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"... and we went back the next day. It turns out that a tree had fallen over and punched a hole through the roof. So I've been staying with Mia and Sally. I... uh... actually have been needing a little extra... help, and they've been really nice to not only let me stay with them, but also to give me that extra h-help."
Tristan looked around at the adults-turned babies, several nodding with looks of understanding and sympathy. After Bill had introduced him and then offered Tristan the opportunity to tell his story, the winged kitten had felt nervous. He'd never actually put into words what all had happened, as he realized before opening his mouth. But then, with only the briefest of hesitation, it all came spilling out. Why he'd gotten the serum, the surprise regression, fighting to keep his job, trying desperately to be taken seriously, having to deal with Child Protective Services, meeting Mia, to coming to live with her and her wife. And as he spoke, it felt as though a weight had been lifted off his chest.
"Sometimes... I get scared, though. That I might be enjoying all the attention and... care, a bit too much. I mean, I know physically, I'm a baby. But I'm still my adult self up here," he tapped his head, "so I want to be taken seriously, and maintain my autonomy. I guess I'm scared that if I just... enjoy being babied too much, I'll become one in mind as well as in body. Uh... thanks for listening..."
Tristan jumped a little as everyone politely clapped.
"Thank you for sharing, Tristan," Bill said with a warm smile. "And that is a very common concern for regressees like us. But I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with the way you feel. I know that it can be hard to accept, but it's true. It's not easy, no siree. It's definitely something I would recommend having a frank and open discussion with Mia and Sally about. I think that you'll find that letting go and letting yourself be vulnerable around those that care about you can be an emotionally fulfilling experience."
Tristan seemed to mull the words over in his head as he thought this over. Bill looked around the room.
"Would anyone like to go next?"
Tristan let out an OOF as he suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders pushing him down. Looking a little to his left, he saw that Terra was standing on the top of her chair, leaning over onto his shoulders for stability, her little paw waving in the air as she grunted.
"Okay, I think Terra wants to go!" Bill chuckled as the bunny girl cheered and hopped back down into her seat.
"You all know me, Terra Burrower! Three time recipient of the Realtor of the Year Award, and fairy princess extraordinaire! I had been hitting a bit of a slump, both in sales and in my marriage. So when the serum came out, I was just so darn excited! A youthful and pretty face always helps in sales, and I thought I could surprise my dear Thomas with a 'younger woman'... not that he actually noticed. Always going out on business trips." Terra began to play with the hem of her tutu.
"So it had been a good month of being back in my twenties, and I was showing off a particularly frustrating house to sell. It was a nice property, just a bit on the cozy side, if you catch my drift. Anyways, I was showing it off to this sweet expecting couple when I started to... regress past my selected age of twenty-two. I remember trying not to lose my composure as my blazer and blouse started to feel a bit loose on my person. Heh... I actually remember chalking it up to a new diet and exercise routine I'd started, wanting to keep my body as young looking and healthy as possible. I led them all the way to the kitchen before I fell over in a pile of my clothes."
Terra's thumb snuck its way into her muzzle and she began to suck on it, visibly becoming more calm compared to her previous bouncing self.
"Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were both very helpful and not only called an ambulance, but even left a message both at my office and at my home. I remember feeling pretty surprised that Tom, my husband, hadn't picked up, as he was usually home around that time. But then I kinda... wet my expensive blouse and started crying. Mrs. Cooper had her husband run out to the car to get some of the supplies they had gotten and, well, she cleaned me up... and then put me in a diaper..." Terra crossed her arms and huffed.
"I had half a mind to tell her off right then and there, but she then picked me up and rocked me while humming a lullaby and, well, I guess I musta needed a little bit of a power nap. 'Cause next thing I know, Miles is there, and I'm in his arms, still wearing nothing but a diaper!" Terra let out a growl at that.
"Miles... my most hated rival! He had the gall to be a newbie as a real estate agent and show me up twice! Both with listings that sold for more than ones I had sold at the time! GAH! He thought he could try and come after MY award? Nu-uh! And he was always so underpawed about it! Every day at the office he would have that friendly smile on his muzzle and ask me how things were going, acting like he was genuinely curious! But I knew that he was a cunning hunter putting on a facade! Trying to get in my head and psych me out!"
- - -
Out in the parent group, Miles was showing off some more pictures of Terra and Caroline, these ones clearly taken at a playground.
"I always thought she was pretty cute, even before she regressed. Back when I started at the firm, I always got the feeling that she couldn't wait to see me each day. She was always staring straight at my desk first thing when she'd enter. And she always made a point of saying hi to me first. There wasn't anything romantic about it, considering how much her husband Tom meant to her. Still, I just got the impression that she could really use a friend, so I always went out of my way to try and be a friend for her. So when I played the message left at the office, I rushed right on down."
- - -
"After I woke up in his arms, I went right back into Real Estate Mode, and sold the house right then and there to the Coopers! HA!" Terra then started to blush and turned to look away.
"Of course, with that done and the ink dried on the papers, that still left me to deal with the fact that I was a baby again... and only wearing a diaper. Miles... I didn't know he had any experience with children or that he even had a carseat set up in his minivan. He offered to give me a ride home and even checked a diaperbag he'd forgotten was in the back seat for something for me to wear. All he found was a pink t-shirt that only covered my diaper a little. So yeah, that was a humiliating drive over to my home. I had to put up with him chatting me up and checking on me in the rearview mirror all the way there. He'd even offered me some toys to play with in case I was bored! Can you believe the nerve of him?!"
Terra was standing on her seat now and stomped her foot in frustration.
"So, anyway, I tried calling Tommy a few more times, and it just kept going to voicemail, so I figured he'd let his phone battery die or something. We pulled up, and despite me saying I can walk just fine, Miles carried me up in his big strong arms! He even checked my diaper to see if I needed a change! Ugh! So, yeah, we got to the front door and as Miles rang the bell, I started to notice that there were a few boxes sitting out on the lawn next to a You-Move-It truck. There were also some pieces of furniture, stuff I remembered picking out for us over the years, like my vanity, and one of the boxes was open to reveal some of my clothes tucked away inside. I thought this was strange, but when Tom opened the door, shirtless and with his fur all mussed up, and next to him was a... another bunny gal... someone who looked half my... half my as of then previous age."
Terra wiped at her eyes and looked down. Tristan felt a pang of sympathy for the little bunny... before he felt a sudden weight on his lap that caused him to let out and OOMPH! He looked down to see Caroline leaning over him to pull Terra into a hug.
"So it was quite the surprising shouting match right there out on the lawn. Tom had been wanting to get all my things packed up onto the truck when he and his new fiance decided to... have a little fun. Then I show up as a baby, screaming and trying to claw his face. Miles looked really shocked about it all, which was when the bimbo let out an ear-piercing SQUEA and snatched me from his arms."
Terra looked like she had just bit into a lemon.
"She honestly suggested that this was the best possible outcome. This way, I wouldn't have to move, and she and Tommy could get started on that family he'd promised her they'd start having. She then held me up and asked me what I thought about her becoming my new Mommy..."
Tristan's jaw was hanging open at the thought of someone being that dense.
- - -
"Not only does she have a set of lungs on her for a toddler, but apparently a mean right hook!" Miles exclaimed to the stunned Mia and Sally. Neither one could believe someone could possibly be that dense. "I actually had to catch Terra because the lady dropped her as her eyes rolled back in her head!"
Miles then frowned.
"That's when her husband started yelling at her. I mean, intellectually, I know she's an adult in a baby body, but at that moment, seeing this dirtbag actually scream at her, making Terra start to curl up in my arms in fear... I'm not proud of what I did, but no one treats either of my little girls like that."
- - -
"Miles loomed over Tom, who immediately shut up. I guess he must've thought I was scared by that jackass yelling at me about the prenup I signed and how I was no longer the girl he married, and now I'm a pants-filling baby... Terra was smiling a little now, still being embraced by Caroline who was still practically laying on top of Tristan to do so. "And he very calmly and quietly told Tom to shut it and to expect to hear from my lawyer. Tom actually tripped over his new floozy running back inside!"
Terra resumed frowning and let out a sigh.
"So yeah, here I was, tiny and in need of a lot of help, now effectively homeless, sitting in Miles' arms in his car, totally not crying my eyes out as he hugged me and rubbed my back. He then started asking me about any family or friends I could stay with, and unfortunately, I didn't have anyone. So he offered to let me stay with him and his sister Caroline. I... reluctantly agreed, and after a bit of an adjustment period, I decided to take Miles, my former rival and still newbie Real Estate Agent under my wing as my protege. I still work on commission at my firm with him as my assistant, mainly diaper changer, and I've been using my newfound adorableness to help in both sales and haggling."
"Thanks for sharing, Terra," Bill said with a chuckle, starting a clap that the rest of the group followed suit with. "Now would anyone else like to share their own stories before we move on to new business?" The little rhino looked around the room, spotting Meggy handing out bottles and binkies while holding up a hoof-hand in excitement. Chuckling and not seeing anyone else raising a paw, he nodded to the sheep girl.
"Alright, Meggy! It's been awhile since you told your own story!"
"Thank you, Billy," Meggy said, continuing going about the group and seeing to their needs.
"I had just celebrated my ninety-sixth birthday the month prior to my taking the regression serum."
Tristan was startled by that. While curious about the sheep's story, her or anyone here being that old never once crossed his mind.
"I had a lovely birthday party with my oldest granddaughter, Leslie, whom I'm now currently staying with."
- - -
"Heh, so yeah, I'm now looking after my grandma who's ninety-six going on eleven-ish," Leslie said. Mia had thought that the sheep woman had looked a bit young. She had estimated the girl was somewhere in her mid-twenties. She was currently wearing a black tank-stop that contrasted with her stark white wool, and a pair of short jean shorts. "A bit of a shock for the whole family... and I'll admit, it wasn't the thought that had crossed my mind when my phone started ringing in the middle of the night from my brother, calling about Gam-Gam. But this is far from the first time she's shocked us. Heck, for her birthday she went skydiving... and told us via a video that she filmed just as she was jumping out of the plane!"
Leslie chuckled at that, though Sally caught the wistful smile on the girl's lips.
"She'd always said things had been so... difficult for her growing up, that she wanted to take any and every opportunity while she still had the chance to really live. That's... actually something I've always loved and respected about her. So yeah, even though I'm in college, thankfully I got me a full-ride scholarship; I wanted to be there for her during this... I guess we can call it a new phase of life. It's not always easy, because while she's not as little as the rest of her friends in the group... there are still some things she can't do, at least not yet! Not until she gets a bit bigger."
Mia and Sally shared a knowing look, both being reminded of some difficult conversations that they knew they were going to have to have with a certain little winged kitten. They both looked over to where Amy was entranced by the Growlaga game she was playing right next to them, a stack of tickets next to her almost as big as she was, courtesy of the skii-ball game.
- - -
"Growing up, my mother was always obsessed with out family's public image, and making sure that I grew up as a prim and proper young lady. Now, as most of the girls in the group here can attest, I do enjoy the occasional tea party and wearing pretty dresses and the like. But you have to understand that it was stifling. A proper young lady does not raise her voice or shriek in excitement. She does not run around jumping in leaves or mud puddles or both. She does not work with her hands unless it's to knit or make a needlepoint or to cook or... well, you get the picture."
Tristan listened and watched how Meggy's ears drooped as she spoke, her demeanor becoming more subdued as she recalled clearly difficult memories.
"All around me, the world was changing, but I felt like I was removed from it, stuck... no, trapped, in a place and time my mother seemed desperate to preserve at all costs. It wasn't until I was sixteen that I had finally had enough. My mother and I had a terrible fight, and we both said some very harsh words. But as much as it stung, I pushed forward, and finally broke free. In the middle of the night, I snuck out with what few belongings I had, and left. It was hard at first... and even downright terrifying, especially sleeping out at night without a tent. But as scared and alone as I felt, I still remember seeing the stars, and I do mean REALLY seeing them, right above me on that moonless night. Goodness, I could've caught pneumonia, but I didn't care... because I was finally free."
Meggy did a twirl causing her cream-colored blouse's hem to raise a little, and Tristan's eyes went a little wide as he saw what was clearly the waistband of a diaper, possibly Pawpers. Having seen it, only now was Tristan able to spot the telltale diaper bulge around Meggy's waist.
"I moved from place to place, apprenticing and learning different skills along the way. One of my favorites was working in an auto garage. The owner, a rather crotchety old warthog, hadn't been too happy about me answering his want-ad, but seeing as he had no other takers, he took me on as an apprentice and taught me how to be a mechanic. There's nothing quite like fixing up an old rust-bucket and hearing that engine purr like a kitten." She reached over with a hoof and began to rub Tristan's headfur, causing him to let out a purr.
"It was when I was working at a butcher shop, however, that I met the man who would become the love of my life, Sven! Mother would never have approved of me dating anyone she hadn't personally vetted, specifically for status, and in no way would she have ever let me near a wolf. Yet there we were, two young fools. I know it sounds cliche, but the moment our eyes met, it was love at first sight. And to think, there I was splattered with blood on my apron, and there was Sven, all dashing even with the large black eye and his fur still smouldering a little... oh dear, I'm so sorry dearies, I seem to have gotten a bit sidetracked!"
Meggy gave a nervous bleat and rubbed the back of her neck while blushing. Bill smiled and waved a dismissing hand.
"Don't worry about it, Meggy. Please continue."
"Right, so anyways, after my most recent birthday, I started thinking about my life and all the wonderful things I've been able to see and do... and I came to a realization that... I still wanted to see and do so much more! But time has a funny way of running out on you, and I knew I didn't exactly have a good portion of it left. Then I heard about the regression serum, saw how it worked on those cute little singing tots, and it got me to thinking. I didn't want to be too greedy, so I figured going back about forty or so years, back into my fifties, would be a reasonable age. Of course, as you all experienced, I had myself a bit of an allergic reaction, and snapped back to being a young girl... with some additional complications."
She blushed and pointed to her waist.
"The doctors believe my lack of... control there is a result of, ironically, not regressing all the way back to babyhood. As it stands, the muscles in charge of controlling things there are... a tad stunted. But... be that as it may, I think that it's a small price to pay to get to be young again!"
Tristan was a little surprised by the sudden enthusiasm.
"For me, this is just one big do-over, just with the knowledge and experiences of my life up until now to go with it! Plus, I've got my loving family, friends, fun new styles to try out, games and the interwebs, and Leslie is even letting me run my own babysitting business, as most of you know." Meggy giggled while a number of regressee's faces blushed. "I've gotten to see so much already, I just can't wait to see what comes next!" She did another twirl and ended with a little bow, prompting the group to clap. Tristan found himself clapping along, amazed at the sheep's positive outlook. He continued to ponder this as the arctic vixen volunteered to go next, taking a moment to smooth out her dress.
"Hello again. Sorry about missing last week's meeting, but you know how it is with photoshoots." She didn't seem to notice the number of blank looks and rolling eyes and continued on. "I'm Veronica Snow, and I've been a professional model for the last twenty years. I won't say what my actual age is, but let's go ahead and agree that it's not in the low single-digits." She chuckled at her own joke, clearly on a roll.
"I've appeared in commercials for some of the finest perfumes, on billboards next to the most exotic and elegant of cars, and modeled all manner of outfits and designs." She frowned as her tail began to tuck itself between her legs.
"Of course, everyone knows that every model, no matter how naturally gorgeous they are, has an expiration date. And, well, I'd reached mine. Job offers began trickling in when they should have been flooding in, shoots started getting delayed and even outright cancelled at the last minute, and in the ones I was able to work, it was always to help introduce some NEW talent, eugh!"
Veronica sighed.
"So yeah, I didn't take much convincing when the serum became available. You can never be too young or too thin... that's what they say. Well, after I had my own allergic reaction... I found out that half of that was a lie. At least when it comes to the jobs I used to do. Now I'm stuck doing... diaper commercials and my photoshoots are for ads for baby products... Still, my manager has been a pretty solid teammate, even letting me stay with her while I apartement-hunt, which is not easy when the rentor finds out that they're talking to a toddler, regressee with money or not. Of course, while I need some assistance, we've been maintaining a working relationship.
- - -
"And here she is, asleep in the laundry hamper!" The motherly she-wolf in the mom-jeans said with a heavy wag of her fluffy tail. Sally looked at the offered phone screen to see a little arctic vixen asleep in a hamper, only dressed in a diaper. "I've always thought of Veronica like a daughter, and now I get the chance to be an actual mommy to her! I know she still wishes she was big, but I plan on making this new childhood of hers a fun one filled with love and so many cuddles!"
"Well, she certainly seems like a real cutie," Sally smiled, happily exchanging numbers for yet another potential playdate playmate. Mia had been so excited to show how many they'd gotten already. The parent... or rather, caretaker group had been so welcoming to her and her wife that everyone was in a rush to add them to their contacts and vice versa. She looked over to where Mia and Amy were. The cub was sitting on the older panthress' shoulders at the ticket exchange, excitedly pointing at one of the prizes to the amused teenaged jackal behind the counter.
"I will say that Veronica certainly had herself a bit of an adjustment period to get through. Did your little guy go through one as well?" Sally was snapped back to her conversation and quickly nodded.
"We and Tristan are kinda collectively going through an adjustment period still. I mean, I'm just so proud of how far he's come as it is. He's started opening up to us, let himself begin to relax and even let Mia and I start doing things for him. Of course, we still try to be as respectful of his wishes as we can. It can really be a bit of a balancing act."
The she-wolf, whom Sally had learned was named Heather, nodded emphatically.
"Oh my goodness, yes! It broke my heart seeing Veronica struggle with basic everyday things, and I wanted to just jump in and start helping left and right, but I still tried my best to respect her decision to handle certain things herself. Unfortunately, that nasty rash she got, as well as the, uhm, well, no longer usable states of a couple of her favorite outfits was finally what it took to convince her to let me handle diaper changes and bathing."
- - -
"Thanks again, Veronica, for sharing!" Bill said to the slightly muted claps he got that the vixen was more than happy to bow to. "Would anyone else like to go today?"
He looked around and saw that no one was raising a hand. If anything, everyone was starting to look fidgety in their seats. He smiled, a feeling of excitement growing in his belly.
"Alright, it looks like we can move on to the next segment of today's meeting... having a blast in the arcade! Let's go!"
There was a collective cheer of childish voices as all the tykes bolted from their seats, heading towards the door. Tristan found himself being dragged along by Caroline and Terra, who were each holding one of his paws.
"W-wait! Caroline, I never got to hear your story!" He called out, causing the little tigress to look over as Meggy opened the baby gate blocking the doorway, letting the regressees spill out in little groups. much to the amusement of those at the caretaker section looking on. The tigress simply turned and gave him a wink.
"I'll tell it to ya, sometime, Twinkletoes! Now c'mon! They have the wild west shooting gallery set up!"
"Then after that we can try the Prance-Prance Evolution game, right?" Terra asked. The trio came to a sudden halt, which caused Tristan to stumble and bump into Caroline's back. He looked up, a little confused, to see Mia setting Amy down right next to him. Amy had her arms behind her back and a wide smile on her face.
"Hi, Tristie! I got something super special for when you got done at your secret baby meeting!"
Tristan sighed and got ready to explain, once again, he was not a baby, when he found a bright purple stuffed shark pushed into his face. Caroline and Terra let go of his paws just in time for him to wrap them around the stuffie. It had a large goofy smile with a tongue sticking out and was about as big as he was. It was also very, very soft. He knew that in places like this, prizes always tended to cost many more tickets the bigger they were.
"You got him for me?" Tristan asked, touched as Amy pulled him into a tight hug.
"Of course! You're the bestest baby brother I coulda ever asked for! Plus, as the big sister, it's my job to make sure you're having fun!"
Caroline and Terra and Mia were all cooing at the sight, and Tristan's ears twitched at the sound he recognized as being when a phone was taking pictures. But he didn't care. His eyes watered and he quickly returned the hug, crushing the shark between himself and Amy.
"You're a great big sister," he said.
Hello, readers! I am super-DUPER excited to bring to you the latest chapter! Tristan's story has become one that is just so close to my heart! GAH! I love the little grumpy winged little guy so much! I really hope that you like the latest chapter here! Please let me know what you think!
Back to Basics (Chapter 8)
Panther Cub
"... and we went back the next day. It turns out that a tree had fallen over and punched a hole through the roof. So I've been staying with Mia and Sally. I... uh... actually have been needing a little extra... help, and they've been really nice to not only let me stay with them, but also to give me that extra h-help."
Tristan looked around at the adults-turned babies, several nodding with looks of understanding and sympathy. After Bill had introduced him and then offered Tristan the opportunity to tell his story, the winged kitten had felt nervous. He'd never actually put into words what all had happened, as he realized before opening his mouth. But then, with only the briefest of hesitation, it all came spilling out. Why he'd gotten the serum, the surprise regression, fighting to keep his job, trying desperately to be taken seriously, having to deal with Child Protective Services, meeting Mia, to coming to live with her and her wife. And as he spoke, it felt as though a weight had been lifted off his chest.
"Sometimes... I get scared, though. That I might be enjoying all the attention and... care, a bit too much. I mean, I know physically, I'm a baby. But I'm still my adult self up here," he tapped his head, "so I want to be taken seriously, and maintain my autonomy. I guess I'm scared that if I just... enjoy being babied too much, I'll become one in mind as well as in body. Uh... thanks for listening..."
Tristan jumped a little as everyone politely clapped.
"Thank you for sharing, Tristan," Bill said with a warm smile. "And that is a very common concern for regressees like us. But I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with the way you feel. I know that it can be hard to accept, but it's true. It's not easy, no siree. It's definitely something I would recommend having a frank and open discussion with Mia and Sally about. I think that you'll find that letting go and letting yourself be vulnerable around those that care about you can be an emotionally fulfilling experience."
Tristan seemed to mull the words over in his head as he thought this over. Bill looked around the room.
"Would anyone like to go next?"
Tristan let out an OOF as he suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders pushing him down. Looking a little to his left, he saw that Terra was standing on the top of her chair, leaning over onto his shoulders for stability, her little paw waving in the air as she grunted.
"Okay, I think Terra wants to go!" Bill chuckled as the bunny girl cheered and hopped back down into her seat.
"You all know me, Terra Burrower! Three time recipient of the Realtor of the Year Award, and fairy princess extraordinaire! I had been hitting a bit of a slump, both in sales and in my marriage. So when the serum came out, I was just so darn excited! A youthful and pretty face always helps in sales, and I thought I could surprise my dear Thomas with a 'younger woman'... not that he actually noticed. Always going out on business trips." Terra began to play with the hem of her tutu.
"So it had been a good month of being back in my twenties, and I was showing off a particularly frustrating house to sell. It was a nice property, just a bit on the cozy side, if you catch my drift. Anyways, I was showing it off to this sweet expecting couple when I started to... regress past my selected age of twenty-two. I remember trying not to lose my composure as my blazer and blouse started to feel a bit loose on my person. Heh... I actually remember chalking it up to a new diet and exercise routine I'd started, wanting to keep my body as young looking and healthy as possible. I led them all the way to the kitchen before I fell over in a pile of my clothes."
Terra's thumb snuck its way into her muzzle and she began to suck on it, visibly becoming more calm compared to her previous bouncing self.
"Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were both very helpful and not only called an ambulance, but even left a message both at my office and at my home. I remember feeling pretty surprised that Tom, my husband, hadn't picked up, as he was usually home around that time. But then I kinda... wet my expensive blouse and started crying. Mrs. Cooper had her husband run out to the car to get some of the supplies they had gotten and, well, she cleaned me up... and then put me in a diaper..." Terra crossed her arms and huffed.
"I had half a mind to tell her off right then and there, but she then picked me up and rocked me while humming a lullaby and, well, I guess I musta needed a little bit of a power nap. 'Cause next thing I know, Miles is there, and I'm in his arms, still wearing nothing but a diaper!" Terra let out a growl at that.
"Miles... my most hated rival! He had the gall to be a newbie as a real estate agent and show me up twice! Both with listings that sold for more than ones I had sold at the time! GAH! He thought he could try and come after MY award? Nu-uh! And he was always so underpawed about it! Every day at the office he would have that friendly smile on his muzzle and ask me how things were going, acting like he was genuinely curious! But I knew that he was a cunning hunter putting on a facade! Trying to get in my head and psych me out!"
- - -
Out in the parent group, Miles was showing off some more pictures of Terra and Caroline, these ones clearly taken at a playground.
"I always thought she was pretty cute, even before she regressed. Back when I started at the firm, I always got the feeling that she couldn't wait to see me each day. She was always staring straight at my desk first thing when she'd enter. And she always made a point of saying hi to me first. There wasn't anything romantic about it, considering how much her husband Tom meant to her. Still, I just got the impression that she could really use a friend, so I always went out of my way to try and be a friend for her. So when I played the message left at the office, I rushed right on down."
- - -
"After I woke up in his arms, I went right back into Real Estate Mode, and sold the house right then and there to the Coopers! HA!" Terra then started to blush and turned to look away.
"Of course, with that done and the ink dried on the papers, that still left me to deal with the fact that I was a baby again... and only wearing a diaper. Miles... I didn't know he had any experience with children or that he even had a carseat set up in his minivan. He offered to give me a ride home and even checked a diaperbag he'd forgotten was in the back seat for something for me to wear. All he found was a pink t-shirt that only covered my diaper a little. So yeah, that was a humiliating drive over to my home. I had to put up with him chatting me up and checking on me in the rearview mirror all the way there. He'd even offered me some toys to play with in case I was bored! Can you believe the nerve of him?!"
Terra was standing on her seat now and stomped her foot in frustration.
"So, anyway, I tried calling Tommy a few more times, and it just kept going to voicemail, so I figured he'd let his phone battery die or something. We pulled up, and despite me saying I can walk just fine, Miles carried me up in his big strong arms! He even checked my diaper to see if I needed a change! Ugh! So, yeah, we got to the front door and as Miles rang the bell, I started to notice that there were a few boxes sitting out on the lawn next to a You-Move-It truck. There were also some pieces of furniture, stuff I remembered picking out for us over the years, like my vanity, and one of the boxes was open to reveal some of my clothes tucked away inside. I thought this was strange, but when Tom opened the door, shirtless and with his fur all mussed up, and next to him was a... another bunny gal... someone who looked half my... half my as of then previous age."
Terra wiped at her eyes and looked down. Tristan felt a pang of sympathy for the little bunny... before he felt a sudden weight on his lap that caused him to let out and OOMPH! He looked down to see Caroline leaning over him to pull Terra into a hug.
"So it was quite the surprising shouting match right there out on the lawn. Tom had been wanting to get all my things packed up onto the truck when he and his new fiance decided to... have a little fun. Then I show up as a baby, screaming and trying to claw his face. Miles looked really shocked about it all, which was when the bimbo let out an ear-piercing SQUEA and snatched me from his arms."
Terra looked like she had just bit into a lemon.
"She honestly suggested that this was the best possible outcome. This way, I wouldn't have to move, and she and Tommy could get started on that family he'd promised her they'd start having. She then held me up and asked me what I thought about her becoming my new Mommy..."
Tristan's jaw was hanging open at the thought of someone being that dense.
- - -
"Not only does she have a set of lungs on her for a toddler, but apparently a mean right hook!" Miles exclaimed to the stunned Mia and Sally. Neither one could believe someone could possibly be that dense. "I actually had to catch Terra because the lady dropped her as her eyes rolled back in her head!"
Miles then frowned.
"That's when her husband started yelling at her. I mean, intellectually, I know she's an adult in a baby body, but at that moment, seeing this dirtbag actually scream at her, making Terra start to curl up in my arms in fear... I'm not proud of what I did, but no one treats either of my little girls like that."
- - -
"Miles loomed over Tom, who immediately shut up. I guess he must've thought I was scared by that jackass yelling at me about the prenup I signed and how I was no longer the girl he married, and now I'm a pants-filling baby... Terra was smiling a little now, still being embraced by Caroline who was still practically laying on top of Tristan to do so. "And he very calmly and quietly told Tom to shut it and to expect to hear from my lawyer. Tom actually tripped over his new floozy running back inside!"
Terra resumed frowning and let out a sigh.
"So yeah, here I was, tiny and in need of a lot of help, now effectively homeless, sitting in Miles' arms in his car, totally not crying my eyes out as he hugged me and rubbed my back. He then started asking me about any family or friends I could stay with, and unfortunately, I didn't have anyone. So he offered to let me stay with him and his sister Caroline. I... reluctantly agreed, and after a bit of an adjustment period, I decided to take Miles, my former rival and still newbie Real Estate Agent under my wing as my protege. I still work on commission at my firm with him as my assistant, mainly diaper changer, and I've been using my newfound adorableness to help in both sales and haggling."
"Thanks for sharing, Terra," Bill said with a chuckle, starting a clap that the rest of the group followed suit with. "Now would anyone else like to share their own stories before we move on to new business?" The little rhino looked around the room, spotting Meggy handing out bottles and binkies while holding up a hoof-hand in excitement. Chuckling and not seeing anyone else raising a paw, he nodded to the sheep girl.
"Alright, Meggy! It's been awhile since you told your own story!"
"Thank you, Billy," Meggy said, continuing going about the group and seeing to their needs.
"I had just celebrated my ninety-sixth birthday the month prior to my taking the regression serum."
Tristan was startled by that. While curious about the sheep's story, her or anyone here being that old never once crossed his mind.
"I had a lovely birthday party with my oldest granddaughter, Leslie, whom I'm now currently staying with."
- - -
"Heh, so yeah, I'm now looking after my grandma who's ninety-six going on eleven-ish," Leslie said. Mia had thought that the sheep woman had looked a bit young. She had estimated the girl was somewhere in her mid-twenties. She was currently wearing a black tank-stop that contrasted with her stark white wool, and a pair of short jean shorts. "A bit of a shock for the whole family... and I'll admit, it wasn't the thought that had crossed my mind when my phone started ringing in the middle of the night from my brother, calling about Gam-Gam. But this is far from the first time she's shocked us. Heck, for her birthday she went skydiving... and told us via a video that she filmed just as she was jumping out of the plane!"
Leslie chuckled at that, though Sally caught the wistful smile on the girl's lips.
"She'd always said things had been so... difficult for her growing up, that she wanted to take any and every opportunity while she still had the chance to really live. That's... actually something I've always loved and respected about her. So yeah, even though I'm in college, thankfully I got me a full-ride scholarship; I wanted to be there for her during this... I guess we can call it a new phase of life. It's not always easy, because while she's not as little as the rest of her friends in the group... there are still some things she can't do, at least not yet! Not until she gets a bit bigger."
Mia and Sally shared a knowing look, both being reminded of some difficult conversations that they knew they were going to have to have with a certain little winged kitten. They both looked over to where Amy was entranced by the Growlaga game she was playing right next to them, a stack of tickets next to her almost as big as she was, courtesy of the skii-ball game.
- - -
"Growing up, my mother was always obsessed with out family's public image, and making sure that I grew up as a prim and proper young lady. Now, as most of the girls in the group here can attest, I do enjoy the occasional tea party and wearing pretty dresses and the like. But you have to understand that it was stifling. A proper young lady does not raise her voice or shriek in excitement. She does not run around jumping in leaves or mud puddles or both. She does not work with her hands unless it's to knit or make a needlepoint or to cook or... well, you get the picture."
Tristan listened and watched how Meggy's ears drooped as she spoke, her demeanor becoming more subdued as she recalled clearly difficult memories.
"All around me, the world was changing, but I felt like I was removed from it, stuck... no, trapped, in a place and time my mother seemed desperate to preserve at all costs. It wasn't until I was sixteen that I had finally had enough. My mother and I had a terrible fight, and we both said some very harsh words. But as much as it stung, I pushed forward, and finally broke free. In the middle of the night, I snuck out with what few belongings I had, and left. It was hard at first... and even downright terrifying, especially sleeping out at night without a tent. But as scared and alone as I felt, I still remember seeing the stars, and I do mean REALLY seeing them, right above me on that moonless night. Goodness, I could've caught pneumonia, but I didn't care... because I was finally free."
Meggy did a twirl causing her cream-colored blouse's hem to raise a little, and Tristan's eyes went a little wide as he saw what was clearly the waistband of a diaper, possibly Pawpers. Having seen it, only now was Tristan able to spot the telltale diaper bulge around Meggy's waist.
"I moved from place to place, apprenticing and learning different skills along the way. One of my favorites was working in an auto garage. The owner, a rather crotchety old warthog, hadn't been too happy about me answering his want-ad, but seeing as he had no other takers, he took me on as an apprentice and taught me how to be a mechanic. There's nothing quite like fixing up an old rust-bucket and hearing that engine purr like a kitten." She reached over with a hoof and began to rub Tristan's headfur, causing him to let out a purr.
"It was when I was working at a butcher shop, however, that I met the man who would become the love of my life, Sven! Mother would never have approved of me dating anyone she hadn't personally vetted, specifically for status, and in no way would she have ever let me near a wolf. Yet there we were, two young fools. I know it sounds cliche, but the moment our eyes met, it was love at first sight. And to think, there I was splattered with blood on my apron, and there was Sven, all dashing even with the large black eye and his fur still smouldering a little... oh dear, I'm so sorry dearies, I seem to have gotten a bit sidetracked!"
Meggy gave a nervous bleat and rubbed the back of her neck while blushing. Bill smiled and waved a dismissing hand.
"Don't worry about it, Meggy. Please continue."
"Right, so anyways, after my most recent birthday, I started thinking about my life and all the wonderful things I've been able to see and do... and I came to a realization that... I still wanted to see and do so much more! But time has a funny way of running out on you, and I knew I didn't exactly have a good portion of it left. Then I heard about the regression serum, saw how it worked on those cute little singing tots, and it got me to thinking. I didn't want to be too greedy, so I figured going back about forty or so years, back into my fifties, would be a reasonable age. Of course, as you all experienced, I had myself a bit of an allergic reaction, and snapped back to being a young girl... with some additional complications."
She blushed and pointed to her waist.
"The doctors believe my lack of... control there is a result of, ironically, not regressing all the way back to babyhood. As it stands, the muscles in charge of controlling things there are... a tad stunted. But... be that as it may, I think that it's a small price to pay to get to be young again!"
Tristan was a little surprised by the sudden enthusiasm.
"For me, this is just one big do-over, just with the knowledge and experiences of my life up until now to go with it! Plus, I've got my loving family, friends, fun new styles to try out, games and the interwebs, and Leslie is even letting me run my own babysitting business, as most of you know." Meggy giggled while a number of regressee's faces blushed. "I've gotten to see so much already, I just can't wait to see what comes next!" She did another twirl and ended with a little bow, prompting the group to clap. Tristan found himself clapping along, amazed at the sheep's positive outlook. He continued to ponder this as the arctic vixen volunteered to go next, taking a moment to smooth out her dress.
"Hello again. Sorry about missing last week's meeting, but you know how it is with photoshoots." She didn't seem to notice the number of blank looks and rolling eyes and continued on. "I'm Veronica Snow, and I've been a professional model for the last twenty years. I won't say what my actual age is, but let's go ahead and agree that it's not in the low single-digits." She chuckled at her own joke, clearly on a roll.
"I've appeared in commercials for some of the finest perfumes, on billboards next to the most exotic and elegant of cars, and modeled all manner of outfits and designs." She frowned as her tail began to tuck itself between her legs.
"Of course, everyone knows that every model, no matter how naturally gorgeous they are, has an expiration date. And, well, I'd reached mine. Job offers began trickling in when they should have been flooding in, shoots started getting delayed and even outright cancelled at the last minute, and in the ones I was able to work, it was always to help introduce some NEW talent, eugh!"
Veronica sighed.
"So yeah, I didn't take much convincing when the serum became available. You can never be too young or too thin... that's what they say. Well, after I had my own allergic reaction... I found out that half of that was a lie. At least when it comes to the jobs I used to do. Now I'm stuck doing... diaper commercials and my photoshoots are for ads for baby products... Still, my manager has been a pretty solid teammate, even letting me stay with her while I apartement-hunt, which is not easy when the rentor finds out that they're talking to a toddler, regressee with money or not. Of course, while I need some assistance, we've been maintaining a working relationship.
- - -
"And here she is, asleep in the laundry hamper!" The motherly she-wolf in the mom-jeans said with a heavy wag of her fluffy tail. Sally looked at the offered phone screen to see a little arctic vixen asleep in a hamper, only dressed in a diaper. "I've always thought of Veronica like a daughter, and now I get the chance to be an actual mommy to her! I know she still wishes she was big, but I plan on making this new childhood of hers a fun one filled with love and so many cuddles!"
"Well, she certainly seems like a real cutie," Sally smiled, happily exchanging numbers for yet another potential playdate playmate. Mia had been so excited to show how many they'd gotten already. The parent... or rather, caretaker group had been so welcoming to her and her wife that everyone was in a rush to add them to their contacts and vice versa. She looked over to where Mia and Amy were. The cub was sitting on the older panthress' shoulders at the ticket exchange, excitedly pointing at one of the prizes to the amused teenaged jackal behind the counter.
"I will say that Veronica certainly had herself a bit of an adjustment period to get through. Did your little guy go through one as well?" Sally was snapped back to her conversation and quickly nodded.
"We and Tristan are kinda collectively going through an adjustment period still. I mean, I'm just so proud of how far he's come as it is. He's started opening up to us, let himself begin to relax and even let Mia and I start doing things for him. Of course, we still try to be as respectful of his wishes as we can. It can really be a bit of a balancing act."
The she-wolf, whom Sally had learned was named Heather, nodded emphatically.
"Oh my goodness, yes! It broke my heart seeing Veronica struggle with basic everyday things, and I wanted to just jump in and start helping left and right, but I still tried my best to respect her decision to handle certain things herself. Unfortunately, that nasty rash she got, as well as the, uhm, well, no longer usable states of a couple of her favorite outfits was finally what it took to convince her to let me handle diaper changes and bathing."
- - -
"Thanks again, Veronica, for sharing!" Bill said to the slightly muted claps he got that the vixen was more than happy to bow to. "Would anyone else like to go today?"
He looked around and saw that no one was raising a hand. If anything, everyone was starting to look fidgety in their seats. He smiled, a feeling of excitement growing in his belly.
"Alright, it looks like we can move on to the next segment of today's meeting... having a blast in the arcade! Let's go!"
There was a collective cheer of childish voices as all the tykes bolted from their seats, heading towards the door. Tristan found himself being dragged along by Caroline and Terra, who were each holding one of his paws.
"W-wait! Caroline, I never got to hear your story!" He called out, causing the little tigress to look over as Meggy opened the baby gate blocking the doorway, letting the regressees spill out in little groups. much to the amusement of those at the caretaker section looking on. The tigress simply turned and gave him a wink.
"I'll tell it to ya, sometime, Twinkletoes! Now c'mon! They have the wild west shooting gallery set up!"
"Then after that we can try the Prance-Prance Evolution game, right?" Terra asked. The trio came to a sudden halt, which caused Tristan to stumble and bump into Caroline's back. He looked up, a little confused, to see Mia setting Amy down right next to him. Amy had her arms behind her back and a wide smile on her face.
"Hi, Tristie! I got something super special for when you got done at your secret baby meeting!"
Tristan sighed and got ready to explain, once again, he was not a baby, when he found a bright purple stuffed shark pushed into his face. Caroline and Terra let go of his paws just in time for him to wrap them around the stuffie. It had a large goofy smile with a tongue sticking out and was about as big as he was. It was also very, very soft. He knew that in places like this, prizes always tended to cost many more tickets the bigger they were.
"You got him for me?" Tristan asked, touched as Amy pulled him into a tight hug.
"Of course! You're the bestest baby brother I coulda ever asked for! Plus, as the big sister, it's my job to make sure you're having fun!"
Caroline and Terra and Mia were all cooing at the sight, and Tristan's ears twitched at the sound he recognized as being when a phone was taking pictures. But he didn't care. His eyes watered and he quickly returned the hug, crushing the shark between himself and Amy.
"You're a great big sister," he said.
It was fun to explore some of the backstories of Tristan's new friend group! I might go ahead and make one-offs about each of them one day! Anyways, thanks for reading! Tune in next time for more cute winged kitten adventures!
Category Story / Baby fur
Species Feline (Other)
Gender Male
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 25.5 kB
Listed in Folders
Wow! That was a really good story!
I especially liked the way it shifted from kids to parents. Gave it a nice balance of vantage points.
Although, I thought that Meggy's story would have been longer, what with her being the oldest and all.
Still, awesome story. Truly enjoyed it!
I especially liked the way it shifted from kids to parents. Gave it a nice balance of vantage points.
Although, I thought that Meggy's story would have been longer, what with her being the oldest and all.
Still, awesome story. Truly enjoyed it!
Fauxlacine was an artist (one of my favs!) here on FA until she disabled her account back in 2022.
Her O.C. Evelyn was a skinny blonde thylacine doctor with a psycotic streak. Her art was highly detailed and ran towards the gory and macabre. But is was her stories that really brought them to life! Each of the pieces in her "Dog Eat Dog" series was accompanied by a 500-800 word short story, usually taking the form entries from Evelyn's diary.
Some of her art is still on FA. Commissions she did for others, mostly. She also had a Twitter account under the name "Horned Goddess" at one point. I recently found her archive gallery at Furarchiver.net.
But check out this ref sheet she drew back in 2015-16ish that recently got reposted: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/60019461/
Her O.C. Evelyn was a skinny blonde thylacine doctor with a psycotic streak. Her art was highly detailed and ran towards the gory and macabre. But is was her stories that really brought them to life! Each of the pieces in her "Dog Eat Dog" series was accompanied by a 500-800 word short story, usually taking the form entries from Evelyn's diary.
Some of her art is still on FA. Commissions she did for others, mostly. She also had a Twitter account under the name "Horned Goddess" at one point. I recently found her archive gallery at Furarchiver.net.
But check out this ref sheet she drew back in 2015-16ish that recently got reposted: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/60019461/
Woot!!! Finally had time to read this. (Work sucks) But it was super cute. The end especially was very heartwarming. I really liked the back and forth of the regresses talking and the caregivers. Getting both sides of the story so to speak about some tough issues of taking/losing control. Great Chapter.