Art done by my awesome friend Batzie from discord💜
Just me giving you a onether cute smile, because i love being cute hehe ^u^ *hugs*
There two side of peoples...
The side that draw Jura as a human, and a side that draw Jura as a elf😅
but i won't juge them or anything, i undestend that sometimes its hard to undestend about if Jura are human or elf.
Little remember: Jura have a fully human body (no pointy ears) and have just elf blood.
Buuuuut i allow to draw Jura as a elf is some préfère to do it like that💜 it looks kinda the same i guess, its just the pointy ears hehehe ^^
Team human or team elf?
And you, In what side are you for the specie of my character Jura? 😉
Jura belongs to me
Just me giving you a onether cute smile, because i love being cute hehe ^u^ *hugs*
There two side of peoples...
The side that draw Jura as a human, and a side that draw Jura as a elf😅
but i won't juge them or anything, i undestend that sometimes its hard to undestend about if Jura are human or elf.
Little remember: Jura have a fully human body (no pointy ears) and have just elf blood.
Buuuuut i allow to draw Jura as a elf is some préfère to do it like that💜 it looks kinda the same i guess, its just the pointy ears hehehe ^^
Team human or team elf?
And you, In what side are you for the specie of my character Jura? 😉
Jura belongs to me
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Human
Species Elf
Gender Male
Size 623 x 640px
File Size 174 kB
Ooh, i never thought of jura have pointed ears, hehe. But it looks very cute.
I have drawed pointy ears on me too sometimes. Becouse of Hilde is a unicorn person.
But i draw mostly round ears on her. Maybe i trie draw you with pointed ears sometime too. =)
ALso i posted a new giftart for you now. I hope you will like it? =)
I have drawed pointy ears on me too sometimes. Becouse of Hilde is a unicorn person.
But i draw mostly round ears on her. Maybe i trie draw you with pointed ears sometime too. =)
ALso i posted a new giftart for you now. I hope you will like it? =)