Poll Winner: Krystal's about to burst! (/w quick speedwrite)
Once, the Starfox team made a return visit to the planet Sauria, camping out in the jungles for a week. On the first night while they were sitting around the campfire, the topic of Krystal's species came up. She explained that though she and Fox looked similar, they were very different. Listing the differences, one, in particular, caught everyone's ear: She could put off peeing for longer periods than most other species, letting her bladder fill and swell to extreme limits. Slippy figured she was just messing them, so Krystal decided to give a demonstration by swearing off peeing for the rest of the week they were on the planet, which was long even for her.
For the next seven days, Krystal drank heavily to prove her point. Never urinating, her bladder swelled to hold the vast amount of pee that her body produced. Day by day, her abdomen bloated, bulging from her body the more she drank. Even though her body could hold vast amounts of pee, that didn't mean that she didn't feel the need to let it out. She felt like she was going to wet herself at any moment, but she held on nevertheless, determined to prove her abilities to her team. Around day four, Fox was starting to worry, even begging her to stop and that she had proven her point already, but Krystal was persistent. She said she was going to go seven days, so she was going to go seven days.
When the seventh day came around, to say she was desperate to pee was an understatement. All she could think about was sitting on a toilet and letting loose the flood that she had carried for so long. However, Slippy pointed out that she had to wait until the exact time of day she started or it wouldn't be officially seven days, to which Krystal agreed. The hardest part of this ordeal was waiting until those final minutes. Her swollen belly was hard to move with. Her sphincter ached from having to stay clenched for so long holding back such a growing burden of gallons. It was a miracle that she ever got any sleep.
The only toilet around was the sole toilet on the shuttle they came to the planet on. Krystal regretted not waiting for those final moments closer to it, so when the final moments passed, she had to walk across the campground onto the shuttle. Such a short walk felt like an eternity for her as she carried her sloshing belly toward the ship. The need to pee was extreme, her body threatening to give out with each footfall. The others offered to help her, but she refused their help, using only her spear for support.
Surely, she can make it before her bladder gives out...right?
Krystal won the poll!
Sorry for the wait!
I couldn't remember if I was supposed to make this a hyper-bulging story or not (I wasn't) so I did it hyper anyway. I'll have another poll one day next month, so if there is someone you want me to write/draw to a kink to put in the poll, best you put a suggestion in the comments of this journal, https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/11010544/
A good prompt for a story, no? Imagine if I made a proper story out of this...
Category All / Water Sports
Species Fox (Other)
Gender Female
Size 600 x 800px
File Size 360.7 kB
Likely, its both.
It's hard for me to judge the right amount to size. The most I ever heard of someone's bladder holding was about 11 liters (about 3 gallons) and they just looked very bloated. So I figured 20 or more would be about this big.
Either way, it's ridiculous!
To hell with accuracy!
It's hard for me to judge the right amount to size. The most I ever heard of someone's bladder holding was about 11 liters (about 3 gallons) and they just looked very bloated. So I figured 20 or more would be about this big.
Either way, it's ridiculous!
To hell with accuracy!
Put any ideas in comments of this journal https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/11010544/