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Something bouncy bursts up from underneath you, launching you into the air! You land on your back atop a big, pink bubble, wobbling up and down on its elastic surface.
"Well he-LLO there, whatdowehave here?" A pink, cat-like creature pounces onto your chest, making the bubble wobble again as they grin at you, long tail wagging behind them. A Mew.
"Nice to get a new visitor in my realm! I was just feeling a little bored. Now let's get you into uniform!" Mew hops off of you, floating upward before conjuring another bubble and slapping it down with their tail to fly right at you! The bubbles squeeze together, squishing you so hard that you feel yourself compressing! Finally, the pressure becomes so great that-
You're catapulted into the air yet again, and at the peak of your flight, Mew catches you. Which is impressive with how much smaller Mew is. Except that you're both the same size now.
"Alright, step 1 complete, you're looking better already! Time for step 2."
Mew drops you.
When you look down, you see LOADS of bubbles floating in the air, seconds before belly-flopping right onto one! It bounces you away, and as you tumble through the air, you notice the pink from the bubble lingering on your chest. Smacking into another bubble interrupts your thoughts, your arm sinking deep into it until you bounce away again, your fingers looking stubbier than usual.
You bounce and tumble from bubble to bubble, your body shifting with each collision. Occasionally you spot a pink blur that also bounces between the bubbles, giggling and cheering as you pass each other. Eventually, the bouncing slows down, until you're left lying on a wobbly bubble, utterly dazed from the airborne roller coaster...
When you finally recover from your daze, you have about 2 seconds to understand that the pink body you're looking down at is your own before a second pink body launches toward you, grinning as they tackle you deep into the bubble, deeper, until-
You're inside.
"Woo-hoo! That was FUN, right!? Gosh, you new visitors are so unpredictable with how you bounce, it's tough to move the bubbles to catch you. And handling that WHILE bouncing along with you? Now THAT'S a challenge! Almost dropped you a couple times! Phew, I'm kinda worn out now. I know you just got here, but let's rest a bit, okay? You can play with me and the other visitors LOTS soon, that's a promise!"
Mew hugs you close and nuzzles their cheek to yours, the short fuzz rubbing against you stirring up your new instincts and giving a comforting feeling. Now that you aren't being flung around, the bubble you're lying in is nice as well; you sink into it like a mattress, and the texture feels great on your new fur.
Mew pokes their tail around your bottom, but then pauses, confused. "Hm? Oh, gosh, silly me! I forgot to do step 3." Mew reaches a hand behind you and grabs just above your rump, stubby fingers sinking in as your body shifts one last time. They pull and pull, floating away to stretch it as far as it'll go, then release, and your new tail springs back to smack you on the butt! You move it around instinctively, feeling the new limb as it drags against the bubble...
"Perfect! Now you're all set, new friend!" Mew settles in beside you again, wrapping you in a hug and sneaking their tail behind to wrap around yours. "Hope you enjoy your stay in my realm!"
Something bouncy bursts up from underneath you, launching you into the air! You land on your back atop a big, pink bubble, wobbling up and down on its elastic surface.
"Well he-LLO there, whatdowehave here?" A pink, cat-like creature pounces onto your chest, making the bubble wobble again as they grin at you, long tail wagging behind them. A Mew.
"Nice to get a new visitor in my realm! I was just feeling a little bored. Now let's get you into uniform!" Mew hops off of you, floating upward before conjuring another bubble and slapping it down with their tail to fly right at you! The bubbles squeeze together, squishing you so hard that you feel yourself compressing! Finally, the pressure becomes so great that-
You're catapulted into the air yet again, and at the peak of your flight, Mew catches you. Which is impressive with how much smaller Mew is. Except that you're both the same size now.
"Alright, step 1 complete, you're looking better already! Time for step 2."
Mew drops you.
When you look down, you see LOADS of bubbles floating in the air, seconds before belly-flopping right onto one! It bounces you away, and as you tumble through the air, you notice the pink from the bubble lingering on your chest. Smacking into another bubble interrupts your thoughts, your arm sinking deep into it until you bounce away again, your fingers looking stubbier than usual.
You bounce and tumble from bubble to bubble, your body shifting with each collision. Occasionally you spot a pink blur that also bounces between the bubbles, giggling and cheering as you pass each other. Eventually, the bouncing slows down, until you're left lying on a wobbly bubble, utterly dazed from the airborne roller coaster...
When you finally recover from your daze, you have about 2 seconds to understand that the pink body you're looking down at is your own before a second pink body launches toward you, grinning as they tackle you deep into the bubble, deeper, until-
You're inside.
"Woo-hoo! That was FUN, right!? Gosh, you new visitors are so unpredictable with how you bounce, it's tough to move the bubbles to catch you. And handling that WHILE bouncing along with you? Now THAT'S a challenge! Almost dropped you a couple times! Phew, I'm kinda worn out now. I know you just got here, but let's rest a bit, okay? You can play with me and the other visitors LOTS soon, that's a promise!"
Mew hugs you close and nuzzles their cheek to yours, the short fuzz rubbing against you stirring up your new instincts and giving a comforting feeling. Now that you aren't being flung around, the bubble you're lying in is nice as well; you sink into it like a mattress, and the texture feels great on your new fur.
Mew pokes their tail around your bottom, but then pauses, confused. "Hm? Oh, gosh, silly me! I forgot to do step 3." Mew reaches a hand behind you and grabs just above your rump, stubby fingers sinking in as your body shifts one last time. They pull and pull, floating away to stretch it as far as it'll go, then release, and your new tail springs back to smack you on the butt! You move it around instinctively, feeling the new limb as it drags against the bubble...
"Perfect! Now you're all set, new friend!" Mew settles in beside you again, wrapping you in a hug and sneaking their tail behind to wrap around yours. "Hope you enjoy your stay in my realm!"
You've stepped into Mew's realm, and Mew is there to help you fit in and treat you to some bouncy bubbly fun!
Category Story / Transformation
Species Pokemon
Gender Any
Size 120 x 97px
File Size 3.3 kB