Dragon Elements - Page 3
This project is showing off dragon elements for my adopts (technically linked to them and their designs!!). Now I'm showing off a curious page where some of these can be hybrids of different elements but also can grow and spawn by their own... leading the last three the most dangerous elements.
Summary of each element:
MAGMA: Spawning inside volcanos but also hybrids between fire and earth dragons, Magma Dragons are curious looking dragons but also dangerous to touch, they cannot leave the burnt lands due to their burning scales that can cause forests to burn. They breath lava, or poke it- and also magma balls that are extremely mortals for preys and lethal for dragons. They're chill dragons, very heart-warming and also respectful.
DUST: The depressed ones- Dust dragons are hybrids between Smoke and Desert/Sand dragons. Like smoke dragons, they can turn into dust and escape from claustrophobic spaces, split a dust ball that blows in smoke to give them time to escape. They don't tend to hunt as they're too shy and scared, specially due to their anatomy, their spikes and horns are way too short than normal dragons.
TROPICAL: Hybrids between Water and Nature Dragons, tropicals... are a family of different kind of dragons- some of 'em exotics while others pretty much dangerous. They are weird looking dragons and their physical can lie their intentions. Their elements can change depending on their looks, as they are unpredictable, depending on their looks and intention, they can live in the pure lands if their parents are a water and nature dragons. Tropical dragons on their own without being hybrids are mostly dangerous and have different behaviors such as survival instinct and mostly the whole time the desire to consume.
SOUND: Part of the pure lands but under conditions of no usage of their element there, so they are rare to see in the pure lands due to that. Sound dragons are excellent singers but very much dangerous for their element to be use as they make a sonic scream that can break your eardrones depending on the intensity. Sound dragons are mostly happy and dancy dragons, very optimistic and clear minded, very assertive and fancy. They might surprise you as they can control speed of sound and be speedsters.
HONEY: Weird to see them as they are spreaded all round the world, they are admitted to enter the pure lands as they are nature helpers and work along Nature dragons. Basically Honey Dragons work like bees and with bees, they have their own beehive hidden around the lands. Their element, Honey, is basically the sticky sweet vomit we all know and even consume- plus! they are good builders with wax and can create scultures and structures very well done. They are hard workers but also playful dragons, with a sting to protect themselves in any case a predator gets close to them.
BLOOD: Weird to be seen, they usually hunt at night, when everyone is asleep. They are vampires of the night, you might get up one day feeling weak due to lack of blood with a bite in your skin. Most of them love the taste of blood as dyet but others just rather be omnivores, but the usual are carnivores. Blood dragons doesn't have breathe, but they can manipulate, with the touch of others blood, they can control them, even paralyze them or kill them instantly... but they don't pretend to kill preys, just let them live, after all they only would like to suck a bit of blood to fill their hunger and thirst. As a defense mechanism, they split with their retractil fangs a hard pressure of blood into the predators eyes to blind them and get the time to escape, they lose a bit of blood for that but blood dragons are well known to be the ones which blood regenerates pretty fast.
ABYSSAL: Never seen before... nobody knows their look, nor their size. Some say they are colossal looking dragons that hunt in the darkness and mostly devour in one bite Water Dragons. They don't know, but what I can tell you is that their size can variate a lot, Abyssal Dragons as their name/element say, they live in the dephts of the oceans, where light never arrives and monsters or very paranormal species might be around. Abyssal Dragons have a dark body with details in their skin to light their path and attract preys to eat them at sight. Their skills in swimming are the same as Water Dragons but they are not social at all, they are in full primal instinct. Some say that these kind of monsters are water light dragons... which their breath is a blinding light that leads to fate a second after that.
TECH: The second most dangerous element, or kind... of dragon. They are a big family alongside Corruption. Tech dragons are artificial dragons that are built, but... from who? That's unknown, Tech dragons are undead dragons, corpses brought to life using the core of their element to rise them back to life without any memory nor conscience. Tech dragons have a lot of diversity due to each element disease like fire dragons, wind, water, electric... can turn into them and their look and elements can change. There is Steam, Combustion, Corrotion, Fog, Gas, Fossil, Laser, Tar, Phone,... a lot of them. They are undead and their only thought usually it's to kill at sight, while they are just... zombies without a purpose, without a course, just unknown and undead dragons rised back for who knows why.
CORRUPTION: The most dangerous element, Corrupted Dragons, they are... quite the opposite of Aether Dragons. This element can provoke the twist of bodies and elements to become worse or a darker way of them, that makes them even more hostile. Corruption can be anywhere, in any land, any dragon, any tree, anything can be corrupted, if you get exposed, you are at risk to become corrupted. There are corrupted elements like Corrupted Fire and such, but the dragons that they are pure corruption they tend to be... way more different, the worst looking and scary dragon you could ever seen because once you see one, it'll be the last. Corrupted Dragons in their purest are hazardous and getting close to one is lethal, they have no conscience, they only think of themselves and Light Dragons never cared about them and their corruption outside the pure lands. They are... in very survival instinct and they can live in the dephts of any place, the most abandoned place, mountain, cave, anywhere. They are there, in the shadows, eating from the rotten fruits of their own nature.
Hope you liked these little titles, and like the project! Make me know if you want more, I may not have any thoughts on creating an AU, but I love world-building and I miss writting :>
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Summary of each element:
MAGMA: Spawning inside volcanos but also hybrids between fire and earth dragons, Magma Dragons are curious looking dragons but also dangerous to touch, they cannot leave the burnt lands due to their burning scales that can cause forests to burn. They breath lava, or poke it- and also magma balls that are extremely mortals for preys and lethal for dragons. They're chill dragons, very heart-warming and also respectful.
DUST: The depressed ones- Dust dragons are hybrids between Smoke and Desert/Sand dragons. Like smoke dragons, they can turn into dust and escape from claustrophobic spaces, split a dust ball that blows in smoke to give them time to escape. They don't tend to hunt as they're too shy and scared, specially due to their anatomy, their spikes and horns are way too short than normal dragons.
TROPICAL: Hybrids between Water and Nature Dragons, tropicals... are a family of different kind of dragons- some of 'em exotics while others pretty much dangerous. They are weird looking dragons and their physical can lie their intentions. Their elements can change depending on their looks, as they are unpredictable, depending on their looks and intention, they can live in the pure lands if their parents are a water and nature dragons. Tropical dragons on their own without being hybrids are mostly dangerous and have different behaviors such as survival instinct and mostly the whole time the desire to consume.
SOUND: Part of the pure lands but under conditions of no usage of their element there, so they are rare to see in the pure lands due to that. Sound dragons are excellent singers but very much dangerous for their element to be use as they make a sonic scream that can break your eardrones depending on the intensity. Sound dragons are mostly happy and dancy dragons, very optimistic and clear minded, very assertive and fancy. They might surprise you as they can control speed of sound and be speedsters.
HONEY: Weird to see them as they are spreaded all round the world, they are admitted to enter the pure lands as they are nature helpers and work along Nature dragons. Basically Honey Dragons work like bees and with bees, they have their own beehive hidden around the lands. Their element, Honey, is basically the sticky sweet vomit we all know and even consume- plus! they are good builders with wax and can create scultures and structures very well done. They are hard workers but also playful dragons, with a sting to protect themselves in any case a predator gets close to them.
BLOOD: Weird to be seen, they usually hunt at night, when everyone is asleep. They are vampires of the night, you might get up one day feeling weak due to lack of blood with a bite in your skin. Most of them love the taste of blood as dyet but others just rather be omnivores, but the usual are carnivores. Blood dragons doesn't have breathe, but they can manipulate, with the touch of others blood, they can control them, even paralyze them or kill them instantly... but they don't pretend to kill preys, just let them live, after all they only would like to suck a bit of blood to fill their hunger and thirst. As a defense mechanism, they split with their retractil fangs a hard pressure of blood into the predators eyes to blind them and get the time to escape, they lose a bit of blood for that but blood dragons are well known to be the ones which blood regenerates pretty fast.
ABYSSAL: Never seen before... nobody knows their look, nor their size. Some say they are colossal looking dragons that hunt in the darkness and mostly devour in one bite Water Dragons. They don't know, but what I can tell you is that their size can variate a lot, Abyssal Dragons as their name/element say, they live in the dephts of the oceans, where light never arrives and monsters or very paranormal species might be around. Abyssal Dragons have a dark body with details in their skin to light their path and attract preys to eat them at sight. Their skills in swimming are the same as Water Dragons but they are not social at all, they are in full primal instinct. Some say that these kind of monsters are water light dragons... which their breath is a blinding light that leads to fate a second after that.
TECH: The second most dangerous element, or kind... of dragon. They are a big family alongside Corruption. Tech dragons are artificial dragons that are built, but... from who? That's unknown, Tech dragons are undead dragons, corpses brought to life using the core of their element to rise them back to life without any memory nor conscience. Tech dragons have a lot of diversity due to each element disease like fire dragons, wind, water, electric... can turn into them and their look and elements can change. There is Steam, Combustion, Corrotion, Fog, Gas, Fossil, Laser, Tar, Phone,... a lot of them. They are undead and their only thought usually it's to kill at sight, while they are just... zombies without a purpose, without a course, just unknown and undead dragons rised back for who knows why.
CORRUPTION: The most dangerous element, Corrupted Dragons, they are... quite the opposite of Aether Dragons. This element can provoke the twist of bodies and elements to become worse or a darker way of them, that makes them even more hostile. Corruption can be anywhere, in any land, any dragon, any tree, anything can be corrupted, if you get exposed, you are at risk to become corrupted. There are corrupted elements like Corrupted Fire and such, but the dragons that they are pure corruption they tend to be... way more different, the worst looking and scary dragon you could ever seen because once you see one, it'll be the last. Corrupted Dragons in their purest are hazardous and getting close to one is lethal, they have no conscience, they only think of themselves and Light Dragons never cared about them and their corruption outside the pure lands. They are... in very survival instinct and they can live in the dephts of any place, the most abandoned place, mountain, cave, anywhere. They are there, in the shadows, eating from the rotten fruits of their own nature.
Hope you liked these little titles, and like the project! Make me know if you want more, I may not have any thoughts on creating an AU, but I love world-building and I miss writting :>
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Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1717 x 2146px
File Size 3.17 MB