A request from
that I never forgot :3
HOT Apple - Cranberry Pepper Jam
3 habanero peppers, chopped, seeded and deveined (if you like hotter leave the seeds in)
3 ancho chiles, somewhat ripened, also seeded, deveined & chopped
1 Italian sweet pepper, seeded and finely chopped
1 bag of peeled red apples, roughly chopped
2 cups whole cranberries
1 cup cider vinegar
½ teaspoon Chinese five spice powder
5 cups sugar *
1 bottle liquid Pectin (3 oz) - used 1 packet of the regular powdered kind
Rinse whole cranberries and drain to remove excess water.
Trim peppers, then slice lengthwise and remove all seeds and inner membranes. Discard tops, seeds, and membranes. Chop pepper halves.
Grind whole cranberries to a pulp with the food processor or grinder. (I recommend the mini chopper- and if you dont have one, GET one, they are cheap and a lifesaver to boot!)
Add 1/8 cup water to moisten the pulp slightly. Add chopped peppers and pulse or grind. (I used the coarse chopping blade of a food processor.)
Spoon the cranberry and pepper pulp into a stainless pot. Add vinegar and blend. Slowly cook mixture for 10 minutes to blend flavors, then add sugar and five-spice powder into the pot all at once, stir until dissolved. Cook the jam mixture, stirring constantly, until sugar is completely dissolved and boils. Once the jam mixture bubbles and the top foams, rising significantly, add pectin. Boil hard for 1 minute, no longer.
Remove pot from heat. Ladle jam into sterilized half-pint jars, to within 1/2-inch of top. Add sterilized caps and screw rings on. Process in water-bath canner for 10 minutes. Yield: About 4 jars.
Remember: When 'jamming'- let your jam cool in any regular corner you can find for about 5 to 10 minutes, THEN chill in the fridge. This gives the pectin time to get jelling.
* Used less sugar in this as well, 4 cups.
And again I repeat - with habaneros, WEAR GLOVES! I would even go further than that in suggesting a breathing mask/ surgeon's mask...
ONLY because of the fact that when I cut open into the thawed habs I had frozen, it had released a VERY strong hot pepper 'gas' that nearly killed me XD !!!!
Other than that - enjoy :B
UPDATED TASTING NOTES: Very good- tart, sweet, tangy and of course hot!
However, even with the cooling in a regular place and then refrigerating it, it was still 'loose' !
So more than likely next time if I make this again, I'll add in one packet of unflavored gelatin to really firm it up :3

HOT Apple - Cranberry Pepper Jam
3 habanero peppers, chopped, seeded and deveined (if you like hotter leave the seeds in)
3 ancho chiles, somewhat ripened, also seeded, deveined & chopped
1 Italian sweet pepper, seeded and finely chopped
1 bag of peeled red apples, roughly chopped
2 cups whole cranberries
1 cup cider vinegar
½ teaspoon Chinese five spice powder
5 cups sugar *
1 bottle liquid Pectin (3 oz) - used 1 packet of the regular powdered kind
Rinse whole cranberries and drain to remove excess water.
Trim peppers, then slice lengthwise and remove all seeds and inner membranes. Discard tops, seeds, and membranes. Chop pepper halves.
Grind whole cranberries to a pulp with the food processor or grinder. (I recommend the mini chopper- and if you dont have one, GET one, they are cheap and a lifesaver to boot!)
Add 1/8 cup water to moisten the pulp slightly. Add chopped peppers and pulse or grind. (I used the coarse chopping blade of a food processor.)
Spoon the cranberry and pepper pulp into a stainless pot. Add vinegar and blend. Slowly cook mixture for 10 minutes to blend flavors, then add sugar and five-spice powder into the pot all at once, stir until dissolved. Cook the jam mixture, stirring constantly, until sugar is completely dissolved and boils. Once the jam mixture bubbles and the top foams, rising significantly, add pectin. Boil hard for 1 minute, no longer.
Remove pot from heat. Ladle jam into sterilized half-pint jars, to within 1/2-inch of top. Add sterilized caps and screw rings on. Process in water-bath canner for 10 minutes. Yield: About 4 jars.
Remember: When 'jamming'- let your jam cool in any regular corner you can find for about 5 to 10 minutes, THEN chill in the fridge. This gives the pectin time to get jelling.
* Used less sugar in this as well, 4 cups.
And again I repeat - with habaneros, WEAR GLOVES! I would even go further than that in suggesting a breathing mask/ surgeon's mask...
ONLY because of the fact that when I cut open into the thawed habs I had frozen, it had released a VERY strong hot pepper 'gas' that nearly killed me XD !!!!
Other than that - enjoy :B
UPDATED TASTING NOTES: Very good- tart, sweet, tangy and of course hot!
However, even with the cooling in a regular place and then refrigerating it, it was still 'loose' !
So more than likely next time if I make this again, I'll add in one packet of unflavored gelatin to really firm it up :3
Category Photography / Still Life
Species Moogle
Gender Other / Not Specified
Size 1000 x 750px
File Size 196.7 kB
That sounds like it would be really good!
I tried putting scotch bonnet peppers in brownies a few times, and that imparted a nice zing! against the sweet. According to Alton Brown, vanillin and capsaicin are chemically similar, so it shouldn't be a surprise that they could play similar culinary roles. Still a great way to catch people off guard, though...
I tried putting scotch bonnet peppers in brownies a few times, and that imparted a nice zing! against the sweet. According to Alton Brown, vanillin and capsaicin are chemically similar, so it shouldn't be a surprise that they could play similar culinary roles. Still a great way to catch people off guard, though...