I should have known better... A toon, and a kitty who enjoys turning helpless people into diaper dependent furs had invited me over for a little game, all they said was to dress in something i wouldnt mind having ruined... at first everything was fine, we just talked... but then Wontoon started to blow some bubbles up... then shiro took out a bubble gun... anmd before i knew it i had bubbles all over me, sucking me into them, and everywhere the bubbles touched i saw my skin turning to rubber! it didnt take long before my body burst out of my clothes, revealing a new, and very used, diaper...
It was about then i realised how silly i had been to trust not one, but 2 people known for trasformaing others against their will... not that i mind now, its pretty fun to bounce around as a pooltoy, even if i do need diapers!
A little piccy
drew up for me cus we couldnt get our OC session to work, wontoon is in it cus he hosted an OCfor us for a bit, before we decioded it wasnt gunna work and gave up... and cus toons are evil
It was about then i realised how silly i had been to trust not one, but 2 people known for trasformaing others against their will... not that i mind now, its pretty fun to bounce around as a pooltoy, even if i do need diapers!
A little piccy

Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1024 x 768px
File Size 222.4 kB