DUDUDUDUDUDUDDU, hallo? hallo you orderrred schinese food? hella it's cold outside, oh you fat f***, you ordered thin noodles, thin noodles turning into thic noodles, and thic noodles turning into fat stuffed dumplings, you got everthing, everythingggggggg
man i love that meme vid so much
高端的食材,往往只需要简单的烹饪, 如果不会烹饪,那。。。额,那你也不妨学学活吞天尊的做法
comms @/Linkinarty
man i love that meme vid so much
高端的食材,往往只需要简单的烹饪, 如果不会烹饪,那。。。额,那你也不妨学学活吞天尊的做法
comms @/Linkinarty
Category Artwork (Digital) / Vore
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 1810 x 2036px
File Size 5.5 MB
OMG! This was just so flipping astoundingly detailed and wonderfully energetic to see from you, I flipping loved these artworks so hecking much! Your works are just so flipping astounding to see from you, and I'm so hecking hyped to seeing more of your sensationally expressive artworks in the future! Keep doing great!