BIG NOTE BEFORE YOU READ: I made this post about 3 months ago and have since received such a wonderful amount of support! I am only putting this here if people still feel inclined to support the recouping effort! This is 100% not an emergency or anything of the ilk.
So, as some of you may know, earlier this year my tablet decided to just up and die spontaneously. After being sent on the wildest of goose chases by Huion, I ended up being out around a little over $500 on the items that Huion told me to purchase that they swore would "fix" my broken tablet, along with, inevitably, a new display tablet.
I said that I was going to make a little post that showed all the places that those who are interested could toss a lil coin my way, but life got the better of me and I just didn't have the time.
Well, months later, here's that post, as I continue to play catch up after that financial blow. I understand that we all are going through so much right now financially, and I really want to stress that this is not me begging, this is not an obligation, this is just a post with some links that show where you can support me financially if you feel inclined. Truly any amount helps ❤️
Anyways, thank you so much for taking a look ❤️ As always, I appreciate you all, and thanks for reading.
Paypal: paypal.me/cyberhound
Venmo: cyberhound
Cashapp: $cyberhounds
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/cyberhound
Category All / All
Species Fox (Other)
Gender Female
Size 2008 x 1153px
File Size 494.9 kB