"It fires incendiary rockets, dude! And you get four shots. Come on, this price is a bargain. I'll even bat my eyelashes at you for free."
"It's also extremely attention grabbing and very illegal...I dunno, what do you think, Nat? ...Nat?"
"The red dot of wonder..."
Skye knows what it takes to close a deal.
Done by the eternally awesome
ewgengster! His country has blocked FA but do go over to his page if you want to support him!
"It's also extremely attention grabbing and very illegal...I dunno, what do you think, Nat? ...Nat?"
"The red dot of wonder..."
Skye knows what it takes to close a deal.
Done by the eternally awesome

Category Artwork (Traditional) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 2058 x 1440px
File Size 2.99 MB