Its Christmas day and Izzy was invited to a Christmas party at some navel base, Izzy being a dumbass would forget a gift for the secret santa and she had to give a gift to her giftee, who was Akira a sarcastic macro anthro nuclear sub girl that would probably just step on Izzy if she found out she forgot to give her a gift. this was enough influence for Izzy to sneak around the base where she eventually finds Akiras commendations where Izzy would snoop around for a gift idea as she walked across the floor of her commendations where she would look like a bug thanks to the large objects and things which was Akiras belongings but as she looked all around she smelled a musky mildew odor coming from a pair of old and wet flip flop sandals still moist from Akira recently being submerged, they were worn and reeked of the salt water ocean and mildew from Akira never wiping them drying and after years of Salt water seeping into them they got this unique oceanic musk to them which was a total mind blown to Izzy as Akiras rubber like soles are super clean thanks to her being under water so often but it made sense to Izzy after thinking of it with Akira not giving a danm about her flip flops which showed with how worn and damage they were as they were only flip flops to keep her feet clean when on land so she never cared for them. Izzy then would shrink the musky flip flops down to her size an teleport them back to her house to one of her pets rooms as a gift for said pet for them to do what ever with before going back to the party room currently empty as a aquatic show was going on outside. Izzy got to work writing a note for Akira. She wrote, in her usual blunt style, that she had replaced Akira’s old flip-flops because, as she put it, they “SMELLED FUCKING AWFUL AND BURNED MY NOSTRILS.” After scribbling the message, Izzy used magic to enlarge the letter so that it would be readable to Akira, who was much larger than her. but now it was time to get Akiras gift But just as she was about to cast it, a cannon blast from the show outside startled her, causing her to fumble with the magic. In an instant, the spell backfired, and instead of summoning flip-flops, Izzy found herself transformed into a pair of them. Izzy looking straight up from her Insole face that funny enough had her face loosely plastered into the design of both flip flop insoles but was to abstract to look like her fully so to everyone else her face look like some weird design that no one would care about as it be under their sole anyways. Izzy then would try to move and scream for help but nothing... as she was nothing more then ordinary flip flops now but she would quickly start to notice her senses still worked even though she had no mouth, ears, or nose as she could smell her self as she had a fresh, rubbery scent of a brand new flip flop with a faint sweetness mixed with that subtle, clean odor, like a new bike tire. There was a powdery undertone, reminding her of sunscreen or tropical beach lotions, evoking memories of sunny days but as she was enjoying her own smell and even a faint taste that got stronger she suddenly recalled the musky moist hell Akiras original Flip flops went through making her panic again but still to no avail as she still was just flip flops. an for like and hour that felt like eternity the show would end with the subs coming back to land as everyone flooded back into the hall to party and exchange gifts. 10 more minutes would pass as Izzy watch the subs come to get their gifts one by one till suddenly she was 3rd from last gift as Akira would then walked up to her, Izzy smelled the salt ocean on her rubbery like soles from that aquatic show. Izzy then would look up at the Nuclear sub girl reading the letter before scoffing and crumpling it up before looking down at Izzy unaware it was her. Akira then says "now i gotta break these in, that fucking Latias could had left my old pair so i didnt have to wear these for a week straight to break these in..." Izzys hearing then gets muffled as the Heavy sub girl slipped on her flip flops. the pain was unimaginable as the weight of a Japanese model nuclear Submarine was standing on her face, if she could scream she would probably be able to crack glasses from screaming if not shatter them. meanwhile Akiras paws start to slowly sink in to the flip flop insoles slightly as her heavy weight was breaking the insoles in. she then starts to walk back over to the party. Izzys face would start to slap against Akiras rubbery like heels which thanks to it being moist made it hurt even more as she would make a loud smacking followed by a faint squelch with every step but while the last 2 subs went to get their gifts Akira would of walked around enjoying the party as she would remember how flip flops not broken in felt weird~
this is another lovely piece did by my good friend
Zvezda_the_spetsnaz with their Submarine OC AKIRA~
this is another lovely piece did by my good friend

Category All / Transformation
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 2404 x 1533px
File Size 1.57 MB