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You can also buy this comic here: https://purplebirdman.itch.io/roses.....alon-chapter-2
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True! Very true. Simultaneously (and I could be wrong here) I think that's the point of his character? Ultimately characters are just vessels for emotions, archetypes, and storytelling; all with the greater goal of providing an exhaust for repressed/hidden feelings. So it very well could be, the whole creative intention behind this character is to make you think of those very figures, and have those thoughts!
I dunno for sure though. I'm just a rex on the internet. 🦖
I dunno for sure though. I'm just a rex on the internet. 🦖
I often think characters that live a long time tend to test people more than just do things for free. I wouldn't be surprised if he is testing his resolve. How important is the library to him and all that. or maybe to test what he really even wants. is the library really why he is here in the first place. Don't know we will see.
He still takes in pilgrims to help alleviate their suffering. But he is less than he once was, power spent and spread thin over so many lifetimes. He is growing weak, and trying to find comfort in impermanence, and beauty in a living, changing world. Just take the practice of the mandala, creating a beautiful, intricate work of art, and when you're done you sweep it away. Because everything, every tree, animal, shoreline, storm cloud and blade of grass will be undone and remade, and we are just as much a part of that same cycle, weather we live for 10 years or 10,000.
Dude, I don't even know where to start with you. You chime in everywhere with your obstinate preachy opinions, you title yourself as "corrections" as though it's some sort of job, your page is drowning in your humble bragging, saying how you're not popular or special but you leave "massive footprints" on the world with your size 15 big boy shoes while nitpicking other peoples works. You have a Patreon where you ask people to pay to see other people's art you commission, almost all of which is just vanity pieces of your Mary Sue character being inserted into other existing IPs so he can be smarter, stronger, wiser etc. than any other character in the piece. And if you want to praise yourself with the title of "corrections" then maybe check your own grammar first. Spent literal years watching your bloated ego regurgitate all over this site. Get over yourself, feel free to block me and go have a wonderful New Year. I'm sorry for ranting on your post Falcon.
thanks for the good laughter there.
I use my patreon mostly as a prove that what I write is mine since some people tried to pass my novel as their work.
the same way the 'other's work' i post is stuff that I am the scenarist on them.
yes I offer corrections for others but, unlike your behavior, I don't scream that I am perfect as perfection doesn't exist.
and the way you reuse my front page text just proves to me that you are the kind that don't like when people give their point of views about your reaction. the way you behave is 'it's my words F O if you not agreeing."
I also, never claimed to be popular and actually never cared to be. but you seem to be the mary sue here wanting your 2 seconds of fame while attacking a person with wrong reasons and the wrong way.
and anyway, have a good day and stay safe in your own corner while accusing others without knowing them.
sorry Falcon but I had to answer to that kid.
I use my patreon mostly as a prove that what I write is mine since some people tried to pass my novel as their work.
the same way the 'other's work' i post is stuff that I am the scenarist on them.
yes I offer corrections for others but, unlike your behavior, I don't scream that I am perfect as perfection doesn't exist.
and the way you reuse my front page text just proves to me that you are the kind that don't like when people give their point of views about your reaction. the way you behave is 'it's my words F O if you not agreeing."
I also, never claimed to be popular and actually never cared to be. but you seem to be the mary sue here wanting your 2 seconds of fame while attacking a person with wrong reasons and the wrong way.
and anyway, have a good day and stay safe in your own corner while accusing others without knowing them.
sorry Falcon but I had to answer to that kid.
This "kid" has been in FA for longer than you.
It's not about your single reaction, it's about years of your incessant reactions and people being too polite to tell you what you sound like.
Learn the definition of a Mary Sue.
Learn the definition of humble bragging.
I'd get a more meaningful "2 seconds of fame" by helping someone take their garbage cans to the street.
You're a narcissist who wants to insert yourself everywhere, and saying "no, you" doesn't change that.
It's not about your single reaction, it's about years of your incessant reactions and people being too polite to tell you what you sound like.
Learn the definition of a Mary Sue.
Learn the definition of humble bragging.
I'd get a more meaningful "2 seconds of fame" by helping someone take their garbage cans to the street.
You're a narcissist who wants to insert yourself everywhere, and saying "no, you" doesn't change that.
If i base on what you just told me, You shouldn't even call yourself an "Anthro artist" since the date of your last post. Alongside your art is a pale copy of another artist's style and one of your character for Kingdom Hearts.
Concerning my 'incessant reaction', yes I am not a lemming that just agrees to everything, which you don't seem to understand. I have my own point of view and exercise my right to express it politely. I am not asking you to admit to what I say, but still telling you that your way of accusing me won't make me change the way that I express my point of view and who I am.
You are the one that doesn't seem to agree to others and want to let your ego take over yourself. And to me You are a kid not because of your age on 'Fa arrival' but for other obvious reasons. That you are trying to ignore the same way that you try to ignore the other point of views I pointed out just earlier because they are probably to close to the truth for your poor ego.
so, think what you want about me, but next time just don't try to make a spectacle of yourself. Not only it will get you nowhere but also it's not the 'right shade of green' for you.
my advice, leave it at that or AT LEAST use your own page and not others since you don't even seem to dare to tell me stuff directly if not through other's people.
Concerning my 'incessant reaction', yes I am not a lemming that just agrees to everything, which you don't seem to understand. I have my own point of view and exercise my right to express it politely. I am not asking you to admit to what I say, but still telling you that your way of accusing me won't make me change the way that I express my point of view and who I am.
You are the one that doesn't seem to agree to others and want to let your ego take over yourself. And to me You are a kid not because of your age on 'Fa arrival' but for other obvious reasons. That you are trying to ignore the same way that you try to ignore the other point of views I pointed out just earlier because they are probably to close to the truth for your poor ego.
so, think what you want about me, but next time just don't try to make a spectacle of yourself. Not only it will get you nowhere but also it's not the 'right shade of green' for you.
my advice, leave it at that or AT LEAST use your own page and not others since you don't even seem to dare to tell me stuff directly if not through other's people.
Don't dare tell you directly? Darling, I'm not sure how much more direct a reply to you can be. Should I write you a letter, or do I need to become a patron for that option? And feel free to insult my decades old art, if you think that hurts me. Honestly I'm glad to see just how petty you really are. You're everything I thought you were and more. Go ahead and keep going if you want, but I think I'm done now. You've already said everything I needed you to.
He has lived. He's built entire empires and cultures, spread faith and knowledge around the world for centuries. His influence is everywhere, woven into customs so old no one remembers where they started. Imagine how many friends he's laughed with, stayed up all night talking and drinking with, falling in love with. And how many has he sat beside, and held their hand in his as they died of old age. How many tiny pieces of himself have died with those people, the love he poured in to them, watching it all turn to dust again and again.
You remind me of one of my favorite movie quotes, from Troy. In fact it's posted on my FA profile.
"I'll tell you a secret. Something they don't teach you in your temple. The Gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."
"I'll tell you a secret. Something they don't teach you in your temple. The Gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."
As much as I like Lord Oidecalla... I can't agree with him in his cyclical essentialism. If he thinks that the only wise thing is to live a static life and "let it be", then that could be OK for him. After all, his experience is an alien thing for any other mortal, but by the same token it should be important to also respect the experience of other beings. That means, "let mortals be", if you truly think the world should keep its natural pace... other ways, it only reveals that you think the world spins around you... even if you insist in hiding behind a mask of harmony, balance, etc etc. Just notice how he rapidly goes to point out his past as a fundamental force behind the history of this country, to give immediate validity to his point of view... Just my opinion ofc, I still love this androgynous divine ❤️.
The main counterpoint to this argument being: Time may erode all meaning, but so long as good people exist to fight against that inevitability, the meaning in things remains. It's the struggle itself that PROVIDES meaning to life.
To say nothing of the fact that the knowledge being preserved is likely to help alleviate suffering and save lives for generations to come.
To say nothing of the fact that the knowledge being preserved is likely to help alleviate suffering and save lives for generations to come.
And there's something special about being just a boy. Is he not entitled to pave his own path, and transform the world to his own will, however fleeting it may be? I think the golden lord understands this. He's just unhappy with the library standing as a symbol of his own will having overstayed in the world. Perhaps he can come to see the library as a generational symbol for those tending it as their own garden and not as an extension of himself. But for this to be so, the lord must not interfere.