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“It isn't until I'm willing to let God be God that I can get any peace.”
― My Heart Belongs in Fort Bliss, Texas: Priscilla’s Reveille
― My Heart Belongs in Fort Bliss, Texas: Priscilla’s Reveille
“He was a fraud in a society of frauds.”
― The Lost Lieutenant
― The Lost Lieutenant
“Just because a behavior is prevalent doesn’t make it right.”
― Before the Dawn
― Before the Dawn
“Using only her index finger, Juliette slowly played the opening notes of the Mozart tune. One measure, two, three, and at the end of the fourth, a barely audible click came, sending a vibration through her fingers, and a small door opened on the side of the pianoforte. A weak thump sounded as a fabric-wrapped parcel fell out of the now open compartment onto the rug.”
― The Debutante's Code
― The Debutante's Code
“Nobility had more to do with character than birth. There were many who called themselves noble because of their family tree, but Evan had nobility stamped all over him because of his character.”
― The Lost Lieutenant
― The Lost Lieutenant
“Don't blame God for the shortcomings of men.”
― Millstone of Doubt
― Millstone of Doubt
“We cannot judge Scripture or what we know about God by our own experiences and emotions, because those are changeable and untrustworthy most of the time.”
― Millstone of Doubt
― Millstone of Doubt
“You deserve better. Your worth isn't determined by the manner of category of your birth or by your past. Your worth comes from God who created you and the people who love you." How Charlotte wished her sister would be willing to accept her love...and God's love. God's love was unconditional, a truth she had learned early to rely on.”
― The Gentleman Spy
― The Gentleman Spy
“Any husband would be preferable to spinsterhood under her father's control. As long as her new husband left her alone. And maybe let her buy books.~Charlotte”
― The Gentleman Spy
― The Gentleman Spy
“Betsy shrugged. “He looked like he needed a hug. I don’t think captains get hugged enough.”
― The Indebted Earl
― The Indebted Earl
“You deserve better. Your worth isn't determined by the manner of category of your birth or by your past. Your worth comes from God who created you and the people who love you."~Charlotte to Pippa”
― The Gentleman Spy
― The Gentleman Spy
“If you think your choice of wife isn't important, you're sadly uninformed. I've heard you speak time and again about keeping all the parts of your life separate and tidy, even having the boldness to claim that you can confine God to only a portion of your life, but what you're attempting with a wife is just as impossible. Especially if you want to receive any joy from your relationship with your bride."~Aunt Polly”
“I want to be left alone to do my work, and if the title is a complication I cannot avoid, a wife is one that I can.~ Marcus”
― The Gentleman Spy
― The Gentleman Spy
“The rules of dinner etiquette had always seems such a waste of time to learn, especially when there were more interesting subjects waiting between book covers. ~Charlotte”
― The Gentleman Spy
― The Gentleman Spy
“If you treat your fiancee as you have been treating God, I suspect you'll get the same results. You can't put God in a box, and you can't put a wife there either. Both will spill over, and both deserve more from you. You're missing out on life's greatest joys, and you don't even know it.~ Aunt Dolly”
― The Gentleman Spy
― The Gentleman Spy
“Only days ago she had vowed to accept the proposal of the first man who would also buy her books. "I accept your proposal. After all, it is a fine library." She gave him a saucy grin.~ Charlotte”
― The Gentleman Spy
― The Gentleman Spy