Replacement but suffering
FINALLY am getting my wisdom tooth removed today, like in a few hours and am actually kinda scared JSAHDKJHASKJNH years ago I got the bottom ones and the anesthesia didn't work sooooooo it hurted a lot
BUUUUT AM HOPING this time everything goes smoothly
This is a replacement of 1 of priv thingys! I did have a better replacement but am saving that one for later this month JHDKJFHASKJD
Category Artwork (Digital) / Doodle
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 595 x 678px
File Size 105.7 kB
Listed in Folders
Sorry the last time didn’t go well hopefully with improved technology it will go dramatically better. Just got my first ever root canal and it pretty much felt no different then getting a cavity filled. Both still suck but the root canal is supposed to be worse and if technology hadn’t improved since the older days it definitely would’ve been.
That’s a total bummer. It doesn’t work on everyone so don’t feel singled out but good to hear that the postoperative care was a lot better than last time.
For you it probably would as they don’t put you under for it. The numb the area with a lot of novicane. If it’s effective it’ll feel more like some pressure in your mouth instead of intense pain where they’re drilling.
For you it probably would as they don’t put you under for it. The numb the area with a lot of novicane. If it’s effective it’ll feel more like some pressure in your mouth instead of intense pain where they’re drilling.