Throughout the northern reaches of Cavris are tombs of old that noone dares enter. The hromwathi wizards of Ardura were self sufficient enough to survive any environment. They learned to shape the land to suit their needs. In the hands of the Ardura, ice took root like trees and became a living thing on it's own.
They still worshiped their enemies sun and life goddess Tiama. Her life giving light meant she still smiled upon them in their exile from Vor Del Gost.
Personal art..
They still worshiped their enemies sun and life goddess Tiama. Her life giving light meant she still smiled upon them in their exile from Vor Del Gost.
Personal art..
Category Artwork (Digital) / Scenery
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1005 x 1280px
File Size 98.9 kB