . That, more than anything else, is the beating heart of Trump’s 2024 campaign: Vote for me, and I will punish the people who have wronged you—by wronging me. I am your retribution.
"His injured mind persuades him he is Prince of Wales; . . . . for this mind is set upon the one fantasy."--Mark Twain, The Prince and the Pauper.
355 reviews
November 29, 2023
This is just so disappointing—not the book. But that Trump is destroying the GOP—literally the grand old party of Lincoln, and of ending slavery. 1856 to 2023?

Just an accounting of say 5 facts, of major not minor things that would have ended other careers, ought to be enough to wrap this up.

But it’s like some salt vampire (thanks Star Trek) with its teeth into body and soul of so many of the salt of the earth I once respected, these have shown themselves to be fools. Not wise, and so easily deceived.

By such a raging con.

My complaints against Karl’s book is that he sometimes is bound to turn these same believers in Trump off with needless snark (everyone’s a critic, I know), and a few areas that could use clarification, in Trump’s favor.

What? Aren’t you against Trump? Yes. And that’s my point. The man has so polarized the world that the snark and failure to explain more fully issues like Russia, and voting changes in the run up to the presidential 2020 election that did occur, lets these salt of the earth say, see? The fix is in. You can’t trust the media. These same abuses may have helped trump along in losing his own sense of reality, though he had and has every responsibility to keep it and to do the right thing, even when his opponents go beyond their brief. An eye for an eye and the whole world’s blind.

Karl cannot run his book in a way to please other side, either side, or me. But the occassional snark hurts the good and persistent reporting, that could not have been easy to sustain. And the failure to try and better explain legitimate concerns (even if ultimately they are not the whole story—which JK could easily go in to explain), hurts the overall effort to make things clear.

Nonetheless, I raised my early estimate from 3 to 4 stars, bc overall JK does good work of martialing a bizarro world set of facts that are true. And that I can hardly believe, tho I’ve been watching as closely as I can all along. We’ve needed someone to do that, and I’m grateful for it. It’s a public service if only the public will read it
The last chapter is quite good at putting things in historical perspective. In talking about the big picture. Jonathan Karl has my respect for showing his cards here as well.
21 reviews
November 21, 2023
Easy read. Held my interest throughout. I’ve always liked Jonathon Karl’s reporting. He is so smart and thorough.
Profile Image for Bonnie.
296 reviews
January 20, 2024
Went back & finished! Was so mad at trumps antics stopped reading, but I had to finish🙄
Big fan of Jonathan Karl
Profile Image for Donna.
1,589 reviews107 followers
December 2, 2023
I’ve read Karl’s two previous books on Trump and found them excellent. The fact that Karl has had a reporting relationship with Trump since before his political career means that he has long term insight into his character.

At first the book seemed a little slow, but once I got into it, I couldn’t put it down. So many things have happened so quickly (can’t believe that the January 6 indictment was only four months ago) that this book is necessary to keep everything straight and in context for the upcoming election.

God bless America as we move into the next election cycle.

Five stars for the book; zero stars for Trump.
Profile Image for Evie.
108 reviews36 followers
January 6, 2024
5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Profiles in Cowardice. A scathing indictment of the Republican party, covering mainly post-January 6th events. Filled with the input of Trump's own party and their unwillingness to back up what they privately say/feel when it comes to standing up to him (or the radical fringe of their own party) in public.

‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎• Trump's 20-something leader of Hiring/Firing (with no other experience) writing and submitting the presidential directive to withdraw troops from around the globe-- and getting Trump to sign it-- without input or review from literally anyone else.
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎• Trump's lawyers' secret meeting with Jack Smith to argue why he shouldn't be charged regarding January 6th. They arrive, ramble for a *full hour*, revealing their entire argument they'll use to defend Trump. Smith listens, takes notes, then thanks them and says goodbye without needing to say anything else-- Trump's entire legal team is unsurprisingly inept.
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎• GOP bends the knee to the most vindictive, petulant man in politics.

Well-written and extensively sourced. Not much may surprised you, but this book brings into stark relief the challenges the United States faces from within-- those in power putting Party over Country.

I never thought I would say it, but I really do miss the Republican Party from when I was a kid. Sadly, it really doesn't exist anymore.

My notes/highlights are shared-- some choice excerpts from them:

When he wasn’t golfing, dining with antisemites, or welcoming QAnon adherents to his club, candidate Trump kept himself busy with another hobby—filing a blizzard of lawsuits in state and federal courts against his enemies, real and perceived. These lawsuits are too numerous to fully detail in one chapter, but here is a sampling of the people Trump sued after he left the White House: CNN (for using the term “the Big Lie” to describe his false claims of election fraud), Bob Woodward (for releasing an audiobook of his Trump interviews), New York attorney general Letitia James (for successfully investigating allegations of fraud against the Trump Organization), The New York Times (for reporting on his tax returns), and Hillary Clinton and thirty other individuals (for “an unthinkable plot” to tie Trump to Russia). The legal filings are riddled with errors, false allegations, and shoddy legal reasoning, but they deserve more attention than they have received. Not because they have any merit—they don’t—but because the lawsuits themselves represent an abuse of the legal system by the former president, who systematically wasted the resources of courts around the country and used them to harass his critics and saddle them with legal bills.

“He lacks any shred of human decency, humility or caring,” the former White House official wrote of the man he had served for more than a year. “He is morally bankrupt, breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant of virtually anything related to governing, history, geography, human events or world affairs. He is a traitor and a malignancy in our nation and represents a clear and present danger to our democracy and the rule of law.” Those words were written by a person who had served Trump in a critical role in the West Wing.

In private, McCarthy didn’t just acknowledge that Trump’s rhetoric was wrong—he argued it was dangerous. In 2022, Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns of The New York Times reported on a private House GOP leadership phone call from January 10, 2021, in which McCarthy said he was planning to tell Trump he should resign as president. McCarthy denied the report, insisting he never said anything of the sort. In response to the denial, the Times published an audio recording of the conversation. McCarthy had said precisely—word for word—what Martin and Burns reported he had said.

Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker was also a particularly frequent recipient of Trumpian counsel. Preparing for his one—and only—debate with Democrat Raphael Warnock, Walker received a call from the former president and, according to a senior advisor to the Walker campaign who witnessed the conversation, put the former president on speakerphone so his team in the room could hear the strategic wisdom that was about to be offered. “Just call him a child molester,” Trump said, suggesting Walker make an entirely unfounded allegation against his opponent during the debate. “But I got no evidence of that,” Walker replied. “Just do it. You can say there was sexual abuse on his watch,” Trump insisted, according to the senior Walker advisor who witnessed the call. “Just call him a child molester.”

“President Trump asked me to lie to the public in four different ways,” Brooks later told me. “First, he asked me to publicly call out for rescission of the election, which violates the United States Constitution and federal law. So that’s not a remedy. Second, he asked me to call for the immediate removal of Joe Biden from the White House. And there’s no right that Donald Trump or anybody else has to do that. Third, he asked me to publicly state that Donald Trump should be allowed to move back into the White House, reinstated as president. And fourth, Donald Trump asked me to publicly call for a special election for the presidency of the United States.”

“No, I’m not going to do it,” he remembered telling Trump. “It’s not the truth.” According to Brooks, Trump grew enraged, yelling profanities into the phone before hanging up on him. “It’s pretty clear he’s used to people doing what he says,” Brooks told me. “Even if it violates the law.”

“You’ll find, when you become very successful, the people that you will like best are the people that are less successful than you, because when you go to a table you can tell them all of these wonderful stories, and they’ll sit back and listen,” Trump explained. “Always be around unsuccessful people, because everybody will respect you. Do you understand that?” That’s right. The future president told those college kids in Wisconsin that the key to success is surrounding yourself with people who are not as successful as you because they will think you are brilliant."
- Donald Trump, March 2016

In January 2023, he even won the Senior Club Championship at Trump International Golf Club in Palm Beach. “A great honor,” he wrote on Truth Social announcing the victory. “Competed against many fine golfers, and was hitting the ball long and straight.”

On Sunday, according to the Daily Mail, golfers participating in the club championship were surprised to find out they were competing against—and already losing to—the former president. Although Trump had missed the first day of the tournament, he decided he was going to enter anyway—and just use his score from a round he’d played earlier in the week. Miraculously, he was now ahead of the pack with a commanding five-stroke lead.[8] As it turns out, Trump had been winning amateur golf tournaments at his own golf clubs in this manner for decades. In one particularly brazen example—documented by sportswriter Rick Reilly in his book Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump—the former president “won” a senior championship against one of the best players at Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster, New Jersey, by entering a score from another, easier golf course.

Profile Image for Kathy (Bermudaonion).
1,074 reviews120 followers
April 17, 2024
4.75 stars

When I first saw reviews of TIRED OF WINNING, I wasn’t interested because I was tired of Donald Trump and figured it would rehash what I’ve already read. When I kept seeing good things about the book, I decided to pick it up since my library had a copy and I found myself engrossed. Karl focuses on the period after the 2020 election which was a different perspective than I’ve read before. I thought the book was well researched and well written and I learned some new things. If you’re interested in the current political climate, you can’t go wrong with this book.
227 reviews
December 21, 2023
This one is an absolutely scorching takedown of Trump and his sycophants, and the modern-day GOP as a whole. I really didn't expect such a blistering account from Jonathan Karl, but bravo.

I learned some new details, disturbing as always, about Trump's time in office as well as his post-presidency. The book concludes that we must take care to safeguard American democracy as the threat from within is still very much present. Yes, we know.

This is another worthy addition to the Trump crime wave historical record.

Profile Image for Alex Gruenenfelder.
Author 1 book9 followers
December 14, 2023
Having read Jonathan Karl's first two books in this series, I knew I would have to finish his third within weeks of its publication and I cannot say that I was disappointed. Primarily cataloging the death of the Trump presidency and the details of his 2024 campaign so far, it paints "profiles in cowardice" and the legacy of Trump's team of incompetents that will not be forgotten by history. This is a work of present accountability, but perhaps it will be most crucial when we look back upon the history of it.

Normally audiobooks are just a way in which I particularly enjoy approaching books, but this one has some unique attributes that I must compliment. It is read by the author, who brings a certain life and experience to it beyond that of the average narrator. Similarly, it includes direct quotes from individuals including Trump presented via real audio recordings, reminding us how authentic this work is. I recommend it to the political junkie, to those frustrated with Trump and ready to see him cast off to history, and perhaps most of all to those who have not seen the writing on the wall for the MAGA Man yet: this is who he is, and he's never going to change.
Profile Image for David Braxton.
2 reviews
November 27, 2023
Now I’m really frightened.

To have so many cowardly members congress saddens and outrages me. I look at the history of my family’s service and I think President bone spurs. My father served and was wounded, my mother served, my grandfather served. Three uncles on my mother’s side served. Three uncles on my father’s side served, At least three cousins served. Three nephews served. Four of my high school friends were fools (as called by President bone spurs) served during the Vietnam Nam war. And, I volunteered and served. Knowing my family’s sacrifice as opposed to Trump’s cowardice is what Karl’s fabulous book infuriated me the most. I knew much of what he talked about but having it put together and validated by his sources created a sense of dread if this shadow of a man is elected. The additional information that I didn’t know about put a cap on it. Unfortunately the people who need to read it are unlikely to. That includes the right-wing media. I guess democracy is just too hard for some people. I am truly fearful.
Profile Image for Angela.
407 reviews44 followers
September 27, 2024
I figured a reminder of exactly what we’re dealing with was in order- lest we forget.
Jon Karl, IMO,is one of the better mainstream journalists. This book was a riveting/ horrifying read. It’s definitely not a neutral examination of the subject and while that matches my general feelings, it might not work for others.
The source materials for this book came largely from interviews Karl conducted- with the subject and members of his staff. One of the things that blew my mind was how freely damaging information was shared. If you’ve been paying attention, you probably won’t read anything you didn’t already know. I’m doing what I can to make sure there won’t be another Trump presidency to write books about.
687 reviews
November 18, 2023
Karl states clearly that Trump continues to be a threat to this country and is showing us exactly how completely he has embraced the rhetoric of fascists and authoritarians and has every intention of using every level of power to seek revenge for those he feels are disloyal. The book is well sourced and Karl has had years of one-on-one interviews with Trump.
Profile Image for Vic Allen.
282 reviews10 followers
December 29, 2023
A stunning recap of one of the most dangerous times in American history. A time that has yet to finish.
One of the most remarkable aspects of the attempt to illegally keep DT in power was how much of it was brazenly carried out in full view of anyone who cared to look. Karl's retelling of events brings that home.
Probably the most terrifying takeaways from "Tired" is the willingness of one person to decimate American democracy for the sake of his own ego. And how many were and are willing to assist him for their own small, ugly reasons.
"Tired" will be an important book for future researchers as well as a warning to current Americans. It is a concise record of who did what, said what, when and where. It is a reminder of how many times promenade R's condemned the former President's words and/or actions in no uncertain terms, only to walk it back. tails stuck firmly between their legs. It is the record of the repeated judgement of lawyers, judges, and juries that DT, and much of his immediate family, are crooks and liars. It is also a record of the legal fallout of DT's self destructive obsession with his own image.
Accessible, readable, reliable, and full of insight into what makes DT tick and why that's a danger to our democracy.
Profile Image for Scott.
480 reviews5 followers
January 9, 2024
Add Jonathan Karl's latest book, "Tired of Winning: Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party," to the evergreen list of books condemning the administration and character of former President Trump. This book builds on Karl's earlier books on Trump, "Front Row to the Trump Show" and "Betrayal," and all three books are extensively researched "you are there" examinations of the chaos Trump has unleashed upon the country.

"Tired of Winning" focuses primarily on Trump's efforts to steal the 2020 election following his defeat by President Joe Biden. Karl, while a seasoned journalist, nevertheless cannot contain his fury at the assaults on American democracy Trump has unleashed. Karl, widely considered to be a conservative working in a field dominated by progressives, also includes the shameful kowtowing to Trump by Republican Party elites - men and women who should know better and fail to seize the moment. This failure, Karl writes, has allowed Trump to resurrect himself from the political grave, which is where he was in the immediate aftermath of the January 6th attack on the Capitol.

At this point, it's almost hard to review a book about Trump's crimes, sins and shortcomings. They have all been so well documented that *another* book detailed Trump's *latest* crimes and offenses seems superfluous. Of course, they are not, because Trump keeps committing new acts of horror, but I have to admit that it is getting tough to dive back into these fetid depths with any relish.

Karl's book is excellent, of course - well-written, angry, and efficient. And, once again, it seems to be making no difference in the real world because the people who need to read this book - Trump's supporters - of course will not do so.

A good read, to be sure, and recommended.
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,347 reviews90 followers
May 9, 2024
Another book everybody needs to read. This tells a scary history and paints a picture of a dark future for this country. I knew what happened, but hearing it all laid out, really hits hard. If you haven't read this, I very much recommend it. That it, that's my review.

The audio narration (by author) is done well, but like other non-fiction stories that choose to include real life recordings, when the audio playback is sped up, those recordings are basically voids in the story (either too fast, too soft/low to hear, or just inaudible). I don't know how that can be fixed, and I would prefer people stop doing that because it doesn't work.

4 stars
Profile Image for Erik Graff.
5,120 reviews1,339 followers
February 5, 2025
I've read at least a dozen books about Trump, going back to his days as a real estate developer. This one concentrates on the end of his first term and into the campaign for re-election in 2024 and on the craven betrayal of their oaths to the constitution by most Republican officials, including especially Trump himself.
Profile Image for Donna Lewis.
1,478 reviews21 followers
March 6, 2024
Jonathan Karl is a highly respected journalist, and is currently the chief Washington correspondent for ABC News.

This book reiterates many of the facts about Donald Trump’s campaigns, his many indictments, and his increasingly erratic behavior. Anyone who watches MSNBC or CNN probably knows of most of this. However, I suspect that FOX viewers may have missed some of the nuance of these documented failures. Obviously I do not respect or even remotely like the man. I live in New York City and have followed his outrageous career.

I am not going to discuss Trump’s many failings and indictments. But there are a few facts that I feel like noting:

✔️The first rally of Trump‘s 2024 Campaign kicked off in Waco, Texas. Steve Bannon said the location was because “We’re the Trump Davidians,” referencing the FBI’s disastrous siege of the compound in 1993, where more than 80 Branch Davidians died.

✔️”The Washington Post found that he’d visited one of his properties on 428 out of 1,461 days in his presidency.” And, he accused President Obama of golfing too often. Trump also cheated and lied about his scores.

✔️It was 152 years since an outgoing President refused to attend the Inauguration of a new president.

✔️When David Duke, the neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan leader, endorsed him, Trump was asked about it, he said he knew nothing about white supremacists. “You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about.”

✔️After the September 11 twin towers collapse, Trump’s first comment was “He now owned the tallest building in lower Manhattan.”
Actually that was not true. He also said he went to ground zero to help, but there is no evidence of this.

✔️Trump has filed numerous frivolous lawsuits, including one against Hillary Clinton and 30 others for conspiring to defame him. A stunning rebuke, he was fined nearly $1 million. He also filed a defamation suit against 19 members of the Pulitzer Prize Board for giving prizes to The Washington Post and The New York Times.

✔️ Trump accused two black district attorneys of being reverse racists.

✔️Trump’s behavior is erratic, compulsive, and often self-destructive. Yet he continues to lead his Republican Party.

According to Jonathan Carl, “ It’s hard to be optimistic about the state of American democracy when Trump and the lies he has told have taken route so deeply. He may lose yet another presidential election, but the damage he has done and his assault on decency and democracy will haunt our politics long after he has gone.”
282 reviews1 follower
February 13, 2024
Another interesting book about the Trump presidency. The book is well researched, and that makes reading the book well worth your effort. That said, at least 50% of the book is devoted to what happened after Trump left office. I think in hindsight, that was the most interesting part of the book. Recommended.
Profile Image for Owen.
39 reviews
November 17, 2023
Wow! A wicked essential Trump book that provides the first definitive account of his post-45 life and articulates one of the best book-long denouncements of this fascist tyrant I’ve ever read.
Profile Image for Jon Koebrick.
1,092 reviews11 followers
February 12, 2024
I started this book at 6:30 this morning with no idea that I would finish it today. It was hard to put down. Kudos to Jonathan Karl on assembling another excellent contemporaneous political history book with excellent detail and organization. This should be required civics reading. 4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Linda.
2,239 reviews2 followers
December 19, 2023
Not much new. Just Jonathan Karl's research on DJT after his presidency. Same old SOB (selfish, obese, bull-shitter).
Profile Image for Diana.
178 reviews8 followers
January 17, 2024
Some of what we all pretty much know about the travesty that is Trump's presidency, insurrection attempt and 2024 election bid is covered in JK's book, but much is not and it truly is hair-raising and mind boggling.
Well researched, sourced and corroborated.
Profile Image for Carol N.
824 reviews20 followers
November 26, 2023
Bravo to this site’s reviewer “Shaq” for his riveting words on Jonathan Karl’s newest book, “Tired of Winning.” I agreed with him whole heartly. Karl, once again, shows brilliant insight with his interpretation of American politics. Our nation is now on a hazardous abyss, one wrong vote for this scourge and our democracy implodes.

I join with many of concerned citizens by also saying I fear the danger presented to our Constitution, the rule of law and the nightmare leadership of one, Donald Trump. The reading of Karl’s book should be mandatory before any voter steps into a voting booth to cast a vote in the next election. Karl’s latest book, once again, is filled with fine examples, anecdotes, and commentaries from those who have or had an intimate view of Trump’s insane rule. His lies, intimidations and bribes have gone on way too long, it is time to join the bandwagon and stop this craziness before it is too late to save our democracy from the hands of Trump and his misinformed followers.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
609 reviews28 followers
March 28, 2024
I know, you’re thinking, not another Trump book. Well. This one is worth your time. While I have nervously paid close-ish attention to political news these last 8 years, there is some new information here and some good historical perspective for which we should all take note. People like me (forever liberals) and people who are 100% Trump supporters are not the ones who should (or will in the case of the latter) read this. Our minds won’t change. It’s those who are conflicted about our choice this November that need to see what is truly at stake, and Jonathon Karl, an excellent reporter, lays it right out there for you. Feel free to check out other reviews for more examples of content, but my bottom line here is just read it.

Oh, and I highly recommend the audio version as there is a lot of actual taped interview content. The author reads it himself, which I also prefer with these types of books.
Profile Image for HR-ML.
1,256 reviews51 followers
April 25, 2024
Non-fiction. This was the 3rd book journalist Jonathan
Karl (hereafter JK) wrote about the Trump Presidency.
I read the first 2. Gave this 4 stairs.

Various staff in/ out of the Trump White House, per
the author, described Trump as "delusional ...morally
bankrupt...a moron... had the understanding of a 5th
or 6th grader... had to get even." And "the most flawed
person I ever met in my life."

Conspiracy theorists, including Mike Lindell promised
Trump he would be reinstated as US President by
03/04/21 or 08/13/21. The US Constitution had no such
provision for a President to be reinstated. As late as
2022, Trump believed the 2020 election should be
nullified and Biden removed as US President. Trump
believed "Massive (voter) fraud terminated rules,
regulations and even the Constitution." (66% mark)

Attorney Pat Cipollone's job at the White House was to
review all laws the President wanted enacted via
Executive Order or otherwise. (35% mark.) Johhny
McEntee, was a college football player who volunteered
for Trump's 2016 POTUS run. He later became Trump's
assistant and then 'bag boy' (carried his suitcases or
messages). Trump rewarded this loyal young man, by
making head of the Executive branch HR dept which
oversaw the hire/ fire of 4K employees. Johnny had no
experience for the job. Trump demanded that all current
or future executive branch employees be loyal to him.
Some of the job candidates needed Congressional approval.
Johnny checked voting records on all who sought a job
and media postings- all must be loyal to Trump.

Trump wanted troop withdrawals in West Germany,
Afghanistan and 2 other locales. Cabinet members
& the Joint Chiefs of Staff (military leaders) advised
against this. Because this would endanger the security
of the US and its military troops. And would cancel
promises the US made to our allies. Trump went around
his advisors, had Johnny write this up, Trump signed it
& the s--t hit the fan! (Chapter 6). Trump was clueless
about the security nightmare this would cause. Pat
Cipollone and others had to undue this.

JK noted examples of prime ministers of England, France,
Germany and Australia who thought Trump a light-weight,
in over his head. Trump's former Attorney General Bill Barr
said in so many words that Trump had NO policies (except
the border wall) and was not a policy-maker.

JK praised specific GOP state and federal lawmakers and
and state office holders who risked their careers by calling
out Trump on his false "stop the steal" claims.
54 reviews
January 12, 2024
VERY disappointed in this book...Jonathan Karl is an outstanding journalist, for decades, and his first two books were very good reads, this one, not so much. Perhaps his book deal was for a certain number of pages? Perhaps the publisher switched editors? Whatever the reasons this book could have been 125 pages vs the 300+. I have no tolerance for pages and paragraphs of background and history.
Just the facts, told in a cohesive, chronological semblance of order. Too many years of Trump have justified "word salad" to some, shouldn't be in a book by an otherwise storied journalist. Short on
facts and with so many documented examples of Trump's insanity why are so many writing about it and so few doing anything to change it?
Profile Image for Brian Seadorf.
61 reviews3 followers
February 1, 2024
I love politics. I love presidential history. I love journalism. Jonathan Karl, to me, is truly one of the best journalists out there. This book is filled with facts that are hard to turn away from and ignore. The GOP is dead. It is the party of 1 man, and that is scary.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 361 reviews

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