I'm being told there was a typo in my plot synopsis. In that the book is actually about sled dogs. Also that it is not a white-hot, morally ambiguous, hyperviolent near-future political-drama-slash-gun-ballet.
Additionally, no Palin.
All teasing aside, Nordguard: Across Thin Ice just launched at AC, and will be available online from the good folks at Sofawolf HERE starting on Friday, July 1st.
Even without a comically huge Palin gunning at them from an Apache helicopter, this turn of the 20th Century frontier drama promises to keep readers on the edge of their seats. The authors have been posting concept and production work for some time now on the official website (HERE), and having seen and held pages myself at cons, I can attest that the art is distressingly lovely.
My copy's already on the way -- get yours today!
Additionally, no Palin.
All teasing aside, Nordguard: Across Thin Ice just launched at AC, and will be available online from the good folks at Sofawolf HERE starting on Friday, July 1st.
Even without a comically huge Palin gunning at them from an Apache helicopter, this turn of the 20th Century frontier drama promises to keep readers on the edge of their seats. The authors have been posting concept and production work for some time now on the official website (HERE), and having seen and held pages myself at cons, I can attest that the art is distressingly lovely.
My copy's already on the way -- get yours today!
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 620 x 835px
File Size 252.8 kB
As the information on the website stated at the time of your purchase, Sofawolf will be shipping the books AFTER the Blotch have had a chance to sign each of them. They had no ability to sign them prior to Anthrocon, so they will be signing after, and the books will be shipped out soon thereafter.
If you have any concerns, or if you would like your book shipped earlier, without signature, please contact sales@sofawolf.com. This is a much more effective means of communication with us.
If you have any concerns, or if you would like your book shipped earlier, without signature, please contact sales@sofawolf.com. This is a much more effective means of communication with us.
Haha, RIGHT??? It's amazing. Despite having totally composed the image without thinking that anything would be there (let alone an Apache helicopter), and despite the fact that it was only in there for the 15-odd minutes it took to paint it in, it feels like something should be there now...
Ah, well. There was no defying the government
Ah, well. There was no defying the government
Yeah, it blows my mind that they let people touch those <3 I would be like here, put on this bunny suit, then we'll talk.
They do have that effect! I remember mentioning my own hang-ups and lameness on the topic of making comics, and Teagan was like, "DON'T BE LAZY," and I still don't have any reasonable rebuttal to that, haha. I've tried to take it on as a sort of mantra. We'll see where it gets me <3
So yeah, get on that comic, dude! DON'T BE LAZY
So yeah, get on that comic, dude! DON'T BE LAZY
It was my pleasure!
I'm glad you're not (revealing to me that you're) planning to bludgeon me for my little, uh... Palincopter episode. Haha, I couldn't help myself. I tried for like three or four whole minutes, but it was hopeless!
And last I checked, I owed you guys a couple beers! I'm sure the beverages and good cheer will be flowing freely <3 It should be super fun! I all stoked bd
I'm glad you're not (revealing to me that you're) planning to bludgeon me for my little, uh... Palincopter episode. Haha, I couldn't help myself. I tried for like three or four whole minutes, but it was hopeless!
And last I checked, I owed you guys a couple beers! I'm sure the beverages and good cheer will be flowing freely <3 It should be super fun! I all stoked bd