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The next day when Hasse wakes up, he goes straight out into the living room to look at the two animals and he stops when he sees them.
The dragons have grown during the night and are now the size of a large polar bear standing up. The male continues to chase the female around and she makes louder choppy noises. She doesn't seem amused by being chased. They knock over a lot of things when they run around, but Hasse doesn't have that many fragile items in his house.
Hasse thinks about how he should try to get the male to stop following the female all the time. Maybe go out for a walk with it?. Well, it is probably very strong and may not do what Hasse wants. In addition, it may not want to go for a walk.
Hasse gives them some meat from the freezer and they are calm and quiet while they eat the meat. The dragons heat the meat by spraying fire on it and when the pieces of meat are swallowed, the dragons seem to want even more meat. Hasse intends to buy home more meat during the day, but they have to make do with what they've had for so long.
The male continues to chase the female around after they have eaten. Finally, the female gets really angry at the male's chasing and spew fire at him. The fire hits the male in the head and he looks both surprised and a little offended. So rude. Hasse doesn't think it's okay that they spew fire indoors and tells them.
- Hey! No fire spewing indoors. Its only allowed outdoors.
The female innocently looks up at Hasse. What, spewing fire? The female snorts and enters the Rest Room and when the male follows, she snorts hard at him. The male stands and looks at Hasse. At least he doesn't snorts at him.
Hasse is eating breakfast and flipping through today's newspaper and suddenly he sees an advertisement that seems interesting. The male stands and looks over the newspaper.
"Last chance today. Bring a furry to Liseberg and get free entry for both of you. Only applies to ONE furry and one person per household. The offer only applies during the furry days."
What a good idea, thinks Hasse. He chooses to bring the male there. Then the female finally gets to be alone for a few hours. The male looks very nice and Hasse guesses that people will like his appearance. But first he has to decorate the dragon so people don't realize it's a real dragon. And he must give him a name. Hasse gives the purple dragon the name pole star. It's a fitting name.
When Hasse has finished decorating the dragon with a lot of blue and purple knick-knacks, he goes out of the villa and opens the old horse transport that they went on yesterday. The dragon walks right in and lays down on the floor. Once it's inside and has laid down and straightened the wings so they don't stick out during transport, Hasse closes the door and goes to his car.
Hasse drives towards town and parks near Liseberg and when he has parked and paid the parking ticket, he goes and releases the dragon. The dragon follows nicely and is very curious about everything that is heard and moves. There are many furries outside the entrance at Liseberg and some of them see the dragon and become jealous. They also wants to look like this dragon and be this big.
In the end it is Hasses and the dragon's turn. The person sitting in the hatch thinks the dragon is too big to be someone who is dressed up, but they are still allowed into the park. Lots of furries watch as they enter and some go and greet the dragon.
The dragon sniffs curiously at the people standing and watching it. Someone asks if they can pet the light blue mane that the dragon has from its head down to its tail. Hasse becomes thoughtful but allows several people to pet the dragon's blue mane. The dragon seems to like it and makes a cooing sound.
Hasse and the dragon walk a little further into the park. They pass the fine and expensive restaurant that is close to the stage where Lotta på Liseberg is recorded, but today there is no concert there. Liseberg has a lot of trees and vegetation right at the beginning where the dragon and Hasse go. Some who don't like riding the attractions can wander around for hours and still have fun. Hasse is not going to ride any attraction and definitely not the dragon either.
Hasse lets the dragon roam freely in the park even though he follows it all the time. Children who are on their way to the attractions and see the dragon greet it happily. Some parents look a little scared. They don't want the kids to get too close to the dragon even if they dont know that the dragon is real.
After a short walk, Hasse and the dragon arrive at the restaurants. Hasse feels hungry and he can hear the dragon's stomach rumbling.
Hasse stands and looks at the menu at the various restaurants and finds one where there is mostly fast food. It is also the restaurant that looks the biggest and has the most space for the dragon. Hasse thinks about what the dragon wants and how much. It's a special price on XL Kebab today and so be it. He himself chooses a large salad.
Hasse orders two XL kebabs and explains that there should only be meat in it and no vegetables and fries. The one who takes the payment looks at the dragon with raised eyebrows and a wondering look but says nothing. Hasse holds up a very large glass of Fanta to the dragon but chooses a Loka to drink.
Hasse goes and sits down at a large table that is at the outer edge of the restaurant. The dragon cannot sit on any chair, so he simply has to stand on the floor. Both of the dragon's wings stick out a little, but none of the customers complains. It doesn't take long until both the dragon and Hasse get their food.
The dragon dives down with its gape towards the plate and begins to eat the kebab. Some of the visitors in the restaurant look wide-eyed at the dragon and the chefs look at each other and laugh lightly. The dragon is an unusual guest to say the least. The dragon laps up the soda with its long tongue. A little soda spills on the floor but no one complains about it.
Soon the dragon's first plate is empty and it starts with the next one. Hasse eats a little more lightly on his salad. There's no reason to eat quickly but he's unsure how to explain that to the dragon. Soon three families with children enter the restaurant and the children are very loud. The dragon seems alarmed by the loud noise and Hasse pats it on its light blue mane. Soon the dragon returns to eating more kebabs. The plate is getting empty.
There are a lot of children running around where Hasse and the dragon are sitting. Many children ask if they can pet the dragon, but Hasse shakes his head. Not right now when it's eating anyway. Some of the children are of course disappointed, but most of them accept Hasses answer.
Two loud young people enter the restaurant and they stand at the cash desk and start fooling around but soon they see Hasse and the dragon and they walk up to the dragon and stare at it. The youth who is the larger of the two points at the dragon and speaks in a contemptuous tone.
- Well Well. Look at this furry abomination. So pathetic.
- Excuse me, we are eating here. Can you two leave us alone, please?
- As usual, you refuse to even comment on what I just said. Is that supposed to look like a dragon?
- What do you think it looks like?
- You trying to play funny? You are both so fucking pathetic.
- Maybe. But let us be that if so
The dragon has eaten its food and turns its large head to look at the two youths. The smaller youth sticks out his tongue at the dragon and the dragon tilts its big head and then turns to Hasse and it looks like the dragon is confused. Hasse speaks quietly to the dragon.
- Don't worry about those two. They just want to start a fight.
The youth who is the largest moves quickly towards the dragon and the dragon reacts by spreading its wings defensively and hissing loudly. Hasse pats the dragon light blue man so that it will calm down. A guttural sound is heard from the dragon's throat and Hasse understands that it is growling at the youth. Some of the diners sitting near Hasse and the dragon also hear the guttural sound and look worried. But the youth standing near the dragon doesn't seem to understand that he is in danger right now. Hasse narrows his eyes at the youth
- Leave us alone. We don't want any problems with you.
But the youth remains and points at Hasse.
- You shouldn't tell me what to do, old guy.
The youth steps forward even further as he utters the last words and the dragon opens its jaw wide open as the guttural sound grows even louder. The youth points straight at the dragon and snarls at it.
- Shut up you freak.
Suddenly, a metre-long flame shoots from the dragon's open jaw and ignites the lower edge of the youth's T-Shirt. The young man is so surprised by what is happening that it takes a few seconds before he realizes that his T-Shirt is on fire, although it is not a very strong fire. The dragon continues to make the guttural sound as it slowly approaches the youth, its jaws wide open. A new flame of fire shoots out from the dragon's wide open jaw and Hasse feels the incredible heat from the fire. Fortunately, the youth is not hit by the fire, but he starts to back away, looking completely terrified, and starts stuttering.
- It...it spewed...fire...at...me. It.. it...is .. a .real...dragon.
Hasse looks at the youth with some amusement. Hopefully the youth have learned a lesson.
- I told you to leave us alone.
Hasse looks around the restaurant and to his surprise sees only judgmental and harsh faces staring at him and the dragon. Hasse sighs and shakes his head at the judgmental people.
- It has to be able to defend itself if someone is stupid and mean.
Unfortunately, none of the diners seem to agree and in the end Hasse leads the dragon out of the large restaurant and out into the street. Hasse stands for a while thinking about what just happened and after a while he starts to laugh at what happened. The dragon looks questioningly at Hasse as if wondering what is so funny. The dragon hears the sound of children running and it turns and looks out into the park and sees several children playing and people walking by. The dragon has found it fun to walk with Hasse, but it wants to try its wings. Hasse stops laughing and pats the dragon's blue mane.
- It was super cool when you spewed fire on that annoying kid but I think maybe we should leave before anything more happens.
The dragon looks at Hasse and stretches its wings so that they are fully extended and then it flies up in the air. Hasse calls out to the dragon.
- No, no. Fly down again. We go together.
But the dragon doesn't land but flies straight ahead and it passes several restaurants and some of the diners catch sight of the flying dragon and stand with their mouths open and can't believe what they see. After a while, the dragon arrives at a large dance floor. There are a lot of people dancing there and they are having a lot of fun.
The dragon flies above the dancing people and looks curiously at the dancing people. A large tree stands near the dance floor and the dragon flies over to the tree and lands and looks down at the people. The dragon's wings are so strong that they break several of the tree's twigs and branches and some of the twigs and branches land right on the dancing people and a few dancers with bad balance tumble and land on the dance floor. Only now do the dancing people see the dragon and some of the people scream at the dragon and even try to hit the dragon with one of the branches that have fallen from the tree. The dragon gets stressed when the people yell at it and it starts to make a guttural growl.
But the humans don't seem to understand the dragon's language and one of the humans grabs a long steel stick and pushes it straight up against the dragon's sensitive belly. The dragon gets angry and spews a metre-long flame and suddenly all the people fall silent and the dragon can soon smell fear from the people. The dragon flies up a little higher and lands on top of the tree and it looks around. Everything looks so exciting from the air and the dragon has a hard time deciding where to fly. A human approaches the tree and stands looking up at the dragon and the dragon looks back. This human does not seem to be angry and the eyes of the human and the dragon meet. The dragon decides to fly on.
The dragon flies to the flume ride and looks at the big waterfall and thinks it looks fun. A boat comes riding down the waterfall and the dragon becomes even more interested and flies after the boat. The dragon sees when the people get out of the boat but it also sees when other boats leave and it chooses to fly after the boat that starts its ride. So far, the people haven't noticed the dragon flying above them, but that's mostly because the dragon flies quite high in the air. When the boat has come up the first slope, the family's son sees the dragon and he points to the dragon so that his father can see what is flying above the boat. The father looks in wonder at the dragon flying above the boat. Neither son of father had even thought of seeing something like this at the park.
The dragon continues to follow the boat and the child looks as much at the dragon as at the water which the boat travels. A few large twigs and branches fall from the surrounding trees as the dragon flies near them but none of the twigs or branches end up in the boat or in the water. The boat approaches the big waterfall and the dragon watches as the boat picks up speed and makes a happy noise. The child looks up at the dragon and looks happy while the father is not too amused that the dragon is flying so close above them. The boat approaches the big waterfall and both the child and the father hold on tightly and forget about the dragon for a few seconds. The water splashes up in the face of the child and the father. The dragon thinks it looks funny when the boat goes down the big waterfall and it makes a loop down just like the boat did. It flies close over the peoples heads and they have to duck to avoid getting the dragon's wings in their heads.
The dragon flies on and sees a small roller coaster for children. It flies over the sitting children and some of the children look up in surprise and wave to the dragon. The dragon cannot wave back but it flies after the roller coaster. The dragon thinks this is really funny and the kids seem amused too. The parents standing below the roller coaster waiting for their children are not as amused by the dragon flying above their children and they shout loudly at the dragon. The dragon hears the cries of the parents and gets stressed by them and it finally decides to fly somewhere else.
After a while, the dragon arrives at Athmosphere. It's almost like a free fall. All the people are sitting at the top of the attraction when the dragon comes flying towards them. It flies above their heads and everyone is impressed by both the color and size of the dragon. That is so cool. The dragon sees the youths who teased it at the restaurant and it does not hesitate but starts spewing its fire at the youths.
At the same time the attraction starts to go down and the dragon follows and it continues to spew its fire and the hair of the two youths catches fire and they scream in fear and pain and now they are not as tough as before. The dragon flies so close to the attraction that the visitors can feel the powerful beat of its wings and they are worried that the dragon will land on them by accident. None of the visitors know how heavy the dragon is but it is very large and they feel the beat of its wings and they guess it is heavy.
The operator of the attraction anxiously looks at the huge dragon and hopes that it will fly on, and after a few minutes the dragon begins to fly away from the attraction. It has taken its revenge on those who teased it before. The dragon begins to fly towards the entrance where Hasse and it entered
The dragon sees the ferris wheel and intends to fly up to the top of it and look at the people sitting in the small cages. The dragon doesn't understand why the humans are trapped in small cages. But then the dragon sees something else. It's a big building right by the stage and the roof is made entirely of glass and when the dragon flies above the glass roof it sees its own reflection. The dragon thinks there is another dragon inside the restaurant and it would like to greet the dragon in that case.
The dragon lands on the glass ceiling and begins to walk towards where it saw its own reflection. The glass cracks and creaks under the dragon's weight, and in some places there are cracks that spread like a spider's web across the glass. The dragon looks down at the people sitting and eating but it doesn't see another dragon in there and it gets confused. The dragon roars out a greeting but it receives no greeting back. The people looks up at the glass ceiling and discover the dragon and they begin to rise from their chairs. The glass ceiling the dragon is standing on breaks and the dragon lands on a glass table in the restaurant which also breaks. The dragon is so surprised that it spews a metre-long flame and two curtains that are close to the dragon catch fire.
The other guests sitting further into the restaurant get up quickly and there is soon a rush to the front doors while the fire from the curtains spreads further into the restaurants. People step on each other and overturn tables in their eagerness to get out of the restaurant. Several paper garlands sitting near the ceiling catch fire and small pieces of burning paper rain down on the dragon's head.
Hasse has finally found the dragon again and he stands outside the restaurant and sees the great chaos inside. It is burning very heavily in several places in the restaurant and Hasse hopes that no people have been burned by the dragon's fire. The dragon turns its big head and sees Hasse and it soon approaches the exit. The exit is also made of glass but the dragon can't squeeze its large body through the opening so it spews its hot fire on the large glass until it cracks from the heat and the dragon can get out to Hasse again
Hasse looks at the dragon and realizes that he can no longer keep the dragons with him. He will drive the purple dragon home but he will let them out later in the evening when most people have gone to bed. The dragons are way too big and this incident clearly shows how little control he has over the dragons
Hasse entices the dragon and it walks up to him and presses its large body against him. Hasse starts to walk towards the exit and the dragon happily follows and it wags its tail and two people walking nearby are whipped by the hard tail. Once out on the street again, Hasse goes straight to the horse transport and lets the dragon in. Hasse drives away after carefully closing the horse transport. Just as he drives past Liseberg, several police cars and ambulances arrive at Liseberg and stops outside the entrance. He thinks he sees a car from Gothenburg Post as well, but he is not sure.
On the way home, Hasse stops at the local Ica store and buys a lot of meat for the dragons. He knows they must both be hungry
When Hasse comes home, he enters the villa and releases the grey-black-red dragon in the back. It is happy and sniffs curiously on the wooden balcony, but then it goes down to the lawn and continues to sniff there.
Hasse opens the horse transport and releases the purple dragon and it runs straight to the back of the villa where the female is. Hasse goes to the car and collects the box with all the meat. He goes back to the balcony and opens the packages. He throws out the pieces of meat to the dragons. The dragons get the same amount of food so they don't start fighting over the meat.
When the dragons have eaten they start playing with each other and the male rolls around in the grass for a while but soon starts following the female and now she seems to accept it. They press against each other several times and cuddle. After a while, the male lies down on his back in the grass and flaps his wings.
The female looks at him curiously and wonders what he is doing and after a while the male gets up again and rushes over and cuddles the female again. She licks him on the nose. They really seem to enjoy each other.
Hasse goes down to the dragons and stands next to them. Hasse looks them in the eyes and sighs deeply.
- I'm sorry but I can't take care of you anymore. You are free. Do what you want.
The dragons tilt their heads. They don't understand. Hasse goes up to the balcony and enters the villa and quickly closes the door behind him. The dragons remain on the lawn for a while, but then they go to the door and peek inside. Hasse pulls down the blinds so they can't see inside. However, the dragons can both hear his breath through the window and also smell him. They know he's there. Why doesn't he open?
The dragons stand outside the door and whine softly, They wonder what they have done wrong. They enjoyed living in this house. Finally they sigh loudly and leave the balcony and soon enters a field where there are no houses. The field eventually leads to the forest that Hasse walked in the other day. The two dragons immediately become curious about all the new smells they smell and soon they don't mind being left alone.
Hasse pulls up the blinds and watches as the dragons disappear into the distance. The last thing he sees is their long tails wagging happily. Hasse thinks that they will probably manage well without his help.
Hasse turns on his TV and the news has just started. He doesn't know if they will talk about the incident at Liseberg, but yes, they will.
"Today at 10:30 a.m., a large dragon was released into Liseberg. People thought it was a furrie, but the police's initial investigation shows that it was not. The dragon seemed kind and some visitors petted it, but shortly after 1 p.m. chaos broke out when the dragon spewed fire at some patrons at a restaurant
"We knew there would be trouble when the dragon entered the restaurant"
"The youths teased the dragon but it was still not okay for it to spit fire at them"
"The dragon spewed so much fire at us that our clothes were destroyed"
"The dragon flew over the dance floor and I got two branches on my head that the dragon knocked down from a tree"
"We lost our balance and I broke my leg when the dragon threw twigs and branches at us"
"We were sitting at the top of the Athmosphere when the dragon came flying. It looked so cool but when it started spewing fire we got really scared"
"My children were terrified when the dragon flew over their heads"
"We saw the dragon walking up there on the glass roof and thought this is not going to end well"
"Liseberg answers: if we knew it was a real dragon, it wouldn't have been allowed in"
Hasse turns off his TV and sits there in the dark, thinking.
Hasse goes to bed at 10 p.m. He is tired after today's events. It doesn't take long before he falls asleep.
Meanwhile, while Hasse is sleeping, the two dragons are walking in the forest and they feel alone. They enjoyed living in the villa, but at the same time the scents of the forest attracts them and they become unsure of what is really important. They become more and more unsure if they should go back to the villa.
The male tells the female about his experiences in the park and the female becomes curious about his adventures. The male says sorry for chasing her so much earlier in the day but he explains that she smells so incredibly good.
The female cannot help but be flattered and she forgives the male. The dragons get deeper and deeper into the forest and they start to get tired. The male decides it's time to sleep but the female wonders if they shouldn't sleep in the villa. The forest feels so dark and dangerous right now.
The male reassures her and promises that he will be by her side throughout the night if needed. The female accepts what the male says and they start looking for a good place to sleep. They find a good place where it doesn't smell so much of humans.
Both dragons lie down on the gravelly ground and it is not long before they are asleep. It has been a long day for both of them.
The dragons have grown during the night and are now the size of a large polar bear standing up. The male continues to chase the female around and she makes louder choppy noises. She doesn't seem amused by being chased. They knock over a lot of things when they run around, but Hasse doesn't have that many fragile items in his house.
Hasse thinks about how he should try to get the male to stop following the female all the time. Maybe go out for a walk with it?. Well, it is probably very strong and may not do what Hasse wants. In addition, it may not want to go for a walk.
Hasse gives them some meat from the freezer and they are calm and quiet while they eat the meat. The dragons heat the meat by spraying fire on it and when the pieces of meat are swallowed, the dragons seem to want even more meat. Hasse intends to buy home more meat during the day, but they have to make do with what they've had for so long.
The male continues to chase the female around after they have eaten. Finally, the female gets really angry at the male's chasing and spew fire at him. The fire hits the male in the head and he looks both surprised and a little offended. So rude. Hasse doesn't think it's okay that they spew fire indoors and tells them.
- Hey! No fire spewing indoors. Its only allowed outdoors.
The female innocently looks up at Hasse. What, spewing fire? The female snorts and enters the Rest Room and when the male follows, she snorts hard at him. The male stands and looks at Hasse. At least he doesn't snorts at him.
Hasse is eating breakfast and flipping through today's newspaper and suddenly he sees an advertisement that seems interesting. The male stands and looks over the newspaper.
"Last chance today. Bring a furry to Liseberg and get free entry for both of you. Only applies to ONE furry and one person per household. The offer only applies during the furry days."
What a good idea, thinks Hasse. He chooses to bring the male there. Then the female finally gets to be alone for a few hours. The male looks very nice and Hasse guesses that people will like his appearance. But first he has to decorate the dragon so people don't realize it's a real dragon. And he must give him a name. Hasse gives the purple dragon the name pole star. It's a fitting name.
When Hasse has finished decorating the dragon with a lot of blue and purple knick-knacks, he goes out of the villa and opens the old horse transport that they went on yesterday. The dragon walks right in and lays down on the floor. Once it's inside and has laid down and straightened the wings so they don't stick out during transport, Hasse closes the door and goes to his car.
Hasse drives towards town and parks near Liseberg and when he has parked and paid the parking ticket, he goes and releases the dragon. The dragon follows nicely and is very curious about everything that is heard and moves. There are many furries outside the entrance at Liseberg and some of them see the dragon and become jealous. They also wants to look like this dragon and be this big.
In the end it is Hasses and the dragon's turn. The person sitting in the hatch thinks the dragon is too big to be someone who is dressed up, but they are still allowed into the park. Lots of furries watch as they enter and some go and greet the dragon.
The dragon sniffs curiously at the people standing and watching it. Someone asks if they can pet the light blue mane that the dragon has from its head down to its tail. Hasse becomes thoughtful but allows several people to pet the dragon's blue mane. The dragon seems to like it and makes a cooing sound.
Hasse and the dragon walk a little further into the park. They pass the fine and expensive restaurant that is close to the stage where Lotta på Liseberg is recorded, but today there is no concert there. Liseberg has a lot of trees and vegetation right at the beginning where the dragon and Hasse go. Some who don't like riding the attractions can wander around for hours and still have fun. Hasse is not going to ride any attraction and definitely not the dragon either.
Hasse lets the dragon roam freely in the park even though he follows it all the time. Children who are on their way to the attractions and see the dragon greet it happily. Some parents look a little scared. They don't want the kids to get too close to the dragon even if they dont know that the dragon is real.
After a short walk, Hasse and the dragon arrive at the restaurants. Hasse feels hungry and he can hear the dragon's stomach rumbling.
Hasse stands and looks at the menu at the various restaurants and finds one where there is mostly fast food. It is also the restaurant that looks the biggest and has the most space for the dragon. Hasse thinks about what the dragon wants and how much. It's a special price on XL Kebab today and so be it. He himself chooses a large salad.
Hasse orders two XL kebabs and explains that there should only be meat in it and no vegetables and fries. The one who takes the payment looks at the dragon with raised eyebrows and a wondering look but says nothing. Hasse holds up a very large glass of Fanta to the dragon but chooses a Loka to drink.
Hasse goes and sits down at a large table that is at the outer edge of the restaurant. The dragon cannot sit on any chair, so he simply has to stand on the floor. Both of the dragon's wings stick out a little, but none of the customers complains. It doesn't take long until both the dragon and Hasse get their food.
The dragon dives down with its gape towards the plate and begins to eat the kebab. Some of the visitors in the restaurant look wide-eyed at the dragon and the chefs look at each other and laugh lightly. The dragon is an unusual guest to say the least. The dragon laps up the soda with its long tongue. A little soda spills on the floor but no one complains about it.
Soon the dragon's first plate is empty and it starts with the next one. Hasse eats a little more lightly on his salad. There's no reason to eat quickly but he's unsure how to explain that to the dragon. Soon three families with children enter the restaurant and the children are very loud. The dragon seems alarmed by the loud noise and Hasse pats it on its light blue mane. Soon the dragon returns to eating more kebabs. The plate is getting empty.
There are a lot of children running around where Hasse and the dragon are sitting. Many children ask if they can pet the dragon, but Hasse shakes his head. Not right now when it's eating anyway. Some of the children are of course disappointed, but most of them accept Hasses answer.
Two loud young people enter the restaurant and they stand at the cash desk and start fooling around but soon they see Hasse and the dragon and they walk up to the dragon and stare at it. The youth who is the larger of the two points at the dragon and speaks in a contemptuous tone.
- Well Well. Look at this furry abomination. So pathetic.
- Excuse me, we are eating here. Can you two leave us alone, please?
- As usual, you refuse to even comment on what I just said. Is that supposed to look like a dragon?
- What do you think it looks like?
- You trying to play funny? You are both so fucking pathetic.
- Maybe. But let us be that if so
The dragon has eaten its food and turns its large head to look at the two youths. The smaller youth sticks out his tongue at the dragon and the dragon tilts its big head and then turns to Hasse and it looks like the dragon is confused. Hasse speaks quietly to the dragon.
- Don't worry about those two. They just want to start a fight.
The youth who is the largest moves quickly towards the dragon and the dragon reacts by spreading its wings defensively and hissing loudly. Hasse pats the dragon light blue man so that it will calm down. A guttural sound is heard from the dragon's throat and Hasse understands that it is growling at the youth. Some of the diners sitting near Hasse and the dragon also hear the guttural sound and look worried. But the youth standing near the dragon doesn't seem to understand that he is in danger right now. Hasse narrows his eyes at the youth
- Leave us alone. We don't want any problems with you.
But the youth remains and points at Hasse.
- You shouldn't tell me what to do, old guy.
The youth steps forward even further as he utters the last words and the dragon opens its jaw wide open as the guttural sound grows even louder. The youth points straight at the dragon and snarls at it.
- Shut up you freak.
Suddenly, a metre-long flame shoots from the dragon's open jaw and ignites the lower edge of the youth's T-Shirt. The young man is so surprised by what is happening that it takes a few seconds before he realizes that his T-Shirt is on fire, although it is not a very strong fire. The dragon continues to make the guttural sound as it slowly approaches the youth, its jaws wide open. A new flame of fire shoots out from the dragon's wide open jaw and Hasse feels the incredible heat from the fire. Fortunately, the youth is not hit by the fire, but he starts to back away, looking completely terrified, and starts stuttering.
- It...it spewed...fire...at...me. It.. it...is .. a .real...dragon.
Hasse looks at the youth with some amusement. Hopefully the youth have learned a lesson.
- I told you to leave us alone.
Hasse looks around the restaurant and to his surprise sees only judgmental and harsh faces staring at him and the dragon. Hasse sighs and shakes his head at the judgmental people.
- It has to be able to defend itself if someone is stupid and mean.
Unfortunately, none of the diners seem to agree and in the end Hasse leads the dragon out of the large restaurant and out into the street. Hasse stands for a while thinking about what just happened and after a while he starts to laugh at what happened. The dragon looks questioningly at Hasse as if wondering what is so funny. The dragon hears the sound of children running and it turns and looks out into the park and sees several children playing and people walking by. The dragon has found it fun to walk with Hasse, but it wants to try its wings. Hasse stops laughing and pats the dragon's blue mane.
- It was super cool when you spewed fire on that annoying kid but I think maybe we should leave before anything more happens.
The dragon looks at Hasse and stretches its wings so that they are fully extended and then it flies up in the air. Hasse calls out to the dragon.
- No, no. Fly down again. We go together.
But the dragon doesn't land but flies straight ahead and it passes several restaurants and some of the diners catch sight of the flying dragon and stand with their mouths open and can't believe what they see. After a while, the dragon arrives at a large dance floor. There are a lot of people dancing there and they are having a lot of fun.
The dragon flies above the dancing people and looks curiously at the dancing people. A large tree stands near the dance floor and the dragon flies over to the tree and lands and looks down at the people. The dragon's wings are so strong that they break several of the tree's twigs and branches and some of the twigs and branches land right on the dancing people and a few dancers with bad balance tumble and land on the dance floor. Only now do the dancing people see the dragon and some of the people scream at the dragon and even try to hit the dragon with one of the branches that have fallen from the tree. The dragon gets stressed when the people yell at it and it starts to make a guttural growl.
But the humans don't seem to understand the dragon's language and one of the humans grabs a long steel stick and pushes it straight up against the dragon's sensitive belly. The dragon gets angry and spews a metre-long flame and suddenly all the people fall silent and the dragon can soon smell fear from the people. The dragon flies up a little higher and lands on top of the tree and it looks around. Everything looks so exciting from the air and the dragon has a hard time deciding where to fly. A human approaches the tree and stands looking up at the dragon and the dragon looks back. This human does not seem to be angry and the eyes of the human and the dragon meet. The dragon decides to fly on.
The dragon flies to the flume ride and looks at the big waterfall and thinks it looks fun. A boat comes riding down the waterfall and the dragon becomes even more interested and flies after the boat. The dragon sees when the people get out of the boat but it also sees when other boats leave and it chooses to fly after the boat that starts its ride. So far, the people haven't noticed the dragon flying above them, but that's mostly because the dragon flies quite high in the air. When the boat has come up the first slope, the family's son sees the dragon and he points to the dragon so that his father can see what is flying above the boat. The father looks in wonder at the dragon flying above the boat. Neither son of father had even thought of seeing something like this at the park.
The dragon continues to follow the boat and the child looks as much at the dragon as at the water which the boat travels. A few large twigs and branches fall from the surrounding trees as the dragon flies near them but none of the twigs or branches end up in the boat or in the water. The boat approaches the big waterfall and the dragon watches as the boat picks up speed and makes a happy noise. The child looks up at the dragon and looks happy while the father is not too amused that the dragon is flying so close above them. The boat approaches the big waterfall and both the child and the father hold on tightly and forget about the dragon for a few seconds. The water splashes up in the face of the child and the father. The dragon thinks it looks funny when the boat goes down the big waterfall and it makes a loop down just like the boat did. It flies close over the peoples heads and they have to duck to avoid getting the dragon's wings in their heads.
The dragon flies on and sees a small roller coaster for children. It flies over the sitting children and some of the children look up in surprise and wave to the dragon. The dragon cannot wave back but it flies after the roller coaster. The dragon thinks this is really funny and the kids seem amused too. The parents standing below the roller coaster waiting for their children are not as amused by the dragon flying above their children and they shout loudly at the dragon. The dragon hears the cries of the parents and gets stressed by them and it finally decides to fly somewhere else.
After a while, the dragon arrives at Athmosphere. It's almost like a free fall. All the people are sitting at the top of the attraction when the dragon comes flying towards them. It flies above their heads and everyone is impressed by both the color and size of the dragon. That is so cool. The dragon sees the youths who teased it at the restaurant and it does not hesitate but starts spewing its fire at the youths.
At the same time the attraction starts to go down and the dragon follows and it continues to spew its fire and the hair of the two youths catches fire and they scream in fear and pain and now they are not as tough as before. The dragon flies so close to the attraction that the visitors can feel the powerful beat of its wings and they are worried that the dragon will land on them by accident. None of the visitors know how heavy the dragon is but it is very large and they feel the beat of its wings and they guess it is heavy.
The operator of the attraction anxiously looks at the huge dragon and hopes that it will fly on, and after a few minutes the dragon begins to fly away from the attraction. It has taken its revenge on those who teased it before. The dragon begins to fly towards the entrance where Hasse and it entered
The dragon sees the ferris wheel and intends to fly up to the top of it and look at the people sitting in the small cages. The dragon doesn't understand why the humans are trapped in small cages. But then the dragon sees something else. It's a big building right by the stage and the roof is made entirely of glass and when the dragon flies above the glass roof it sees its own reflection. The dragon thinks there is another dragon inside the restaurant and it would like to greet the dragon in that case.
The dragon lands on the glass ceiling and begins to walk towards where it saw its own reflection. The glass cracks and creaks under the dragon's weight, and in some places there are cracks that spread like a spider's web across the glass. The dragon looks down at the people sitting and eating but it doesn't see another dragon in there and it gets confused. The dragon roars out a greeting but it receives no greeting back. The people looks up at the glass ceiling and discover the dragon and they begin to rise from their chairs. The glass ceiling the dragon is standing on breaks and the dragon lands on a glass table in the restaurant which also breaks. The dragon is so surprised that it spews a metre-long flame and two curtains that are close to the dragon catch fire.
The other guests sitting further into the restaurant get up quickly and there is soon a rush to the front doors while the fire from the curtains spreads further into the restaurants. People step on each other and overturn tables in their eagerness to get out of the restaurant. Several paper garlands sitting near the ceiling catch fire and small pieces of burning paper rain down on the dragon's head.
Hasse has finally found the dragon again and he stands outside the restaurant and sees the great chaos inside. It is burning very heavily in several places in the restaurant and Hasse hopes that no people have been burned by the dragon's fire. The dragon turns its big head and sees Hasse and it soon approaches the exit. The exit is also made of glass but the dragon can't squeeze its large body through the opening so it spews its hot fire on the large glass until it cracks from the heat and the dragon can get out to Hasse again
Hasse looks at the dragon and realizes that he can no longer keep the dragons with him. He will drive the purple dragon home but he will let them out later in the evening when most people have gone to bed. The dragons are way too big and this incident clearly shows how little control he has over the dragons
Hasse entices the dragon and it walks up to him and presses its large body against him. Hasse starts to walk towards the exit and the dragon happily follows and it wags its tail and two people walking nearby are whipped by the hard tail. Once out on the street again, Hasse goes straight to the horse transport and lets the dragon in. Hasse drives away after carefully closing the horse transport. Just as he drives past Liseberg, several police cars and ambulances arrive at Liseberg and stops outside the entrance. He thinks he sees a car from Gothenburg Post as well, but he is not sure.
On the way home, Hasse stops at the local Ica store and buys a lot of meat for the dragons. He knows they must both be hungry
When Hasse comes home, he enters the villa and releases the grey-black-red dragon in the back. It is happy and sniffs curiously on the wooden balcony, but then it goes down to the lawn and continues to sniff there.
Hasse opens the horse transport and releases the purple dragon and it runs straight to the back of the villa where the female is. Hasse goes to the car and collects the box with all the meat. He goes back to the balcony and opens the packages. He throws out the pieces of meat to the dragons. The dragons get the same amount of food so they don't start fighting over the meat.
When the dragons have eaten they start playing with each other and the male rolls around in the grass for a while but soon starts following the female and now she seems to accept it. They press against each other several times and cuddle. After a while, the male lies down on his back in the grass and flaps his wings.
The female looks at him curiously and wonders what he is doing and after a while the male gets up again and rushes over and cuddles the female again. She licks him on the nose. They really seem to enjoy each other.
Hasse goes down to the dragons and stands next to them. Hasse looks them in the eyes and sighs deeply.
- I'm sorry but I can't take care of you anymore. You are free. Do what you want.
The dragons tilt their heads. They don't understand. Hasse goes up to the balcony and enters the villa and quickly closes the door behind him. The dragons remain on the lawn for a while, but then they go to the door and peek inside. Hasse pulls down the blinds so they can't see inside. However, the dragons can both hear his breath through the window and also smell him. They know he's there. Why doesn't he open?
The dragons stand outside the door and whine softly, They wonder what they have done wrong. They enjoyed living in this house. Finally they sigh loudly and leave the balcony and soon enters a field where there are no houses. The field eventually leads to the forest that Hasse walked in the other day. The two dragons immediately become curious about all the new smells they smell and soon they don't mind being left alone.
Hasse pulls up the blinds and watches as the dragons disappear into the distance. The last thing he sees is their long tails wagging happily. Hasse thinks that they will probably manage well without his help.
Hasse turns on his TV and the news has just started. He doesn't know if they will talk about the incident at Liseberg, but yes, they will.
"Today at 10:30 a.m., a large dragon was released into Liseberg. People thought it was a furrie, but the police's initial investigation shows that it was not. The dragon seemed kind and some visitors petted it, but shortly after 1 p.m. chaos broke out when the dragon spewed fire at some patrons at a restaurant
"We knew there would be trouble when the dragon entered the restaurant"
"The youths teased the dragon but it was still not okay for it to spit fire at them"
"The dragon spewed so much fire at us that our clothes were destroyed"
"The dragon flew over the dance floor and I got two branches on my head that the dragon knocked down from a tree"
"We lost our balance and I broke my leg when the dragon threw twigs and branches at us"
"We were sitting at the top of the Athmosphere when the dragon came flying. It looked so cool but when it started spewing fire we got really scared"
"My children were terrified when the dragon flew over their heads"
"We saw the dragon walking up there on the glass roof and thought this is not going to end well"
"Liseberg answers: if we knew it was a real dragon, it wouldn't have been allowed in"
Hasse turns off his TV and sits there in the dark, thinking.
Hasse goes to bed at 10 p.m. He is tired after today's events. It doesn't take long before he falls asleep.
Meanwhile, while Hasse is sleeping, the two dragons are walking in the forest and they feel alone. They enjoyed living in the villa, but at the same time the scents of the forest attracts them and they become unsure of what is really important. They become more and more unsure if they should go back to the villa.
The male tells the female about his experiences in the park and the female becomes curious about his adventures. The male says sorry for chasing her so much earlier in the day but he explains that she smells so incredibly good.
The female cannot help but be flattered and she forgives the male. The dragons get deeper and deeper into the forest and they start to get tired. The male decides it's time to sleep but the female wonders if they shouldn't sleep in the villa. The forest feels so dark and dangerous right now.
The male reassures her and promises that he will be by her side throughout the night if needed. The female accepts what the male says and they start looking for a good place to sleep. They find a good place where it doesn't smell so much of humans.
Both dragons lie down on the gravelly ground and it is not long before they are asleep. It has been a long day for both of them.
Category Story / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 12.8 kB