As Always the Moody tune "https://youtu.be/nBvViQnjRk4"
Behold! the Ghost Dragon!
DRIVE FOLDER: (for future extra elements)
Log from former M1A1 released on Discord:
-Blender rigify complete redone
-Weight Paint complete redone
-Materials on the body optimized and cleaned
-Facial Rig using Rigify
-Added proprieties to the model as bones where such items are show in the N panel
-Changed proportions on the body (she is slighly thiccer and snout shorter)
-Redesigned her STARFIGHTER outfit
-essential flexes are in bone proprieties with appropiated shapes
-Added an Sword Prop
-added cloth toggles and some material controls on the cosmetic bone propieties
-Minor clipping on the cloth at extreme angles,
-the sword will clip at some angles with the arm sleeve
-The rest of her outfits are in backburn atm eventually will be re-added
Mayor thanks to @WonderFox712, smoaer.bsky.social & KesprSFM for hints on her desing contributions helped alot <3
Now speaking a bit more in detail about her desing creation over the time if you are interested that much on the character
Mirage its probably one of my favorite consepts i like to spend time developing as character since touch the 3 main vertex of the whole Hazard Core plot,
Spirits/Aliens/Robots since well she is a combination of these 3 allow me to explore these 3 consepts in a more practical manners w/o clashing with the whole vibe of the chapter she belongs
But more importantly its the core consept of the character made from antagonists in an accidental appent to redeem themselves from their mistakes its kinda interesting to implement since the conspet actually its embedded with her desing
among those antagonist are Artralis who raised Mirage as her daugther (I hope i can make her this year) considering she is the arch nemesis of character like Alilkira where took things too personal against her and her family...
Despite that there are alot of more complex though on that character what lead into why such radical changes on her mindset to lead into raising someone as noble as Mirage,
Now focused on Mirage roots as character
one of the focal points on her Og Desing was she could easily mistaken with a Villain since most of the time the media portay them as cool drip/radical aesthetic/badass factor on them that is why her OG desing of her was a Robot mostly based on Megaman X Maverics or the Sigma itself with a bit of Zero vibes on top of that with a wicked LED smile and the iconic Kamina glasses on her face as holografic eyes,
Another design factor was her main powers, Mirage started as an Discarted power from Alilkira and her hability to replicate herself (remember her black/white clones) this was ditched on her because was an cool consept to be just on her besides Most of my characters have an wide arsenal of habilities, and give that power to an character what its the strongest physically/create matter what can alter its weight and on top of that create Portals was... Too much... so as stereotipical as its Sounds Mirage Fitted for that, and the scheme of giving an aircraft name to my NCore carrier characters
however i had struggle to justify her shape as a robot as her initial presentation specially after i develop the plot of the character origin should be linked somewhat to Artrealis and most of the "mechanical" vibes where introduced into holly later on way before i was able to design or showcase both characters
what leaded into the redesing of the character from just a Punk/Cool/Anti-Hero Robot into something more friendly but not removing something what i can consider Cool... During that time i was Into BNHA and the template was ALL MIGHT because before knowing much about that caracter i expected the character be an fake hero or a character what eventually will become or exposed as villain, becuase the overall desing of his shade shadows on it face, its dark eyes and its strange sus smile and some glimps of him puking blood on its true form make me feel he was a villain considering what was the era where everyone was into a a dark or evil version of superman, and after i watched the show i really loved the consept of Allmight as character and the overall show desing phylosopy on their characters ended up affecting later on characters like Holly in the chase of Deku and Bakugo hero suits
Allmight by itself helped on the direcction of the character but at that point i needed something else and already expected Mirage be 2 things, A Hero in a world made of ghosts, and a Ncore Carrier so her role scalated as character, and because the role of Allmight should be admired by the inhabitants as a superhero something laking in my previous characters since most are or Federal/goverment agents as part of the military branch by the rest of the people
By the time i was thinking on her i was revisiting Steven Universe what Helped ALOT on define the overall tone of her desing aesthetic Helping Alot on define that boundary between "Magic" and Science ficcion and overall the "Magic creatures Coming from the Stars" what helped to give that shining attributes and the Star on the chest what also helped on define part of the origin plot of the character giving her the same core of another antagonist called STARFIGHTER what was a Robot from the future
also because it complemented the OG idea of the Kamina references all over her and the space related stuff, and because steven universe already played with the character shades like
Probably the final Nail on her desing where 2 things....
Roxanne Wolf from Security breach, what where popular back then when it released what helped the silluette, hair and overall clothing choises what complemented the "glamrock-ish" desing what GARNET from Steven universe have and will likely fits on a character what an afroamerican voice tone on it (yes Mirage sounds like a black woman)
Despite this the overall desing was Set but ironically the "Race" Race its usually the LAST desing choise i do before i actually an character and since the OG idea of begin a robot was diched for the same reasons i choose the race as last since limits my options of desing the character around that race
instead of the desing choises help into the race
(Holly was very close to be another a Mouse or an Gecko because the desing choises went into an small character, until i rage about the model desing of another colleague bunny pack, and implemented the whole Bunny into a cyborg what fitted perfectly (Yes you can thanks to Petruz for be the reason why Holly its a Bunny)
and finally one day shuffling on some OPN2 & SPC700 remixes i discovered
That damn THUNDER FORCE tune!
A tune what feel SO powerful what started a hunt for things as powerful as that song
Videos about Space X Raptor Engines, Rocketdyne F-1, detonation engines, Lazer cutters, lazer beams in media, until i Stopped at GODZILLA
Stunnning! so yes Something what she has to have was an atomic breath but to not be as evident as such but to reflect the same energy but defenitly She had to be some kind of lizard-ish....what shoots fire/blaster from her mouth... what can be considered as an mistical/magical creature linked with souls and unknow regions of the space as guardian of the people with cosmic powers
was at this point i started to announce the character an do the initial sketches
and of course i started to curse SFM due the limitations of the shaders the ghost effect was partially ditched
Her production included some influences in color and uniformsof other character desings like
Peridot from Steven universe, Sploot from unknownspy and partially from Kanna from Blaster Master
what lead into her first iteration of the character https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49833712/
2025 redesign
After like 2 years some flaws on her outfit was found while the character body looks amazing and with enriched details its uniform pale in comparision specially the DAMN BOOTS, another thing what i consider kinda redundant was her claws what not totally ditched do not look proper with the rest of the outfit and her outer gloves. also the lack of modularity of some part of the cloths what help to make things like the gloves and socks standout by themselves... something what do not have much sense... she can spawn her cloths and they are not that physically solid... Why they have weathering? on oportunity to recieve feedback i asked for suggestions about it and recieved alot of feedback
In comparision of the original, boots are more defined and menacing, the design are more provocative exposing her hips on a leotard, inner gloves are better defined, outer gloves are improved in complex, sleeves spikes and the small chain texture on the leotard improve that GlamRock aestetic aswell some other metalic bits and of course the blender port improved her materials alot allowing me to paint like SHE should be in first place, her cape now ilustrate her simbol as the Fallen/Reincarnated Fear entity into Power into Mirage aswell shortening it so its more useful and easy to show/use than the full one what cover her body overall a pretty positive change what also include some small proportion changes to make her a 5% more sexier and stand out from the other 2 upcoming gals
As soon i finish to publish this i will start to work on the Revamp on HOLLY
also thanks you to everyone who support me and Loved my own creations and thanks to you for have the patience to read all that! as always can follow me in Twitter https://x.com/SirWarfare & BlueSky https://bsky.app/profile/warfaremachine.bsky.social
and support my future proyects economically in My Patreon :3 patreon.com/WARFAREMACHINE
Posted using PostyBirb
Behold! the Ghost Dragon!
DRIVE FOLDER: (for future extra elements)
Log from former M1A1 released on Discord:
-Blender rigify complete redone
-Weight Paint complete redone
-Materials on the body optimized and cleaned
-Facial Rig using Rigify
-Added proprieties to the model as bones where such items are show in the N panel
-Changed proportions on the body (she is slighly thiccer and snout shorter)
-Redesigned her STARFIGHTER outfit
-essential flexes are in bone proprieties with appropiated shapes
-Added an Sword Prop
-added cloth toggles and some material controls on the cosmetic bone propieties
-Minor clipping on the cloth at extreme angles,
-the sword will clip at some angles with the arm sleeve
-The rest of her outfits are in backburn atm eventually will be re-added
Mayor thanks to @WonderFox712, smoaer.bsky.social & KesprSFM for hints on her desing contributions helped alot <3
Now speaking a bit more in detail about her desing creation over the time if you are interested that much on the character
Mirage its probably one of my favorite consepts i like to spend time developing as character since touch the 3 main vertex of the whole Hazard Core plot,
Spirits/Aliens/Robots since well she is a combination of these 3 allow me to explore these 3 consepts in a more practical manners w/o clashing with the whole vibe of the chapter she belongs
But more importantly its the core consept of the character made from antagonists in an accidental appent to redeem themselves from their mistakes its kinda interesting to implement since the conspet actually its embedded with her desing
among those antagonist are Artralis who raised Mirage as her daugther (I hope i can make her this year) considering she is the arch nemesis of character like Alilkira where took things too personal against her and her family...
Despite that there are alot of more complex though on that character what lead into why such radical changes on her mindset to lead into raising someone as noble as Mirage,
Now focused on Mirage roots as character
one of the focal points on her Og Desing was she could easily mistaken with a Villain since most of the time the media portay them as cool drip/radical aesthetic/badass factor on them that is why her OG desing of her was a Robot mostly based on Megaman X Maverics or the Sigma itself with a bit of Zero vibes on top of that with a wicked LED smile and the iconic Kamina glasses on her face as holografic eyes,
Another design factor was her main powers, Mirage started as an Discarted power from Alilkira and her hability to replicate herself (remember her black/white clones) this was ditched on her because was an cool consept to be just on her besides Most of my characters have an wide arsenal of habilities, and give that power to an character what its the strongest physically/create matter what can alter its weight and on top of that create Portals was... Too much... so as stereotipical as its Sounds Mirage Fitted for that, and the scheme of giving an aircraft name to my NCore carrier characters
however i had struggle to justify her shape as a robot as her initial presentation specially after i develop the plot of the character origin should be linked somewhat to Artrealis and most of the "mechanical" vibes where introduced into holly later on way before i was able to design or showcase both characters
what leaded into the redesing of the character from just a Punk/Cool/Anti-Hero Robot into something more friendly but not removing something what i can consider Cool... During that time i was Into BNHA and the template was ALL MIGHT because before knowing much about that caracter i expected the character be an fake hero or a character what eventually will become or exposed as villain, becuase the overall desing of his shade shadows on it face, its dark eyes and its strange sus smile and some glimps of him puking blood on its true form make me feel he was a villain considering what was the era where everyone was into a a dark or evil version of superman, and after i watched the show i really loved the consept of Allmight as character and the overall show desing phylosopy on their characters ended up affecting later on characters like Holly in the chase of Deku and Bakugo hero suits
Allmight by itself helped on the direcction of the character but at that point i needed something else and already expected Mirage be 2 things, A Hero in a world made of ghosts, and a Ncore Carrier so her role scalated as character, and because the role of Allmight should be admired by the inhabitants as a superhero something laking in my previous characters since most are or Federal/goverment agents as part of the military branch by the rest of the people
By the time i was thinking on her i was revisiting Steven Universe what Helped ALOT on define the overall tone of her desing aesthetic Helping Alot on define that boundary between "Magic" and Science ficcion and overall the "Magic creatures Coming from the Stars" what helped to give that shining attributes and the Star on the chest what also helped on define part of the origin plot of the character giving her the same core of another antagonist called STARFIGHTER what was a Robot from the future
also because it complemented the OG idea of the Kamina references all over her and the space related stuff, and because steven universe already played with the character shades like
Probably the final Nail on her desing where 2 things....
Roxanne Wolf from Security breach, what where popular back then when it released what helped the silluette, hair and overall clothing choises what complemented the "glamrock-ish" desing what GARNET from Steven universe have and will likely fits on a character what an afroamerican voice tone on it (yes Mirage sounds like a black woman)
Despite this the overall desing was Set but ironically the "Race" Race its usually the LAST desing choise i do before i actually an character and since the OG idea of begin a robot was diched for the same reasons i choose the race as last since limits my options of desing the character around that race
instead of the desing choises help into the race
(Holly was very close to be another a Mouse or an Gecko because the desing choises went into an small character, until i rage about the model desing of another colleague bunny pack, and implemented the whole Bunny into a cyborg what fitted perfectly (Yes you can thanks to Petruz for be the reason why Holly its a Bunny)
and finally one day shuffling on some OPN2 & SPC700 remixes i discovered
That damn THUNDER FORCE tune!
A tune what feel SO powerful what started a hunt for things as powerful as that song
Videos about Space X Raptor Engines, Rocketdyne F-1, detonation engines, Lazer cutters, lazer beams in media, until i Stopped at GODZILLA
Stunnning! so yes Something what she has to have was an atomic breath but to not be as evident as such but to reflect the same energy but defenitly She had to be some kind of lizard-ish....what shoots fire/blaster from her mouth... what can be considered as an mistical/magical creature linked with souls and unknow regions of the space as guardian of the people with cosmic powers
was at this point i started to announce the character an do the initial sketches
and of course i started to curse SFM due the limitations of the shaders the ghost effect was partially ditched
Her production included some influences in color and uniformsof other character desings like
Peridot from Steven universe, Sploot from unknownspy and partially from Kanna from Blaster Master
what lead into her first iteration of the character https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49833712/
2025 redesign
After like 2 years some flaws on her outfit was found while the character body looks amazing and with enriched details its uniform pale in comparision specially the DAMN BOOTS, another thing what i consider kinda redundant was her claws what not totally ditched do not look proper with the rest of the outfit and her outer gloves. also the lack of modularity of some part of the cloths what help to make things like the gloves and socks standout by themselves... something what do not have much sense... she can spawn her cloths and they are not that physically solid... Why they have weathering? on oportunity to recieve feedback i asked for suggestions about it and recieved alot of feedback
In comparision of the original, boots are more defined and menacing, the design are more provocative exposing her hips on a leotard, inner gloves are better defined, outer gloves are improved in complex, sleeves spikes and the small chain texture on the leotard improve that GlamRock aestetic aswell some other metalic bits and of course the blender port improved her materials alot allowing me to paint like SHE should be in first place, her cape now ilustrate her simbol as the Fallen/Reincarnated Fear entity into Power into Mirage aswell shortening it so its more useful and easy to show/use than the full one what cover her body overall a pretty positive change what also include some small proportion changes to make her a 5% more sexier and stand out from the other 2 upcoming gals
As soon i finish to publish this i will start to work on the Revamp on HOLLY
also thanks you to everyone who support me and Loved my own creations and thanks to you for have the patience to read all that! as always can follow me in Twitter https://x.com/SirWarfare & BlueSky https://bsky.app/profile/warfaremachine.bsky.social
and support my future proyects economically in My Patreon :3 patreon.com/WARFAREMACHINE
Posted using PostyBirb
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Size 1760 x 2093px
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