A gift for the wonderful Weremagnus, commissioned by Veyz! Both are fantastic human beings, and I really admire Weremagnus' art a lot so it was great to participate in this one.
10.5 hours in Photoshop with an Intuos 3 tablet
10.5 hours in Photoshop with an Intuos 3 tablet
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1210 x 935px
File Size 1.15 MB
little bit of critique here. not on the character itself but the clothing on the character. i'm unsure how the hoodie is staying attached without the sides flopping open. as its not connected at the base of his wing. neither are the pants over the back of his tail. so it seems a little unrealistic on how the clothes are staying attached to him
overall the proportions look good, The tail might be a bit stiff, but the scales and character portrayed are overall nice :>
overall the proportions look good, The tail might be a bit stiff, but the scales and character portrayed are overall nice :>
When it comes to hoodies and shirts on winged characters, as an artist you either have the choice of thinking about how it attaches and designing clothes around the anatomy, or going with a "toony" believability of dressing a winged character in normal human clothing. In this case, I went with the latter because of the specifications of the commission.