>>>>>(CLICK TO PLAY GIF)<<<<<
bigger cleaner vid>>> http://phation.deviantart.com/#/d4ow6hu
on YOUTUBE>>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBaf.....ature=youtu.be
HI to all my fanz.
i just want to say thank you for suppoting me in my art and other workz i do. you a all awesome pepz and i love talking and helping you out^^ (HUGZ YOU ALL)
so this is the last submition for now, it been sweet posting picz every day for you guyz, becose i will be working on the comic DRA-UNA (the first 2 chapters)>>> http://phation.deviantart.com/gallery/8000696
and soon after ZAZ-zoom the dragon^^ >>> http://phation.deviantart.com/gallery/30249195
commissions will start this saturday and sunday( if i can)
and want to say sorry for the long wait for your commission, if you want one here is more info>>> http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ru-commissions
as for the winners of the zaz-zoom contest, whith the free time i will have ill get it out and mail the book to you ASAP.
pep how talk to me on msn (messenger) i will have to slow down talking to you pepz, just to get things done faster. i will try to be open to talk on saturday and sunday, if the there any thing importent during the week that i should know you can tell me just make it short if you can^^
for peps who need help with there art, i will try my best to help out. and for my students keep it up you are all doing well, cant wait to see your new workz^^
THANK YOU ALL!!! hopfuly ill start post every day in 2 months.
and about the animation
with 24 fps and 175 frames done on flash 5 all done in 3 hrs.
bigger cleaner vid>>> http://phation.deviantart.com/#/d4ow6hu
on YOUTUBE>>>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBaf.....ature=youtu.be
HI to all my fanz.
i just want to say thank you for suppoting me in my art and other workz i do. you a all awesome pepz and i love talking and helping you out^^ (HUGZ YOU ALL)
so this is the last submition for now, it been sweet posting picz every day for you guyz, becose i will be working on the comic DRA-UNA (the first 2 chapters)>>> http://phation.deviantart.com/gallery/8000696
and soon after ZAZ-zoom the dragon^^ >>> http://phation.deviantart.com/gallery/30249195
commissions will start this saturday and sunday( if i can)
and want to say sorry for the long wait for your commission, if you want one here is more info>>> http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ru-commissions
as for the winners of the zaz-zoom contest, whith the free time i will have ill get it out and mail the book to you ASAP.
pep how talk to me on msn (messenger) i will have to slow down talking to you pepz, just to get things done faster. i will try to be open to talk on saturday and sunday, if the there any thing importent during the week that i should know you can tell me just make it short if you can^^
for peps who need help with there art, i will try my best to help out. and for my students keep it up you are all doing well, cant wait to see your new workz^^
THANK YOU ALL!!! hopfuly ill start post every day in 2 months.
and about the animation
with 24 fps and 175 frames done on flash 5 all done in 3 hrs.
Category All / All
Species Dragon (Other)
Gender Male
Size 400 x 291px
File Size 194.1 kB