Hello everycreature again! Sorry. As I explained a few days ago, Scales at School will have a small break due to some personal things, but still I will try to keep working on new artworks like this one!
I always find really cute the characters of Aloe and Lotus and the Ponyville's Spa always looked like a relaxing and nice place hehe. That's why I decided to put them in this new artwork, enjoying a time together and enjoying quality diapers time too hehe. As far as I know, Spas has a lot of things with water and steam, right? I wonder if that is going to be a good thing wearing diapers :P Well, sooner or later they'll be wet anyways, so...
This artwork was really nice to do. I felt more comfortable with my lines this time and the postures resulted really well. I decided to focus a lot in the postures and the characters themselves than other secondary elements of the artwork. I'm really proud with what I was able to do here. I did it pretty much as self therapy during a hard moment, so I think it couldn't be better. And also, like it happens with tons of ignored characters, there is simply not enough padded art of these two out there so I'm happy to help :3
I always find really cute the characters of Aloe and Lotus and the Ponyville's Spa always looked like a relaxing and nice place hehe. That's why I decided to put them in this new artwork, enjoying a time together and enjoying quality diapers time too hehe. As far as I know, Spas has a lot of things with water and steam, right? I wonder if that is going to be a good thing wearing diapers :P Well, sooner or later they'll be wet anyways, so...
This artwork was really nice to do. I felt more comfortable with my lines this time and the postures resulted really well. I decided to focus a lot in the postures and the characters themselves than other secondary elements of the artwork. I'm really proud with what I was able to do here. I did it pretty much as self therapy during a hard moment, so I think it couldn't be better. And also, like it happens with tons of ignored characters, there is simply not enough padded art of these two out there so I'm happy to help :3
Category Artwork (Digital) / My Little Pony / Brony
Species Pony (MLP)
Gender Female
Size 2160 x 1705px
File Size 2.57 MB
Listed in Folders
Spas are definitely meant for relaxing. I cannot think of anything more relaxing than having a soft, fluffy diaper wrapped around me. Perhaps, for Aloe and Lotus, they do this for themselves after a long day of helping so many other creatures relax? It is a special way to pamper themselves when not putting all their talents towards their steady stream of costumers. :)
This was quite a nice surprise to see, Sweetie. I do not believe Aloe and Lotus get a lot of love in art. Even if they do get any art, I do not think there is much to find them in diapers.
The scene that you create with them relaxing in their pamps is fun to think on, too. I know I felt relaxed when I read over your description. I could definitely go for some padded downtime in a spa.
This was quite a nice surprise to see, Sweetie. I do not believe Aloe and Lotus get a lot of love in art. Even if they do get any art, I do not think there is much to find them in diapers.
The scene that you create with them relaxing in their pamps is fun to think on, too. I know I felt relaxed when I read over your description. I could definitely go for some padded downtime in a spa.
Hehe I'm pretty sure they are indeed taking this relaxation time after a long day of work. With the spa doors closed and no more clients to attend, there's probably no better option than relaxing there and having a nice and soft chatting for a while.
I'm also happy that my artwork could transport you hehe.
I'm also happy that my artwork could transport you hehe.