A nice cute little commission by the talented Dolphinproject! of a Dreadnought class living inflatable submarine just peacefully sleeping on the beach, no longer bound to the waters or any shallowness thanks to his flexibility as an animate vehicle and being a light as air pooltoy!
Our cute little blue submarine is happily having a vacation just experimenting with his new body and enjoying the life he was given, having gone through a similar experience to a certain Globemaster in how he came to be in his origin story. He was once inanimate...but now a person...fully flexible, no longer stiff and lifeless!
With one procedure later of metal being transfused into rubber...and many of his insides now becoming hollow, not needing it much anyway due to how the magical air works and can move autonomously without a crew. And now, he could bounce or wriggle on land much easier now, no longer being bound to water as stated thanks to his now highly flexible body!
Though this would take a lot of his artificial stamina out of him and wanting to relax, he would decide to swallow up some water, being reminiscent of filling up ballast tanks. Filling up till he was bloated almost to a round shape...but then began releasing his air as he began to deflate back into a tubular shape. The water would begin to congregate to his ventral side, making it pool out like fat on an animal.
Feeling all relaxed and floppy, with his fin and tower sagging from the lack of air along with his arm-like fins...He would curl his body into a U shape before beginning to go into a deep blue sleep. His body would inflate up and down with each inhale and exhale of breath...This sub was sure to be living the shiny good life for sure.
Feel free to fave, share around and comment thoughts down below, it means a lot. What vehicles can make a good pooltoy? living ones at that.
Art belongs to DolphinProject
Our cute little blue submarine is happily having a vacation just experimenting with his new body and enjoying the life he was given, having gone through a similar experience to a certain Globemaster in how he came to be in his origin story. He was once inanimate...but now a person...fully flexible, no longer stiff and lifeless!
With one procedure later of metal being transfused into rubber...and many of his insides now becoming hollow, not needing it much anyway due to how the magical air works and can move autonomously without a crew. And now, he could bounce or wriggle on land much easier now, no longer being bound to water as stated thanks to his now highly flexible body!
Though this would take a lot of his artificial stamina out of him and wanting to relax, he would decide to swallow up some water, being reminiscent of filling up ballast tanks. Filling up till he was bloated almost to a round shape...but then began releasing his air as he began to deflate back into a tubular shape. The water would begin to congregate to his ventral side, making it pool out like fat on an animal.
Feeling all relaxed and floppy, with his fin and tower sagging from the lack of air along with his arm-like fins...He would curl his body into a U shape before beginning to go into a deep blue sleep. His body would inflate up and down with each inhale and exhale of breath...This sub was sure to be living the shiny good life for sure.
Feel free to fave, share around and comment thoughts down below, it means a lot. What vehicles can make a good pooltoy? living ones at that.
Art belongs to DolphinProject
Category Artwork (Digital) / Transformation
Species Sea Vehicle
Gender Male
Size 2560 x 1440px
File Size 1.57 MB