Edit. Notes. FA's link insertion system is so broken! If you are curious about the Demon Core do a web search because FA refuse to insert the Wiki link into the posting instead it reposts to this image even though the link is pointed at the right location.
Sweetie sat astride the projectile as she stared down into the compartment she'd open up. Floating in front of her was a part of wire cutters. Unable to decipher the puzzle in front of her she asked her two friends.
"Um girls. Are there ghosts or undead up here on the moon, and if so does SHADO hire them as pilots?"
Scootaloo looked up from the manual she was reading. "What? Sweetie what are you getting at?"
"Yeah Sweetie." Applebloom agreed. "Why would ya ask sumthin like that?"
The unicorn filly pulled a another hoof full of wires out of the bowels of the missile as she spoke. "Oh! That's because this thing has a deadpony switch, and I thought maybe its because ghosts need to throw it so the can pilot the interceptor and shoot this missile!"
"I think ya can lose that." Applebloom said. "Just cut the important wire ta it."
"But which one is that?" There's several different colored wires going in to it!"
"That's easy Sweetie! Just cut the red wire. That's what they do in all them films and TV shows I watch!" The earth pony turned her head slightly and looked over at the pegasi. "Having any luck that there manual ya got there? Any closer ta figuring out what makes it tick." She emphasized this point by tapping the missile with her front hoof.
The orange pegasus shook her head. "Nope! I can't make heads or tails of most of this stuff! It's all just gibberish, charts, and more math than Miss Cheerilee ever gave us!" She glanced over at the earth pony who lying on her back staring up at another open panels. "How are things on your end?"
Applebloom shook her head. "I'm still trying ta wrap my head around this here contraption?" she reached up and tapped a front hoof against the housing above her. "And why would ya name this here thing the Demon Core?"
Sweetie looked over and up at the item in question. "Don't know, but it's got a cool name to it! And that yellow and black sticker on it looks wicked."
Applebloom sighed. "Yeah whatever. Pass over that screwdriver Scoots. I am going to poke at this and see I if can figure out what it does."
This is one of the drawings I started during my most recent Picarto stream. The theme that evening was the work of the late Gerry Anderson. I of them was the TV show UFO. Link On the SHADO moonbase, the Interceptors based there Link were usually launched in groups of 3. There primary weapon was a nuclear warhead tipped missile. So as recently assigned pilots the CMC are curious to learn how the heck these missile work.
I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon
Sweetie sat astride the projectile as she stared down into the compartment she'd open up. Floating in front of her was a part of wire cutters. Unable to decipher the puzzle in front of her she asked her two friends.
"Um girls. Are there ghosts or undead up here on the moon, and if so does SHADO hire them as pilots?"
Scootaloo looked up from the manual she was reading. "What? Sweetie what are you getting at?"
"Yeah Sweetie." Applebloom agreed. "Why would ya ask sumthin like that?"
The unicorn filly pulled a another hoof full of wires out of the bowels of the missile as she spoke. "Oh! That's because this thing has a deadpony switch, and I thought maybe its because ghosts need to throw it so the can pilot the interceptor and shoot this missile!"
"I think ya can lose that." Applebloom said. "Just cut the important wire ta it."
"But which one is that?" There's several different colored wires going in to it!"
"That's easy Sweetie! Just cut the red wire. That's what they do in all them films and TV shows I watch!" The earth pony turned her head slightly and looked over at the pegasi. "Having any luck that there manual ya got there? Any closer ta figuring out what makes it tick." She emphasized this point by tapping the missile with her front hoof.
The orange pegasus shook her head. "Nope! I can't make heads or tails of most of this stuff! It's all just gibberish, charts, and more math than Miss Cheerilee ever gave us!" She glanced over at the earth pony who lying on her back staring up at another open panels. "How are things on your end?"
Applebloom shook her head. "I'm still trying ta wrap my head around this here contraption?" she reached up and tapped a front hoof against the housing above her. "And why would ya name this here thing the Demon Core?"
Sweetie looked over and up at the item in question. "Don't know, but it's got a cool name to it! And that yellow and black sticker on it looks wicked."
Applebloom sighed. "Yeah whatever. Pass over that screwdriver Scoots. I am going to poke at this and see I if can figure out what it does."
This is one of the drawings I started during my most recent Picarto stream. The theme that evening was the work of the late Gerry Anderson. I of them was the TV show UFO. Link On the SHADO moonbase, the Interceptors based there Link were usually launched in groups of 3. There primary weapon was a nuclear warhead tipped missile. So as recently assigned pilots the CMC are curious to learn how the heck these missile work.
I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon
Category Artwork (Traditional) / My Little Pony / Brony
Species Pony (MLP)
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1500 x 1060px
File Size 404.7 kB
It reminds me of one of Simon Barber's Toho Academy stories. All nuclear stockpiles had been handed over to the Girl Scouts, and when one needs to be deployed the supervisor asks one girl about the arming sequence.
She pulls a stiff wire out of a hole in the side, explaining that sequence was needlessly complicated.
And yeah, the warhead worked.
She pulls a stiff wire out of a hole in the side, explaining that sequence was needlessly complicated.
And yeah, the warhead worked.
Simon probably based that on the actual arming sequence for the UK "Green Grass" warhead - pull a bung out of the bottom of the bomb to let over a hundred thousand ball-bearings drain out of the core... 🤪
That's what always bothered me about UFO and SHADO trying to keep the secret going: There was no way in hell they could hide even sub-kiloton level nuke explosions, especially given how close to Earth on some occasions they had to make intercepts.
At least with Skydiver, they didn't use nukes, just regular ordnance, and could conceivably keep it under wraps in most cases.
At least with Skydiver, they didn't use nukes, just regular ordnance, and could conceivably keep it under wraps in most cases.
Ah yes, the UFO Interceptor... which in no way exhibits any kind of phallic symbolism in its design.
An interesting analysis of the (probable) in-universe justification of single-weapon armed space interceptors - You only get one shot: A closer look at the Interceptor from UFO
An interesting analysis of the (probable) in-universe justification of single-weapon armed space interceptors - You only get one shot: A closer look at the Interceptor from UFO
Well in the 1960s many figured that with supersonic bombers that were being proposed, and supersonic interceptors you'd get one pass/shot before they were past you and you couldn't set up for a second pass. At that point it would be up to the next wave of interceptors and land based long range SAMs to deal with the remaining forces. It's one reason for things like Genie rocket and Super Falcon. Both with nuclear warheads.