Christmas 2024
It's Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiistmaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!
Traditions are curious. And I'm not really talking about the big traditions, of pageantry and national celebrations and, yes, even Christmas - no, I'm talking about personal traditions. Little habits we each get into.
You know, I've never bought myself a chocolate advent calendar? I grew up Christian, and we always had an advent calendar - but each little door had some part of the nativity. Or one year, we had one where it was a blank stable scene, and each day had you peeling off a sticker to fill it out, in what I still consider to be a legitimately awesome idea. Anyway, these felt right to me. The correct way to do Christmas. A chocolate advent calendar was a cheapening of the celebration.
And I continued to think this, even when I left the faith. That was over a decade ago, too; for over a decade I thought that chocolate advent calendars weren't right. So I never got one, or any advent calendar.
And then, this year, while wandering through a frigid November evening and chatting with my partner, I suddenly realised something.
That's absurd.
Why on earth would I still think this? What's wrong with chocolate advent calendars? I eagerly buy into the present-giving and the chocolate coins in stockings and the big Christmas feast and all other pagan and commercial trimmings of this glorified Saturnalia, but apparently slightly-overpriced bits of chocolate are too much?
So I bought one. A nice one, with little bits of liqueur inside. And it was nice, something to look forward to each day. And some part of me still thinks it's a bit not right, but you know what? I'm learning that not every one of my personal little traditions is a good thing. I can let things go. I can embrace the new, and let go of the old...
Which brings me to what this is all leading to.
For the past fifteen years, I've been making a Christmas Picture every year, without fail. Some have been a bit more hasty than others, and have varied in style, but I've always managed to do them.
And yet... these pictures take a long time. They take a lot out of me. And after fifteen years, ideas for how to make each one new and exciting are running out, and I'm feeling them a bit thin.
So, perhaps this is one tradition I should... well, not drop. But modify. I still want to do something for Christmas, but I want to do something that doesn't use the same idea and take so much of my year. Maybe each year, I'll just add on to this year's picture, making a group mural that I continually add to. Maybe I'll do something else, something that's more fun, more vibrant, that still lets me thank all the people that have made this year special. I don't know! But we'll find out together.
The way to start a new tradition is to do it for the first time, after all~
Merry Christmas <3
Going by head position, left to right, and from top to bottom when ambiguous...
Another year of fun adventures, tasty meals, tricky board games - and through it all, your broad, genuine smile. Your enthusiasm shines through in every meeting, and I love to see it and hear it come through in your voice. A very merry Christmas to you and all of yours <3
From gaming to walking to cooking, your vibrancy for life shines through as ever. You have the unerring ability to make so many people smile and brighten up any day - I hope you know that <3 Merry Christmas!
You're one of the most thoughtful, curious creatures I know, and I love getting to just sit and chat with you. You burn in personality; burn like a fire, fend by genuine loves and delights that lie inside you. And god, doesn't basking in that warmth with you feel good! My unending love to you and your dogs. Happy Christmas <3
There's a comfort in your presence - a calm kindness, caring, and not a small amount of silliness that's just so wonderful to see, whenever it bubbles up to the surface. I hope to see many more of your characters in TTRPGs in years to come. Merry Christmas~
The eagerness and happiness and joy that you radiate is palpable, at every meet and at every con. Getting to hang out around you is getting to hang out with someone who's always looking for the next joke, and looking for the next face to put a smile on. For all your help and kindness and acceptance and love, thank you. Merry Christmas to you and your boyfriend <3
There are few people that I miss when I don't get to see them for a while, but you're one of them. Your warm hugs, broad smile, your eagnerness to show off just who you are and how much fun life can be... it's fantastic to be around you <3 Thank you so much for being you, Feris! Merry Christmas!
Whenever you're around, there's one aspect of you that always shines through - your kindness, generosity, your focus on the other person. You care so much, and it's really a pleasure to see, and even more of a pleasure to be around. Thank you, and Merry Christmas <3
There's a fire of creativity that burns in you, hun, and this year I've really been blessed to see it catch light. But more than that, there's a desire to see a happier world, to be silly and fun and make smiles, and I see you strive to spread yourself around to do all that. And it's lovely. You're lovely. Merry Christmas <3
Spending time with you sometimes feels like we're in a cartoon, where the silly comic relief character gets paired up with the stoic, gruff one. Which, when I think about it, I really hope doesn't quite annoy so much. But what can I say - you're just so lovely to be around. Your passion, your quiet love, your sublime sexiness - they all combine into a wonderful soul, and I adore it. Here's to more times <3
You become so vibrant and alive when others are around, have you noticed that in yourself? Your interest in others is endearing and delightful and so heartwarming. There are few other people I can talk for hours with, spend such time with, and god, you're just so special about it. Thank you, dearly, Yuri, for being a wonderful person and a delight to spend time with. I'm looking forward to so many more nights in the new year <3
From a single Telegram message in the middle of a hectic con to some of the most delightful little meetings I've had, and the start of a wonderful friendship. I've really enjoyed every moment spent with you - your passion, your writer's tongue, your intrigue and love and care, it's all so beautiful. I'm excited for the next time we can meet up already <3
Whenever I think of how to describe you, the word that always comes to mind is passionate. In your loves, in your self-vision, in your words and acts, and in how you treat me - your passion is evident, delightful, and so, so heartwarming. I love every moment I get to be in your presence and in your claws. And I love you. Merry Christmas <3
Getting to spend time with you at Eurofurence as an absolute blast. Your thoughtfulness, curiosity, and a vast delight for the fun of the fandom is so evident in what you do. Thank you for the fun times and lovely smiles, and a very merry Christmas to all of you <3
There is nothing I could write here that I have not said a hundred times, and will say a thousand times more - but let it be a thousand and one. I love you, from your kindess and understanding to your eagerness and enthusiasm to your silliness and meme-ery… to your unshakable dedication to being yourself, and in drawing the same out in others. Me included. I love you, and I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done, either through intentions, or just by being yourself. Merry Christmas <3
It's me! DV~
You're someone who I always look forward to getting messages from. From fun observations to new jokes to all kinds of stuff around the internet, your insights and loves are genuinely such a joy to see. Thank you for being you - and a Merry Christmas to you and yours <3
I think you may be in the running for being in the most Christmas pictures, and that includes DV. So it's hard to know what to say. But I guess I'll just risk repeating myself - you're lovely, kind, incredibly witty, and an utter delight every moment you're around. Thank you for being one of my absolute best friends, and Merry Christmas <3
You're such a fun person, you know? Sometimes quiet on the outside, but on the inside, all that eagerness and delight, that creativity and indulgence. Your curiosity of others is fantastic to see too, and makes any time with you one that's always so fun. Merry Christmas <3
Getting to spend time with you again at EF was genuinely so much fun. You project this spiky, bitey exterior, in a way that seems to willingly betray your kindness and fascination with the world and those in it. You bring out such wonderful conversations, and you're so much fun to be around, genuinely. Merry Christmas to you and yours ^w^
From waterside docks to back-alley meetups, you always take me to such wonderful places! I had to try and keep up with interesting topics. And I think we definitely had 'em over the year. Thank you for your curiosity and your kindness, and your wish to share in the delights of this world with others. It's always wonderful <3 Merry Christmas!
And for the many others who I couldn't fit-
For my friends: Vivi, Traigh, Nico, Zephyr, Parooty, Syn, Tavi, Hero, Maya, Leo, Saja, Sssnowy, Karu, Cypress, Fed, Cpcp, Zee, Jay, Skull, Artemis, Unknowndruid, Faolin, Sombreon, October, Silver, Freaky, Alex, Dryftwood, Karaway, Blu, Anolise, Reno, Java, Other Java, Wolfgang, Psylantwolf, Lord Salt, Pattarchus, Anthracite, Donny, Pokegirl, Kana, Howl, Tanaki, Sai, Lio, K, Rei, Bear & Co, Maxime, Scion, Ammy, Pancha, Herpydragon, Loona, Fyria, R3N, Woutske, Cindy, Brand, Juliet, Kona, Trashy, Caramel, Eivel, Diftraku, Myrion, Dogbird, BurningJackal, Wisp, Nhala, and many more I'm sure I've forgotten - thank you for being yourselves. You have all brought smiles and delights, and there is little more precious in this world than that :3
A very special thank you to all those of you I spent time with at EF! Too many to list - y'all know who you are. Meetings and dinners out, room parties and gatherings... the community you bring, the love you give, is all just so wonderful. I hope to meet you all again in June <3
And thank you to everyone else that touched my life this year! If we've shared fun words and delightful messages, if you've given me a smile - thank you <3 I hope you have a wonderful Christmastime, and a warm and sweet new year.
And how about you, as well? You, who's reading this. Even if you're not on this list - thank you for being a part of the fandom.
Be weird. Be wonderful. Be defiant. And be yourself.
Merry Christmas.
Enjoy it <3
Traditions are curious. And I'm not really talking about the big traditions, of pageantry and national celebrations and, yes, even Christmas - no, I'm talking about personal traditions. Little habits we each get into.
You know, I've never bought myself a chocolate advent calendar? I grew up Christian, and we always had an advent calendar - but each little door had some part of the nativity. Or one year, we had one where it was a blank stable scene, and each day had you peeling off a sticker to fill it out, in what I still consider to be a legitimately awesome idea. Anyway, these felt right to me. The correct way to do Christmas. A chocolate advent calendar was a cheapening of the celebration.
And I continued to think this, even when I left the faith. That was over a decade ago, too; for over a decade I thought that chocolate advent calendars weren't right. So I never got one, or any advent calendar.
And then, this year, while wandering through a frigid November evening and chatting with my partner, I suddenly realised something.
That's absurd.
Why on earth would I still think this? What's wrong with chocolate advent calendars? I eagerly buy into the present-giving and the chocolate coins in stockings and the big Christmas feast and all other pagan and commercial trimmings of this glorified Saturnalia, but apparently slightly-overpriced bits of chocolate are too much?
So I bought one. A nice one, with little bits of liqueur inside. And it was nice, something to look forward to each day. And some part of me still thinks it's a bit not right, but you know what? I'm learning that not every one of my personal little traditions is a good thing. I can let things go. I can embrace the new, and let go of the old...
Which brings me to what this is all leading to.
For the past fifteen years, I've been making a Christmas Picture every year, without fail. Some have been a bit more hasty than others, and have varied in style, but I've always managed to do them.
And yet... these pictures take a long time. They take a lot out of me. And after fifteen years, ideas for how to make each one new and exciting are running out, and I'm feeling them a bit thin.
So, perhaps this is one tradition I should... well, not drop. But modify. I still want to do something for Christmas, but I want to do something that doesn't use the same idea and take so much of my year. Maybe each year, I'll just add on to this year's picture, making a group mural that I continually add to. Maybe I'll do something else, something that's more fun, more vibrant, that still lets me thank all the people that have made this year special. I don't know! But we'll find out together.
The way to start a new tradition is to do it for the first time, after all~
Merry Christmas <3
Going by head position, left to right, and from top to bottom when ambiguous...

Another year of fun adventures, tasty meals, tricky board games - and through it all, your broad, genuine smile. Your enthusiasm shines through in every meeting, and I love to see it and hear it come through in your voice. A very merry Christmas to you and all of yours <3

From gaming to walking to cooking, your vibrancy for life shines through as ever. You have the unerring ability to make so many people smile and brighten up any day - I hope you know that <3 Merry Christmas!

You're one of the most thoughtful, curious creatures I know, and I love getting to just sit and chat with you. You burn in personality; burn like a fire, fend by genuine loves and delights that lie inside you. And god, doesn't basking in that warmth with you feel good! My unending love to you and your dogs. Happy Christmas <3

There's a comfort in your presence - a calm kindness, caring, and not a small amount of silliness that's just so wonderful to see, whenever it bubbles up to the surface. I hope to see many more of your characters in TTRPGs in years to come. Merry Christmas~

The eagerness and happiness and joy that you radiate is palpable, at every meet and at every con. Getting to hang out around you is getting to hang out with someone who's always looking for the next joke, and looking for the next face to put a smile on. For all your help and kindness and acceptance and love, thank you. Merry Christmas to you and your boyfriend <3

There are few people that I miss when I don't get to see them for a while, but you're one of them. Your warm hugs, broad smile, your eagnerness to show off just who you are and how much fun life can be... it's fantastic to be around you <3 Thank you so much for being you, Feris! Merry Christmas!

Whenever you're around, there's one aspect of you that always shines through - your kindness, generosity, your focus on the other person. You care so much, and it's really a pleasure to see, and even more of a pleasure to be around. Thank you, and Merry Christmas <3

There's a fire of creativity that burns in you, hun, and this year I've really been blessed to see it catch light. But more than that, there's a desire to see a happier world, to be silly and fun and make smiles, and I see you strive to spread yourself around to do all that. And it's lovely. You're lovely. Merry Christmas <3
Spending time with you sometimes feels like we're in a cartoon, where the silly comic relief character gets paired up with the stoic, gruff one. Which, when I think about it, I really hope doesn't quite annoy so much. But what can I say - you're just so lovely to be around. Your passion, your quiet love, your sublime sexiness - they all combine into a wonderful soul, and I adore it. Here's to more times <3

You become so vibrant and alive when others are around, have you noticed that in yourself? Your interest in others is endearing and delightful and so heartwarming. There are few other people I can talk for hours with, spend such time with, and god, you're just so special about it. Thank you, dearly, Yuri, for being a wonderful person and a delight to spend time with. I'm looking forward to so many more nights in the new year <3
From a single Telegram message in the middle of a hectic con to some of the most delightful little meetings I've had, and the start of a wonderful friendship. I've really enjoyed every moment spent with you - your passion, your writer's tongue, your intrigue and love and care, it's all so beautiful. I'm excited for the next time we can meet up already <3
Whenever I think of how to describe you, the word that always comes to mind is passionate. In your loves, in your self-vision, in your words and acts, and in how you treat me - your passion is evident, delightful, and so, so heartwarming. I love every moment I get to be in your presence and in your claws. And I love you. Merry Christmas <3

Getting to spend time with you at Eurofurence as an absolute blast. Your thoughtfulness, curiosity, and a vast delight for the fun of the fandom is so evident in what you do. Thank you for the fun times and lovely smiles, and a very merry Christmas to all of you <3

There is nothing I could write here that I have not said a hundred times, and will say a thousand times more - but let it be a thousand and one. I love you, from your kindess and understanding to your eagerness and enthusiasm to your silliness and meme-ery… to your unshakable dedication to being yourself, and in drawing the same out in others. Me included. I love you, and I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done, either through intentions, or just by being yourself. Merry Christmas <3
It's me! DV~

You're someone who I always look forward to getting messages from. From fun observations to new jokes to all kinds of stuff around the internet, your insights and loves are genuinely such a joy to see. Thank you for being you - and a Merry Christmas to you and yours <3

I think you may be in the running for being in the most Christmas pictures, and that includes DV. So it's hard to know what to say. But I guess I'll just risk repeating myself - you're lovely, kind, incredibly witty, and an utter delight every moment you're around. Thank you for being one of my absolute best friends, and Merry Christmas <3

You're such a fun person, you know? Sometimes quiet on the outside, but on the inside, all that eagerness and delight, that creativity and indulgence. Your curiosity of others is fantastic to see too, and makes any time with you one that's always so fun. Merry Christmas <3
Getting to spend time with you again at EF was genuinely so much fun. You project this spiky, bitey exterior, in a way that seems to willingly betray your kindness and fascination with the world and those in it. You bring out such wonderful conversations, and you're so much fun to be around, genuinely. Merry Christmas to you and yours ^w^

From waterside docks to back-alley meetups, you always take me to such wonderful places! I had to try and keep up with interesting topics. And I think we definitely had 'em over the year. Thank you for your curiosity and your kindness, and your wish to share in the delights of this world with others. It's always wonderful <3 Merry Christmas!
And for the many others who I couldn't fit-
For my friends: Vivi, Traigh, Nico, Zephyr, Parooty, Syn, Tavi, Hero, Maya, Leo, Saja, Sssnowy, Karu, Cypress, Fed, Cpcp, Zee, Jay, Skull, Artemis, Unknowndruid, Faolin, Sombreon, October, Silver, Freaky, Alex, Dryftwood, Karaway, Blu, Anolise, Reno, Java, Other Java, Wolfgang, Psylantwolf, Lord Salt, Pattarchus, Anthracite, Donny, Pokegirl, Kana, Howl, Tanaki, Sai, Lio, K, Rei, Bear & Co, Maxime, Scion, Ammy, Pancha, Herpydragon, Loona, Fyria, R3N, Woutske, Cindy, Brand, Juliet, Kona, Trashy, Caramel, Eivel, Diftraku, Myrion, Dogbird, BurningJackal, Wisp, Nhala, and many more I'm sure I've forgotten - thank you for being yourselves. You have all brought smiles and delights, and there is little more precious in this world than that :3
A very special thank you to all those of you I spent time with at EF! Too many to list - y'all know who you are. Meetings and dinners out, room parties and gatherings... the community you bring, the love you give, is all just so wonderful. I hope to meet you all again in June <3
And thank you to everyone else that touched my life this year! If we've shared fun words and delightful messages, if you've given me a smile - thank you <3 I hope you have a wonderful Christmastime, and a warm and sweet new year.
And how about you, as well? You, who's reading this. Even if you're not on this list - thank you for being a part of the fandom.
Be weird. Be wonderful. Be defiant. And be yourself.
Merry Christmas.
Enjoy it <3
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 3974 x 2086px
File Size 8.98 MB
Listed in Folders
I couldn't be what I am without you. That vibrancy wouldn't be much without someone special like you to help paint with it. I'll always be grateful to you for being here. For everything, all these years. <3
You don't ever have to worry about getting on my nerves, you lovable dumbass. Go on, keep being yourself enough to make me regret those words, I dare you.
You don't ever have to worry about getting on my nerves, you lovable dumbass. Go on, keep being yourself enough to make me regret those words, I dare you.
Haha! Wonderful! Thanks for all the work you put into your art, and for those kind words. I love that you've found joy in an alcoholic calendar and know they won't be the only drinks you're enjoying, even if they were the smallest! ;) Have a great holiday and a fantastic New Year, from me and Goatie-Foo! <3
Thank you so much for your kind words DV, you always know exactly what to say to make me super emotional. Thank you so much for such a wonderful year, you lovely ‘yeen, I look forward to spending more time with you in the new year.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, wishing you all the best for 2025!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, wishing you all the best for 2025!
How quick the year goes because it doesnt feel like one since i last saw this yearly post-
And on that topic. Traditions should still mean something to you as well though.
You spoke of how silly it was to be so against the "cheapening" of it all but i dont think thats merely just your old faiths fault- We've never been even remotely religious but i can still agree with that but for different reasons. To me it shows that Christmas means more to you than simple items and effects.
My families advent calendar which we've sadly been having less and less time to do each year is a sown tree with buttons that we hang festive felt cutouts from each year that we randomly pluck from a bag.
Does that mean to say you were wrong wanting to try a new one or enjoying it if only a little?
No, not at all and thats the point. But your older traditions are still allowed to mean something to you on a personal level even if you no longer follow the reasons for their existence.
The thing about traditions is- quite often like you said. Very strict. But if you let your past traditions grow and change with who you are now. All you can do is experiment, explore and enjoy.
And i will enjoy seeing what you come up with next year. Ether an expanded sticker type version of this~ Something new entirely- Or nothing at all because you're out there experiencing things!
Merry Christmas Violet- And thank you for the amazing art, adventures, and stories these past few years.
And on that topic. Traditions should still mean something to you as well though.
You spoke of how silly it was to be so against the "cheapening" of it all but i dont think thats merely just your old faiths fault- We've never been even remotely religious but i can still agree with that but for different reasons. To me it shows that Christmas means more to you than simple items and effects.
My families advent calendar which we've sadly been having less and less time to do each year is a sown tree with buttons that we hang festive felt cutouts from each year that we randomly pluck from a bag.
Does that mean to say you were wrong wanting to try a new one or enjoying it if only a little?
No, not at all and thats the point. But your older traditions are still allowed to mean something to you on a personal level even if you no longer follow the reasons for their existence.
The thing about traditions is- quite often like you said. Very strict. But if you let your past traditions grow and change with who you are now. All you can do is experiment, explore and enjoy.
And i will enjoy seeing what you come up with next year. Ether an expanded sticker type version of this~ Something new entirely- Or nothing at all because you're out there experiencing things!
Merry Christmas Violet- And thank you for the amazing art, adventures, and stories these past few years.
You're right, of course! I'm not about to abandon every old tradition just by dint of what it is, don't worry. Just recognising which ones are important to me, and which ones can be put to one side <3 That sounds like a lovely tradition you have too ^w^
Thank you! Definitely working on ever more <3
Thank you! Definitely working on ever more <3
Every Christmas i come here with the immense hope into my heart, like a curious lil puppy to see one new extraordinary and very heartwarming holiday picture from you, dear DV 💜 Just the special drawing already makes my day, because into it I see many great friends you've made and met, all of them gathering together around you to celebrate another joyful Christmas. Then i swear, reading the priceless tribute written for all those who got a place into your heart... all your kind words and love that you send our way, this always fulfill mine like you cannot imagine darling. Me and everyone in this fandom, probably we couldn't be what we are today without you. How quick the year goes, every year passes like a flash, but in your fantastic company it's like time get freezed, kinda like in this picture, showing all us united around our beloved yeen friend for eternity. I'll always be grateful to our amazing fandom for being here and for the opportunity/honor to have met you Dark. You're the best, wonderful and cheerful, super colorful and cute, you spectacular creature of this galaxy! Be always yourself, and buy more chocolate cuz you deserve a whole Land of chocolates!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Donny is happily wishing you the best for 2025!!! 🫂😘💞💜💖💜🎄❄️
Aw, those are such sweet words indeed! <3 It's always difficult to see the full impact you have on others. This made me reflect on that a bit. I really do hope that I've brought many smiles (and more :3) to people over the year - I do say, your comments have always made sure that I never forget that :3
Merry Christmas, Donny, and a wonderful new year!
Merry Christmas, Donny, and a wonderful new year!
Lovely furpile <3 And featherpile, and scalepile :D
Thanks for the kind words, makes my heart all warm and fuzzy :3 Hope the next year is even better than this one ^^ Can't wait to meet you on the next EF!
I also grew up Christian and found my own worldview around 13 years ago. I loved chocolate advent calendars as a child, then I kinda forgot about them. Sometimes I use December for new personal challenges or to try some new hobby. Like a New Year's resolution but started way too early :D There are some itches from my childhood traditions that I sometimes feel I need to scratch, sometimes I can forget about them. After all the traditions are not some eternal thing that has no beginning nor end. We can create new traditions. The ones that are enjoyable to us and people close to us ^^
Enjoy creating your next one! <3
Thanks for the kind words, makes my heart all warm and fuzzy :3 Hope the next year is even better than this one ^^ Can't wait to meet you on the next EF!
I also grew up Christian and found my own worldview around 13 years ago. I loved chocolate advent calendars as a child, then I kinda forgot about them. Sometimes I use December for new personal challenges or to try some new hobby. Like a New Year's resolution but started way too early :D There are some itches from my childhood traditions that I sometimes feel I need to scratch, sometimes I can forget about them. After all the traditions are not some eternal thing that has no beginning nor end. We can create new traditions. The ones that are enjoyable to us and people close to us ^^
Enjoy creating your next one! <3
This year I didn't find time for anything new, unfortunately x3 But for a good reason. We're moving with my bf to a new flat we've been renovating for the last 6 months. This month was full of many little choices after which we can finally move. I guess this counts as a challenge of sorts, but it's not what I usually like to do in the end of the year.
I can't wait to finally have my own walls to cover in art prints :3 (naughty feral art prints included, of course :>)
I can't wait to finally have my own walls to cover in art prints :3 (naughty feral art prints included, of course :>)
I will never be able to put into words how much it means to me to be included in pictures like this. I love getting to be your friend and just being able to know you. Thank you for being you, for encouraging me and always being there to support me.
You truly are an amazing person and I am thankful that I get to know you. Merry Christmas hon!
You truly are an amazing person and I am thankful that I get to know you. Merry Christmas hon!
Should never feel bad about opening an advent calendar they're great fun, myself I have learned over the years to be true to myself and enjoy what I enjoy.
Cute picture myself I think doing cute are is just as good if not better then nice big thick knotted dicks or wet inviting spades.
In the end hope you have a great Christmas and looking forward to what you have in store in the new year.
Cute picture myself I think doing cute are is just as good if not better then nice big thick knotted dicks or wet inviting spades.
In the end hope you have a great Christmas and looking forward to what you have in store in the new year.
man. your love for your friends makes me want to appreciate my own friends more. sort of makes me want to get more involved in the fandom too. im pretty remote from this whole thing but the warmth youre showing is enticing. i want what you have.
merry christmas, joyous yule, happy holidays, all the rest.
merry christmas, joyous yule, happy holidays, all the rest.
Firstly, let me say how much I love your art, and these annual christmas gathering pics are as eagerly anticipated as watching Frosty and Rudolph. So thank you for your art, you are a truly talented and enjoyable artist. You are firmly in the "I Collect ALL Their Art, Even If It's Not Porn" category.
Letting go of cherished traditions can be a very stressful, and difficult thing. My mom, the only real family I had left, died in 2019, and with her, any real celebration of Christmas. Everyone I have ever loved is now dead. There are no more gifts to wrap, no more presents to hide, no reason to stroll through the store looking for new wrapping paper you know that special person will love. I am an introvert, and have only a handful of friends, and none of them live in the same time zone, one is even on another tectonic plate. So spending holidays with friends does not happen, until last year.
I got to spend the holiday with my best friend, and it was not everything I had imagined. In fact, it soured me so strongly on the process I never want to spend Christmas with anyone else ever again. Just me, my dogs, and the memories of Christmases past. Nothing my friend did specifically, but that it was not my mom. Like attending dances and parties, I have discovered that the idea of the thing is more enjoyable than the thing itself, which I find intensely off-putting.
I have kept Christmas in my atheist heart; I decorate my house as I did when I was a child(I'm now almost 50), omitting the nativity my grandmother loved so, and in fact the only mention of the Nativity in my decorations are a "Dogtivity" figurine set my mom got me, and died before she could gift it to me. I found it in the spot she used to hide gifts, and so I got one final gift from her a year after she was gone. It's a sentimental gift for one, for another it's dogs, and Mary Dog is kind of cute. But I digress.
The takeaway here is I have kept enjoying the trappings of christmas because they remind me of glorious Christmases past, where my heart sang at the joys of receiving gifts, and gradually it migrated to not even caring about getting anything, it was the joy I saw in my mother's eyes, and other people whom I cared enough to give gifts to, that made the holiday magical.
In the intervening time I have spent the holidays alone, it has gotten easier to decorate, and to alter my perception of what Christmas has come to mean to me. I keep my own traditions now, modified versions of those my family used to follow, and it brings me comfort and contentment. Just me and my dogs, watching cartoons and specials. And my memories.
I say get a fun Advent calendar despite your apostasy, if it brings you joy. Keep Christmas in your own heart as you will, and if others don't like it, they can fuck right off.
Merry Christmas, DV.
Letting go of cherished traditions can be a very stressful, and difficult thing. My mom, the only real family I had left, died in 2019, and with her, any real celebration of Christmas. Everyone I have ever loved is now dead. There are no more gifts to wrap, no more presents to hide, no reason to stroll through the store looking for new wrapping paper you know that special person will love. I am an introvert, and have only a handful of friends, and none of them live in the same time zone, one is even on another tectonic plate. So spending holidays with friends does not happen, until last year.
I got to spend the holiday with my best friend, and it was not everything I had imagined. In fact, it soured me so strongly on the process I never want to spend Christmas with anyone else ever again. Just me, my dogs, and the memories of Christmases past. Nothing my friend did specifically, but that it was not my mom. Like attending dances and parties, I have discovered that the idea of the thing is more enjoyable than the thing itself, which I find intensely off-putting.
I have kept Christmas in my atheist heart; I decorate my house as I did when I was a child(I'm now almost 50), omitting the nativity my grandmother loved so, and in fact the only mention of the Nativity in my decorations are a "Dogtivity" figurine set my mom got me, and died before she could gift it to me. I found it in the spot she used to hide gifts, and so I got one final gift from her a year after she was gone. It's a sentimental gift for one, for another it's dogs, and Mary Dog is kind of cute. But I digress.
The takeaway here is I have kept enjoying the trappings of christmas because they remind me of glorious Christmases past, where my heart sang at the joys of receiving gifts, and gradually it migrated to not even caring about getting anything, it was the joy I saw in my mother's eyes, and other people whom I cared enough to give gifts to, that made the holiday magical.
In the intervening time I have spent the holidays alone, it has gotten easier to decorate, and to alter my perception of what Christmas has come to mean to me. I keep my own traditions now, modified versions of those my family used to follow, and it brings me comfort and contentment. Just me and my dogs, watching cartoons and specials. And my memories.
I say get a fun Advent calendar despite your apostasy, if it brings you joy. Keep Christmas in your own heart as you will, and if others don't like it, they can fuck right off.
Merry Christmas, DV.
Oh heck. What a tale... Finding that last gift for you, that's quite something.
I'm glad you arrived at that conclusion too. You're right - Christmas is a lot more personal than we can think sometimes. And honestly, spending a quite time with your dogs, watching cartoons and specials... that sounds quite nice indeed <3
Merry Christmas, hun. Give your loved pups my best <3
I'm glad you arrived at that conclusion too. You're right - Christmas is a lot more personal than we can think sometimes. And honestly, spending a quite time with your dogs, watching cartoons and specials... that sounds quite nice indeed <3
Merry Christmas, hun. Give your loved pups my best <3
There's just something so special about being in your orbit, creature. I get to watch you grow, in directions that I'm not even sure you see yourself growing in, and it's addictive. I get to partake of your lust for appreciation itself - identifyin' the things others don't talk about, just to give those things credit. You're tremendous, and I hope you're aware of it. Let's keep vibin'.
Beautiful piece as always~ Love how cozy everything looks and I hope you had a very wonderful Christmas (and a New Year! (still to come as of this comment)).
The ideas of the tradition make sense. I can image doing this has started to feel like a chore or obligation rather than a part of the heart on paper. The idea of adding to it makes sense, but I can imagine over years older characters may look odd or old to new additions. Saying that, there's no rule stating it must follow consistency perfectly, if it becomes a case of adding to it over a year or two and then you feel the inspiration to make something new and fresh, follow what makes you happy and go for it c: Sometimes rules are meant to be broken ;) So enjoy yourself~
Keep on keeping on~
The ideas of the tradition make sense. I can image doing this has started to feel like a chore or obligation rather than a part of the heart on paper. The idea of adding to it makes sense, but I can imagine over years older characters may look odd or old to new additions. Saying that, there's no rule stating it must follow consistency perfectly, if it becomes a case of adding to it over a year or two and then you feel the inspiration to make something new and fresh, follow what makes you happy and go for it c: Sometimes rules are meant to be broken ;) So enjoy yourself~
Keep on keeping on~
Thank you, hun! I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas season too <3
It may indeed look odd over the years as styles change, but perhaps there's a beauty in that. I kinda like the idea of a single picture showing an evolving style, aha~
You know I will enjoy myself ^w^
It may indeed look odd over the years as styles change, but perhaps there's a beauty in that. I kinda like the idea of a single picture showing an evolving style, aha~
You know I will enjoy myself ^w^