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Playing It Safe
© 2025 by Walter Reimer
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“Wave bye-bye, Jinzi,” Meredith said, and her two-year-old filly obeyed, waving a paw at the huge freighter visible through Downtime Station’s transparisteel windows. The Transcosm freighter Miryam was departing, its holds full of raw materials and destined for orbital factories in Confed – er, Terran Imperial space. More business, and more money for everyone concerned.
That included Meredith and her family, and the mare was happy about that.
Another Transcosm freighter, Strange Shores, was due to arrive in three days if it was running on schedule. So far it was, and conditions were peaceful.
The A Quiet Life, the golden palomino mare’s old ship, was currently running from Faraway to Kormorant, but was expected to return to Downtime Station in a few weeks. She and Fuji were looking forward to seeing the crew again, especially since Christina had dropped hints that something was going on between herself and Hui. The cow and the bear were, simply put, inseparable.
Jinzi held her mother’s paw as they headed down the corridor from the dock area, her free thumb in her mouth as she burbled a running commentary. When her thumb wasn’t in her mouth, the little filly was very talkative even though her parents couldn’t understand most of what she said. Still, she was developing normally despite her mixed parentage; as Meredith’s mothers said to her, “She’s only two, Merry. Give her some time.”
Meredith chuckled at the memory of that conversation as she and Jinzi headed for the Transcosm office.
“Baba!” Fuji looked up and grinned as Jinzi pulled her paw free of her mother’s and ran to her father, who held his arms open for her.
He scooped her up and nuzzled her as she giggled. “Hello there, my little golden daughter,” and he looked up at his wife. “Was she a good little girl?”
Meredith laughed, leaning down to plant a kiss on his forehead. “Of course she was. I think the freighter crews are starting to treat her like a good-luck charm.”
“That so?” Fuji touched noses with Jinzi. “Are you good luck, Jinzi?” She blinked at him before nodding, making both of her parents laugh. Fuji kissed and nuzzled Jinzi again and smiled as Meredith took a seat at her own desk. “Everything go all right?”
“Everything smooth,” Meredith said. “Ships are coming in and leaving on schedule. Imperial Chartering’s happy, and so’s Transcosm. Anything going on here?”
Fuji glanced over Jinzi at his padd. “More cargo requests between the Empire and the Colonies,” the Komodo monitor said. “Now that – “ He broke off as Meredith suddenly stared at him. “Nope,” he said, shaking his head, “I’m not going to jinx things,’ and the monitor grinned as his wife sighed theatrically.
“Well, we should take advantage of it while it lasts, at any rate,” Meredith said. “How’s your assignment coming?” she asked, craning her neck slightly. Fuji was taking courses in warp mechanics to get an engineer’s degree.
“Sent it off a few minutes ago,” Fuji said, cradling Jinzi in his lap. “I expect to pass.”
Meredith grinned. “Great. Dinner tonight’s on me.”
“Thanks, Boss,” and she laughed.
© 2025 by Walter Reimer
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“Wave bye-bye, Jinzi,” Meredith said, and her two-year-old filly obeyed, waving a paw at the huge freighter visible through Downtime Station’s transparisteel windows. The Transcosm freighter Miryam was departing, its holds full of raw materials and destined for orbital factories in Confed – er, Terran Imperial space. More business, and more money for everyone concerned.
That included Meredith and her family, and the mare was happy about that.
Another Transcosm freighter, Strange Shores, was due to arrive in three days if it was running on schedule. So far it was, and conditions were peaceful.
The A Quiet Life, the golden palomino mare’s old ship, was currently running from Faraway to Kormorant, but was expected to return to Downtime Station in a few weeks. She and Fuji were looking forward to seeing the crew again, especially since Christina had dropped hints that something was going on between herself and Hui. The cow and the bear were, simply put, inseparable.
Jinzi held her mother’s paw as they headed down the corridor from the dock area, her free thumb in her mouth as she burbled a running commentary. When her thumb wasn’t in her mouth, the little filly was very talkative even though her parents couldn’t understand most of what she said. Still, she was developing normally despite her mixed parentage; as Meredith’s mothers said to her, “She’s only two, Merry. Give her some time.”
Meredith chuckled at the memory of that conversation as she and Jinzi headed for the Transcosm office.
“Baba!” Fuji looked up and grinned as Jinzi pulled her paw free of her mother’s and ran to her father, who held his arms open for her.
He scooped her up and nuzzled her as she giggled. “Hello there, my little golden daughter,” and he looked up at his wife. “Was she a good little girl?”
Meredith laughed, leaning down to plant a kiss on his forehead. “Of course she was. I think the freighter crews are starting to treat her like a good-luck charm.”
“That so?” Fuji touched noses with Jinzi. “Are you good luck, Jinzi?” She blinked at him before nodding, making both of her parents laugh. Fuji kissed and nuzzled Jinzi again and smiled as Meredith took a seat at her own desk. “Everything go all right?”
“Everything smooth,” Meredith said. “Ships are coming in and leaving on schedule. Imperial Chartering’s happy, and so’s Transcosm. Anything going on here?”
Fuji glanced over Jinzi at his padd. “More cargo requests between the Empire and the Colonies,” the Komodo monitor said. “Now that – “ He broke off as Meredith suddenly stared at him. “Nope,” he said, shaking his head, “I’m not going to jinx things,’ and the monitor grinned as his wife sighed theatrically.
“Well, we should take advantage of it while it lasts, at any rate,” Meredith said. “How’s your assignment coming?” she asked, craning her neck slightly. Fuji was taking courses in warp mechanics to get an engineer’s degree.
“Sent it off a few minutes ago,” Fuji said, cradling Jinzi in his lap. “I expect to pass.”
Meredith grinned. “Great. Dinner tonight’s on me.”
“Thanks, Boss,” and she laughed.
Category Story / General Furry Art
Species Horse
Gender Female
Size 120 x 86px
File Size 53.4 kB