I know, I've hardly put anything but I'm trying.
This is for an idea I have in the works currently, as I'm trying to sketch out a rabbit's paw but with dragon like claws. I'm not too sure about the two end claws as I'm looking for a balance or a bunny's nail but predatory.
Inanael's Paw, copyright her creator.
PS. I really need to sign my art more.
This is for an idea I have in the works currently, as I'm trying to sketch out a rabbit's paw but with dragon like claws. I'm not too sure about the two end claws as I'm looking for a balance or a bunny's nail but predatory.
Inanael's Paw, copyright her creator.
PS. I really need to sign my art more.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Doodle
Species Rabbit / Hare
Gender Other / Not Specified
Size 524 x 623px
File Size 50.2 kB
Why not create your own type of claw? A nice soft looking rabbit one, that actually has lots and lots of little hooks along the surface, like a fish hook as that inverted hook on the end, put lots of little inverted claws so when its plunged in, it comes out with a nice chunk of flesh, thats a balance between cute bunny nail and predatory .. right?