This is a costume I made for the 2011 EuroCosplay finals, where I placed 1st.
The head is an animatronic puppet controlled by hand and servos made from silicone, The hands are on extensions and wire controlled. The rest of the costume is attached to a frame built into a backpack, and made from a wide variety of materials including fibreglass, foam, silks, felt and rope.
Vision is achieved via a video-goggle, camera set up.
Photo courtesy of Nert from Many Lemons.
The head is an animatronic puppet controlled by hand and servos made from silicone, The hands are on extensions and wire controlled. The rest of the costume is attached to a frame built into a backpack, and made from a wide variety of materials including fibreglass, foam, silks, felt and rope.
Vision is achieved via a video-goggle, camera set up.
Photo courtesy of Nert from Many Lemons.
Category Photography / Fursuit
Species Kaiju / Giant Monster
Gender Any
Size 799 x 1200px
File Size 220.1 kB
The Dark Crystal stands out as my number one film of all time, the creation and the vision that went into that production and the level of detail blew me away as a kid, and even now, I fondly watch it when I get a spare moment to.
Dude, absolutely positively the best cosplay of ANY Jim Henson creation I've ever seen, and you chose one of the most detailed of his creatures to portray as a cosplay...and an animatronic cosply to boot! As of now, what is ringing in my head is the line: "TRIAL BY STONE!" looking at this image of sheer cosplaying brilliance. You went and replicated a thing of beauty in such a way that even I as a longterm, lifetime fan can see no difference between the original and your cosplay.
Oh my lord, if Jim Henson was still alive today, he'd marvel at this. You've made me as a longtime cosplayer/fursuiter just go "WOW!" and keep repeating that word over and over again. I'm speechless at how movie-accurate this costume is...and of my all-time FAVOURITE of the Skeksis too! As a young child, he was terrifying and magical to me, as an adult, I adore him for his skulk-in-the-shadows mannerisms, that whimpering, simpering tone of his voice and the way he was so proud of his status amongst the Skeksis.
I never thought I'd see the day when someone would cosplay one of Henson's finest creations...but here you are proving it can be done.
You rock, pure and simple. Just...wow, dude <3!
Dude, absolutely positively the best cosplay of ANY Jim Henson creation I've ever seen, and you chose one of the most detailed of his creatures to portray as a cosplay...and an animatronic cosply to boot! As of now, what is ringing in my head is the line: "TRIAL BY STONE!" looking at this image of sheer cosplaying brilliance. You went and replicated a thing of beauty in such a way that even I as a longterm, lifetime fan can see no difference between the original and your cosplay.
Oh my lord, if Jim Henson was still alive today, he'd marvel at this. You've made me as a longtime cosplayer/fursuiter just go "WOW!" and keep repeating that word over and over again. I'm speechless at how movie-accurate this costume is...and of my all-time FAVOURITE of the Skeksis too! As a young child, he was terrifying and magical to me, as an adult, I adore him for his skulk-in-the-shadows mannerisms, that whimpering, simpering tone of his voice and the way he was so proud of his status amongst the Skeksis.
I never thought I'd see the day when someone would cosplay one of Henson's finest creations...but here you are proving it can be done.
You rock, pure and simple. Just...wow, dude <3!
Chesshiress Over here from LJ: That is AMAZING! I do hope you remembered to run around going "MmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmm!" My best friend in highschool & I had a running joke about the chamberlain & him doing hte "MmmMMMMmmmm" thing. Also that Skexis secretly inhabited the center of the earth & made the world spin.
My favourite character and species of the film. Skeksil the Chamberlain stuck with me as a favourite memory all this time.
Utterly glad to see someone brought the character to life. And know that is exsists.
Have you got any tips or guide help to acquiring video goggles at all?
I used Myvu goggles attached to a cheapo spy camera. You can pick Myvus up pretty cheap since they went out of business a couple of years back, and people still have stock. I think I payed about $80 for mine.
Myvu Solos are the one you want to look for, avoid myvu crystals like the plague because of a circuit fault that bugs the display out after 20 mins. (you can fix this if you're good at micro-soldering.)
This is the ebay seller I got mine from, and this is the model I got:
Myvu Solos are the one you want to look for, avoid myvu crystals like the plague because of a circuit fault that bugs the display out after 20 mins. (you can fix this if you're good at micro-soldering.)
This is the ebay seller I got mine from, and this is the model I got: