Max Moreno

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Max Moreno

Goodreads Author

in Campo Mourão - Paraná, Brazil



Member Since
June 2012


Max Moreno is a Brazilian writer.
Moreno's literary career began with the publication of his debut novel A Outra Sombra (The Other Shadow) in 2013. He is known for his works that blend crime, suspense, and psychological fiction. His short story Vinte Pratas (Twenty Bucks) was featured in a tribute collection to Charles Bukowski in 2016.
His second novel, As Paredes Eram Brancas (The White Walls), was published in 2020. His latest work, Dias de Lua, was released in 2024. Moreno's writing has been described as engaging and often philosophical, with a unique narrative style that resonates with readers. His works reflect a deep understanding of human psychology and societal issues.

As paredes eram brancas - Max Moreno

David é um garoto de apenas 13 anos e vive com a família em uma casa simples na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu, no Paraná. Seu pai, um alcoólatra escroto que se diverte ao espancar a esposa nas horas vagas, é assassinado de madrugada na saída de uma boate. Após algum tempo de investigação, a polícia percebe que todas as pistas convergem para uma única suspeita: o garoto teria matado o próprio pai. O prob Read more of this blog post »
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Published on January 06, 2020 05:51 Tags: livro, max-moreno, mistério, policial, suspense
Average rating: 4.0 · 6 ratings · 1 review · 9 distinct works
Besides Me

4.50 avg rating — 2 ratings
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Twenty Bucks: A tribute to ...

3.50 avg rating — 2 ratings
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A Outra Sombra

really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 1 rating — published 2014 — 4 editions
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December Flowers

really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 1 rating
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The Other Shadow

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2014 — 4 editions
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As Paredes Eram Brancas

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2020 — 6 editions
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Dias de Lua

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2024
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The White Walls

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings3 editions
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As paredes eram brancas

0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings
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As Paredes Eram Brancas by Max Moreno
“O destino tem o hábito peculiar de nos ignorar.”
Max Moreno
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As Paredes Eram Brancas by Max Moreno
“O que não falta por aí é gente disposta a fazer cretinice a vida toda.”
Max Moreno
Max shared a quote
As Paredes Eram Brancas by Max Moreno
“Não é segredo para ninguém que o mundo é um lugar cheio de gente escrota.”
Max Moreno
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Zelot Nasıralı İsa'nın Hayatı ve Dönemi by Reza Aslan
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Quotes by Max Moreno  (?)
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“We are shortsighted, we only see what we want; and we want almost nothing.”
Max Moreno

“Both joy and sadness are temporary experiences. The secret is in the balance between them.”
Max Moreno

“It is the way you interpret the world that determines your degree of self-satisfaction.”
Max Moreno

“Dreams are difficult because they are not free. There is always a price to be paid.”
Max Moreno

“Fragile: this is perhaps the best definition of life.”
Max Moreno
tags: death, life

“We are shortsighted, we only see what we want; and we want almost nothing.”
Max Moreno

“Sometimes you have to wake up to keep dreaming.”
Max Moreno

“May your “freedom” respect mine.”
Max Moreno

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