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Introduction and Episodes 1-2 (A two-part episode)
So, you’re reading Spiritual Lessons in My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. You’re probably wondering why such a text exists, much less why it’s written by a guy. The truth of the matter is, I believe everything should be given a chance. I also believe everything we do, listen to, and watch should be compared to scripture. That’s why I took the time to explore this entertaining show to give you a basis to compare this cartoon to Christian life.
Believe it or not, there’s not too many shows out there that’s for the kids as much as it is for the adults. In either the entertainment value, or the message behind it, many shows are one way or another. To narrow it down further, there are many kid shows that have no learning values, besides perhaps how to count. That’s another reason why I like My Little Pony.
So, I encourage you to, if you’ve never even watched My Little Pony before, to use this as a reference guide perhaps. I hope, if anything, it’ll give you insight into the Christian life and how to compare that to everything we go through. And, who knows, you just might come to enjoy My Little Pony as well.
In the first episode, Friendship is Magic, it opens with this task sent to Twilight Sparkle, a brainy pony who's a little too focused on studies. MAKE SOME FRIENDS. She was sent into town to get out of her books and into the real world by the order of Princess Celestia, her teacher. If you remember the first episode, it explains that Celestia’s sister, Luna, turned evil and became the ghastly Nightmare Moon. She was banished for her evil ways and locked in the moon for a thousand years. Yeah, pretty lonely sentence if you ask me. Twilight figured, based on some books of hers, that it would only be a matter of days before Nightmare Moon would be released, just in time for the Summer Sun Celebration. All the while Twilight is in Ponyville on her make-friends mission, she worries about Nightmare Moon being freed. I’d like to focus on the first part of this episode first. The part on making friends.
How often do we spend time with God? Really, ever morning, every day? Or are we like Twilight, who figured our other responsibilities are more important? Am I saying our challenges are irrelevant? Not at all. I'm only saying our main focus should be on God, and, just as it turned out in this episode, the other things take care of themselves.
In the second part of the first episode, Nightmare Moon, an evil mare intent on destroying Equestria, tries to falter the six main characters in their quest to defeat her. Along the way, she presented challenges by manipulating what was already there to distract them. Each character, one by one, used their skills to defeat the challenge. What skill does Satan and his minions have? Only that which distorts, and only if we allow him to have the power. The popular culture today states that when demons attack, we can't control it. We're at its mercy. Let's see what the Bible has to say. Malachi 3:11 says, "I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes." God will give us power if we ask for it.
One of the more crazy ponies in the series, a party-thrower named Pinkie Pie, brings up an excellent point when Nightmare Moon tried to scare the six off by distorting the trees to look hideous and fierce. Laugh at your fears. Why? Because they can’t hurt you. You'll also notice in that episode that Nightmare Moon only distorted what was already there. She didn't create anything new or anything that would overpower the six friends. Satan can only distort and twist what is already good to try and use it for his purposes. I've seen this in my life. Only God can give us strength to overcome, Satan can't overrun us with anything more than what we, with God's strength, can handle.
Category Story / All
Species Horse
Gender Multiple characters
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 13.9 kB